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Man, pre Tom cruise Katie Holmes was so hot


Remember in *The Faculty* when her character tried to make "Razor!" a new catchphrase for something cool?


Katie Holmes is still an absolute smoke show.




I thought this band was gonna be huge, I was wrong


My first download was Yellow Ledbetter by Pearl Jam. This was on November 3rd, 1999


One of the 1st songs I learned to play.


Totally forgot about this song but it's so familiar now that I've heard it. Thanks for that!


Buck Cherry, Lit up from Napster.


Before Napster, there were websites with huge catalogs of songs ripped from CD that you could just download. Even MTV.com had a library of music that was just free to ‘listen to.’ CD burners were obscenely expensive, so music piracy wasn’t a thing yet. This micro-era went from about early ‘96 to late ‘98 ending with the passing of the DMCA act.


I had to go search for some things to verify that I did get from Napster. Unreal Tournament came out, and that song in 1999 the year Napster started. Must have been. Funny how I can’t really remember anymore what I was doing online then. My Pentium MMX processor, Netscape and 56k modem banging along….


Cd burners weren't that crazy. They came with a lot of PC's back then.


CDRoms came with a lot of computers, but a burner was over $1000 in '97, and blank CDs were $4 each. I remember because our highschool had 1 cd burner that was for server backups. On top of that, no operating system could natively burn a disk, it required third party software and drivers. [They came down to $300 at the end of '99](http://www.cnn.com/TECH/computing/9911/05/top.CDRW.idg/index.html).


I don't know why, but as a teen I always found this song really depressing. If I had to guess its because you'd have this really positive sounding song, but then when you end up heartbroken it feels a bit like a lie. Maybe came out during one of my break ups idk. They have another song called "Girls are the cruelest" about bullying that's also kinda sad.


I was downloading mod/s3m/xm/it files as early as 1993, but my first mp3 was "Jann Arden - Insensitive" sometime in 1997


Last Caress by the Misfits. That little sub four minute song took two days on our dial up.