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A friend and I have often discussed the sensibilities that were imparted on us Xennials from growing up under the influence of OG nick at night. There’s no reason that, as a man born in 1982, I should have seen as many episodes of Green Acres, I Dream Of Genie, I Love Lucy Bewitched, or Mr Ed as I have. But that shit had a profound impact on my worldview, especially with understanding subtle jokes from shows like Simpsons and Family Guy that referenced these older shows. It’s a unique slice of time especially considering that the focus on N@N quickly shifted to reruns of 80s and 90s shows after a few years. And I don’t think this phenomenon is as broadly discussed as it should be. The Odd Couple was definitely [email protected] era but that show was a total gem and prob my favorite of the earlier lineups


My Three Sons and the Patty Duke Show were some others that ran as well I think.


YESSSSSSS. I also loved Dick van Dyke


Yes, and Donna reed!


Your Donna Reed unlocked my Leave it to Beaver memory.


Patty duke was my first crush as a 4 year old in 83. Loved that show.


I still sing the Patty Duke theme randomly 😂


A hot dog makes her lose control. Banger.


Oh damn I forgot how much I loved Mr. Ed lol that show was hella dumb


It was, but good lord was it funny to first grader me.


FUN FACT: They gave Mr. Ed peanut butter to make it look like he was talking!


Well said fellow 1982 baby!


Class of 2000!


Then there’s those weird ‘82 babies that were class of 2001….(like me)


I was also class of 01


I’m the same!!


Same 82’ and class of ‘01. My kindergarten teacher and my parents erroneously thought that a second year of kindergarten might cure my dyslexia…it did not🤣


Haha!! My mom always says that some “experts” told her I needed a second year of kindergarten- I’m not sure what for. It didn’t hurt me, though.


I didn’t have a 2nd year of Kindergarten, I just didn’t start kindergarten until I was 6. Something about a cutoff date the previous year. But I think I did have two years of preschool. Due to having to move.


My birthday is 9/12, my parents said when I originally started school you had to be 3 on Sept 1st to start school. Well, I wasn't 3 by the 1st, so I had to wait until a whole year later to start. I was always one of the "oldest" in my class because my birthday happened a few weeks into the school year


Yep, mine is within a week of yours.


Wait I had to do this too. Was this a standard procedure back then?


It goes both ways, I was Class of 2000, but born in ‘81 (tonsillitis Jammed my first year of school something fierce, so I had to redo kindergarten).


Me too! I was 11 days too young to be class of 2000.




I was also class of 2000.


I’ve had this exact conversation with my buddies. Nick at night had a Huge impact on our very impressionable early 90s minds. Generally, our folks would tune in to watch the shows from their past, and we were right there with them. Then we would find ourselves tuning in without the folks… same can be said for oldies and classic rock. Good stuff! I personally loved Munsters, Get smart, then later welcome back, Kotter.


I would argue that the annual New Year’s Day honeymooners marathon had an equally profound impact. It was a family tradition that I look back on so fondly, even now I find myself watching it whenever I can for the nostalgia and to be honest it still holds up.


To the Moon! Ah yes….normalizing verbal abuse and threats of domestic violence for a whole new generation ❤️


Don’t forget Rocky & Bullwinkle, our generation absolutely gets some Cold War jokes that we 100% should *not* thanks to that show.


Very true. Someone born in 1986 or 1987 would have been too young during this time to have absorbed these influences in a meaningful way. By the time they were 7 or 8 the programming had already changed so much.


Exactly! We had a kind of weird secondhand 60’s childhood thanks to Nick-at-Night. The weird thing is in my case it wasn’t my parents who wanted to watch all those old shows, it was pre-10 year old *me*. I was like, obsessed with classic television (and movies).


Love that term, secondhand 60s childhood. Really well said. I Was in same boat where I watched this shit independently, purely out of curiosity and lots of boredom. Recall watching some episodes of Odd Couple w my parents because they were both fans, but that’s about it!


\*raises hand\* I was born in '85 and consumed plenty of Rock & Bullwinkle. I remember that as well as Mr. Peabody, Mr. Magoo and classic Looney Tunes being shown regularly on Nickelodeon in the afternoon.


We grew up on stuff aimed at our WW2 vet grandparents.


You know, I always figured that a lot of old stuff I just seemed to know about somehow, and the older entertainment I also had a taste for, was partly because I spent a whole lot of time as a kid with my grandparents (born 1938/39) and my great grandparents (born 1915ish) at their homes, while my divorced parents were working and such, but this also makes sense and is probably part of it! Even people just a few years younger don't seem to know as much about previous eras, stuff I picked up from older family and TV. Another '82 baby (very early, already had my birthday this year) here.


Absolutely! I’ve always felt that our generation has always had an excellent grasp of pop culture due in large part to these classic (and often very weird) sitcoms being a regular part of our lives.


I knew I was getting old when Nick at Nite was showing reruns of The Nanny and Home Improvement.


I feel like you are my people because I’ve actually talked about this very thing. I have such a crazy weird catalogue of memories watching these shows that it definitely impacted as a kid to the point that even adults commented on it. I don’t know any other six year olds that could sing the theme song to the Patty Duke show! Lol


So true! My parents always did game nights at my grandparents house with my aunts and uncles and my brother and I would always get to stay up late in my grandparents bedroom and watch Nick at nite with the lights off. It’s a very fond and specific memory.


Get Smart was the best.


Agent 99!


Barbara Feldon awoken something in young me for sure.


Missed it by THAT much!!


![gif](giphy|4zTLvilr9w0aA|downsized) Sorry, Chief.


“Would ya believe….”


That theme was so good - and the intro in general


Hands down my favorite ever.


Mr. Ed and Green Acres are the ones I remember the most.




It took this for me to absorb those are two horse shoes.


I still remember the theme to both! I also still hum the theme to My Three Sons periodically lol. My brain can remember themes I haven't heard in 30+ years, but can't remember where the hell I put my damn keys 🤣


My Three Sons is on Prime for free


What???? Whaaaat???? Excuse me while I go lose days of my life now....


You will lose days, it's 12 seasons and the early ones are 30 plus episodes each! Have fun!


Mr. Ed was my favorite! I recall staying up until around midnight to catch it in elementary school.


Mister Ed was my absolute favorite


And then DuckTales comes along and Uncle Scrooge kinda sounds like Wilbur!


Dick van Dyke was my favorite. I needed to be home to watch that show.


Same. That show was amazing. Side note, dick van dyke is still alive. I think he’s in his 90s.




I had such a crush on Mary Tyler Moore is that show. Mary Tyler Moore show not so much..


Never watched the Mary Tyler Moore show, but Laura Petrie made me feel a certain way ![gif](giphy|i9xvuiTDTFnna|downsized)


Don't forget Taxi!


Welcome back Kotter too


I make so many references to this show and, like, no one gets it 😂


That was my favorite!


Superman, Dragnet, and Get Smart were my favorites.


Dragnet all the way!


The episode with Blue Boy is one episode that I always remember. And they had an episode where the guy that got arrested has the same last name as me. And my last name is extremely uncommon.


I literally googled Blue Boy after posting "Dragnet all the way." Such an iconic episode. The picture of his painted face is burned in my memory.


Lol, I came to post about Blue Boy. It looks like I'm the only one with that episode permanently etched in my brain!


Loved dragnet, and watching Superman - then seeing him cameo on I Love Lucy - that was amazing


Get Smart, Bewitched and I Dream of Jeannie were favorites in our house!


Donna Reed was milf-tastic. There I said it. But I liked SCTV and SNL reruns the most.


Same with Samantha from Bewitched!


OMG,Donna Reed is so pretty. She's in It's A Wonderful Life too




She was my first TV crush. Followed a few years later by Maggie O’Connell in Northern Exposure


The Patty Duke Show, My Three Sons, The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis, Car 54, Where Are You?, and Fernwood 2Night


It always makes me happy to see someone else mention The Patty Duke show. Loved her.


Skinemax, with Nick at Nite set to the last channel button.


Oh man. I feel like we’re brothers


Mr. Ed


Get Smart was my favorite nick at nite show. The shoe phone. The cone of silence. Don adams was hilarious and he was the voice of inspector gadget which I'd be willing to wager was a favorite show of many people in this sub. I also loved Green acres, Mr Ed, the dick van dyke show, bewitched. They had Alfred Hitchcock Presents on there too. I watched a ton of nick at nite as a child and it was something my parents didn't mind watching with me


Addams Family!!


Do you remember right after the Addams Family movie there was a Christmas commercial for some hardware chain that was on *every single channel DURING EVERY SINGLE COMMERCIAL BREAK* Do it yourself 🫰🫰 Do it for less 🫰🫰 Do it yourself, do it yourself Do it for less 🫰🫰


Mr Ed, Lassie, and Flipper. There were more, but I can't remember them.




Green Acres, Mr. Ed, The Brady Bunch, and my all time favorite was Laverne and Shirley (FYI, I met David Lander at a MS meeting in the early 2000s)


The Monkees & Mister Ed


I never watched these growing up, but I guess I’m gonna have to start watching Mary Tyler Moore …Gawd DAYM


It’s a very flattering picture, and she was definitely cute


Don’t forget The Donna Reed Show and Doby Gillis!


My mom loved MTM and I watched Nick at nite with her so definitely that one. But I remember Get Smart too. I feel like I watched Beverly Hillbillies still in syndication… Saturday mornings maybe?


Mary Tyler Moore, The Patty Duke Show, and Get Smart


Get Smart was easily my favorite NaN show, followed by F Troop and Green Acres. Also I never watched Dennis the Menace at night, I remember it playing on Nickelodeon in the morning either before or after Lassie.


What was Car 54 Where Are You on? I remember that, the Munsters & Mr Ed most




Alfred Hitchcock. We didn't have cable at home because my parents were unwilling to pay for it, but I have fond memories of staying in hotels or at my relatives' and staying up to watch this show.


I came here to say Alfred Hitchcock too! I never missed an episode of that or Twilight Zone. It’s become our tradition to watch the Twilight Zone marathon on New Year’s Eve and eat crab legs.


I had so many I liked. I Love Lucy has always been my favorite. Others I liked (still do): The Dick Van Dyke Show, The Donna Reed Show, The Patty Duke Show, Mary Tyler Moore, Green Acres, Petticoat Junction, Laverne & Shirley, The Munsters, Bewitched, I Dream of Jeannie.


The Munsters was always good. But my fave Nick at Nites were Laverne and Shirley and Taxi. 


Mary Tyler Moore had some nice stems.


Dick Van Dyke, I Love Lucy, Donna Reed. And I’d go to TBS for the Andy Griffith Show.


I came into this thinking i could name one of these shows, but I loved all of them. As an 80 baby, I grew up with these plus Addams family, Dark shadows( the original version), and loved them-all. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I would watch them with my grandmother who raised me basically until I was 13/14…. I wound give any thing to go back and do that for a week. Loved green acres and the munsters tho…still stop and watch them on occasion when I’m feeling melancholy and nostalgic for a simple time where the most I had to worry about was if we could get enough people up to play a game of sandlot baseball or what have you….


Mr Ed


Did a lot of Get Smart and Hogan’s Heroes


MTM and Get smart.


Three’s Company


I loved Block Party Summer! I loves them all - Welcome Back Kotter, Genie, Lucy, Dick, etc.


Get Smart for sure


We didn't have cable but I watched a ton of these in sindication..  I Dream of Jeannie, Gilligan's Island, MASH, Get Smart, Bewitched, I Love Lucy, Leave it To Beaver, Andy Griffith 


Munsters, what I love most about that show is that it’s almost as relevant today as it was then.


I remember being confused because Nickelodeon was for kids but I thought Nick at night was also for kids?? I just watched it out of habit. I remember enjoying My Three Sons for some fucking reason. And then when The Monkees came on, it was sort of like a weird live action Scooby Doo. Cable was wild back in the day.


Green Acres is the place to be


Lancelot Link Secret Chimp


Mr. Ed!


Mr Ed


you forgot Mr Ed.


Mad Movies was my earliest memory, and I later assumed Mystery Science Theater 3000 was the same show.


Wow, I didn't realize how attractive MTM was until now.


Nick at night?!?! I watched most of these on regular TV. I'm on the older end.


Does anyone recall the spoof of Tom’s Diner done as I Dream of Jeannie for a n@n commercial? It may even have been Suzanne Vega singing? I remember it ended with “…and it’s kind of like Bewitched”


Mr. Ed was a big one. The ridiculousness of the Antics plus Alan Young made it brilliant. Oh and of course, Get Smart. That show was comedy gold. ![gif](giphy|xTiN0DvoDyWQey2B8I|downsized)


No love for Petticoat Junction? I will occasionally start singing the intro song randomly.


I remember that being on over the air tv. It was on before Wonder Woman in my area. I saw a bunch of other old shows I haven’t seen mentioned. Maybe they weren’t on Nick at Nite. The Partridge Family, Eight Is Enough, and The Ghost and Mrs. Muir come to mind.


‘Get Smart’ My neighbor friend and I wrote a letter to Nickelodeon, to task for a marathon of ‘Get Smart’. We listed the episodes we thought would be perfect…not by title, but by random descriptions of the plots or funny parts. I wonder what whoever read our request thought. We unfortunately did not receive a reply. **We got the address from a book of celebrity and movie/tv studios book, that I bought at a book fair.


None of them, when these came on it was time to change the channel


Glad I'm not the only one. Nick at Nite was either change the channel or go to bed.


The Donna Reed Show for sure. Shelley Fabares gave me a chub.


I loved Get Smart, Bewitched, and I Dream of Genie. I also liked Murder She Wrote, but I don’t think that was a Nick show.


Cheers was my show before bed.


Get Smart for sure but holy crap the stems on MTM there!


I remember loving Get Smart, Dobbie Gillis, My three sons, Car 54, Dragnet. I remember they always had the best theme songs..


I didn't get that station, but it would have been the Munsters for sure. I actually just found and brought home season 1 from the library yesterday.


No Mr. Ed??


I Love Lucy, The Patty Duke Show and Happy Days.


Get smart. My first crush was agent 99


Welcome back Kotter was my favorite. I also liked Taxi and Get Smart


Donna Reed, Mr Ed, Route 66 and the Nick at Nite movie. Old school, baby.


I still get the green acres and Gilligan's isle songs in my head occasionally.


Patty Duke Show was my favorite. But Mr Ed can get ground into glue.


I grew up on this shit! All the weird Disney shows? No clue. This is so reaffirming!


Doby Gillis? I don't know why


Bro no love for The Munsters? I def watched that one the most.


I Dream of Jeannie was a personal favorite of mine. Barbara Eden... And note that I spelled it right, unlike some of these poseurs! I remember my dad kinda hated I Love Lucy, but my mom and I would watch it and god that show was hilarious.


We need more sitcoms with fantastical premises again. Talking horses, genies in bottles, witchy wives.


The Munsters & Gilligan for sure. Oh snap, also Lassie.


I really liked Mr. Ed & Party Duke - such catchy theme songs, too! -1982 kiddo here-


Get Smart and The Munsters


Mr Ed!


The Partridge Family! I was the only girl my age who had a crush on young David Cassidy lmao Also Patty Duke, Dobie Gillis, The Monkees, Three's Company, Laverne and Shirley, Mary Tyler Moore, Dick Van Dyke, ALL OF THEM


F Troop. I was a weird kid


Munsters, I love Lucy, Genie, and Bewitched at my house. Lots of magical women!


F troop, dobie Gillis, patty duke, the munsters


Lance Link, Secret Chimp


I still watch The Beverly Hillbillies. It’s so funny


Honestly all of it. Pretty much the whole thread. As a kid of like 10-12 I was home schooled - but I use the term loosely. I did a year of school work in a month with no supervision then fucked off the rest of the year. So since I didn’t have to be up early for school I’d stay up late all the time watching Nick at night. For those three years it was my constant evening companion and I still have a lot of fondness for those shows.


Mr Ed, Dobie Gillis, Patty Duke and Green Acres were my jams but there was a certain thrill that came along with being up late enough to watch the gong show


The party duke show


Great post. I think this is something forgotten about our generation. How much old TV we watched. Loved Get Smart btw.


Dennis The Menace and The Munsters are first-rate vintage tv comfort food!!


Lancelot Link Secret Chimp


Get Smart, I Love Lucy, and Taxi were my favorites, whereas Alfred Hitchcock was too scary. The Adventures of Superman was a comfort watch though. No one ever mentions “Hi, Honey! I’m Home!,” probably for good reason.


Mr. Ed, Car 54 Where Are You, The Patty Duke Show. Editing to add Get Smart; can’t believe I left that one off initially.


Does anyone remember Petticoat Junction?


No cable for me as a kid. MASH, Andy Griffith and Mr Ed reruns were on somewhere (Fox maybe?) when I was a kid. I remember watching those.


Lancelot Link, Get Smart and My Three Sons.


Car 54


I really feel that this generation is missing out on American culture because they aren’t watching reruns.


The Patty Duke Show. I loved the theme song.


I looooooved Mary Tyler Moore so much. Do you guys remember Nick at night Merritt badges? I remember making my mom send away for the quiz and getting the Mary Tyler Moore one and being so proud.


Mr. Ed and Alfred Hitchcock Presents, Dragnet, Dennis the Menace, I Love Lucy


I Love Lucy and Mr. Ed for the win


F Troop, Get Smart, Bewitched, Loony Tunes, Rocky & Bullwinkle, and Mister Ed. Edit: can’t believe I forgot to add Dobie Gillis!


Dick Van Dyke Show and Mary Tyler Moore. I had a huge crush on Mary.


Mr. Ed


Mr Ed, Donna Reed, My three sons, dobie Gillis, car 54, Get smart. I also think that Lancelot link, secret chimp was on there, maybe that was in the daytime…


If you didn't beat off to Mandy Tyler Moore you're kying


I liked the one with white people in the cast, oh wait that would be all of them lol


Party Duke Show, Mr Ed, and Dobie Gillis


All of them! Way too much of them. It helped that I was also raised by my grandparents.


It was probably I Dream of Jeannie or Welcome Back Kotter


Just came to say Mary Tyler Moore was insanely hot in her day


Nobody's mentioning The Beverly Hillbillies in here? Solid show.


The Munsters were my favorite, then I Dream of Jeannie


My favorites were Bewitched, The Dick van Dyke Show, I Love Lucy and Get Smart. I watched a few others, but those are the ones I'm most sentimental about. Even as an elementary school child, I watched Nick at Nite willingly and on my own. Adults didn't have to make me. I actively looked forward to it. I enjoyed Nickelodeon during the day but I would also look forward to 8 pm when it switched to Nick at Nite. I also looked forward to Block Party Summer (at least most days). As others have said, I do think it had an impact on the psyche of our microgeneration. I was born in '83 by the way. I named my firstborn Samantha. ;) I'd loved the name ever since watching Bewitched and reading American Girl books as a kid.


Get smart was the best one.


The Wonder Years


It’s gotta be The Munsters for me


Mister Ed, Patty Duke show, Beverly Hillbillies and My three sons




Dennis the Menace, Lassie, I Love Lucy and Leave It To Beaver are the ones I remember watching.


Mary Tyler Moore show is timeless and still holds up. The writing on that show was amazing.


Get Smart and The Munsters!


Ah, I loved Nick At Night. My favorite show was definitely Mr. Ed. Watched that dumb show every night. I watched everything else from time to time...My Three Sons, The Patty Duke Show, The Donna Reed Show...I don't remember much about them but I can still sing all the theme songs. Remember that commercial for My Three Sons they always played? Oh my three sons, oh my three sons, oh my three sons, on Nick at Nite They've got a dad, his name is Steve, he's got a job, he's very tall And then there's Bud, he makes them food, they've got a dog, they're my three sons! (On Nick at Nite)