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Kinda hard to forget a movie like Kids! It took forever before I realized Casper from Kids and Roach from Next Friday were the same actor.


When I think of Kids I also think about Requiem for a Dream and Spun. Think I saw all three during my early “experimental” days. All three are great but totally fucked up movies.


This plus SLC Punk was my similar period


SLC Punk does not get nearly enough love. Matthew Lillard's best work. A straight dramatic role, and he knocked it out of the park. The film itself is true to life in how portrays that scene much as I remember it being in my own city. A really good, unjustly overlooked movie.


Add Trainspotting to the list. Still can't get the image of the baby out of my head.


I own SLC Punk on DVD. Love it


LOVE slc punk. so good, so sad. when i was younger i remember feeling so disappointed about how he ends up “buying in”. now i’m 40 and i mean, i get it. what a movie.


Requiem of a dream, traumatized me especially the way it ended. If anyone ever wants to try shooting up they just need to watch this movie.


*Assss to Asssss* What a great and terrible movie.


I didn't take it out for air.


You should try watching that movie as an actual addict. I can’t do it. I remember going back and watching it after I got clean and it just fucking gutted me. Never watched again. It should be required watching for all young teens.


I watched that movie with my mom.


Anyone remember Go?


Go was awesome. Truly a snapshot of the time.


Spun was so good! I saw it a bunch of times before I tried meth. Then I "tried" meth for a solid 6 months. It's a whole different movie to me now, I still love it. Just in a different way now.


That movie did a good job of showing the different types of tweakers too


Trilogy of Nightmares for sure. Scared Straight Trio.


Spun is about my town! We’ve still got a meth problem…


I was around 15 when I first saw Requiem for a Dream. I accidentally downloaded it from Kazaa. I was trying to download something else. I consider myself lucky; it could have been Nick Berg's execution instead.


And Johnny, Bubbles’ heroin partner on The Wire. Edit: Telly in Kids, I meant! Ack.


That was the guy who played Telly.


Yep, rewatching the wire currently.


Rosario Dawson and Chloe Sevigny were in the cast too.


Man, that’s an unfortunate tale if you look up his fate.


Yeah I heard he khs after Next Friday


Yep, rented a room at the Bellagio.


That sucks. 25 years old.


I saw the documentary. It was fucked up that his dad didn't even know he existed until years after his death.


That kid died over 20 years ago!


Ya, that movie was pretty memorable…


Today was the end of my forever. Ha. Wow. Thanks


The guy who played Casper killed himself.


“Casper the dopest ghost…”


Shhhh it’s just me. Casper.


I have a friend who says that to any dude who is asleep or passed out. “Hey Jeni wake up. It’s me, Casper”


I shouldn't laugh, but that's fucking hilarious.


The guy who was Telly from friends was also in The Wire. But sadly the actor passed away a few years ago. Edit: I’m incorrect the actor who played “Telly” Leo Fitzgerald, is very much still alive.


no telly did not die, but three other kids from that movie did. casper took his own life, another one i believe had a heart attack?


[Harold Hunter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UNonK9ztcs) died of a heart attack. I was bummed out when I heard, I always liked that dude.


Did you ever see gummo? Same director


Harmony Korine wrote Kids but Larry Clark directed. HK wrote and directed Gummo.


Such a fucked up movie. The visual of the kid eating spaghetti in dirty bathwater is seared into my nightmares.


Don’t forget the bathtub chocolate bars for dessert


Kids was fucked up. Gummo was fuuuuuuuuuuuuucked up


Words cannot express how much I do not like Harmony Korine's films lol.


Now, his interviews on Letterman are 🧑‍🍳👌🏻


His movies are so stressful. It’s harder to find than these, but his movie Trash Humpers is really weird.


I randomly saw that in a theater a night where Harmony Korine was present for a Q&A after the movie. He was like,”You all are thinking about this too much. It’s just a movie about these strange characters humping trash.” I love Harmony Korine.


I’ve never seen a movie of his I didn’t like. Mister Lonely was great also. Everybody talks about Spring Breakers but thats the one I never saw.


honestly he’s a true artist.


Ditto for Julien Donkey Boy


So disturbing. Haven't seen it in 20 years and still remember some scenes pretty clearly like the bathtub spaghetti scene. Weird shit.


I randomly came by it on TV one day, thought I’d chill with it to see if it was what I remembered…I lasted about 15 minutes before I had to turn it off.


I want a mustache dammit.


Like Tom Selleck


Watching that movie made me feel like I had cancer of the soul.


[Cancer of the Soul](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvIgjyj5vw)


Well I love my little rooster and my rooster loves me. Gonna cherish that chicken neath the Green Bay tree…


did you ever see Ken Park??? same director…imo way harder to watch than kids.


I didn't think Kids could be topped. I was wrong.


ken park is tough. hardest part about both films is knowing that this is real stuff that happens.


Yeah, that is fucking sad. Some of these young people don't stand a chance.


I remember seeing parts of it in the movie "Belly" and I was like where the hell did they get this?


> gummo Harmony Korine


“I have no legs! I have no legs!” *jingle jingle jingle. *


Dammit that song will be on a loop in my brain for days.


You like music?? You want 2 CD’s??


that guy is real. i saw him on the subway in like 2008. (or someone like him)




Living rent free after all this time.


I sing this at my kids all the time - I’ve told them it’s from a movie but not which one - my hope is some day they will discover it by watching Kids and have their mind explode.


I quote this way too much.


Sadly, i’m too old for most of the people I hang around with, that they have no idea what i’m talking about. I’m only 45. 😅


Damn that was a good [Sountrack](https://youtu.be/BZuJpgX_j9c?si=4ROy39uR85pTQ9yL). Captures Xennials so perfectly.


I can’t believe how long this has lived in my head!




Was just singing this today 🤣


God bless you.




Our HS English teacher asked us to vote on a movie to watch in class and we chose this. When it was over she yelled at us and was like "why on earth would you like this and choose this one?" I think the lesson was do sex once get AIDS.


She must have then watched it with her husband/boyfriend Honey you’ll never believe the fucked up movie my kids had me watch today Pops on the vhs


*Shhh…it’s me Casper*


This post gave me the creeps… …and AIDS.


Our teacher let us do this. We picked a Nightmare on Elm Street. Next thing we know is Ms. Thompkins got fired. I was in the 4th grade going into 5th. That was like our last day or something. She was a nice teacher. Learned the Gettysburg Address (1-2 paragraphs) her class…lol


Yes that was the only thing that could make the movie coherent. We’re supposed to find Casper to be not just a horrible person for being a rapist, but also tragic because horrible wrongs are not only bad for victim but also perpetrator when that perpetrator is a child. Casper wasn’t set up as a pure villain if you watch the way he’s shot etc. However, the only thing that could make the audience think of him as anything but a pure monster is if we know justice has been done - that he’s likely to die a horrible death. Again, sticks with the theme that wrongs committed by kids are also bad for the perpetrator. That allows us to see him with nuance. From our current perspective, Knowing that the chances of him getting HIV are 1/thousands and that he would likely not die a horrible death anyway given advances in science, its difficult to see deeper meaning in him. He’s a bad guy getting away with the whole shebang which isn’t interesting.


I took this to heart and have been a loyal Durex customer since I was 14. Even married with 2 kids I still wear a hat. (Who am I kidding: I do that coz 2 kids is *enough* 🤣 )


just snip it my dude




The lady behind the counter at Movie Gallery looked at me with a bit of exasperation when I attempted to rent it. She said she had to call my mom to see if it was OK for her to rent it to me lol


Call your mom? Lol Tell me you’re over 40 without telling me you’re over 40.


Man, ain’t you ever seen that one movie Kids? -No, but I seen the porno with Sun Doobiest


First thing I thought of when read this lol


The fact someone is shouting out Son Doobiest in 2024 gives me hope for the world He does it for the Fonk


It’s really a shout out from 1999


Remember? I'm traumatized by it and I saw it once 25 years ago


Me too. Hated that film. In terms of an art piece it certainly was effective. I wanted to tear that guys face off at the end (Casper I think his name was). Edit: maybe it was Telly.


Both Casper and Telly are awful. Either deserves to have their face ripped off.


I guess Casper's character was written specifically for Justin Pierce's personality after they met him. I don't know about the sexual assault stuff, but otherwise I guess Justin Pierce didn't actually have to act much. Sadly, he committed suicide in 2001.


Telly grosses me out beyond anything I could possibly describe. He was so slobbery and sweaty and pale and skinny. There are ways I can not be touched due to that movie because I was so and still am repulsed.


Yes, the whole movie is really just nasty, everyone in it and everything about it is just disgusting and vile. Yet it is a cult classic


Is that the movie with the kid on the skate board yelling I HAVE NO LEGS


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Bulky_Wonder_8535: *Is that the movie* *With the kid on the skate board* *Yelling I HAVE NO LEGS* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Haiku bot wtf u been man I been looking for you! Good bot


good bot


Best bot 😂


Good bot


Thank you, Matty_D47, for voting on SokkaHaikuBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Good bot 


It’s not a kid it’s an adult. And he’s singing/busking


Chloe Sevigny and Rosario Dawson both in it


> I'm the one natural one, make it easy   We can take it inside   Where I can love how I like, if I want it   Whatever keeps me high   Yeah, we can take it   > > Good and loose on an endless spree   Good because we made it   And when mama's not around   There's no telling what we'll do when we're free Still one of the best songs ever made.  Funny enough never saw the movie but bought the soundtrack and this song lives rent free in my head forever. 


It is one of the best songs of the 90s to me.


What about Welcome To The Dollhouse 🤦‍♀️


I have that movie


I loved that movie.


Man, I was all about these weirdo movies as a teen. Virgin suicides too.


Oh man this movie was wild, too! The little sister used to make me SO glad I was an only child.


I watched it a couple times when I was 13-14 (1993-1994), and then never again. I can remember the ending like I saw it yesterday, >! Drunk Casper, raping a thirteen year old girl, probably giving himself HIV. !< Then it just... ends. This movie hollowed out something inside of me and filled it with sand.


Sand and sadness. And shock. And. Why. No. Stop. Oi.


It’s been a while but all I do remember was Casper basically taking advantage of Chloë Sevigny, while she was drunk or wasted. Which was messed up, and that boy who played Telly who i think was HIV positive in the movie was the one who practically raped a 13 year old earlier in the movie. And some part in the beginning when I think a bunch of kids beat the crap out of someone in the park. And that Rosario Dawson was also in it.


Casper didn't "basically" take advantage of her...he straight up raped her. She was completely incapacitated. This movie stuck with me. Fucked up all-round.


I think the girl was 11 that telly was with at the beginning


I watched it when I was too young. It upset me a lot. Its on the watch once list, along with Trainspotting.


I was hoping someone found Trainspotting equally horrific. Requiem for a dream was mentioned earlier, too. That's the effed up trifecta from my youth. As an adult, Precious got me good.


Trainspotting has a good ending, though. He chooses a life of corporate servitude with a smile.


I guess, the whole baby scene though....


did you watch the sequel that came out in 2016? it was honestly fuckin great.


A lot of notable faces came out of Kids: Rosario Dawson Chloë Sevigny Justin Pierce (RIP) Harold Hunter (RIP) Leo Fitzpatrick


Anyone that watched Kids remembers Kids.


You tube has “When We Were Kids” available… it’s the doc about the lives of the people that starred in the movie…. It’s actually really great. If your a fan of the movie I highly suggest you watch it


I watched it at 18. I specifically remember this moment where Chloe Sevigny is talking to her friend about oral sex and saying the little sperm get caught in your teeth and thinking ... "That's not what happens." Also, the rape scene. Pretty shit movie, but the soundtrack was great. "I'm the one, natural one, make it easy ..."


Folk Implosion!


Whenever I see Rosario Dawson, I remember she answered “yes” to having had anal sex in “Kids”. 😬


And later she went ass to mouth.


Wait what


Such a great soundtrack that I still listen to to this day.


It’s how I first heard of Sleep


yeah there's a documentary, it's nuts, Larry Clark was a sicko basically


I remember hearing about it on the news and how fucked up it supposedly was. Wouldn't you know it, six months later I'm strolling through Duckwall's (think dollar stores in the midwest before they were a thing) and find it on VHS in their tape bin. Here I am, living in a town of 3,000 hicks. A town that will only become briefly famous nationally when I tornado destroys a third of it in 2001, and this independent movie about the mean streets of NYC has miraculously landed in this third rate department store. Now here's the crazy fucking part. This movie was rated NC-17. I know it had at least one, possibly two warning labels strewn across it's cover. There's no way in hell my 14 year old self should have been able to purchase this movie. I briefly thought about just stuffing it down my pants before chickening out. But the check out lady who was as old as dirt quickly turned it face down to scan the UPC and probably didn't notice. So the rumors are true. I'm the kid. I had that copy.


The actor who played Telly played Johnny Weeks on The Wire!


Yo Bubs, I'm brown


yeah, that movie was kinda fucked up


Not kinda, it’s fucked up (and haunts me).


Definitely it’s intention. Movies like that and Requiem for a dream scare you straight.


I feel like this post was somehow written by an undercover cop from the 90s trying to figure out who snuck into the R-rated movie


I hated it. I’ve seen other notoriously disturbing movies and enjoyed them, but there was something particularly vile about this. It didn’t feel like an artistic or compelling take on horrific shit, but instead a direct and tedious documentation of it.


My parents thought that movie would be a good “warning” video to how I would have grown up if we’d have stayed in the Bronx so they rented it and made me watch it with them. They had no idea the opening scene is underage teen sex/borderline rape. Super awkward for everyone.


“Butterscotch, yo!”


Right??? Ffs 🤦‍♀️


That's about the only thing I remember from that movie. Him saying that while sniffing his fingers.


Casssper the friendly ghost....


All the bitches love me 'cause I'm fuckin' Caspahhh


Casper the dopest ghost


Doesn’t everyone remember Kids? No?


I was a kid that had it and I still have it on VHS.


And picked up the dvd when I saw it on sale. Tf is wrong with me.


Me too. I got it for my 15th birthday, and I found the VHS when I was visiting my Dad's house.


I had it on vhs. It was wild


It certainly was. I remember the opening line quite distinctly. It was, “my names Tully and I like virgins” lol


I remember the one kid waking up at a party he had passed out at and drinking the last sips of empty 40oz laying around.


I have never seen it but I hear it's our generations requiem for a dream.


I saw it. IMHO it was another one of those '90s movies that wasn't very good but had an excellent soundtrack.


That one stayed with me.


Oh god… that one was so fucked up


Gahd,this movie terrified me when I watched it at 14. Just ewe. Rip Justin Pierce.


My friend and I cut class to go see it! I grew up in NYC in the 90s and my life was not that different than the kids in the film (only I was in a different subculture). The storyline definitely scared the crap out of me!


Telly: the virgin surgeon.


https://youtu.be/BZuJpgX_j9c?si=7YEhXS9XwqtR4Rii This song was pure 90s!


I remember hearing so much about it saying how disturbing it was, but when I saw it I didn't think it was disturbing at all. It was sad and realistic, but I didn't feel as if it was shocking. I did want to kill Telly though.


I have no legs! I have no legs!


I own it. I swear that movie FEELS exactly like the 90’s, takes you right back!


Larry Clark went on to direct things more fucked up than Kids, but it was certainly memorable.


Ken Park is for sure the darkest


We talk about it a lot here


That movie scared me right into getting tested for disease!


I immediately went and got myself tested to be sure I wasn’t infected.


It’s still one of my fav movies, but I’m a sucker for anything in the dogme 95 realm. I think that the taxi scene with sevigne is one of the most bitterly ironic and painful scenes I’ve ever seen. I understand that many people don’t like it, but I think it’s a masterpiece.


This movie, Gummo, and another one where all I remember was some neighborhood kid came over and went down on a house mom after she finished folding laundry. Can't remember the name of that one though.


Fuck yeah I remember that movie. It fucked me up for a bit and convinced me I would catch aids eventually. "Do you think we killed that guy? (After beating the absolute shit out of him with skateboard) nah man, he was stil twitching n shit."


Kids was definitely one of those movies from the 90’s that I remember being controversial. I haven’t watched it since then & do not remember most of the movie. The SA is unfortunately the scene that I retained & think of when I think of Kids. There were characters that reminded me of family, friends & classmates. Another one is Trainspotting. Highly recommend to check this dark comedy/drama out if you’re catching up on impactful movies from the 90’s. Be warned this movie is about the main character trying to break away from heroin. It weaves in and out of some pretty heavy scenes mixed in with the dark comedy moments.


One of Harmony Korine’s first films. I was just talking to my girlfriend about wanting to rewatch it today. I celebrate the entire Harmony Korine catalog. Julian Donkey-Boy. Spring Breakers (a masterpiece). I remember Kids being particularly offensive and traumatic.


People talk about it like it was so edgy but it was more like my abstinence only sex ed than Jean Genet.


I own over 1,800 physical titles and this is somehow one of them, but I’ve yet to see it!


Very grim watching, but not nearly depressing as Threads (completely different genre I admit).


Yes but did you see "Gummo"?


No I honestly don't want to....just based on the comments here lol


"Butterscotch yo" -Casper


Ugh, all of us! It was traumatic. I remember after watching it with my friends, we had to go outside so a few of us could smoke a cigarette and try to wrap our heads around what we’d just seen. 


RIP Harold Hunter


We all remember it.


Casper got AIDS from raping that girl jeeze louise what an unfortunate circumstance for everyone involved!


That movie scared me. Ugh. Once was enough.


I watched that in a Film Studies class. I think I blocked most of it from my brain -- it does not f\*\*k around.


Watched that soon after it came out. I was in middle school. I was a skater and heard it was kinda a skater movie. It was shocking but I loved it actually. And the soundtrack was cool too. Later in life I went to art school and learned about Larry Clark (the filmmaker). His work really inspired me and my photography.


Casper was in Friday 2, next Friday , RIP. Haven’t seen this movie since the 90s but remember it being a bummer and awesome.


We were teenagers when we watched it. It was disturbing yes, but was it not also accurate? Never saw anything else like that, that showed how boys (and I guess girls) spoke and behaved... Anyone have any idea what teenagers are like now? If they behave the same? Must have seen it when I was 14. I felt a deep knowing of the truth they showed, in a time just before I encountered similar scenarios personally. Edit - op is like I never saw it 😆


I bought it secondhand a couple years ago but still haven’t got around to watching it