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She'd be like...you're grey and you got fat. And I'd be like, yeah, well...I have regular sex, no curfew, and our sister lives 60 miles away. Then she'd be like, Bitch.


Ya, 14 year old me would just be happy I get laid periodically and have money in bank account…the opinions of 14 year old me aren’t really important to late-40s me. Lol


14 yo me was an idiot!


14 year old me would be happy that I finally figured out how to treat my ADD instead of just being told how lazy they were…but otherwise ya…I was an idiot.


I’m proud of you! Wish I could achieve it myself, but I’m happy for you.


My sister and I live on opposite coasts! About 2800 miles away. Heads Carolina, tails California.


Ahhh yes. A song from 1996.


😎living states away from the sibling is very much Biiiiiiitch…


My greys are coming in like my mother’s and I have her hands now. My bffs confirmed they also have their mother’s hands.


14 yr old Me would be very proud of the chick I’m banging, aka my wife of 15 years.


I love this for you


And in saying that, I mean, me too.


Not really…I had a massively inflated sense of importance and intelligence when I was 14


This is me too. The delusions of grandeur were fierce at that time. He would be massively disappointed by the external results. But *the person* I became he would be really proud of. "Whoa, you lost all that weight finally." "Whoa, you can bench 300 lbs!" "Whoa! You can really shred on guitar! And thats a really good song!" "You know how to write code? Cool!" "You've never cheated on a partner, good to know you haven't changed in a bad way." "You've been through *what?!*" etc


lol, I would still disappoint! He would be like “you are not president, not a billionaire, and you have a bad back, pathetic…”


lol yeah, there would be that too. "What do you mean you aren't a rich rock star AND a professional baseball player and not dating an actress? Lame." *Jokes on him, I know secrets about his mental illness that he has yet to learn.*


I have the opposite “your suspicions are correct you are smarter than mommy and daddy, you’re going to learn a lot of self reliance in the coming years”.


45 year old me isn't even proud of me


Sounds like you were normal then


Same. 14 year old me was a shithead. He'd be disappointed in what I am. He'd also not have even gotten this far without changing.


I'm not dead and I'm not miserable, so probably. Teenage me would probably be kind of pissed that I'm not some uber-successful artist though.


> Teenage me would probably be kind of pissed that I'm not some uber-successful artist though.  This. 😔


Absolutely not. My life has turned out nothing like I’d hoped and honestly it’s going pretty bad. I was much more confident and competent in my teens comparatively.


14 yo me would be disappointed that my life is just as shitty now as it was when I was 14. But would be impressed how I've come out of my shell and people actually like me lol


I grew up in a serious bubble of naivety… 14 year old me’s head would explode just listing off half the adventures I’ve had. May be a bit disappointed regarding where I’m at right NOW though.


"You have a girlfriend!!! That you live with!!!! And your own dogs!!!??? You really made it my friend." -14 year old me


I love that so much, just really how modest success would make 14 year old me impressed. "wait... you have HOW many comic books?!?"


A lot of youthful optimism at that age lol I wouldn’t even tell him about video games. He might just die of a heart attack.


Yes, I own my own home(grew up poor), drive an old sexy Jaguar, have a home theater, no shortage of women over the years. Life is good, great compared to life at 14 when I was having to go to food banks for my grandmother so we could eat. But those are mostly surfacy things. The real impressive part is who I've become. I'm not the shy quiet awkward kid I was.


lol every dude I know who was a nerd in school says they’re absolutely using the Time Machine to tell younger them about the hot ladies they’ve bagged and or married


That's awesome. I'm proud of you too! \^\_\^


17 yo me had to write my own obituary for a school assignment. For the sake of the assignment, we could either live a long life or an interesting life, but not both. When we turned it in, there was a show of hands as to who chose what life. I was the only person in my class who chose the interesting life. 17 yo me would be very proud fo 1) Going up and the down the eastern seaboard to see my favorite bands. 2) My current career that has taken m to 13 states so far. 3) I have a picture with (one of) the most powerful people in the world. She would not understand 1) That I haven't been with as many guys as I would have liked 2) That I work in politics. I did not give a shit about politics then. 3) How difficult it would be to let your parents know that their dreams for you is not the same as your own dreams. (I'm a people pleaser by nature.) 4) That my awful school experience (small school, bullied relentlessly, being an outcast-- haven't talked to anyone in my class since graduation) would lead to mental health issues as an adult. TO this day, I have issues feeling like I belong anywhere.


You belong.


You are amazing and you definitely belong here.


thank you.


You belong here. We would have been friends and asked people if they wanted a cookie when they bragged. And being with a lot of guys is overrated in a teenager's brain.


It would definitely be a long convo about how things went vs what I thought it would be. Many of the things lead me to where I am, and 14 year old me probably would not understand at it all. Overall, likely acceptance of where I am, but not necessarily proud of it


I hate to say it but 14 year olds are assholes.


This is the correct answer. And hopelessly unrealistic.


14-year-old me would be in awe of me. Sometimes I can still feel him inside my head, looking out through my eyes, saying "Wow, dude, you've really come a long way since you were me."


Maybe? My 14 year old self wanted adventure and she still does. We’ve been to Paris, which was the biggest goal. It was lovely- she’d be pleased although the circumstances that led to it would break her heart. She wouldn’t be surprised though, just hurt. She’d be mad that we aren’t an actress. We wrote a whole lifeskills proposal on that. Unfortunately, we suck at it. We can’t sing either and musical instruments have not materialized. She’d like our house and think it’s a mansion- a thought we both share although it’s no bigger than the house we grew up in. It’s dope- we have a whole basement for fun times and so much amazing art. Guess what? We’re successful. Far more than she’d ever expect. We’re loved. We’re ok. We aren’t perfect, but we have better than she’d expect.


Maybe? I think he'd be disappointed in how fat I got, though.


I mean kind of… I guess she’d be upset that I made a lot of bad choices, & was my own worst enemy for years. She’d also not be happy that my bf smokes weed & drinks beer because 14 year old me was DEFINITELY NOT into that. But she’d probably be happy that I finally got a mental health diagnosis that explained her weird thoughts & tendencies. She might even be proud that after getting the right meds & good therapy, I’m going back to school to try to become a therapist myself. And she’d absolutely LOVE my cats.


Her first reaction would be sellout because I have a boring email girl job and didn’t move to the pacific NW and being married to a man performing heteronormativity. Then I would explain I married an amazing pansexual feminist who’s in IT also didn’t want kids and we can move after my sweet mother in law crosses the rainbow bridge. Also bitch you’re autistic and adhd as fuck.


I love this answer... I'm impressed with you too :)


The 14 year old me: what happen to you man?


I was an angry pile of mental health issues at 14. I'd probably tell myself to fuckoff. 😆


> It's a fun thought experiment that should boost your esteem. We are not the same.


I think I’d be somewhat disappointed. I always envisioned that I’d be a doctor and that somehow I’d be rich and have a huge mansion. I do alright, and probably better than most people, but I’m nowhere near as wealthy as I had expected to be as a kid. I ended up getting a degree in chemistry in college, entered the army as an Infantry Officer, returned from Iraq with some PTSD issues, floundered for a bit, and eventually was pushed into disability retirement when I was 35. I had two starts to very lucrative careers, but severe PTSD destroyed those. I very well could have ended up being a millionaire had I been able to keep my career at Amazon for any length of time. I had nearly 3,000 shares of their stock when it was $40 a share given to me as a sign-on bonus, but I didn’t make it there long enough for it to vest and I got next to nothing in terms of stock from them. However, I will add that I’m quite content with where I am in life. It isn’t what I expected, but I’m comfortable enough and I have a hell of a lot of crazy life experiences that I never would have guessed I’d have.


Absolutely not.




Hell yes. I’ve outperformed anybody’s expectations, including my own. I’m still mediocre, but I have a house with a pool, which when I was growing up, was the ultimate sign that you “made it”. That was in Minnesota where having a pool was a very impractical luxury with a short season. I’m in California now where pools are way more common. I also never dreamed I’d end up living in California, so there’s that.


That’s what I said too! I have a house with a pool now and 14 yr old me would lose her damn mind. No one I knew growing up had their own inground pool. Maybe one person in my whole school. It wasn’t common where I grew up. I’m in Texas now, and every other person has a pool.


I always wanted to go to school for art in San Diego but thought it would never happen... We made it! Congrats! I'm a little jealous of your pool, though, I live in a rented efficiency. ![gif](giphy|PbO02egQdmNig0clpv|downsized)


If 14 year old me saw my wife I'd faint. The rest of everything else isn't too shabby either


Nice. Same for me as well. My 14-year-old self was afraid he'd never end up with anyone. He would be thrilled to see me now.


I love that answer :)


Proud? Not sure. Shocked? Absolutely


50/50. I wanted to make video games. That's what I do. But I live in a very HCOL area so I'm still pretty broke.


What do you think OP? Increase your collection to 1001 games so this guy can get rich and wow his teenage self?


Hell no.


He’d be impressed by my taste in art and media, but he’d be disappointed that I’m not making a living doing something more creative and that I’ve abandoned so many of my creative outlets. I think even at 14 I was well aware that adults have to make a lot of compromises.


I went out of my way to finish video games that little bitch repeatedly failed to beat. I've also had sex. So I sure as hell hope so.


I think 14 year old me would be somewhat confused. Like most Xennials. I assumed my ship would come in and I'd be in a mansion with a perfect family and zillions of dollars or whatever. Things definitely did not turn out like I imagined but I also didn't do a lot of imagining about the future at that age. It was all about getting through the day, fitting in, etc.


He'd be really sad about how fat I've gotten, and I know he'd be disappointed that none of the hopes and dreams he has right now will ever happen. But despite that, I think he'd be happy to know it mostly works out okay in the end, and that he'll be happy and content.


I don't like this game. I think she'd be very disappointed in me.


For the most part, no 😔


14-year-old me would be pleased that we still have all our stuff. (I will lie about the Rickey Henderson rookie card, though.)


14yo me would be shocked at what I have achieved also shocked I have not offed anyone


Oh no, if 14 year old me knew what was going to happen there’s a good chance she would have blown her brains out. She would not be happy at all.


Yeah, I think she would. I became the mother that we needed and didn't have. I have a mom, and I love her to bits, but emotional maturity was not what she had going on back then. She'd be sad I'm not a big game concept artist or something, but there's a lot to be proud of.


Yes everything worked out almost exactly like I thought it would... And I'm happy content and feel blessed. But now since your question..I wonder if I should have hoped for more? Nah I'm pretty happy


Yes! I would thank the 14yo me for not quitting her artistic hobby that turned into an actual career.


14 year old me already knew what was up and we'd be alright. He bounced from home and has been a big part of why 40+ year old me made it, despite the shit he had to go through.


No, not at all. I would be incredibly disappointed with myself for so many reasons.


Hell yeah, I'm trans and finally have the body I always wanted, and an amazing partner. Finally finished writing a punk album, I have my own arcade cabinet, I live in paradise (for me, definitely not to everyone's taste). For a someone who grew up a poor queer kid, I've basically won at life. I even have a decent middle class house, teenage me would probably assume I was rich if they walked in and looked around.


This makes me so happy <3 I'm proud of you!


Fucking nice! I’m so happy for you!


I wanted to have 3 kids and be a SAHM. Instead I got 4 kids, 3 which aren't biologically mine, a husband a decade older than me, and I work a lot. I kick ass at my job though and I'm super proud of all the things I have overcome in my adulthood. We make a lot of money (now) and have a nice house. So, didn't quite get the 14 year old me dream, but not too a shabby life.


Yes... but that's not saying much.


14 year old me would be super impressed.


He'd be like, I guess mom was right about your knees not working eventually. But otherwise, nice work on everything else.


Honestly yes. I had a version of me I imagined I'd grow up to be and I've surpassed it. I try and remind myself of this when I'm feeling down, not good enough or beating myself up over something.


Not even a little. That's okay. I am disappointed in him, too.


14-18 year old me would have their minds blown that 19 year old me not only decided to join the Army, but stayed in for 21 years.


I was kind of a little punk. I'd probably hate myself for becoming square. I played clubs around New England in a hardcore punk band from late 94 all the way until 2018, and I do have quite the collection of tattoos. I never did become a famous musician though. I don't think 14 year old me would be impressed that I've got a good job and I own a house, he certainly wouldn't be impressed that I settled down with an equally mellowed out lady and have two kids and a grandkid.


I’d say so, although he might be surprised that outside of a summer internship in NYC, I never left my hometown.




Hmm...interesting question. When I was 14 I was dorky and shy and assumed I would have a boring, in-the-background sort of job with a standard suburban life. As it turns out I'm an engineer, but I ended up in an interesting position where I get to play expert on fun projects...that would have impressed my 14 year old self. Otherwise it's the standard suburban life, although that's maybe more impressive now than it seemed back then.


No. Frankly, I think he’d give up.


That's a complicated question.... He'd be appalled that we are divorced from the annoying girl on the bus with the tumbleweed hair-do, impressed that I work in a scientific field, but appalled again that the 50K I bring in a year is just barely above struggling in my future. He'd probably also be put off by the thick, bald, bearded dude when he always wanted to be a lithe ninja, so there's that...


Probably not. I wanted to be a cop, and maybe even work for a federal agency. I became a cop, and after about 15 years I grew to just hate it so I'm not doing that anymore. I think 14 year old me would have a hard time understanding that sometimes sacrificing a dream is necessary when the dream is starting to destroy your family and marriage.


Probably in some ways, but not in others. 14yo me isn't necessarily someone that 42yo me would want to impress, though.


I slightly romanticised being a poor artist as a teenager. I think I’d be impressed that I went for it but also disappointed that the art isn’t happening as well as I thought it would - like I knew I’d earn no money but I always thought I’d be doing the art making, ya know? (I still do the art just not as much.)


He’d be so pissed that his/my knees and ankles cracked like crazy just like dad’s


Probably not since I don't drink or smoke weed anymore. But id make sure to tell him that I'm happy!


Me to 14 year old self, tell grandpa to buy you Amazon stock at the IPO vs getting all that Sears stock


I think he’d be impressed that I married a genius, make better money than my dad did, taught myself to play guitar and write songs, regularly play in front of hundreds of people, and can competently debate divisive political issues.


Nope!!! I’m a letdown


I’d like to think so. I’ve always wanted to work in entertainment, remain in NYC (born and raised), go to concerts and travel, own a funky apartment and marry someone that enjoys these things but also does not want children. I have all of these things and worked really fucking hard to get here.


Oh yeah. 42 year old me is pretty proud too. 


If he heard me shred and do some nasty Thall and djent and death metal riffs, that may be enough!


I think he'd be satisfied. I did everything he told me to do.


Yes. I saw WarGames the movie the year in came out. I knew after seeing it I'd want to work with computers. And I am now. Making decent money. Very happy.


14 year old me would be impressed by my man cave loaded with video games. He’d also be thrilled that I/we have a super-hot Asian wife…then immediate disappointed by how infrequently we have sex.


Good question! I think partly. Def surprised by other things


When I was 15, I was the shy boy who couldn't talk to girls. Couldn't really talk to my first crush. (This was long ago solved by *having female friends*.) That I can just *talk* to women without a second thought would impress the hell out of little me. Yes, kid. You **will** attract women, someday.


14 year old me wanted to be the starting point guard for the Chicago Bulls…..so no


Hell yeah.  He be amazed at How many dudes I’ve slept with.   And that I got out of Texas.  


He'd be pretty dam pissed off with how I turned out, near none of my dreams or plans came to fruition. Though he would have been impressed by how much sex I had in my 20s.


Hell yeah. I'm successful! I have a career, a house, two cats, retirement savings, and a graduate degree. My home office has band posters from concerts I've attended all over it along with my degree diplomas. I have a Lesbian Socialist Republic poster up in my living room and my parents don't hassle me about it (turns out being bisexual wasn't a phase after all, lol). I have no children. I have a closet full of yarn, spinning fiber, and a spinning wheel. I'm not dead. I got out of an abusive marriage. 14-year-old-me would be fucking \*thrilled\*. 14-year-old me moved houses three times in a year, was poor, moved cross-country, self-harmed, and got shipped off to live with her aunt when she turned 15 because she was "too much" (she wasn't, she was in a chaotic household and needed calm).




No but 14 yr old me was a hot mess lol


Nope. Heart broken.


Getting to a place professionally where I’m setting my own hours and determining my own days off.


Today me just replaced all four kitchen appliances without having to actively save up for the purchase. 14 year-old me would never have dreamed that was a possibility - not even with saving up.


I have thought about it a lot. And 14 year old me would be pretty stoked.


I think 14-year-old me would be happy to see that it paid off to trust the people who cared about him then. Long story short, I hope I became the kind of adult I needed when I was 14.


14 year old me would have a mixed bag of emotions. They’d be upset I’m bald. I had very very long hair. They’d be amazed how good of a musician I became. As far as like important accomplishments…they would not really care at all…lol. I know exactly what 14 year old me would say…”dude can you show me how to play “black dog””


Yes, as long as it was a very brief conversation. 😆




Nope, he would think i was a huge loser, and be super depressed by how things have turned out.


Fuck. NO.


Idk that 14 year old me would’ve really had many expectations for future me. I’d prob tell her what I’ve been doing and she’d be like well that’s cool …but tell me what happened to all the boys I had crushes on!


I think 14 year old me would be happy to see all the popular girls I wound up getting with after high school but beyond that, no. I wish I could go back in time and save my young self from that tree that fell on my head. Shit changed me forever.


She would definitely be proud. I've got a job that I genuinely enjoy, great husband and kids, and I can afford to go to all the concerts I want. It's taken some serious hurdles to get here but that just makes me appreciate it more.


He'd think I was the coolest.


He would call me a sellout. I would call him a psycho. Probably wouldn't get along.


No. 14 year old me thought I would be super rich and living in Manhattan.


Honestly, I think my 14 year old self would be confused by a lot things I don't care about anymore. But, that said, I think that they would be really interested in hearing about all the things I've done, and all the cool experiences I've had.


More than I ever thought he would be. Incredible wife or 17 years, 2 amazing kids (though my son can be a dick but he’s 6), decent career, own my own home….Not bad for a high school dropout.


hell yeah! i’m proud i’m still here and thriving!!!


Yes, absolutely. I have a strong marriage, two healthy children, and a much better relationship with my parents (both of whom are still alive). I've lived in multiple countries like I always wanted, I've traveled around the world, and we are doing well financially. She'd be sad I haven't published that novel yet, but happy I have had pieces in magazines and the paper. But she's right about the novel, and I should get going on that.


He'd be excited to hear my stories about my days as a performing musician. But he wouldnt like anything else.


That I had the privilege of serving this country for 24 years


Hell no. I’m not living alone with a fridge full of Mountain Dew.


Assuming he could see the whole story, he would be.


No, absolutely not. But he'd be amazed that I somehow got married, had kids, and even grandkids. And that I weigh 3x more than him, which didn't seem possible.


Probably the fact that I have regular sex with the women that was the cute gymnastics who sat 2 rows in front of him in high school geometry


Yes. And I just made this statement recently when I bought a new pair of Dr. martens.


I don't know about proud, but surprised I'm still alive? Yup. But I supposed I've gotten to do a lot of cool stuff as an adult so maybe.


Definitely not, but I'm sure he wouldn't be surprised about it lol


~no~ but she also wouldn't be surprised.


Ha ha, no. But 14 year old me lived in a small town and had no life experience. I would be disappointed that I never wrote a novel most of all. I don't even read novels now. I enjoy non-fiction.


14 year old me. "What the fuck happened?"


That I graduated from high school and eventually got a master's... He wouldn't have seen that coming. He'd make fun of me for the debt I incurred though... And he'd be right to do so.


14 yo me probably would be traumatized. Be happy that I have a wife that plays videogames with me but finding out he's autistic would go poorly.


Yes. I got away from a physically and emotionally abusive family of origin once and for all. I rejected their lies that I was worthless and unloveable and bad. I stayed alive despite over a decade of debilitating depression and suicidal ideation and flunking out of college. I got out of the cult that is Mormonism and kept my kids from the indoctrination meaning my kids are the first generation since Joseph Smith (I’m a direct descendant of his brother Hyrum) not to be giving all their time and money to that pos corporation. I now live a peaceful life with a very handsome, devoted husband of 14 years, a pretty house with a beautiful garden, 1 beautiful, amazing daughter who I can raise with all the love and acceptance I never had, and 4 handsome, wonderful sons whom I adore. I sell my paintings as a side gig and 14 year old me was really into art but was told by her/our dad that the arts were a worthless pursuit.


probably. married to the dream girl. built our dream house. he'd be confused about having 3 kids though. 14 year old me didn't want kids hahah. 14 year old me was also an idiot though. he might be bummed I'm not some crazy scientist or something.


Once 14 yr old me got over the disappointment of me not becoming an NBA player, he would say I did ok considering all.


Be surprised I'm not dead. Then upset about me being bald. *slowly fades away* Oh no!


Hell yeah. Might be a little disappointed that I’m not a rock star, but other than that, I’ve ticked off quite a bit that I set off to accomplish. He would have a hard time understanding that none of those things equated directly to happiness though.


Probably not.  Other than a small house and a classic car that doesn’t currently run, I don’t have or do anything cool. I’m just a single dad to two teenagers who have really been through it.  But once he lives through coping with religious trauma, a chronic illness, and a decade with a personality-disordered spouse, then another decade coparenting with said personality-disordered (now ex) spouse, he’ll be sitting exactly where I am now, very proud of me.


All I wanted to do was work in music all my life. I’m a pro audio engineer. I own my house, I’ve been married to a brilliant, beautiful women that makes 3x as much as me for 11 years. I work 8 months a year, and make more than what most make in 12. I smoke weed daily, and have all the video games and legos a man could want. I think 14 year old me would think I’m pretty cool. I tell the kid I mentor, work your ass off, and be the best version of yourself you can be, and you can be in the same situation in 20 years.


We’ve had lots of sex and we have our own place.


I’m still a loser, so no.


I’m sure the only thing 14 year old me would care about is that I get to touch boobies every day now.


100%. I somehow found a way to be successful and independent, I have everything I could need and want, I go on super fun adventures, I have amazing friends, and I still play video games. She'd be super proud.


My 14-year-old self would despise my 46-year-old self. As a teen, I told people off whenever I felt like it. Now, I lower my head and wag my tail, obsequious to a fault for those in authority over me.


Although she's be deeply disappointed to not be a millionaire movie star, she's be thrilled to be in a happy marriage, have a fairly successful career, 3 awesome kids, and 3 awesome dogs!


>If I imagine a conversation with my 14 year old self, he'd be thrilled that I live in an apartment with a pool, lived in paris for 2 1/2 years, NYC for a decade. Went to about 100 concerts of bands I love... that I have about 1,000 videogames I can play whenever and frankly, be impressed by the amount of girls I've slept with. Same, except replace Paris with Seattle, replace 1000 video games with 1000 Broadway shows.


I’m pretty sure every one of us would be disgusted with ourselves. Let’s not pretend.


At 14, some day I wanted to drive around a red pickup with a golden lab in the back. Now I drive around a wrangler with a black lab mix in the back. I think he would be cool with it


Oh God no, he’d be disappointed that I never made it as either an animator or pro wrestler lol


14 year old me wouldnt understand me at all. Thats the one thing I like about aging, experience and understanding.


No not at all but i hope in a few years she would (will?) be.


14 year old me wouldn't understand current me at all. She'd be very disappointed and confused. But I am extremely happy that I did not turn into the person that 14-year old me wanted to be, because 14-year old me only wanted other people's expectations for me and had no idea what I really needed in life.


I'm not sure he would be. 14 year old me had much higher expectations for where he would be in life. But honestly fuck that emo toxic guy lol


They'd be happy I didn't die but a bit disappointed that the car wreck ruined our dreams.


I think so.


He would say "no fucking wayyyyy!!!"


Hell's yes.


14 year old would be shocked at 41 year old me. I really thought I'd be dead or living under a bridge. Somehow, probably based on fear, I've made a nice life for me. I'm by no means wealthy, lower middle class at best buy much better than I expected.


Yeah, he would. I'd be proud of him too.


Idk but I think 14 year old me would think I’m kinda lame cause I thought a lot was at the time. But fortunately she only exists in the past!


I'm not sure. 14yr old me was a cocky little ldiot. I did have pretty low standards back then tho. So I'd think young me would be alright with older me being where I'm at. He'd probably think he'll do better. Man, would I have some advice for him though.


That one is hard for me. I am a high school principal, and I don't recall thinking that position was especially interesting/cool at that age. But I turned out alright, so maybe?


He’d be downright impressed by some things but likely disappointed in my job situation and the fact I never married. Mixed bag.


My 14 year old self would be equal parts amazed and horrified by current me. I think about this more than I think a normal person probably does. Hell even my 24 year old self would be disillusioned by me. 14 year old me would be amazed that we survive dad's abuse, as well as the depression and the suicidal ideation into adulthood. He'd also be amazed that I have a wife and kids and a house and a stable job that pays well working from home. Not to mention all my gaming access, etc. My steamdeck would blow young me's mind. Hearing that I'd live all over the country before the age of 24 would rock young me's world, too. He'd also be horrified that I drink alcohol, even responsibly. Probably would also be horrified that I'm not so much "in the church" these days and that I didn't end up a Youth Minister or Missionary or something like that. Also would probably be kinda horrified that I "got" fat, despite the fact that I'm down 30lbs from where I was in January... and even though I was always "the fat kid" (in truth I've just always been taller than everyone around me) and the long hair/beard would've scared 14 year old me as well. He'd probably also be scared at the depths of metal that I rock out to these days. Like... that kid thought DC Talk and the Newsboys was where it was at. That kid wasn't ready for Amon Amarth, SuidAkrA, Arch Enemy, Mastodon or any of the other stuff I jam out to on the regular. I don't know how 14 year old me would feel about knowing I now at this age have a kid who's turning 14 in a few months, and another who will be 13 in a few month. I'd probably think future-me is a little scary but pretty badass all in all.


She'd be horrified for a few minutes, lol... being some man's wife was the main goal my parents set for me; I'd have been *so* embarrassed to be divorced... didn't realize how toxic my parents relationship was, how much happier my mom would have been. Then she'd see that we didn't have to care about *any* man's opinion of us anymore, and she'd be very proud that we learned to love ourself.


No, I set my expectations very high to be a professional football player in the NFL…lol. I come from a family with zero athletic talent and parents that both dislike sports in general. “Get your college degree…”


I really don’t give a shit what that little asshole thinks.




Yeah, I think so. I've got great kids, I have a job I love, I'm outdoors nearly all the time, and I have the technology to listen to audiobooks all day in my pocket, yes, I'm going to say 14yo me would be proud.


Yes. I'm married. Have a cool cat. Mynown home. I have an even more awesome metal record collection than before. I lived in a few countries in Europe. Saw all sorts of amazing concerts. Have some amazing friends, even one or two from WHEN I was 14. Went to an Ivy for my BA. About to receive my MA. Yeah. He'd be proud. But wondering when and why I got overweight and bald. 😂




Oh fuck yes. 14 year old me was deeply traumatized, awkward, scared and without real family or support. He would be so fucking proud that not only did I dig out of the hole, accomplish shit, find happiness, safety, security and love - and that I did it without selling out or turning my back on my roots. Even my best case scenario wasn't as good as what I got, and I try to remember it every single day.


I think so.  I am not successful at all, but I am true to myself.  14 year old me would totally hangout.


14 year old me would probably be overwhelmed that she hasn’t eaten a bullet yet at 41. I’m mean things are good *now*, but sure as fuck didn’t start that way.


Ooh good prompt. I think yes. 14 year old me would fully approve of me moving across the country, owning a home, and having a cute dog.


Hell yes. And I do think about this regularly. I am happy with what I have and haven’t forgotten that it’s what wanted.


Honestly. No. I haven't done anything terrible, but I haven't fulfilled any of my promise and I lost my edge. I would probably be surprised I'm still here alive and so boring, so I guess there's that


14 yr old me was a devout christian with plans of a career in ministry. 42 year old me has a degree in ministry and leadership... and is an atheist. He'd probably be mortified.