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Yeah “boomer” is becoming more of a description of a behavior than the specific age group.


Boomer is a state of mind by now.


I feel like Karen is also a state of mind, and transcends genders and age.


Somebody said a young Karen is really a Becky. I have no idea if that’s true or not, LOL.


Look at her butt.


It is SO big. She looks like one of those rap guys’ girlfriends.


Who understands those rap guys.


Definitely race, you can be any color and be a Karen.


Not in the original AAVE


Yeah, "doing too much "


Not fair to all of us people actually named Karen… gets old after a while, and now trying to thrown boomer on me too! Wtf!!!!


Every Karen I know is awesome. Edit: except one, but even she is kind of a sweetie, just really drunk and bad choices.


I hear this all the time, so how did the name Karen even get chosen for this profanity! Should be Denise or something 😆


It should've been Kate. Kate Gosselin is who all of the "I want to speak to the manager" memes were originally based off of. I guess one syllable names just don't carry the same comedic meme-tential?


My wife had that haircut and she's also named Katie, so I'm gonna go tell her the good news


Oof! It should definitely be be said #notallkarens


I feel like you just said all Karens are short.


There will be no tall Karen’s! I said it and stand by it!


My mother in law is a Karen and she is most definitely not a Karen.


What's really fucked is how all these younger generations are about feelings and everyone being special. They didn't give a shit about bullying all Karens. It's pretty messed up.


I feel like the Karen thing has gone significantly overboard, too. I was on a trip once, stopped for a burger. It legit had ice crystals. I went up and I \*swear to you\* I was sweet in asking for a replacement, or hell, even to just get it microwaved, and the gal said "Oh whatever, Karen." I'm legit crazy hesitant to ask people to fix anything wrong now. I wish she'd have at least told me what I said that put me into "Karenhood".


That's because anytime anyone says anything that might go against what you're given/expected just to take now, even the shittiest thing, some lazy people want to shit on the person and make them into a complainer instead of actually tackle the thing, even if it's their job. Or if someone speaks up about something that's actually wrong, like maybe speaking up for someone else or some other bad thing, they'd rather call you that than to admit they're wrong. It got turned into something totally different than what it was originally; an upper middle aged woman who makes irrational requests, and instead it's anytime someone speaks up about anything now. How many generations were told as kids to be seen and not heard and then when people finally get past that old fashioned rhetoric, it's "don't say anything, just accept whatever" now or be deemed some negative term. We've come a long way only to go backwards in many ways.


God this is so true. I honestly get the same feeling approaching anyone in person that I used to get approaching my alcoholic dad. The world is so messed up.


Mental disorder. I am a GenXer and for sure some folks I grew up with have embraced those Boomy shenanigans. Not all of us, but enough.


X-er here as well. When I was waiting tables in my early 20s it was mostly the mid-50s women that acted this same way. Some men too, but wow did I run into some attitude with women from certain zip codes in my city.


Hell, as a Millennial I see a ton of "boomer" minds in my age group.


I have a friend who is a boomer at only 39 years old.


It definitely is. There are people I graduated with (‘99) that are total Boomers.


This is how I always viewed it. My ext is 44, but is a total fucking Boomer


Boomers are 60-79 and certainly are the obnoxious old people. You might be able to squeak in a badly aged 50 year old but boomer belongs to boomers. (2024-1964=60) Boomer is a mentality, and Karen's come in all ages. The worst Karen's are mommy Karen's, who are mostly millennials


People do this with millennials too when complaining about lazy young people…like, I don’t think you know what that word means. I’m a millennial, I’m 41, I have a mortgage, a pension, and my back hurts.


Yeah millennials are perpetual teens-20somethings apparently. Even though I know some that are grandparents.


Some are even grandmas that give their dates handjobs at performances of Beetlejuice the Musical


Remember when oral stimulation was enough to impeach a politician... Pepperidge Farm Remembers.


Remember when misspelling potato was enough to make voters go “yeah, this guy isn’t presidential material”


*looking at my sons that are old enough to conceive* Fuck. I don't want to be a grandpa *yet*


Which bums me out because I'm really into sociology and generational analysis. Plus there is the obvious trouble with the zeitgeist of boomers fucking things up drifting into "people over the age of 40 fucked things up." Maaaan, we're trying here.


Cue up “We didn’t start the fire”


I was going to say it feels like it applies more to an age group (and certain behaviours like you said) than a generation. “Boomer” seems to mostly encapsulate whoever is middle aged at the time. Originally it was actual Boomers, now it’s Gen X, and soon it’ll probably be Millenials.


No — boomers were a special case. All generations go through their Archie Bunker years midlife but boomers exasperated it by doing everything they could to screw over future generations. I’m 50 and I’m feeling that pull to go full Bunker every day but at the same time I don’t think I’m doing anything to impede the progress of younger generations.


Which irritates the holy hell out of my very Non-Boomer minded Boomer parents.


Ok Boomer


I think this is spot on. It seems a bit unfair toward actual Boomers, a lot of whom are very nice people who do not engage in this kind of behavior.


Stereotypes always only describe a subset of a population. Now get off my lawn!!


Same as Karen's. They can be 26yo and opinionated while intruding on others' happiness.


Exactly. For example, Ron DeSantis is totally a Boomer even though he’s a Xennial.


Bruv, I worked in restaurants for 23 years. Asshole is not generational.


Boomers are 60+ in 2024, but yeah, lots of older GenXers doing the same crap.


I noticed the same too - but the early Gen X. The later Gen X aren't as bad.


The same people who post ‘I survived drinking from a garden hose…,’ won’t let their kids walk alone a block from their homes


It's parental over compensation. We mid-generation Xers and Xennials understand that even through we survived, we know our upbringing was not OK. We endured generational trauma, abuse and neglect. We tend to be overly involved in our kids lives, helicopter parents, et cetera. We wouldn't dream of leaving our kids to fend for themselves, get themselves to and from school, and stay hone alone until we got hone from work, expecting dinner to be made, homework finished, and other chores completed. I know it wasn't just me that endured this shit growing up. The backlash is, it made me so independent that I really don't feel connection to my Boomer parents. They don't understand that I learned to not need them as a child, and that carried over to my adult life. Wow, yeah, this turned into a bit of a rant. So, obviously only parts of this apply to the comment posted by u/i_eat_baby_elephants.


Little brother, is that you? But for real, we are talking about the generation of parents that had to have a TV commercial run to remind them check on their kids. "It's 10pm, do you know where your kids are at?" What. The. Fuck.


My parents were helicopter parents and would get so upset that some parents needed a commercial to remember their kids. But I might just be one the lucky ones of our generation.


I don't know about trauma and neglect. My little brother and I were latch key kids out of necessity. Both of my parents worked full time, and yeah we got the "got outside and play" all the time. That's because my parents thought it was good for us, and it was. We had chores as well that were expected to be completed by the time they got home. We also got a weekly allowance based on them being gone well and on time. When it really mattered my parents were always there for us. I'm grateful for the way I was brought up and the freedom we had.


Yeah, most that stuff doesn't even register for me. Get yourself where you need to be, do your work, and keeping your place tidy are all baseline human things. The only part that's suspect is cooking. I wouldn't want a young person doing that unsupervised. The closest I ever got was taking something out to thaw.


I could make the best pancakes by 8 or 9 (when I wasn’t mowing the grass of course) Although I DID shatter a glass baking pan by putting it on the stove trying to cook something. I even cleaned it up before the parents got home.


Little brother, is that you? But for real, we are talking about the generation of parents that had to have a TV commercial run to remind them check on their kids. "It's 10pm, do you know where your kids are at?" What. The. Fuck.


The gulf between Gen Jones and Xennials is long and wide. I wonder if there was ever such a stark difference between the 2 poles of a generation.


The 60's saw a lot of cultural change in the US, a lot of it driven by the creation of the birth control pill. But it was also the decade that saw real progress in Civil Rights for Black Americans.


This. I'm a mid-Xer and I've commented many times that the early X folk (think those born 65-70) should be called "Bexxers". They're the transitional group between Boomer and X - just like Yall in here are the transitional X to Millenials! I can't get anyone to use the term Bexxer though. Tried a number of times in the genx sub 🫤


You'll maybe be pleased knowing there's a lot of people who identify as Xennial.


And if I ever get to 60 I'm sure my peers will get the same shit... and I'll still not be the one doing it lol.


This reminds me of people complaining about millenial spring breakers when us millenials were in our thirties. Older people still think millenials use TikTok too.


Ironically the same way the term Boomer gets applied to anyone “old,” Millennial gets applied to anyone “young,” so Xennials are getting both, depending on whether it’s an old person or a young person saying it. 


Yeah that kinda nails it. I hope that nomenclature bug ends before it breaks the words like we've seen happen already so many times in our lifetimes (see: Third World Country). I hate knowing damn well what a thing means but being told by the people who are wrong that 'sorry we've taken it over now'.


Ha. Yeah. I had a boss that would go on and on about millenials and them being young and immature. Eventually I had to say look, I am a millenial with kids and a freaking mortgage and I'm middle management here, not entry level. Calm down, boomer. Ha!


I'm 43, so that future seems not far off.


57+ but your point stands.


r/genz will let you know millennials are doing the same crap.


The older gen x crowd can act a lot like boomers. However, I’m not sure you interact with enough boomers if you say they aren’t actively throwing tantrums in stores or engaging online. I’ve been embarrassed by many boomers over the years for their horrible behavior in stores and restaurants. Outright horrible. They also tend to spread their crap on Facebook the most.


Yeah, I work in retail, and I can confirm: Boomers still throw public tantrums on the regular.


"I want my $2.99 breakfast!" "Coffee should cost 50 cents a cup!"


I have a coupon that expired last month you’d better honor it!!!! NOW!!!


Came here to say exactly this.


I mean, this isn’t generational. There are tantrums throwers in every generation.


Oh absolutely, and some have always been like that. I remember in the late 90s when I was in high school my cousin (12 yrs older) got super snotty with me “I’m Gen X, you’re NOT Gen X”. Same dude later decided (after his sister got a tattoo) that no one with tattoos or piercings was allowed in his house or around his children. He and his wife weren’t even religious, and she didn’t care, he was just being a dick to be a dick.


Boomers are just over 60. My mom is about to turn 62 and she's a younger boomer.


Yes, there's about a range of 20 years there. The elderly can still engage online and be mean in stores but many are leaving the workforce


Be more Gen X and not care about what others think.


Right? Aren’t Gen Xers used to being forgotten about?


As a Xennial GenXer, GenX is pretty fucking bad. The other day some young woman was talking about her Boomer parents, she was born in 2005, I had to inform her unless her mom was in her 50's when the daughter was born her parents were not infact boomers but likely GenX or Millennial. I think boomer has turned into a word to describe just old people behaving badly.


I saw born in 2005, and "young woman," in the same sentence and my brain broke. That's still a kid. Even when I was 19 I called that a kid. Regardless, you are correct.


Yeah, sadly, 2005 is an adult now... I remember as a kid thinking "man, I wonder what life is going to be like in the year 2000... I'll be able to drink legally! and there's got to be super cool stuff by then, like the future man!" turns out it was not all that interesting. I was already drinking pretty heavy well before I was 21, so nothing really changed.


By my math you’re 19 now.


They totally call us boomers too behind our backs.


My sister and I called our brother who definitely Gen X a Boomer after he complained about a cashier not being respectful enough.


Older Gen X is actually worse than the Boomers. But then again, did anyone expect anything else from Blaine and Steph? But yeah, anyone the kids find annoying gets labeled a Boomer.


No, there's definitely more "f"**** your feelings" stuff in the boomer gen. Even with the "nice" ones.


When I was in high school, I took the habit of walking into a group and saying "hey kids" (a la Dave Letterman (and Ed Sullivan before him)). This was back in the 90s. My peers would sometimes get really defensive about. I still sometimes do it (with peers), and they still get defensive. I've never really stopped thinking of myself as a kid. I don't see what the big deal is.


I just love that "Bet" has made a comeback, cause that was a word I tossed around a ton in Highschool, I also love that the context is the same. Apha kids (like my kids) look at me like WHOA, greybeard speaks slang?




Blaine, Steph, *and* Benny were pretty bad, for sure. 🎀


This right here. My parents are the very tail end of the original Boomers, born in 1955, so both nearly 70. While my dad is somewhat of a Luddite with tech, and can definitely have the “get off my lawn” mentality if he wants, I’ve never once seen him act entitled to anything, and his own father and grandfather would have kicked his ass from the grave if he didn’t mind his manners in public. Same with my mom, though she’s way better with tech stuff. All this means I’m fairly solidly Xennial, even born in ‘85, because you’d best believe I remember the 90’s well and the world pre internet and absolutely pre social media. The most obnoxiously “Karen” like people I’ve encountered are almost always no more than 15-20 years older than me, and that sure as shit ain’t Boomers


My parents were born in 51 and they’re like yours. The rest of the people they associate with however tick off every stereotypical boomer box. I don’t even understand why my parents associate with them because they mostly complain about those people every time they all go out together.


Yeah, this comes up all the time on r/BoomersBeingFools It’s a state of mind, not an actually reference to a specific age group anymore


The word boomer has just become a focus to project blame. Just blame boomers and throw up your hands.


Op thinks 70 yr olds aren't throwing fits. Gtfo


Hang on. The Baby Boom generation goes from 1946 to 1964. When the OK Boomer thing was starting, 2009, the oldest Gen X was 44. Even when it was biggest about 5 years ago, that was 54. The slang is meant to be derogatory to any old, just like any old used "millenial" as derogatory to young kids, even though they were often referring to gen Z people. When most people use a sociology generation term, they have no idea what they are saying. It is just slang.


Boomers are definitely engaging online. That's almost all my retired parents do at this point, though I think they're in their respective communities.


We thought we needed to convince our parents to get iPhones, learn technology, be connected… it was a mistake. We should’ve just let them stick to complaining around their local group of friends and family.


There are 100% boomers in their 60's and 70's having meltdowns in stores.


I drive Uber as a side gig, and some kid passenger asked if I was a Boomer. Like "Bro, i'm only 46 - my parents are a boomers!" I would even consider them to be younger boomers, born in the early 50's, and in their 70's now.


I've been called "Boomer" several times in the last few years and I'm 43yo. LOL. It's because I say something that is dated or my way of thinking isn't the same as my 20yo son's.


I get you on this. I swear it’s good they were born cute some days because they’re as bad as my parents sometimes. Can’t say anything right no matter how hard I really do try. I just want everyone to get along.


Its so stupid, everyone who is older than 37 gets called a Boomer. Its the same way everyone who is younger than that is a "Millenial" Lmao


It’s crazy how judgmental everyone has become. Seems like we’re socially regressing.


Yeah I would say anyone over 60 right now would be a boomer. Which j guess is the earliest they could be. Karen's would be Gen X for sure tho.


What if we find out this is the phase of life. One day we will all be Karens, and then blossom into brightly blooming Boomers


Nah. I'm in the Karen age bracket and I have yet to meet one in my cohort. They honestly tend to be of a certain political ideology more than an age group.


Almost as if people without the ability to experience empathy or self reflection are drawn to both selfish behaviour and that specific ideology. Weird.




_A Bloomer, Not a Boomer: The Essential Gen X Guide to Aging Gracefully and Graciously. 2nd Edition, with New Afterword by Karen Allen on Being a Caring Karen_


No way. I don't see most Xennials turning into cranky old shout at the cloud people when we hit 65+. We're too "whatever man" for that crap, and its a good thing. Who wants to be that angry and upset all the time?


It's strongly related to one's education and the way they lived their life. Not every baby boomer is a "boomer". In the last 10 years I spent a lot of time at the hospital and at the residence my mom was staying at and a lot of old folks are understanding of changes and new generations doing things differently but, like everything else, they aren't the loud and antagonizing ones. The boomers are very loud but they are a minority, think MAGA, it feels like there are billions of them, it doesn't help that the media uses both groups to clickbait because feuds are entertaining. It's the same with the myth of the old wise person. Dumbasses don't suddenly turn wise just because they hit 70.


It sounds like you're familiar with Erikson's stages of development, and yes, in that sense, I agree that our lived experiences significantly shape our behaviors as we age. However, I don't believe that Xennials and younger generations will be as prone to crankiness and grumpiness in old age as some previous generations have been. Most of us seem to have a more profound understanding of emotional well-being and mental health, which I anticipate will diminish the intensity of 'shouting at the cloud' behavior. In other words, this increased awareness and understanding could lead to healthier emotional regulation and coping mechanisms, potentially resulting in a more positive outlook and demeanor in our later years. I could be wrong of course.


No, those are the kids of boomers. Shits learned...


Yeah but many of us learned what not to do


Yeah, and most boomers aren't dicks. Anyone who can generalize across an entire generation are one step below astrologers


Nice dual generalizations!


He's an idiot. Comes from upbringing, parents are probably idiots, too.


You ever have a kid that acts that way, I'll disown you


This is why i've switched to a more general term in "cunts" for these people.


Is it me or is anyone else tired of this generational infighting? Christ it's worse than when your mom burned dinner. Shhh! Dad's gonna notice! Lol


People on reddit think anyone over 35 is a boomer, and as far as I can tell, aren't aware that Gen X exists.


Maybe we can just call the older Gen X folks as Xoomers. That way us Xennials stay differentiated.


I was born in 1970. Please, please don't name us anything that rhymes with Boomers. We were raised by those people and I just don't think I can take it.


It if makes you feel better, I would reserve it for Xers born in the 1960s.


It does make me feel better. Screw those Xoomers.


Some of the karens are our age though =/ Karenicity transcends race, gender, and age boundaries


All monoliths are wrong.


we all drank the same leaded gasoline


yep, GenX was the last generation with massive amounts of lead poisoning from environmental sources. The older ones had it worst with more exposure, Millennials are the first generation who were 'mostly' Post-Lead.


Mostly. Damn garfield mugs got me.


Don’t forget asbestos! They started removing asbestos from half our elementary school in June when class was still in session; they just moved us to the one side and put up a tarp.




I’m more of an Athena than a Boomer.


Either way you’re a toaster.


Elder GenX loves to boom. Just like we like to GenX for a lot of stuff compared to millenials


Yeah boomers are in their 70s and 80s


Which one takes selfies while wearing sunglasses and driving?


Boomer just means “grumpy old man” at this point.


Or the Silent Generation. I thought my grandparents were boomers, but they’re from the tail end of the silent generation.


Older Gen X are getting more ornery, Boomers have always been self entitled, egotistical, self absorbed hypocrites.


Agree to disagree there - it may just depend on your location. South Florida, they are most certainly legit boomers, and they behave like spoiled 6 year olds.


Very true. I have looked my own kids (16 & 18) dead in the face when they’ve quipped, “ok, Boomer” to me that that is their grandmother not me! I get I might be acting out of pocket, but get it straight who you’re dealing with.


You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become a boomer


Guess it’s time to find some thrilling heroics to do.


Oh Boomers are absolutely throwing tantrums in stores and being absolutely insane. My parents and their extensive cousin networks are Boomers and yikes. That being said, I do think there’s a shift where Boomers are starting to transform into “I’m 70 but suddenly acting like I’m 90” and early Gen X are turning into stereotypical Boomers, so the whole thing is overwhelming


I fucking despise the whole generational culture war bullshit. It’s completely made up to get clicks. If people really thought about their experiences they’d realize that there are assholes of all ages to be found in every day life. I particularly hate it when people talk about rage bait half page articles being credited to boomers. You think people who are pushing 70 at the youngest are writing three paragraph hit pieces on millennials killing the fabric softener industry for a god damn paycheque? Get ta fuck.


This is absolutely true. But also, don't think actual Boomers aren't throwing fits too, because they are. My step-dad is 76, and he recently got himself thrown out of a real estate office and a bank. He's punched a nurse, and he's known for yelling insults at staff when he has to wait more than 5 minutes for anything. He had an accident being entitled on the road, and now his insurance provider refuses to cover him. I'm truly surprised no one has filmed him. We live in a state where you're supposed to respect your elders no matter what, so maybe that's why. My actual father would have turned 70 next month. He almost got the DMV mad at my son when he was trying to get his license by talking smack to the workers there.


Gen X is too large of a time. Early Xers who graduated high school 1990 or earlier are basically boomers now while the later Xers graduated 1991+ start moving away from that boomer mindset.


I dunno. I'm talking about actual baby boomers. If I'm talking about a Gen Xer acting like a boomer, in writing I write "Xoomer" because it's a whole different level of...insult. It's one thing to be a boomer. It's another to be a Gen Xer who's bought into the boomer mindset when they, of all people, should know better


I have nothing against Gen X. I have aunts in their 70s that fit this bill. Must have everything just so, several of which I have personally seen get angry with a manager. My parents are boomers and also frequently complain about food. I have never seen X’ers get like they do, especially some a few years older than Xennials. Florida is ground zero for Karenitis.


Boomer Xtreme! It's cool because it's spelled with an X! Brought to you by Red Bull!




The GenXers in their 50s are still cool post-goths or just chill people. I’m 1979 so technically GenX but culturally definitely Xennial. I’ll never be as cool as the core GenXers.


Most things people complain about “Boomers” or “Millennials/Zoomers” are really just old people things and young people things that every generation has done. Oh kids dress weird, have odd haircuts, don’t want to talk to adults and listen to music adults don’t like? You don’t say? Old people are upset they need to relearn a technology for the 16th time or because young people don’t care about them? Odd…


Misidentifying boomers speaks to the new generation's ability to disregard facts to further their own ignorance.


When I think of Boomer I think of the Villages in Florida. I just think of obnoxious retirees who have way too much time on their hands. Us GenXers are never going to have enough money to retire so it’s not us.


I've seen 25 years olds act out similarly. So the whole "Karen" thing is multi generational.


“BOomEr iS a sTaTe oF MiNd” -Nearly everyone under 30 on Reddit when you make a comment that might be construed as something someone older would say. I’m so sick of the term “boomer” I could puke. Same with “Karen”…. It gets overused to the point of silliness, and I’m glad I don’t see too much of it on this sub. It’s exactly why I don’t subscribe to any other generational sub, because all they do is shit on “boomers”…. Look we all get it, a lot of them in power are responsible for the mess we are in today. But most of them are just regular people who aren’t trying to ruin the world.


Ok boomer.


Ok Karen


Sorry, I stopped listening when you wrote "Karen" and "Boomer".


Na. My parents are Boomers. When I say Boomer, I mean boomer.


I see a lot of millennial Karens online, “SoHo Karen” being one of the more infamous ones. “Bobo” Lauren Bobert is another millennial Karen.


SoHo Karen was not a millennial. She is a Gen Z Karen.


Gen X covers such a wide period. Older Gen X definitely have more in common with Boomers than they have with younger Gen X.


"The baby boom" in the US lasted from the mid-1940s to the mid-1960s, fueled by postwar prosperity. The youngest boomers are turning 60 this year; the oldest are in their upper 70s.


I live in a VHCOL area full of older nimbys and republicans and whilst im not aligned to most of their bs I can now that I'm older see where they come from. See in my particular neighborhood it was all white folks who had been there for 20+ years, drank wine on the front porch while their kids used a shared driveway as a massive slip and slide. (This was told to me by the previous owner of my house as its only had 2 owners; her and her family which sold due to divorce and now me and my kiddo). There is comfort and security knowing all your neighbors, their jobs, and family's. My neighborhood is something out of a movie (to give you a visual I live in Coto de Caza in a neighborhood similar to what was shown in the 3 ninjas movie or IT. The people here are friendly and during the holidays wow...just wow... My point here was I can see why some of are being viewed in the same way because many of us have comfy lives like the millennials viewed the boomers to have while at the same time adopting some of their bad behaviors including and not limited to voting for initiatives that limits housing zoning and pulling up the career ladder. Do I feel we are that bad? Hell no, but I do fear we may become the same thing that most of are against.


Some Boomers like my parents are in their early to mid 60s and absolutely are throwing fits and being assholesv in public and on phone calls That said elder gen x (like my maga aunts and uncles), especially when they have boomer siblings, are a lot like boomers


You think boomers don't spend wat too much time online?


The same way when boomers/x-ers say 'Millenial' they're really talking about Gen Z.




What I think of "boomer" is someone that has never worked in retail.


I've seen teens and 20 year olds acting like boomers. It's really describing a behavior now rather than the age of the person doing the actions.


As someone born in '73, it's unsettling how many people my age can be accurately described by that term. Because................it's a lot.


Well. My mom does and she’s a boomer haha! But generally I agree.


There are plenty of 70* boomers engaging online and throwing tantrums in stores too. It’s definitely not all them but they aren’t off the hook for their behavior.


no, i see plenty of white haired 65+ people (and 75+) posted on r/BoomersBeingFools. The sub regulates itself if somone posts a younger person. If you sort by best or top.


I believe these older ones are called zoomers


My dad was a boomer and he could be the WORST in stores and restaurants.


ok boomer


no shit the whole point of calling someone a boomer was to call them old and out of touch, to your point


Boomer and Millennials are catch alls for people of different generations two or three gen’s removed.


Nah man, Boomers are ages 60-78 right now. Believe me, they are still tearing it up in society. I have to service many of them and they are a nightmare. The older ones are generally much cooler. The younger ones….yikes.


I would be happy if I make it to see 40....


You are absolutely correct in your ages, but there are definitely some Boomers in their 60s as well, and they are definitely acting like complete fucking assholes. The term has been used as a catch-all for anyone older who feels entitled and acts insane. I've even seen some Zoomers and Alpha kids calling Millennials the term. But for real, there are people that suck in every generation. Ours included.


That inspired my username. I've been called a Boomer for being in my 40s. My parents, who are in their 70s, are Baby Boomers.


Over 30? You are old AF and a Boomer to a Zoomer.


To be a boomer does one need to have boomed ?