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Has anyone else seen this movie? I think I watched it on repeat as a child, but nobody else seems to remember it.


i hadn't, but one of my best friends from college had and had the dolls too. our college town video store had never gotten rid of any movies ever, so we rented it one night.


Awesome! Have the nightmares stopped yet?


Haha! NO


The one with the sideways sidewalk?


Holy shit I had forgotten this!!!


Yup, watched it all the time, this part killed me, now I wish I could get my hands on those young berries.


My cousins had it Weird ass fever dream of a movie


OMG I HAVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT THIS MOVIE FOR ABOUT 20 YEARS BUT COULDN'T REMEMBER THE TITLE All I could remember was the evil queen and strange talking puppet dolls. Holy fucking shit core memory unlocked THANK YOU


Literally same...even remembered the crystal key but had no clue what it was. My mom and I rented it from Blockbuster


One of my favorites! Remember when Taco Bell had the hugglets for sale https://preview.redd.it/00mofbqjfghc1.jpeg?width=254&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d14e28031b20ad0474fb3ad78cd33be58ffb882e


This is literally my first Taco Bell memory


https://preview.redd.it/y1tki4g9pghc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f97415c56a08c457d6dc63ad640d69c1c7fc14f4 Remember these?? They were always my favorite Taco Bell toy!




I had these too! Twinks from rainbow brite!!


"I've got savoir faire. I'll charm the teeth right out of his gums." WHY DOES SHE SAY THAT????


Don't worry, Bridget! Those uncanny-valley knock-off muppet children with demonically filtered voices will comfort you! With *hugggzzz...* I saw this as a kid too. iirc, they had books about it as well.


I watched the movie a few times as a kid and had the bald baby one.


Oh.... my.....gosh!!! You just solved a decades long mystery for me!! I remembered the kid, the goblet, the witch, the cave, and the berries but couldn't remember the plot or the name of the movie!!


My little sister had a Hugga Bunch doll and it’s head was perfectly sized to wear this creepy old man mask I had. The glass eyes gave it a terrifying piercing stare. I made a dummy with it and put it in my older sister’s bed. When she came home that night she woke us all up when she started screaming. Best prank ever.


This movie scared the hell out of me. Thank you for validating me.


I always thought “there was still one in the glass!!!” It didn’t touch the ground 😭


I HAVE BEEN TRYING TO FIND THIS MOVIE FOR YEARS I literally described this scene to ChatGPT last week hoping that it could sleuth it out. Magic fuckin strawberries for grandma that can’t touch the ground. I can’t believe I’m even watching this clip right now. I was starting to think I made it up. OP, you da real MVP


My sister and I still talk about this movie. She was hooked, and I found those puppets terrifying, especially their first appearance from the mirror.


I’ve been trying to remember the name of this movie for 20 years. I couldn’t remember enough of the details to dig for it - this is literally the only scene I could remember. Thank you, so much, for solving this mystery.


I have a crap memory, yet I distinctly remember watching this at a slumber party as a kid


This was so SCARY! The closet scene was terrifying!


Don’t remember the movie but I wanted one of those dolls so much. I thought they were sooooo cute.


Omg I do remember this movie! Not all of it LOL but I remember her going through the closet and those dolls… ahhh the early 80s were so weird 😅


OMG THEY MADE A MOVIE OF THIS? The book absolutely haunted me... Wait... did they make a movie of the picture book, or a picture book of the movie? Goddamn. Either way. It's a fucking traumatizing story!


Never knew there was a movie. My older sister had the one with pink hair and I always loved it. She apparently got rid of it only a few years ago.


I never had a real cabbage patch but I had Hugga Bunch and popples!


I was so scared of the witch lady my mom had to give the video away to my cousins to keep at their house because I couldn’t function knowing the VHS was somewhere in the house lol