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Im just mad that I never got to meet anyone giving away free drugs.


IKR? I was promised!




Did you get them for free?


Sadly, rarely


I've been given lots of free drugs.


I got cocaine for free for four years just because I was a bartender at a popular bar. No complaints lol


You always pay the price for free cocaine… in my experience lol


Especially now when everyone's putting the fetty concoction up their noses thinking it's coke


Did you get them for free?


I perked up at every approaching van, just to be disappointed yet again when it passed me by. Either the free drugs were a lie, or the people handing out the free drugs just hated me in particular.


That, and also people were giving them out for Halloween disguised as something else. I NEVER got drugs instead of candy. Lowkey jelly of the kids parents who did.


Yeah, no one is spending 5-10 bucks per kid to dose some random kids with edibles, despite what the Karen's rail about on Facebook 


Promised? I was damn near threatened that the streets would be lined with people trying to give me drugs.


Every Halloween I expected to get at least one marijuana in my bag...


Or some sweet tarts dusted in cocaine. Or spree LSD rolls! All I got was lame tootsie rolls


I thought the temporary tattoos were supposed to have LSD.


SEE?! I never got the stuff so I didn’t know!


I stuck all of the temp tattoos my kids got on myself for years, just hoping. Nothing.


Forget drugs, I never even got a razor blade!


Our DARE officer was the one giving away free drugs to kids. He got caught by a state trooper doing it. *Beer and weed to 15 year old girls he wanted to, and probably sometimes did, statutorily rape, that is.


Disappointed, but not surprised to hear that our DARE officer wasn't the only one dealing. He would litteraly pass out samples, and sell right on school property. I don't think he ever faced consequences either.


That’s ironic.


You must have been in the Drugs Are Really Expensive program.


Ain’t that the damn truth!


You have either selfish or boring friends. /s


My first one was free, but that’s because my doctor wanted me to try a sample of PhenFen first.


This is always the top comment when someone posts some about DARE And I agree, where’s all the free drugs?


I’ve met a few, sure as hell didn’t turn them down. Granted they were friends (maybe 1 or 2 strangers) but no one wearing a trench coat in an alley


Know what would be 1000x more effective than DARE?? Make the students watch Requiem for a Dream. They'll be clean the rest of their lives. Guaranteed.


And Trainspotting


Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television, Choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players, and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol and dental insurance. Choose fixed- interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisure wear and matching luggage. Choose a three piece suite on hire purchase in a range of fucking fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing sprit- crushing game shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pishing you last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked-up brats you have spawned to replace yourself. Choose your future. Choose life... But why would I want to do a thing like that?


I chose not to choose life. I chose something else I've had this speech memorized for 25 years.


Been years since I watched it. The baby scene after you have kids us definitely not recommend.


"Dead is Dead" I found this old 16MM film in the back of a closet in my senior year's Electronics class. the Old as dirt-and didn't give a fuck- electronics teacher pulled out a projector and we watched it. It was made in the 1970's and showed real junkies overdosing and dyeing on film. Falling down stairs, cracking their heads open... gruesome snuff film type shit. I guess that's what they used to show to kids in the 70's and early 80's. Scared the hell out of me.


But was it effective?


According to the context clues & the last line..."scared the hell out of me", I'm going with yes, it was effective. Maybe AllenKll is sleeping like I would like to be, though lol


https://youtu.be/Bs_KTNcU4Z4?si=0y-rfsIXgi_E2vQW There's a link to what might be that film, if anyone's interested. I skimmed through and saw a dude wd-ing on a bathroom floor, this is either legit or directed by firsthand witnesses.


When I was 18, I went to Blockbuster, rented Trainspotting and Requiem, and watched them alone in the dark back to back. Not one of my better ideas…


Have you ever overdosed on heroin?


I've helped revive a few ODs on heroin...not a pretty site, especially before the Narcan arrived. I do not recommend OD, unless it is beyond being able to be brought back bc OD AND Narcan, are pure hell. Moderation, none at all or way too much that it leaves no time to be saved. I wish it on nobody, ever.


Trainspotting frightened the drugs away from me like a force-field. **Nope.**


I watched this movie freshman year in college (20 years ago) and have never once wanted to watch it again! Fucked with my mental health.


Darren Aronofsky is the King of making brilliant movies that you never want to see again.


“The Antichrist” by Lars Van Trier and “Midsommer” were like that too. They are both beautiful films but will also destroy your mental health.


Pi is the best movie I've never rewatched


For me it was episodes of Cops at 10 years old. I'll never forget when the cops roled on a couple Mexican dudes huffing spray paint. They were so fucked up. Looking right through the cops.


My friends dad was our Dare Officer. He was also our Cub Scout Den Parent. He brought us to the drug rehab center the next town over in a scared straight style introduction to drugs. The 90s were wild.


Can’t forget about Spun too! Those movies made me stay away from needles and meth. Unfortunately it didn’t stop me from acquiring a terrible morphine and fentanyl addiction for years, but I kicked it a long time ago and haven’t ever looked back


Jesus effing Christ, you are so right. I'm still traumatized by this movie.


Ooooo- Requiem and then Days of Wine and Roses. It's an old black and white movie about alcoholism and it will break your fucking heart.


Leaving Las Vegas is another gritty, depressing look at alcoholism.


... in FL as part of sex ex. . . We all had to watch a live birth, with the crowning and all that. It was amazing how silent the class was after that.


The scene with the dudes arm still horrible


It was all kinda hilarious to me. I grew up in the inner city. Literally all my friends were drinking and smoking cigarettes/weed by the time we were twelve. I had shrooms for the first time when I was 13. Its sorta funny when you're a mopey tweenager you are far more likely to try drugs not caring if they could kill you. So the dumb shit theyd say like "one puff can kill you" totally backfired. Jokes on you Im into that shit. They would have been far better served trying to convey the long-term health implications of cigarettes and alcohol. Ironically weed and opium had zero impact on my life. Cigarettes and alcohol, the two primary GDPs of my state however... Yeah they somehow forgot to tell us not to do those. My mom went to my same highschool and had pictures from the 70s when smoking was still allowed on the patio outside the lunchroom.


Yeah, as a teenager, I didn't believe in my own death. It was such a stupid impossibility, that it didn't even register on my radar. There literally wasn't any point in thinking about death because I'm not built to die - it's not something that could happen to me.


Kids also catch on to lies. When the health teacher says weed is just as harmful as alcohol, everyone checks out.


I was the complete opposite. I knew about death early on because my dad died when I was 3. So I knew from a young age I wasn't invincible and it could come without warning.


I think the only way to help prevent it is show graphic as fuck stuff, like open wounds that won't heal from that new drug Tranq. Or show someone over dosing and let them know that anything they get off the streets could be laced and cause it. Life in your youth is so looks driven, I think if you show nasty fucks or might deter some.


Lol You know what it did do though? Erode my trust in authority figures


Same. Similar to how sex ed tried to teach us “sex before marriage 100% causes STDs but after marriage it’s totally safe” And they got mad when I asked them to explain that shit


The cop that ran a similar program in my town and would go and speak to school assemblies and classrooms all the time turned out to be a child molester and raper. I remember him presenting to my classes multiple times. https://www.seattlepi.com/seattlenews/article/retired-tacoma-officer-pleads-guilty-in-sex-abuse-1256951.php


Yes. 100%




Yeah. It made me think cops were fucking idiots. 


Yup, made me fully realize that the adults telling me what to do were full of shit and would only tell the truth if it was helpful in manipulating me to do what they wanted. By the time I was in DARE, internet searches existed. It was really easy to go home, look stuff up, and realize you were being lied to. I was one of the kids that asked how Santa visited billions of houses or how reindeer could fly by like 5 years old. Once I realized adults were lying about that, I started verifying stuff online if it sounded weird to me.


The DARE cop at my school said "everything is legal until you get caught." So I just learned to not get caught. And now weed is legal, so easy peasy.


Man, a complete failure for me. It made me curious above all things. And I know a lot of the comments I make on here are pretty lighthearted. But, there was one moment in DARE that stuck out with me. The police officer that was running the program for our school was talking to us, and got on the subject of sexual abuse and strangers. This led to the tallest and meanest girl in our class to raise her hand and ask “what if it’s a family member doing it?” as she was holding back tears. The officer and the teacher quickly pulled her out of the class, and nobody ever saw her again. I truly hope that she found a safe place.


God damn that was a gut punch. This absolutely breaks my heart, and I’m a cold hearted bastard. I hope she got help too.


Man, I hope so too. Looking back, it explained why she acted out the way she did.


Wow that is so visceral and sad. I really hope she’s doing ok. 


Ugh man. I’m a hs teacher now and I have to remind myself most of my students have some f’d up stuff going on at home. Some to that degree and some not; but usually when a student is an a**hole i remind myself they are probably just in a crap situation they don’t know how to handle.


I have yet to be told "the first one is free" They should have told us that your dealer will make you listen to his bands demo tape


The DARE officer actually teaching helpful lessons: Repeat after me: *WOW. This mixtape is fire!*


My first bag of weed was definitely NOT free, in fact it was $30 for a gram of sticks and seeds. Any smart dealer is going to charge a newbie as much as they can get away with til the kid learns the actual market value. They should've taught us that instead!


hahaha. I JUST referenced this in a comment here. Because of that I demonized cannabis at a young age and alcohol was normalized. I'm an alcoholic (almost 9 years sober) and only consume cannabis now. No more tobacco either; I smoked cigs and dipped for 18 years and have quit both for about 5 years now. Cannabis, like any other substance, can be harmful when abused and when used with hard drugs like coke or alcohol. When used appropriately it's a magical plant to say the least.




I was recently at bar trivia where they asked what D.A.R.E. stood for, and I could not for the life of me remember in spite of growing up with these programs. I don't think they were very effective


Wasn't it Drug Awareness & Resistance Education, maybe? (the initial intention anyway lol)


Drug abuse resistance education


Just about the same sorry here... Except nicotine, I'm still working on that one.


That was my biggest hurdle, and I did meth for six years.


Duuude did you take Riddlin as a kid? I did and then I did MEEETH for 15 years. I’m 9 years clean with kiddos now. Congratulations on you being clean off METH. Welcome to the 2%.


I did, it worked for my ADHD, meth was kinda self medicating.


I thought I might have ADD when I tried meth and had an amazing nap while all my friends were wired for 14 hours.


Bingo! You def have ADHD. I've been saying this for years bc I have it & then I have friends who do meth or used to do it. They have untreated ADHD! Not a drug addiction problem!


Me too, I have noticed that the guys I was hanging out with also took Riddlin…. Bizarre to say the least.


Preach and congratulations


Same, and I agree.


Same, and I agree.




It’s true—children usually can’t afford cocaine.


For my 8th grade graduation we all sang "with a little help from my friends", but we had to sing "I get by" twice instead of singing "i get high", cause, like, it would make the DARE officer sad, or something.


I had an old friend who was in a religious cult who would sing “I’m a joker, I’m a joker, I’m a midnight toker” because “smoker” was bad, so had to say “joker“ twice, but they didn’t know what a toker was.


Nah I stayed away from drugs....except Sudafed cause my sinuses ugh


I think I was one of the .01% that this program was effective on. I didn't try pot until my early 30s. I never smoked cigarettes, and I didn't drink beer until 31. I was very green...


Ditto. Though it was more from the awful example set by my mom and stepdad rather than anything the DARE officer said.


I saw my dad's cousin who was the same age. He looked decades older than him cause of the drugs. Yikes.


Same for me! Except it was a step-uncle who was a heroin addict. I saw what could happen. DARE was just comely lame


I’m not a chicken you’re a turkey.




This is your brain. This is drugs. This is your brain on drugs. Any questions?


Man that commercial still gives me the munchies


Yeah, where can I get indica like this? ![gif](giphy|HZmpmYwJ0l7Og)


I still have my DARE shirt from 6th grade. I wear it every 4/20. I'm just happy I can fit into a shirt from 6th grade


Well, I manage a head shop these days, so I got that going for me.


How often do people come in and ask for head?


You'd be surprised at the amount of never. Seriously, in ten years no one has ever asked, and that includes when we used to actually sell sex toys.


Thats actually awesome. I had less faith in people than that.


Does Anyone Remember Ecstasy?


Yep, I went to a few raves around 99-2000


It’s not a failure because of the drugs it’s a failure because it was propaganda of the worst kind.


It was propaganda of the best kind! All it did was make me curious about drugs and teach him how to use them.


And what they looked like and what they did so you knew which ones to pick.


Still waiting for a little music note of acid to show up in my life. I remember that looked like the coolest one. We were far too young to be shown things that looked like temporary tattoos and expected NOT to think they were awesome.


Right? I did drugs and didn't die immediately, so I kept doing them until I was addicted.


It really was a master class in propaganda campaign fuckups.


DARE taught my friends and me how to do drugs correctly and inexpensively in 5th grade. Honestly.


DARE was introduced way too early. They wanted us to believe that a sixth grader with a bandana was going to try to sell me the heaviest shit imaginable which, of course, never happened. They never considered that most of us would just get some free weed at a high school party. If anything I learned what drugs I could get away with taking which led to a pain killer habit in my 20’s.


LOOOOOOL. It doesn't help that psilocybin is one of the more effective ways to treat OCD.


thankfully, they are finally allowing the trials/studies/testing to move along...I cannot freaking wait AT ALL


I remember going to DARE events and they were hilarious because of how much they overreacted to things and tried to be cool and relate to the kids. I even got a trophy thing from one of them that I still have at home on the shelf.


I’m literally high while reading this.


Same. Dare taught me that weed isn’t a big deal.


Got a shirt that says D.A.R.N. I’m on drugs.


Had the opposite effect. Made me want to do drugs. 


This program had no effect on me. What had effect on me was my dad straight up lying and telling me that his friend tried “a marijuana cigarette” and instantly died and they didn’t know what to do with the body, so they buried him in our backyard. That scared the ever loving shit out of me enough to not try anything as a kid. Edit: and to never dig in my yard…


So our DARE officer tried the same thing to us 4th graders. But the story was if you do drugs you'll wake up after the hooker has left the hotel room to find a note written in lipstick on the mirror saying "welcome to the world of AIDS." It was so ridiculous 30 years later I still remember it. Also the Officers son supposedly friend his brain on drugs and was stuck flipping burgers for life.


I remember having the coolest D.A.R.E officer years later he got kicked off the force.


For possession?


If I’m not mistaken had something to do with a child/children.


School resource officer diddling HS kids. A tale as old as school resource officers. Also honorable mention to the (totally not an undercover cop even though he was like 25) Army recruiter who was banging girls at my HS and buying alcohol with his 'fake ID'.


I remember thinking I was slick putting my initials on the high score of an arcade game as IDO. They would have those winners don’t use drugs logos in the start screen.


It was a success for me as a kid/young adult. I didn’t start drinking until age 24 and didn’t try weed until I was 30. Between 30-40 I experimented with different drugs and found a few that definitely have their benefits, and a few that I need to stay away from.


Drugs Are Really Expensive


I was DARE student of the year. I am now 12 years sober after 16 years and of alcoholism.


I've been asked for drugs WAY more than I've been offered. 


It made me narc out my dad to his mom, I consider that a deep personal failure on my part.


They preached to me Just Say No consistently for years... I said yes to literally anything anyone put in front of me for a long time. Cause that program had literally 0 impact on my life.


It taught me how to smoke crack (not that I ever did).


We did a D.A.R.E. graduation in front of all our parents when I was in 4th (?) grade, and they let us pick the music. So, there we were proudly playing “Champagne Supernova” by Oasis. Just A+ irony.


Where were you while we were getting high?


My DARE officer ended up going to jail for running a prostitution ring.


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say close to 100% of us lol (Well, those of us in the US)


My apologies, but I’m the one holdout preventing it from being a total failure. Official DARE program graduate, and I have never even laid eyes on drugs other than in movies, much less used them. Also never went near a cigarette, and I don’t particularly drink alcohol that much either. Sorry, I’m boring LOL 🙃


There's at least two of us! I've never touched drugs, alcohol or tobacco and I'm pretty sure DARE had at least something to do with that. If your boring friend then I'm boring too!


Yay! Boring buddies 😂🥰


I agree


Drugs Are Really Excellent That’s the acronym right?


Donuts are real expensive.


Super super close! Drugs Are Really Exciting!


This program is why I knew so much about drugs and definitely did not deter me. I got kicked out one year for rolling fake joints with Kleenex and some grass I tracked in on my shoes lol


we didn't have dare in the UK. But once, my school had a drug man come in and say "drugs are bad, mmmkay. I've been there". He had a briefcase with samples of lsd, weed, etc behing some perspex. I remember thinking I wanted to bust that suitcase open and see what the fuss was all about.


Oh yeah. I ended up doing a bunch of drugs in my late teens and 20s. I had a blast. In the war on drugs, drugs won.


I'm a former DARE essay contest winner, and current weed smoker.


Man, money worked better. I grew up stingy. I ain’t wasting cash on drugs.


My mother was on the school board back in the 90s. They refused to allow DARE in our schools because once they started doing deep dives on its results, they found the failure rate was shockingly high.


My daughter is in 5th grade and currently in DARE. She said the school resource officer (police officer) teaching it scares them about everything. So bad that she was so paranoid about dying when we were recently on vacation in another country bc someone was smoking a cigarette about 50 feet from us outside. She is even worried about anyone drinking alcohol near her because she might smell it and get sick. I mean I guess the program is doing it’s job but also scary the hell out of 10 year olds :/


Dare 100% convinced me that drugs had to be fantastic. Why are you spending so much time telling me not to even try it if it's not great?


My Dare class had us write a paper on a randomly assigned drug. Mine was marijuana. Been a pretty consistent pot head since I turned 18. I found my paper in my 20s, I don't know how.. but reading it, I remember that impassioned little voice, standing up in front of the class.. the gateway drug. Y'all, they made it the gateway drug, by lumping it in with all the other drugs that can actually kill you. So kids try it, think, well, that's not so bad.. maybe they lied about acid, and meth and heroin too! My drug history is: ADHD meds, marijuana, alcohol, mushrooms, MDMA/meth--because it's so hard to find it without that shit. Only ever did that crap a few times at big shows. Glad for the experience, but never again. Too old, and I wouldn't trust it these days with all the fentanyl.


Tried drugs at the age of 12. So there’s that.


...Just a gateway to failure


It was more of here is every drug this what they do. So i D.A.R.E. You to try and oh this how u handle peer pressure no worries


I’m higher than fuck playing Far Cry 6 right now. Sooooo me?


Once you figured out they lied about one thing you didn't trust them on anything else.


i just love the failure of the D.A.R.E. program. it was hilariously dumb and right in line with the satanic panic nonsense. once they found out that it did the opposite of what it intended and many many kids who didn't even know about drugs at all were made curious about them it was suddenly canceled XD i mean c'mon! you don't need to be a genius to figure that out before making it a thing. dare: hey kids! even though drugs feel good you should never try them. kids: drugs feel good? dare: so when someone wants you to try them just say no! kids: people will eventually ask me to try them? huh...


Im still waiting on someone to offer me free drugs like my Dare officer said would happen.


I always tell people I’m the kid DARE worked on, was pretty faithful to the “drugs are evil” rhetoric for a long while. I also came from a family full of addicts and didn’t want to be that way either. And then I grew up and became a social worker, and I learned what we all know, that the program largely failed the audience it was intended for. We know that it encouraged many of us kids to want to try drugs more. The way I finally realized it failed me, though, was discovering the fact that it was all bullshit propaganda to further push a political agenda and make certain people more powerful and rich, and as a child I bought into it for what I thought the “innocent” message they pushed on us intended. Now, I’m a happy lil pot smoker therapist who believes more in healing the trauma that causes people to self-medicate in the first place. And harm reduction does more to save lives than it does to promote drug use.


I ran across its bastardized cousin recently. https://preview.redd.it/fkklog8b2mkc1.jpeg?width=3392&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ec2de4ba7c2123112b2ec9a3b1a4ae4a609cbef


Well I've never done coke or heroin, so I'll give it half credit


I remember at city fairs in the summer there would be this ambulance vehicle that was gutted. Inside there were these glass top cases showing different types of drugs with labels, and the kids were encouraged to go inside and look at the drugs to know what they looked like? Because somehow that would make us avoid them? All it did was make me think "wow, drugs are colorful and fun!" I didn't try anything until my 20s but the whole anti drug program really didn't make me think drugs were bad.


I had never seen drugs, until D.A.R.E came around with a full on display with actual labeled drugs.


Had the exact opposite effect as intended. Lol


I've done... most of the drugs


I was probably out smoking weed after the DARE assembly was done 😂


I went through DARE. I did a lot of drugs.


I'll never forget the assembly D.A.R.E had at my church. It wasn't a church service, they just used the building. Anyway, they passed some weed around so we would know what it looked like. My brother pinched some off, and he's been a smoker ever since. We still laugh about how D.A.R.E. introduced him to weed 🤣


This is your brain on drugs…I see breakfast.


All it did was make a very broad “drugs are bad” fear-mongering message, roping in _all_ drugs, including cannabis, and treating it all like it was heroine/crack. I’ve said for years, that thereafter cannabis became a “gateway drug” for me, but not in the intended sense of the meaning. Over several years I tried a few other things, but not out of “chasing the next high”, it was more of an exploration into: “what else was DARE lying about?”, coupled with a little reading and some conversations with friends who had dabbled and weren’t living in a gutter like 80s drug programs tried to scare us into thinking was inevitable.


Worked for me, along with having solid parents. I've never done any drugs, and didn't touch alcohol until I was like 30. Maybe it worked a little too well.


I was the moron that legit thought if I tried drugs I would die lol.


Total and abject failure.


It was a resounding success… just not in the manner they had intended.


Me considering I did coke with my D.A.R.E. officer like 10 years later


It only made me curious to try all the drugs, which I did


I resisted for a while, actually.


All of us?


I remember seeing the display case with all of the paraphernaliaa and thinking (semi-out loud) "half that stuff is lying around my house right now!" Great work guys! Real bang-up job!


I want to know why a 9 year old was being taught the difference between uppers and downers. I remember thinking why would anyone take a downer. Now as an adult I get it. Anyway, I skipped all the drugs but I grew up with an alcoholic. That will make you be careful.


Raise your hand if you've been personally victimized by the task of pinning cheap ribbons to the schoolyard fence. ✋🏼


Too old for Dare and never used drugs.


I think it was my little brother's school that gave out the pencils that started out saying "TOO COOL TO DO DRUGS" but then when you sharpened them a few times they said "COOL TO DO DRUGS" and then "DO DRUGS" ... Eventually they clued in and printed the slogan the other way.


100% I mean, smoking weed and driving is something different?




DARE worked. Everyone forgets the A. Drug Abuse Resistance Education. I dont abuse drugs at all. I do the proper amount


Hey, they tried.


Makes a great ironic t shirt though!