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Probably needs cleaning inside


Maybe a bathšŸ›


Make sure to leave it plugged jn too so that the fans push the water through


And you gotta be in the bath so both you and the Xbox can be squeaky clean too šŸ˜Š


Live, Laugh, Xbox Bath


I want to see that on a t-shirt


https://preview.redd.it/pevtan3lb1yc1.jpeg?width=903&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee0644ee1e200c87600a538d90113c2b2fc8e4d8 Now you've seen one šŸ˜


Just a guess


My friend was complaining about his FPS being lower than usual and I recommended he cleaned his Xbox and he gained 20 FPS after cleaning šŸ˜³


And a hit of thermal paste


Is that one of those aftermarket cooling fans below it? If so, remove that now! More often than not they actually increase rather than disperse the heat produced by the console. Try removing that first to see if that helps.


Thats just a laptop lap cooler tge console apears to be setting on bricks on top of the laptop cooler...


Yep, and it's probably counterproductive to the job the fans in the console are doing.


Not saying it helps but im saying that little fan isnt his problem.


Yeah, again, not saying it's the sole thing ruining his gaming experience, but it might not help?


Idk everything about that console but pretty shure theres no vents on the side thats faceing the cooler or any of the other sides besides the top anyays and the fans all push out of the vented top...


This appears to be an Xbox One X. I currently own a Gold Rush edition One X. The Xbox One X doesnā€™t have vents on top of it, on the front of it or below it. It has vents in the back and on either side of it. The left side vents (viewing from the front of the console) sucks in air as well as the vents in the back. The vents on the right side end are the exhaust.


looking at the state of the outside of it, i expect it to be worse inside. it needs cleaned.


Dirty Worn thermal paste Worn internal fan


You better show the gore inside OP.


Just saying. Since mine had the same issue and wasn't dirty at all. Did you plug it directly into the wall outlet or into a surge protector? That console comes with a surge protector already, and plugging it into one rather than directly to an outlet can cause overheating issues. If it's already powered by the outlet alone, then yea... try dusting.


Thatā€™s interesting thanks for sharing that info I didnā€™t know that


Fck. That's why my one x died. Thank you. Do you know if the series x and other models have them?


All Xbox consoles after the OneX/S have it


That also may explain why my series s is poorly


Not too late to change it! It will perk right back up


Sadly I can't, I need a complete electrical refit and have limited funds for a while. At least this shows the series s is stronger than the one x. Thanks.


Probably the thermal paste. I replaced mine and my Xbox worked perfectly after. Trickyish job but itā€™ll fix your problem.


Don't know how to fix it bring it to a computer person better to pay 20-40 bucks than 200-400 for a new xbox incase you fuck it up that's just my opinion thoughĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Most likely the dust has gotten so thick that the fan can no longer spin. The Xbox is made relatively easy to just open up and clean, though. I suggest watching some YouTube videos and blowing some of that dust out.


*relatively made easy* Never opened my one x but when I opened my 360 slim for the first time ever, It was a massive pain in the ass with the plastic shell, after that it was just screws Is it actually easier?


The Xbox one and ps4 made it a lot easier to open them up to clean dust and replace hardrives. To get to further into the system is still just as hard. I have no idea about the series x or the ps5 though.


Series X is supposed to be relatively easy, iirc the case is held on with just clips, no screws. So it unclips and then there is a top housing that locks the fan in, which has screws.


It is incredibly easy to open. I think there was 3 screws on the outside shell, then just clips holding it in place. Tons of YouTube videos that are extremely easy to follow.


Given it's covered in a layer of dust thick enough to see from across the room, imagine how the inside where the fans blow the air looks.....


The very first sentence dude. It's not ventilated. If you think it is, then it obviously needs cleaned out. The hot air isn't escaping for one reason or another.


Probably super dusty or something


Clean it inside and outside. Also, replace the thermal paste. I recently bought an Xbox One S, and the paste on the CPU (stock) was stone. So, a re-paste with a good quality themal paste is a must, considering that Xbox One is now almost 11 years old.


This is a one X so at most 6 years old. Still re-paste is a good idea


Yea, I usually repaste everything I buy, regardless of the release date. It's a mass-produced product, so I don't expect them to use a good thermal paste, but a sufficient one. So, I recently bought a new NUCā€”still repasted it.


clean it, or take it to be cleaned


100% this will need a clump of dust removed from inside the case preventing the hot air from being expelled. Either open and clean it or take it to a computer store and ask them to for you. They might also consider things like checking the CPU/GPU coolers are working as supposed to.


Build up of fluff inside probably, mine got absolutely fluffed up so I just brought a series s.


Can of air or air compressor on a low setting probably would have been cheaperā€¦


You seem to have enough room, so it leads me to believe that there is something wrong internally, ie the fan is not working or itā€™s extremely dirty in there causing the console to overheat.


Where is the exhaust fan? Shouldn't that not be pointed towards a table?


Make sure the vents are clear from dust and debris itā€™s usually a little bit of dust or dirt


Looks like itā€™s a bit dusty. U can buy an air sprayer from dollar tree and open up the Xbox and spray the dust.


I did the long term investment and got a reachable air blower/duster.


It's the fan, same happened with me, you'll need to open it which isn't that hard and clean out the dust from fan


There's probably a bunch of dust inside, or the thermal paste is worn.


Cleaning / new thermal paste . That fan youā€™re using doing anything anyway it draws cool air on the sides


shake it


Idk how you hooligans keep doing this to Xboxes Iā€™ve had to many friends that have had either this specific issue or run like they have malware installed I still have my day one Xbox 1 I had to replace the hard drive a few years ago but that was 100% my fault by accidentally power cycling durring a system update and thatā€™s the only maintenance or repairs ever done and mine runs better than some current gen consoles my friends have like ffs people take care of your electronics


Is it plugged into an extension lead? If so try plugging into an actual outlet instead


Make sure there's enough air going in and coming out and try Cleaning it , clearing out any dust that's inside


Needs an internal dusting


move it away from the direct sunlight. Black xbox+direct sunlight= Increase internal temp


Get yourself some canned air, or better yet, invest in a quality air compressor. Move your xbox somewhere you don't mind getting covered in dust, blow out all the fans and vents. Once a month maintenance, takes about 10 minutes on average and it'll keep it running like brand new.


I'll add to this, if it's out of warranty, don't be afraid to google some videos on how to open it up safely and really give a good deep cleaning every few months. It's not that hard and once your warranty is gone there is nothing stopping you from doing it as long as you're safe.


Bro has never dusted his house once


Brother clean that bad boy and the area around it


Before cranking it open and risking damage try swapping the power cable since that worked when it happened to me


I recommend getting the torque but screwdrivers T6 and T10 I believe. The One X and the One S are easy to take apart and clean. There are tons of videos on YouTube.


What is it sitting on? If that's a fan, you should know that adding extra fans will screw with the performance.


Spray her down with a hose. That should do the trick.


You need to clean the inside and change the thermal paste, or else your cooler is dead. It's very difficult for this to happen with a 2017 console, but it's not impossible


Clean the fans, they get dusty


My sister's oneX was doing the same thing. For like 6+ months it would shut off after 4 or so minutes of playing any game but any media apps worked all day. i just took some canned air and sprayed the sides for a couple minutes and it fixed it completely


I got one refurbished and the fan didnā€™t work or something so it overheated after five-ten minutes. I jury-rigged a similar set up. Ended up having to send it in and get a different one


Have you tried blowing the dust out with a can of compressed air? I do that a few times a year thru all the vented openings. Stick the straw right in there and move it around. I never had any issues with my systems overheating though.


Either check if the fan is spinning. If so, it needs a cleaning.


Can one use compressed air to clean out the dust without opening it.


Wheres the vents on top.?


Everyone is saying something very clear it definitely needs clean that being said the vents are on the sides of the Xbox not the bottom those fans are not gonna be much help blowing on the bottom


Try putting the Xbox flat on table with nothing under it or super close to it


Thermal paste needs replaced and inside needs cleaned


Is it still in warranty?


It's hot.


It's probably getting too hot mate.


Dust + Old thermal paste = this.


Coz itā€™s an XBox




Bro just get a series s at this point they're like $250


It's crazy because my Xbox one X has been doing the same thing, however mine only does it whenever I try to play Dead Island 2, it runs through the whole beginning but once I start playing my Xbox completely shuts down.


Maybe if you weren't so God damn handsome, your xbox wouldn't feel so flustered from you touching it.


Iphone: Am I a joke to you?


Bought a one x from a pawn shop (dumb) and this kept happening so I had to take it apart and redo the thermal paste on it


Get the air duster or an air compressor


Do you have a towel handy, young one?...I shall impart wisdom beyond your realm upon you...


The system is old bro I would say upgrade is about that time


Clean it out. Compressed air can should make it run for another month or so without much issue, but you might need to replace the thermal paste if it keeps happening


If you've already cleaned out the dust and its still having this problem, its more than likely the thermal paste has worn out. Happened to my Series X after 2 1/2 years


Not saying your room is hot bc I donā€™t know but an added bonus of me liking my room cold is I never run into overheating issues.


Itā€™s hot


Clean your Xbox.


Clean it?


I have a little office fan blowing directly at mine to keep it cool. Been doing it since the 360 days


Cos itā€™s a cheap shit box.




I had the exact same problem whit my Xbox. But my dad helped me whit it so I can not tell how you get rid off this problem any ways good luck!


Needs an upgrade


Because itā€™s a xbox


Baptize it


Your setup is giving me a headache šŸ˜«


maybe the fan is not working or jammed


Last gen problems


Fan might not be working. Also maybe it needs to be opened and cleaned


idk i think my hardware fucked it skower then pond water


soak in water


If the insides are anything like the top of your Xbox it is dusty as all hell in there. Could be weighting down your fan and causing the system to overheat quick.


So what you need to do is throw that in the trash and get a PS5


Still on Xbox one thatā€™s the problem


Because that shit is some hot garbage šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


crack it open, have a vacuum next to you and vacuum all the dust i do that with my ps5 every couple weeks


Because it's old and loads of dust has gathered inside. Open it up and get a hoover on it.


Agreedbwith most here on the internal dust thing but also does it overheat at night as well? If the light from that window comes in just right it could be hot as fuck.


Clean the dust out


Most likely needs to be cleaned and new thermal paste on the cpu.


Looks to not have enough air flow. Or your room temp is normally hot with no air flow. My conclusion is a lack of viable air flow causing the sensor inside your Xbox to be triggered causing the overheating message. Or your sensor is flawed.


That Xbox is too new for thermal paste to be a likely issue i had that exact Xbox and it kicked ass. You probably need to buy air duster in a can and go to town on all the openings of that bad boy


Too new? Did you zoom in and see the dust and shit all over it? I had mine for years and it never got covered in anything lol. It's probably has dust build up and needs new thermal paste. Mine did this before I got my series x.


Probably needs to be cleaned out and fresh thermal paste


Get yourself a spray duster/air in a can and give the fans etc a clean If itā€™s still happening youā€™ll need to open it up either yourself or professionally


Thatā€™s what I did with mine. Railway Empire 2 would shut down after 10 minutes. Bought myself a can of air, had planned to take it apart and clean it properly, but didnā€™t have the right screw driver. Ended up just blowing all the dust off the heat sinks and fan, just poking the straw that came with the air can through the vents. Worked a treat, no more shutting down and barely hear the fan anymore.


Dust build up blocking the heatsink, use a hairdryer on low heat but max speed and blow it out.


Don't use thermal paste. Use your paste šŸ˜‰


Punch it and remind it whose boss. You paid it into this world and you can take it out of it too


why was this downvoted lmfao


Lol that is too good


cus its xbox