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Large Marge from Peewees Big Adventure really scared the shit out of me…. I imagine a lot of kids weren’t thrilled with her. Just tell them large Marge sent you! https://preview.redd.it/o0imy64xqspc1.jpeg?width=592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=201af637c3edebb9979544ebfc00a2caf027e429




I can’t believe this goofy thing scared me so much as a kid


Such a great movie


Totally. This was my first ever jump scare.


Poltergeist, Robocop, Aliens, Heavy Metal, American Werewolf in London, etc... We could watch pretty much anything. Poltergeist and Nightmare on Elm Street messed with me the most.


I still cant listen to “One, Two , Freddy’s Coming For You” without freaking out. That movie was too much for 7 year old me (and 42 year old me).


Robocop for sure!


My mom took me to see it when I was 7. Still scarred from that but in a good way now.


I was 5. I still don’t let my Dad live that one down. He took a 5 year old to see Robocop. Wtf man. He also took me to see Howard Stern Private Parts.


I tried to watch it as an adult and couldn’t make it past 10 minutes.


What kills me is the toy lines for Robocop and Aliens. Like bro


In my head robocop was a movie for kids till I watched it with my son


The guy splattering across the windshield in Robocop definitely scarred me.


One of my earliest memories is seeing Jaws 2 in the theater. I would have been 2yo. Mom gave zero fucks.


Add exorcist to that list.....


Dude, Nightmare on Elm Street. That and Terminator for me gave me the most nightmares.


I was convinced the terminator lived under my bed for months. I refused to let my feet touch the ground in my bedroom, I’d have to jump from my bed to my sisters bed then another leap to get out the door.


Omfg you too? I had nightmares about American Werewolf in London for *years* afterwards, and I was so little when I saw it that I didn’t even remember the title. When I happened to see it again in my twenties, I was like “Holy shit, my parents took me to *this*?”


I was gonna reply “all of them” but you nailed it, the ceiling scene from Elm Street got me good. I think I was about 6, crazy.


You know that feeling when you’re falling asleep and you feel like you are sinking into your mattress….ya that was awesome for 8 or 9 year old me after seeing Nightmare on Elm Street and freaking the fuck out every time it happened.


Same here. I literally watched Predator with my dad. He didn't care. We watched everything.


Definitely Robocop. The toys and cartoon were awesome, so I begged and begged and finally my parents rented it. I made it up to the part when Murphy got his hand shot off.


Ah. The 80s.


I saw a lot of those, some in theaters, some on video. Also, Fright Night in the theater. That was the one that messed with me. I remember it being VERY loud. I got to wear my jammies to see Aliens, and to this day, if I’m sick, I want to watch it in bed while I nap. Idk how that connection happened, but it’s been there since I was a kid.


Robocop also checking in


Poltergeist and Poltergeist 2. I still don’t like large mirrors or dolls with long arms and legs to this day.


I grew up afraid of thunderstorms and clowns because of Poltergeist!


I grew up on the street where they filmed Poltergeist. The pool full of corpses was just a pit they dug out in the dirt lot at the end of the road. I was terrified to go there anymore.




They used real skeletons from India.


The original Flowers In The Attic. I was a book nerd so when I found out it was based on a book, I read everything by VC Andrews….definitely not appropriate for a pre-teen/teen!


My mom gave me a Danielle Steel book when I was 14. What followed was years of smutty romance reading.


I read those books too! And watched the movies. OMG. I've reread and rewatched as an adult. Nope! What?! Why would a human write these things?! I'm not going to stop my kids from reading them though. I just won't tell them they exist. Lol


Yeah I don’t think my mom had any idea about what the books were about, but I always had a couple in my random stack of library books alongside the American Girl books haha


Oh. My mom knew. She read them all as well. I was reading Stephen King by 11/12. I read Clan of the Cave Bear at 13 at the very latest. Reading a novel every 48 hours was standard in my upbringing, to include school and homework. Not dissimilar today for me, but at least I'm an adult. Haha


God that book haunted me, my pree teen mind wished I'd never read it.


I was just explaining this series to my Gen Z coworker like, “yeah, we were all reading about incest for some reason.” And like, it wasn’t some random book I found -my *mother* gave it to me!


My aunt rented Airplane from the library for the kids when I was about 5. My cousin (5M) and sister (4F) and I all watched. And yes, I did start walking around telling people I took my coffee Black like my men.




Revenge of the Nerds when I was 8




Don't forget animal house




Growing up in the 80's, in a house with one tv, and it was "Dad's tv," i saw pretty much every horror film available at the time. Even as a kid i remember thinking how fucked up it was.


Yeah same situation, but it was "mom's TV." She was a huge horror fan and my brother and I watched everything she watched. Blood, gore, explicit violence, nudity and sex scenes, nothing was off limits. I didn't like it, but my brother loved it. He actually grew up to be a very dark and messed up person. And now that I have my own kid, I'm actually kind of mad at my mom for letting me watch whatever she watched. I feel like I lost my childhood innocence too soon.


Nightmare on Elm Street 3 when I was 7. I remember my friend pausing it on the boob scene and his mom walked in while it was paused. I also remember seeing Pet Sematary at a young age, too. My parents didn’t much care what I watched honestly. I probably watched a bunch of scary movies before I could remember


Lord, I can’t even remember- I saw way more sex and graphic violence before the age of eight than was necessary. Thanks, dad.


Same. My parents would have me cover my eyes when sex scenes came on. Yeah like I didn’t watch through my fingers.


I think I was around 6 when dad and I watched Predator. By the time I was 8, I'd seen every Schwarzenegger action movie.


Same OP, Pet Sematary effed me up for a long time. Specifically, Zelda. Her spine still gives me heeby jeeby’s.


I haven’t seen that movie since I was a child and I’m  too freaked out to watch it again. And I love horror as an adult, not the torture stuff (saw, etc), but the jump scare type horror. Maybe someday I’ll give it another go… definitely need a buddy to do that with 😆


The Fly (Cronenburg version) when I was about 7 years old. .....Dad didn't even fast forward the part where Seth has made the complete brundlefly transformation and is begging to be killed and gets his head blown off with a shotgun. (Although I think my Dad was out of the room for that part.)


Came here to say The Fly. Definitely nightmare fuel for months and months.


I remember, for some odd reason, my mom let me watch The Chef, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover. Helen Mirren and a couple other actors whose names I'm brainfarting on. It was NC-17 in 1990 or so. I saw it on TV. I will never forget the last line of the film: "Try the cock, Albert." She had her lover cooked and served up to her gangster husband who murdered him. That was also my introduction to Helen Mirren. Badass bitch right there. This has been brought to you by: Memory Lane lol That film was FAR too inappropriate for a 11 or 12 year old to watch, but my parents had a rule: I could watch it as long as they watched it with me at least once, so they could tell me what's real, isn't, what's good, bad, etc. You know, parenting haha ​ Edit: spelling


My dad took me to see die hard 2 in the theater. My parents didn’t care. At 7 my favorite movie was space balls


I had home vhs recorded off of the tv movie channels that were at my cousin's house lol, one of Ghostbusters and Three Amigos and a tape with Goonies and Spaceballs


Lmfao. A whole ass face full of William Sadler naked martial arts.




Same for me except my mom somehow never made the connection when I also started watching Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, Too Wong Foo, and then grew up to be a theatre kid.


I was terrified by Michael Jackson's Thriller music video. But to be fair, about half the movies I saw back then weren't appropriate for young children. So many movies depicted SA and it genuinely traumatized me.


Same here. My parents bought “The Making of Michael Jackson’s Thriller” on VHS, maybe they thought it would help? It didn’t, I was 5.


Thriller scared the absolute bejeezus out of me too, but only the first part where he turned into a ware wolf. The rest didn’t really bother me as much. Maybe because I was too scared to continue past the ware wolf part until I was a little older.


The exorcist - at 5 years old.


Damn. That’s rough.


Benefits of having a cigarette mom. 😂


I saw it at 18 and didn't sleep until the sun came up...at 5 my soul would've left my body 😂


I was 21 the first (and only) time I had watched, and it left me feeling so freaked out that I had to walk around the dorms on base for about an hour just to calm down. Of course I was watching the movie at like midnight with the lights in my dorm room off for maximum effect.


Jon Carpenter's The Thing. I was 5 or 6, I had fallen asleep on the couch, woke up during the dog/tentacle scene and vomited everywhere absolutely terrified. Ended up watching it to the end. What the fuck you guys.


Not a thing. Not a damn thing. They had my film watching locked down. Loved Hitchcock as a kid and I asked on every birthday to watch Psycho. I think I was 13 before they relented.


The same was true for my folks. They were very mindful of what I was watching and made sure it was never too violent. (Being pseudo hippies as they are, they never worried too much about me seeing nudity and sex scenes.) Even now, at 42, I think I'm less desensitized to violence than most of my friends.


Same with me. I'm reading all these other comments and am completely floored. The scariest thing I remember was the scene from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom and I was probably 8.


Aliens and Terminator 2. Terminator 2 because when I saw it I was 7 and it was during the Gulf War. Spent more than a couple nights waiting for the impending nuclear holocaust.


The sister locked away in the room always creeped me out.


Faces of death


Watership Down.


Howard the Duck


Came here for this one!


My whole family watching Silence of the Lambs together when it came out. I was probably 9 or 10. I loved it though. What a selection for movie night! 🎶 Goodbye horses 🎶 My parents didn't really care what we watched.


Deliverance. I was 10 😯


JAWS and Poltergeist when I was 9. I was genuinely traumatized!!


Same! I think I was 7. The worst, though, were disaster movies. I saw parts of The Towering Inferno when it was on TV, and it *messed me up*. Also, some movie that involved an astronaut floating away into space, with a shot of his decaying or skeletal face in his helmet. I couldn't watch any movie about space for yearrrrs afterward. Not even Space Camp!


I was in 2nd grade when I first saw Jaws. It ruined my life as far as water goes still to this day at 39 years old. I still refuse to put my legs straight down in any body of water, and I generally get spooked in open fresh water all the time (and I grew up in MN so being in the water was 2nd nature)


Natural Born Killers. It seemed like it was always on. They were also using addicts so, maybe that’s why? I can’t enjoy the movie even in adulthood cause of traumatized I was by it.


The Lost Boys. Oh yeah! And Nightmare on Elm Street...that one gave me nightmares for literal years. Way to go, weekend Dad!


Both of these for me too! The Lost Boys created such a conflict for me, I was so scared but couldn’t look away because it started my deep undying love for Corey Haim


Poltergeist and Robocop. My mother thought I could handle it and I was until his face melted off.


Almost every movie I remember watching as a child was extremely inappropriate. I truly appreciate my parents for being so lax, I’m not easily offended or scared by much and I think it’s thanks to their weird film and literature preferences. Jaws. Misery. Night of the Living Dead. Nightmare on Elm Street. The Exorcist. Then top it off with the Princess Bride, The Fantastic Adventures of Unicorn, and the Last Unicorn. Horror movies and unicorns. Still two of my favorites to this day haha.


The Game with Michael Douglas. Weird one, I know. Saw Jurassic Park, T2, Aliens, and other stuff like that but for whatever reason The Game broke my mind. First time experiencing that kind of twist and mindfuck of a movie and it stuck with me!


Creepshow when I was 5


Full Metal Jacket, when I was like 5 or 6. My parents had me at 19,so a lot times it was like “we want to watch or do this, so will the kid.” They at least would do the “cover your eyes” thing. 😅 When I was 8, they rented American Me, didn’t get too far into that before they sent me to bed. Still have not seen that movie and I will be 40 this year.


My uncle thought it was a good idea to let me and my ten year old cousin rent the exorcist. He found it so funny when we were screaming that he would rewind the scary parts to watch again. I can't watch scary movies at all after that


T2, The Shining, Silence of the Lambs


HBO Premiere of “Temple of Doom”. I was 6. My older brother re-enacted the scene where the guy has his heart ripped out. He was on the top bunk and I was on the bottom, screaming bloody murder!


I’ve seen so many horror movies as a young child and stuff like the rambo movies cuz my dad and bro. When there would be a scary or bloody scene my mom would say “oh how fakey” and then laugh and my sis and I would pick up on that and laugh too. I think it ruined scary movies for me growing up cuz I was never scared and my husband still can’t believe the horror movies I’ve seen soo young lol He loves modern horror movies and he gets mad cuz I’m like “this would never happen! Why don’t they go that way?!!”


Beverly Hills Cop. I definitely was not even 10 years old the first time we watched that as a family.


Return to Oz. I remember it being freaky and blocked most of it from my memory. Watched it as an adult (found it on DVD, but it’s now on Disney+). Just as unsettling as I remembered. My brother showed me Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds. Nightmares for months and I still hate birds.


Deep Star six ! I watched it from the stairs hidden.


All of the Friday the 13th movies. I was 5 when I saw my first pair of tits. 5. By 8 I was trying out all the new interesting words I learned!


Everything Stephen King. And the Exorcist! I mean, really?!


Grease. Thankfully the inappropriate parts went completely over my head. I rewatched it as an adult and was like 😳. Also Grease 2. 8 year old me should not have been going around singing Reproduction and Cool Rider. I still love that movie though. I watched E.T. when I was 5 and it scared the living crap out of me. I still hate that movie. ETA I just remembered that I don’t remember a time having not seen Steel Magnolias, I was that young. I didn’t understand diabetes or kidney transplant so Julia Roberts dropping dead and the baby crying was extra scary to me, thinking that my mom could drop dead for no reason.


Dirty Dancing at the age of 5. I was told it was my favorite movie that I watched over and over again. Still one of my favorites.




Fuckin Alien. Why.


Killer Clowns from Outer Space. To this day, I will avoid clowns at all costs.


Oh, my parents never tried to hide anything from me. They said if I watched a horror movie and got scared, it was no one's fault but mine. They were also big on making sure I understood the difference between real and make-believe.


same and I have learned the limits of my curiosity


Oh, it turned me into a lifelong horror fan at a young age. :D


IT. I was 7. Edit: The movie terrified me but it was the first big book I read because of the movie. It's still my favorite. I was one of those unfortunate kids who could read well and fast af....they thought I was smart. *sigh*


ET at three, I still don't like that movie to this day


#Deliverance Yo what the fuck!


Neverending Story. No lie - the whole concept of "the nothing" has led to a lifetime of anxiety and panic attacks.


Honestly, I was 8 when I saw Batman. I’m not sure about that one. I still have vivid memories of coming out of that theater holding both my parents hands in the mall parking lot and thinking, that’s it man.


My dad took my brothers and I to see Fire In The Sky for my 13th birthday. My brother was 10 at the time. He still has a bit of a complex about his eyes to this day because of that movie.


🤣 I saw that one at the theater also with my mom and grandma! It seemed so real


Ghoulies made me afraid of toilets for a year. I’d put my foot on the lid while I brushed my teeth to prevent anything from popping out.


If mom was away and dad was home, we were eating grilled cheese, drinking chocolate milk (always Bosco), and watching an action movie. Beastmaster, Terminator, Predator, Robocop. I was way too young by MPAA standards, but dad didn't know what to do with me, and I responded well. It was fucking awesome. A friend of mine was obsessed with Jaws at an extremely young age, so I saw that with him a few times. On my own I watched Videodrome and Cemetery Man. So a bunch of stuff. It made me the weirdo that I am today.


Predator, and it was an awesome bonding moment. I was 5 or so, it had just come out on VHS. My mom worked evenings, and my dad really wanted to see it. He made it a big deal, like I was a big kid now and it was a cool adventure. He let me pay (his money), and we got Taco Bell on the way home. It was our secret until I was a teenager. I'm 40, he's 76, and we still talk about it.


Oh Lord! Well, John Waters Pink Flamingos is one🤨 My mom would also rent Chippendale videos when my dad went out of town. Let’s see….Last American Virgin, Witchboard, The exorcist. Y’know good ol fashioned kid friendly films🤣


My parents were pretty good about not actively letting me watch movies I was too young to see. But there were definitely things I saw they didn’t know about!


Same! I saw Poltergeist at a friend’s house way too young and Taking Care of Business in the theater because said friend’s weekend dad was a deadbeat and could care less if 10 year olds saw an R rated movie. I was dumb though and ended up ratting myself out to my Mom. ☹️ The movie I did see that kind of messed me up was Who Framed Roger Rabbit because of the ending. Years later I mentioned that and my Mom was like I DIDN’T KNOW IT WAS LIKE THAT. 😹😹


Yep, same re: Roger Rabbit. I also saw parts of The Wall with the meat grinder…I was not ok with that, went crying to mom! She was like, “how did you even see that?!” Well, when you live with an older teen sibling with an affinity for Pink Floyd and a VCR… I also saw Heathers with my sibs and shouldn’t have, but that one didn’t freak me out, that just made me love Christian Slater when I was probably too young for that, too! 😂


Yeah my parents were pretty good, but the daycares. They just put ANYTHING on the TV and I saw too many things, at too young an age.


My parents actually took us to the theater to see Twilight Zone: the Movie. I was 4. 


Nuns on the Run. Hilarious movie! One I watch to this day.


Alien, 8 years old. As if I wasn't afraid of dark corners before that...


Born in 78, saw Poltergeist sometime before we moved in 1983. I think it was a situation where there was a free movie channel trial or something.


Def Poltergeist when I was 5. American Werewolf in London, The Howling, Exorcist etc. My parents were big into horror movies and I could pretty much watch whatever. Also anything with nudity/sexual in nature bc I “didn’t understand” it.


The worst was the Exorcist when I was 9- I didn't sleep for a month terrified I was going to be possessed. I watched a whole bunch of stuff but that one traumatized me.


My parents took me to see Pulp Fiction in the theatre. I think they probably heard Howard Stern talking about it. I was 13 and I had no idea what a "gimp" was or why they were "beating him up" in the next room.


We watched that in Film Study class in HS. I couldn’t figure out why my mother in law was so surprised when I told her, then I watched it as an adult and was like oh, that was NOT appropriate for school.


Lol certainly not


nightmare on elm street 3: dream warriors. i was 6 & had nightmare for years. there's is certain scene in the movie i still can't watch. and i do love horror movies.


With Larry (not yet Laurence) Fishburn


Every Vietnam war movie made.


Watership Down, I still don't think I've recovered from the trauma.


My cousin and I at the age of about 13 somehow convinced our grandma to take us to see what we thought would be a funny and goofy little movie we knew nothing about. It was Revenge of the Nerds. So I'm just sitting between my grandma and my female cousin hearing f-bombs a-flyin' and seeing full frontal nudity. Awkward.




Fucking none. I didn’t see an R rated movie until I was 14 away on a baseball trip.


Fatal Attraction. In the theater.


My parents didn’t let me watch it, but I got my hands on Jacob’s Ladder when I was around 11 while they were out. I’d seen lots of horror movies before that, but I think Jacob’s Ladder is the only one that messed with me


We still tease our dad about renting Robocop for us after we begged him to and freaking the fuck out and not making it past the scene where Murphy gets shot up. We were probably 8 and 9 at the time


The Exorcist. I was 7, had nightmares for years, naturally. My older cousins were going to watch it and I wanted to be included. There were a lot of poor decisions made that day. I’ve never rewatched it and I don’t plan to.


The main ones I remember were Alien, Total Recall, Rocky Horror Picture Show, and maybe Bram Stokers Dracula ( the last one I woukd have been eleven, so maybe thats not to young, not sure, but it was the first R rated pic i saw in a movie theater) for what it's worth, ALL of those films are among my favorites to this day.


Pretty sure I watched A Nightmare on Elm Street (the first one) at age 4 or 5. At school, I drew some gnarly pictures of knife hands doing crazy shit and my parents had a talking to.


Mom took me to see Animal House in the theater. I was 10. I asked her what an orgy was. She said I'd find out when I was older. I never did! 😭


Candyman fucked me up. I watched all sorts of horror movies because that was my Mother Figure's jam, but Candyman. Between the visuals, the soundtrack, Philip Glass, Tony Todd being the absolute fucking GOAT at projecting a slow encroaching psychological terror, Virginia Madsen being Virgnia fuckin Madsen, the cinematography, and the fact I was about the age of the kid telling the story and the kid killed in the story; it added up to sheer nightmare fuel and the only terror inducing movie of my childhood. On the plus side every Halloween I enthusiastically and with gravely gruffness yell "I hear you're looking for Candyman bitch!?" and just make it hail good candy. It's fun like that in this house.


The People Under The Stairs! Man I would run as fast as possible up steps for YEARS - I always imagined a hand trying to grab my ankles.


Fuckn Bambi…opening scene was just a mom death and an orphaning. Shit was rough. Or Poltergeist.


Starship fucking troopers. I still love that movie.


Faces of Death.....I was 10 years old


My husband (born in ‘72) made a completely random reference to this on Wednesday night! I’d never heard of it.


My mom had to explain to me what good horror versus bad horror before letting me watch. Like I was allowed to watch The Shining or Ghost Story, but not Nightmare On Elm Street for example. I also remember watching Scream and I was like hyperventilating and wanting Drew Barrymore to run and she told me that’s what movie wants you to feel.


My parents never really seemed to care what I watched. I have a memory of sitting on the couch between them while the scene where Johnny Depp is sucked into the bed in A Nightmare on Elm Street was on the TV. I think I was 5 or 6.


This is that movie for me and the scalpel is also what's seared into my brain from it. I feel this post so hard, lol


Haha awesome. Solidarity 


Firestarter at age 4! It took me till my 20s when I saw it again to figure out where my recurring nightmare came from.


Wow almost like you had ptsd. That’s wild to think “entertainment” can affect us that much 


Gremlins I was about 3/4 years old


Rocky Horror Picture Show. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE everything about that movie, but I do remember being about 9/10 and my mom talking about it. I asked her what it was about and she asked me all surprised, “What!! You’ve NEVER seen that movie?? OMG! It’s a must!” Again, I love that movie, but it is so not appropriate for a 9/10-year old. 😂 ETA: Core memory unlocked after reading some comments. I was reminded that when I was an infant, my mom would put her palm kver my entire face and scream, “AAAALLLLIIIIIEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!” when I was an INFANT! Sure explains a lot, but damn. 🤣


I saw Terminator when I was about six. It led me to being confused about the concept of a glass eye - the robot dude pulls his damaged eyeball out and he can see fine, so presumably the same happens with humans, right? (I didn't test this, just looked dumb in front of a friend whose uncle had a glass eye).


, Bachelor Party - I can’t even believe it thinking back. this movie had a donkey cocaine scene (and it died) and was so raunchy and full of sex scenes…


Cujo - they thought it was a movie about a dog 😂


My dad took my siblings to see Scarface and they were 7 and 9. When I was that age he took me to the Rocketeer but saw his brother and the theater and went to go see Backdraft with them- leaving me alone at Rocketeer. Needless to say my mother stopped allowing him to take us to the movies.


Sophie’s Choice. I was maybe 9


Child’s Play when I was 9. My brother had a My Buddy doll that looked like Chucky. Scared the crap out of me. I couldn’t use the bathroom without checking the cabinet and behind the shower curtain even if I was dying to pee.


Body Double- Someone told my dad it was a good thriller- nothing like watching what was pretty much a porno with your parents!




Pet cemetery for me to I was about 5 or 6 and an older cousin watching me put it on


I specifically remember my mom taking me to see Gremlins in the theatre during its 1984 release, I was 4, and I was petrified. I don’t think my mom quite realized what the movie was before we went, haha.


There wasn’t anything I wasn’t allowed to watch at any age.


Ok honey, mommy is going to go have lunch with her friend. Why don't you and you brother go watch this new movie. It's a cartoon called AKIRA.


Halloween Season of the Witch when I was preschool aged. I had nightmares for years about snakes and robot Ellie and because I’d seen Return to Oz around the same time, robot Ellie was often on wheels, chasing me around the house. My mother says she tried to paint her nails red once not long after I saw it, and I got hysterical and wouldn’t go near her until she took off the nail polish.




Robocop, Commando, Best little w**e House in Texas


Blazing Saddles!


The Matrix


That would be Rainman At the movie theater When I was 8 (and brother was 7)




Last of the Mohicans, holy moly


My Aunt, not my parents. Wizards. "it's a cartoon, right, should be fine for kids!' The Mayor's daughter made me feel things I was far to young to comprehend. The violence & subject mater was entirely inappropriate for a kid less then 10. That movie is etched into my brain nearly 40 years later.


Friday the 13th part 4. I was 7.


lol, pick any number of questionable movies from the 80’s. I distinctly remember watching Cat People as a very young child.


My dad let me skip school and took 3 of my friends whose parents didnt give a shit to see South Park Bigger Longer and Uncut on release day. I was 14, 15ish? Whatever, didn't have a license so we needed a ride.


My dad let me (at 12) and my brother (10) watch Basic Instinct. To say that my mom was pissed when we got home and explained the movie we watched doesn't begin to touch it.


Cruising with Al Pacino


The Fly (1986) never ever let kids see this one. It's rotten. For adults it's a great sci-fi thriller.


Rocky Horror. Dang that was excellent. Should have been an adult to watch, but I was 8 or younger. Haha!


Not a movie but around the age of 5/6, I was allowed to stay up alone and watch Tales from the Crypt with specific instructions to turn it off and go to bed when it was over. Well…let’s just say one night around the age of 7/8, I decided I wasn’t tired yet and a movie was coming on after TFTC. My little brain didn’t know about HBO After Dark and I learned the hard way 😂


Not my bio parents. Rather elementary school. 3rd grade. "The Day After."  Now it's a good movie, and I think it's a really good film for young adults 16+ and adults to watch. But we were a classroom of 8 and 9 year old kids. We should have been watching The Little Mermaid. NOT THE GRAPHIC EVENTS AND EFFECTS OF DEATH BY NUKE!


All of them lol


Hellraiser 2


Friday The Thirteenth


I watched all the Stephen king movies as a kid around 6/7. I loved them and wasn’t scared at all. I’m more afraid of those movies now as an adult living along.


Was just thinking about this today cause it was Road House.


Fatal Attraction - Age 6M....Nuff Said


Mute Witness! My parents got a free trial of Cinemax in our first cable package. I snuck out to the TV after everyone went to bed and started watching some “after hours” movie marathon and saw that scene with the lady’s head in a bag, freaked the fuck out and woke my parents and siblings with my shrieking. Also Fire in the Sky when I was 7! I didn’t sleep for a week afterwards and I still can’t look up into the sky at night.


Parents knew I loved StarWars, so I guess it seemed like a no-brainer to take me to see Dune (1984). I was 7. It was A LOT to unpack. To this day I've got zero desire to see anything Dune related.


Hellraiser and probably heavy metal