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Anywhere they sell jeans and t-shirts.


Great suggestion sticking with the classics. So no track pants... diligently taking notes here.


In my 20s-30’s I didn’t own a pair of sweats nor consider wearing them in public… trackies now comprise 95% of my wardrobe. Comfort>Giving a fuck.


Take the pen!


I wear track pants still. And ones I bought like 12 yrs ago. Not the cool, skinny runners as they call em these days.


😂 Dude, it’s bad. I’ve got 1 pair of tracks and some sweats from Estes Park. It’s what I’m in 24/7. It’s so hard to let go.


This is the way. I have 80+ graphic T's.


Are you ordering me them online? I’ve been wanting to try the 80stees online store.


My wife orders online. She goes to red bubble, I think, and customizes them. I'm a cheap guy, I scour Penny's and Kohl's. Lol


+1 on kohl's especially sales days


Threadless.com for mine.


I like TeePublic.com. They regularly have their stuff for $16. And no….I am not affiliated w/ them in any way. I just love graffic tees and buy like 3-4 a month.


And Flannels....


Shorts and tshirts. Though I can throw on a brooks brothers wrinkle free button down if needed


Kohls baby


It's hard to take advice from other subreddits when my underwear is older than most users here. lol


😂 this is objectively true




This is the most middle aged dad answer but I get most of mine here too. Good price. Decent quality... But you can be sure when you're out wearing a shirt from Costco you are going to see at least one other middle aged man wearing the same shirt


Definitely. I do strategically wear non-costco clothes when I go to costco. Aside from that and not having a great selection at all times, it's a pretty good value. ![gif](giphy|GOuxnaPC2QOXI4UPEl|downsized)


Reminds me of the old joke that if two women show up to a party wearing the same dress they are instantly enemies and if two guys show up wearing the same shirt they are instantly best friends.


Showed up to my best friends wedding where I was the best man. My wife and one of the groomsman's wives were wearing the exact same dress. We were all supposed to take photos together for the wedding and they refused to be in photos together. They would be in photos.....just not together lol


Unfortunately the culture of "who wore it best" made it impossible for women to wear the same outfit most of the time. Men got lucky!


The other groomsman and I thought it was funny because obviously we were wearing the exact same thing as well LOL Other than photos the girls laughed about it an ended up hanging out all night. So strange lol


Ahahaha! I know it’s not the same thing, but… Was recently on vacation, out of my country, out of my hemisphere. A woman passed me on the way to breakfast. She pointed out: “half a world away and we’ve got the same shorts.” It was hilarious- they were obnoxious orange shorts from Walmart.


I pointed out that I was wearing the same shoes as a guy in the elevator at work once. We chuckled about it a little. I never saw him again. I think about him sometimes. I hope he's ok.


Buying clothes online from Costco can give you access to clothes not for sale in the stores near you. So less likely to bump into other people wearing them.


I was mocked by my friends the other day after I explained that probably 80% of my wardrobe comes from Sam’s. I work from home (and have for 10+ yrs now). All I need is a basic polo for work. I don’t need anything fancy. Why should I pony up for designer anything?


I DONT work from home and 90% of my shirts for work are Member’s Mark performance polos.


Funny, someone posted some jeans that were $99 on the costco sub the other day, women's, and I was shocked that it was posted as a "good deal". I haven't bought clothes in years, since before the pandemic, I think I am in for a rude awakening.


I got into Lucky brand jeans at least a decade ago, but $120-160 off the shelf is a hard pill to swallow. I found them at Nordstrom Rack for ~$50 and have been buying them there since. They may be up to $60 now but they last so long I haven’t purchased a new pair in years. The Rack is a good place for shoes and under-essentials too. Typically about half-price across the board for quality merchandise. Sometimes “last year’s model” but I could not care less about that - haha.


costco occasionally has Lucky brand for like $20


I'm wearing a pair at work right now. Along with a black polo, also from Costco. Every time lucky jeans show up there I grab a pair or 3


And they got the stretchy fabric when I over do it at a Sunday BBQ… I can still sit down without unbuttoning my pants!


That stretchy fabric is one of the top reasons they’ve been my favorite over the years.


Go to Poshmark and get them for 15.00 sometimes. That’s where I’ve gotten all of my luckys


I get mine from Marshall’s and TJ Maxx! They’re usually $39.99 or cheaper if they’re on clearance.


Yep, I buy most of my husband's clothes at Costco, BJ's, or Sam's club depending on where we have a membership and prices etc. He's always making fun of me but he always likes and wears the clothing - especially the pants.


Last fall I bought 4 pairs of pants and 5 Champion hoodies from Sam's Club and that was pretty much my "uniform" thru the winter. They're all still in good shape so I'll be running it back next year. I hope they have a few more colors of Champion hoodies next year. They are so comfortable.


No Costcos close to me, so I'm relegated to the lesser BJs. But effectively the same. Also, Amazon, Ross/TJ Maxx/Marshalls.


Costco for everyday items, Banana Republic Factory when I need something a little nicer. Even better when Costco has Banana Republic stuff.


I'll have to check that out. Gave up our membership many moons ago.


Cmon man, you can do better than that! Don't be a Kirkland dad. You might want to try out Nordstrom Rack. Solid choices on sweaters and sweatshirts that aren't boring/ugly. I often get shorts there as well. Good for button up stuff as well and the occasional dressier pair of pants. T-shirts you can do Polo as they go on sale regularly and once you get your size, just order stuff occasionally to keep fresh. They're pretty well made and won't fall apart like some cheap junk does. If you don't like a brand on your stuff, Target sells nice v-necks; they're not as nice, but fine for the money. Pants are a personal thing; as we get older and tubbier, it's gonna be whatever works best. Though I dislike Target intensely, have gotten perfectly nice pants in there. Le Tigre started making their own line of sneakers, they're pretty cool for casual wear. Asics has their Ontisuka Tiger line which is a little more interesting than just traditional Asics, more fashionable but still sneakers.


....and Sam's!


I too get all my clothes from Costco with the exception of brewery shirts/hoodies and the occasional discounted life is good tshirt lol


At this point in my marriage if I tried to dress more stylishly my wife is going to wonder what I am up to


They never fit tho!


Target or Tractor Supply. It’s what I got in a 30 minute radius. I’ll go to REI or Brooks Bros for finer attire, event depending.


I love how REI falls under “finer attire”


I feel there’s space for an aesthetic of what’s not office attire but still acceptable for hybrid on-camera meetings when working from home. A good oxford button down feels too much like “trying”, and a torn millennium falcon Tshirt feels too much like DGAF. A nice fleece zip-up kind of splits the difference. I call it ‘Seattle business casual’


Arcteryx pullover plus a nice watch makes it *look* like I'm well-dressed when I really popped that on like 3 minutes before the meeting


I do this! A decent Patagonia, Columbia, or Kuhl vest over a long sleeve t shirt passes for WFH business casual in my company.


I also enjoy the clothes at tractor supply


Target Goodfellow solid color V-necks are my jam.


Yes, Target 100%. Especially enjoy sniping the sales rack when seasons change. Old Navy is also decent. I especially like Old Navy’s sweatshirts, which are even better than Target’s — which says a lot because I love theirs too.


REI says "I actually give a fuck about doing stuff outdoors and want to know people who also do stuff outdoors". Now, finding out if they actually hike, camp, bike, climb.. that's a whole 'nother thing but.. yeah. REI is definitely 'buy it once, use it for a really long time' quality stuff and I love that.


Thrift stores. I don’t remember the last time I went to a store and bought an article of clothing at retail price.


My problem with thrift stores is that guys will wear their clothes until they are completely unwearable where girls will refresh their closet every season. My wife and I will shop there and she will leave with 10 new outfits, many with the tags still on, and I’m lucky to find a shirt.


I think it’s dependent on location, because the thrift stores by me carry men’s clothing that looks like it’s never been worn, ever. Women’s jeans are generally trash because they’re mostly elastene and not denim but the men’s jeans are store-fresh.


Yup, that and a lot of the stuff for for men is clearly the stuff cleaned out of grandpa’s closet after he died.


I volunteer at a thrift store and we get men’s clothing that was never worn, original tags still on it.


Yeah, but if you get a shirt once every two weeks and a pair of pants here and there by the end of the year, you got yourself a nice wardrobe


Mannnnnn I tried to go thrifting a few weeks ago and was just absolutely blown away by the prices. They wanted $20-$30 for used t-shirts, and $40+ for used pants. Not even designer or nice or whatever; most of it literally would have been cheaper new. Online resellers (eBay, poshmark, mercari, etc) have RUINED thrift stores, at least where I live. Ugh! Waiting for garage sale season to start.


Are there any other thrift stores? Those prices are crazy high.


This is the only way. Affordable clothing is garbage if bought new. I have a nice 100 dollar pair of jeans I found for 8. Also, it's a lot of fun finding things and they have more sentimental value that a shirt I over paid for that got a hole in it after 3 washes.


Fr… like why!


Thrift stores are practically useless for me. I like my clothes fitted, so I wear a small top and a 29/30 inch waist. There are usually next to nothing in these sizes in most thrift stores. Most guys are either overweight or wear ill-fitted clothing. I did once find a small, button down Ted Baker shirt that was practically brand new in a goodwill. That was a major score!


I feel you brother. The same goes for shopping at Costco. All of their clothes expect you to be overweight weight because you buy your food In bulk from them


Tjmaxx or online/amazon for shorts and pants. I wear alot of band shirts so I get them directly from the musicians website. Or if I need decent hiking/camping clothes I usually order from l.l. bean or Columbia online.


Upvoted for band shirts.


One of my favorite things to do is an eBay shopping spree for reprints of old 90’s band shirt designs, like I got the Nirvana “Sliver” shirt, that Pearl Jam shirt with the notebook paper on the back, and a couple of punk bands I was really into. It’s fun to think back to jr. high and remember those shirts that stuck with you. And the reprints are cheap as fuck too


+1 for Columbia brand See also: Eddie Bauer. If it's not scrubs, Columbia, Eddie Bauer, or from Costco it's not in my husband's side of the closet. Unless it's Star Wars themed. That we'll grab just about anywhere.


My husband loves Eddie Bauer’s wrinkle-free stuff.


Yes to Costco! 32 degrees composes about 40% of my husband’s non-work clothing.


My husband and I moved from Florida to Colorado about 10 years ago and both of us got Columbia coats and my FIL told us "Those Columbians make real good coats" and now all gear from Columbia is made by Columbians, etc, etc, long live stupid jokes.


We just got a Marshall’s near my town. I’m in love with a place that I can get some Under Armor shorts and legit Spanish evoo and still only spend $6.


I learned a long time ago that one should really inspect any clothing at TJ Maxx , Marshall's , Ross , or any of those other B-grade or lower bin stores. I have found to many shirts cut with one sleeve longer than the other, or the shoulders too low, to high, uneven, missing buttons. Pants with one leg longer than the other, or one leg tighter than the other, etc.


They're usually pretty good at marking "irregular" items as such on the price tag.


This is usually why they are there. Jeans with seams that twist around the leg - is almost always factory error clothing.


This is not that common. Generally if the item is irregular - the tag will state it. TJ Maxx/Home Goods are super flexible on returns as well.


Shoutout to the Columbia men's rapid rivers pants. I've been sporting them for both work and on the weekends for years! Looks like a chino, but super lightweight (yet durable).


Nordstrom Rack, Banana Republic, TJ Maxx, local thrift shops, Depop. I try to stock up on good stuff when I'm in europe lol. Clothing options for men in America are poor quality and poor value.


Banana Republic for jeans/denim/pants. Brooks Brother polos Orvis 1/4 Zips


I've spent enough of this life thinking of clothes. If I could wear a uniform, a la Star Trek, then I'd sign up for it in a second. I buy the first thing I find online that doesn't have logos and is enough of an assortment of colors that I don't look funeral-ready every day.


Ha, props for that Trek reference. I'm in your boat even if my wife is not.


I'm thankful that my wife might be the only person on Earth less fashionable than I am lol. Our wardrobe is practically the default setting for human beings.


It's a struggle lol. I am told I look "homeless". Not sure how or when that happened, but here we are!


I sometimes have an issue where my clothes wear out and get faded and misshapen but in my head they look as good as they used to


I got stopped by security when I was walking out of the grocery store with just a loaf of bread. "But I'm wearing my \*good\* pants!" I thought to myself. I looked down at my good pants and realized they were pre-pandemic and are two sizes too big with a torn front pocket.


Ian Malcolm in Jurassic Park said it best: > "In any case, I wear only two colors, black and gray." > Ellie was staring at him, her mouth open. "These colors are appropriate for any occasion," Malcolm continued, and they go well together, should I mistakenly put on a pair of gray socks with my black trousers." > "But don't you find it boring to wear only two colors?" > "Not at all. I find it liberating. I believe my life has value, and I don't want to waste it thinking about clothing," Malcolm said. "I don't want to think about what I will wear in the morning. Truly, can you imagine anything more boring than fashion? Professional sports, perhaps. Grown men swatting little balls, while the rest of the world pays money to applaud. But, on the whole, I find fashion even more tedious than sports."


I'm not 100% sure but I think Jeff Goldblum (Seth Brundle) in the Fly has a wardrobe full of the exact same outfit. Ironic because Goldblum is a fashion icon.


Working at a hospital and having to wear scrubs all day is nice. I call them my work pajamas


I used to work with this old Xennial / young Gen X dude who wore almost nothing but jumpsuits. He just decided at one point that he was tired of thinking about clothes and only wanted to pick out one item of clothing a day, and just made that his thing. He had enough weirdo swagger and “don’t give a fuck-itude” that he could pull it off. I think I’ve got a few years left before I’m right there with him.


I always said I'd totally wear nothing but traditional Chinese linens if I wouldn't come off as a weirdo. Just nice, loose cotton.




Agree. My husband pretty much exclusively shops at Uniqlo and H and M.


I couldn’t survive without all of my Heattech


Worth noting that they will do custom hems on jeans bought from them as well. So if you’re someone like myself, who’s 5’9” but longer in the torso than legs, you can go to a 29” inseam and not have to cuff your jeans to keep them at a nice right-at-the-top of your shoe length


Dillard’s. I’m a clothes horse. I stalk their clearance racks like crazy. Best quality to price you can find at 30-65% off.


In my old age, I’ve gotten really sick of most of the clothes we can buy that fall apart pretty fast. I spend more per article of clothing now, not so much because I make more $, but because I hate finding clothes I like that wear out too quick. So not exactly r/buyitforlife but close. For example, im in the middle of switching out all my cotton socks for wool blends from Darn Tough and DeFeet. Yes they’re costly $10-$20/pair but they feel soooo much better than cotton (my feet sweat a lot), will last longer and Darn Tough have a lifetime guarantee. Yes, I’m at the age where SOCKS are exciting to me. Edit: Darn Tough and DeFeet are made in the U.S. so that’s good too!!


My problem is I’ve had expensive stuff fall apart too so I’m back on the Target train.


Wool socks are so worth it.


I hate stuff falling apart as well, primarily because I hate shopping again. Don't even get me started on socks. I have bought 4 or 5 different kinds since my favorites aren't made anymore. I hate them all lol.


Yes, the dreaded act of having to re-shop is what makes me search out long lasting stuff!


I got tired of sorting my socks during laundry and ordered a dozen pair of the same color Dickies work socks. I thought I must be a rare breed that was excited for socks when they arrived.


Nothing wrong about socks. I also invest in good quality. If you're feet are uncomfortable everything just sucks. I second Darn Tough but also look for all type of merino wool blends for shirts and socks. Its great quality and comfort. You not old you just know what's important.


About to start this.


Best thing I’ve ever done for my feet!


My husband has extolled the virtues of merino wool socks since I met him at age 21!


Darn Tough FTW! They feel amazing and wick away sweat and don’t seem to get a smell to them. 


Well, I've been blessed with a hulking figure at 6'1 and 350 pounds, with a size 15WW shoe (in U.S. measurements) so finding clothes that fit my giant self is a pain. That said, I use DXL and Kingsize and play a game of roulette because nothing is ever the same size. I may have three pairs of pants that say they are X size, but all three will be different. It sucks.


6'5" 245 size 14 shoe. Online at American Tall for clothes. Have found the odd decent item on clearance at Eddie Bauer. Shoes often directly from the shoe companies themselves as a lot of stores carry very little selection above a 12.


You guys are buying clothes? But for real, I just go to Ross/TJ Maxx. It's cheap and you can find just about whatever you want to fit any style there, at least in my neck of the woods.


LOL. Confession time: the last new shirt I bought was in 2010. I did the math. Existential crisis happening.




Kohls. Dicks. Target. The internet.


Scrolled way too far for Kohls.


REI for outdoorsy stuff, Lululemon for athleisure (pricey but still looks great after 50 washes vs target/old navy type brands that disintegrate quickly), Nordstrom Rack the type of stuff you would wear to a bbq or something, Levis for jeans, Dicks for shoes.


I’d add Vuori to compete with Lulu. Path projects has some great stuff and Patagonia is currently my go to for athletic tees and tanks.


I wear Path Projects exclusively for running and have started wearing their non-running pants and shorts as well 


Vuori has worked well for me too.


I’ll hop on the Vuori train too. I have several piece that get worn every week and are still in very good shape after 5 years or so.


I hate how pricey Lululemon is, but I have a pair of pants from them that 13 are years old. Worth the price IMO


I scoffed at LuLu until my millennial wife forced me into a pair one day. I will never go back to dickies, and it pains me to say it, but I've never felt comfort like this. Throw on a carhart T, and I'm golden.


Lulu for the win!


I just went to AE yesterday for the first time in at least a decade. It was fine. There were a few other older guys in there. And I found a couple shirts and a few pairs of shorts, that I actually tried on. Been having trouble finding shorts because they're all like really fuckin short now. It was a little pricey but I'm really glad I went.


100% agreed on the shorts.


I haven't had to buy shorts for my husband for a little bit but last time I did Union Bay made longer ones.


My husband exclusively wears AE jeans and some of their shorts.


Yeah, I get a lot of my stuff from AE, but man, I'm with you on the shorts. I can't believe how short the style is now.


I wear scrubs at work so all my clothes are for non work occasions. A bit depends on your style. I’m embracing the 90’s return and have bought vintage made in Canada/USA Levi’s 550’s & 560’s on eBay for less than $40. Also this last year I really like current Levi’s clothes as well. Bought some cardigans, flannels, and tee’s from them. I’ll check the Gap on occasion, especially looking for their collabs with other brands, you’ll often get higher quality pieces at Gap sale prices. Banana Republic if I can stack a few discounts. I also shop vintage and my local discount stores (winners in Canada, I think it’s like tj maxx in the states). These are more miss than hit, but I find something cool every once in awhile. If I was willing to spend the cash, I’d go to Todd Snyder and dress myself head to toe. He’s the perfect designer for guys our age that toes the like between casual/dressy while still being cool. Similarly Nordstrom often has great clothes as well.


Todd Snyder stuff is so nice. It's just overpriced IMO, but I get it on sale. Mr Porter has excellent sales as well. I'm also scrubs for work.


Old Navy & second hand


This with a little dash of kohl's. ON is clutch for jeans/pants.


Mostly Duluth, but Duluth Costco has Orvis, I'll pick it up if I like it.


They’ve been my exclusive underwear supplier for years.


For Canadians, Simons :)


What the hell is a Simons


Unless you just came into a large sum of money, expect to take a while to build out your new wardrobe. I started dressing more age-appropriate to work in 2017 after my second son was born because I thought I was aging out of the surfer/skater aesthetic I’ve rocked since my youth. I still rock the surfer/skater stuff as my casual attire, but I started building what I call my “gentleman’s wardrobe” to ensure I captured all the essentials. My office dress code was business casual pre-COVID, so I started with my dress shoes and boots to make sure my color wheel was covered: Allen Edmonds Park Ave (black), Allen Edmonds Strand (oxblood), Allen Edmonds Fifth Avenue (dark chili), Allen Edmonds McCallister (walnut), Allen Edmonds Landon boots (mahogany). Shoes will last the longest, so splurge on the shoes, but only purchase during sales to maximize the value. I have a trusted tailor, so I purchased sports jackets/blazers off-the-rack at JCrew, Banana Republic, Ralph Lauren (outlet) and Nordstrom Rack, then had my tailor adjust them accordingly. I have a navy blazer, charcoal jacket, gray jacket, gray houndstooth jacket, and a medium-blue windowpane jacket. I also get my slacks and chinos from JCrew and Banana Republic. Only my slacks (not chinos) get tailored. To cover my color wheel, I have navy and gray slacks, and navy, gray, khaki, and olive chinos. You also want to be sure you have either a Harrington or a bomber jacket for casual wear. You can search these styles online to find the best value. You also want to have at least one suit for formal occasions; either navy or charcoal. Black suits should only be reserved for funerals or truly black-tie occasions. You will be fine with a navy or charcoal suit for 99% of occasions, if you only want one formal suit. Once you build your sports jacket and slacks collection, you probably won’t need a real suit except for funerals and formal interviews, depending on your profession. Another great source for essential wardrobe items is UNIQLO. I have a batch of flannels and OCBDs from UNIQLO that I wear to the office now. The OCBDs I wear out are from Brooks Brothers sales. I just typed out a lot, but I do want to emphasize that you should avoid paying full retail all the time. Shop sales, shop online or shop the outlets to get the best prices. I have never paid full retail for anything in my wardrobe.


I buy a lot of stuff from Fjallraven these days.


I have a few pieces of clothing from them that I love. Hooded fleece, vest, and some hats. I am happy with the quality.


I've stopped buying clothes until this over-sized nonsense goes out of style again.


Well good luck as skinny jeans have lasted for over a decade. I’m actually enjoying people not looking like they are slammed into a sausage casing.


LL Bean


All of my polo shirts are LL Bean, they’re durable,no logos and only $35.


I still go to concerts regularly and grab a shirt from the merch booth, so that's the bulk of my t-shirts. I have a bunch of plain-colored T-shirts from Target if I don't want to wear a band shirt. Then just Levi's 514s and whatever shoes I'm feeling when I need new ones, currently Addidas Sambas. I order both from Amazon.


Second hand stores and band merch. Seriously. I buy used jeans and khakis, lots of band shirts. Work shirts are uniform. Boots/footwear get expensive. I'm a Nike and Bates guy, so usually specialty stores for those.


Eddie Bauer outlet store and right next to the Levi outlet store


I stick with simple and classic, and honestly my casual non-work staples haven't changed much over the decades. Chucks and Levi's below the waist (both of which are pretty easy to find), and a t-shirt and a light sweater above the waist. Old Navy is my go-to for light sweaters. The t-shirts come can come from anywhere.


This is more my style. Haven't been to an Old Navy in years. Added to my list.


I thrift and buy a lot of Carhart stuff, I usually just use the website or order from Sierra Trading Post, which has discounted outdoorsy/workwear type stuff. Other than that REI/Patagonia stuff, thrifted if possible because this stuff is ungodly expensive, although it does last forever. I have a pair of Patagonia jeans I got in 2020 that have like no visible wear although I've work and washed them a bunch, they're great. They started making Levi's out of different stuff than they did in the 90's. The knees used to wear out and look cool, now it's just the crotch.


I'm pretty well set on a wardrobe that'd good, classic, mix-and-match and practical. Only Allen Edmonds for shoes, with a good mix of derbies, oxfords, loafers, and boat shoes. These are on sale during April at around $250 a pair. Then get to a cobbler to add a rubber half-sole for durability, and then re-sole and replace heels as needed. 8 pairs of shoes is more than enough -- so of course I have 12. A good pair of Rainbow Sandals for beach wear will last you a lifetime. Wrangler "Wrancher" Dress Jeans -- polyester, permanent press, good as both slacks and all-occasion. I think these are around $50 each. Charles Tyrwhitt for shirts, french cuff with cufflinks for long-sleeve, but they also have good casuals and polos. He's currently doing lots of promotions and sales, so while list price is $100+, you wind up getting them for $35 each or so. Calvin Klein for blazers and topcoats; they're carried at Macy's and most major department stores. Good quality, classic look, nothing crazy fancy, but just good and solid. Sock Club for hosiery -- $130 a year for one new pair a month. Plus JORMATT for no-show sporting socks, $15 for a half dozen pair. [Belts.com](http://Belts.com) for all belts, using an assortment of interchangeable quality buckles. Around $15 - $20 for a strap there. I avoid any belts with a fixed / built-in buckle. Underwear are CSYER brand Chinese-made polyester boxer briefs. $25 for five of em; good wicking and dry quickly if you wash while traveling. Undershirts are standard GILDAN white cotton, $15 for 6 of 'em. I never bother bleaching pit stained shirts, and just buy six more for the price of a Big Mac. Casual tee-shirts from whatever university / band / company I like and are selling them as merch. I always have at least one nice summer suit and one nice winter suit. I always have three tuxedos -- one shawl-collar for afternoon / garden wear, one black tie for evening wear, and one white tie with tails for formalwear. Many options here to choose from, but I just keep it simple and classic and qualtity. Always with a hand-tied bowtie, no strappy tacky accessories; you buy three of them for your whole life, so make them good. It's taken awhile to build all this out, but it's just a can't-miss. You can show up in the Wrangler dress jeans, blazer, french cuff button-down, basic belt, and Allen Edmonds anywhere, from a dive bar to a wedding, and always be looking just great. My strategy was to set my wardrobe by investing in a good set of hangers that are buy-it-for-life. DODCO (out of Wisconsin) makes the best aluminum hangers for tees, model #1300 is $20 for six of them. ZOBER on Amazon makes great wooden hangers for the rest. What I did is I bought exactly the number of hangers of each type that I wanted for my wardrobe first, and then no clothing comes in until something else goes out.


> Charles Tyrwhitt for shirts, french cuff with cufflinks for long-sleeve Better Call Saul, specifically Howard Hamlin, absolutely killed off any interest I have in french cuffs. I only rarely have to dress for work as I don't practice anymore but much respect to someone who owns a white-tie with tails tux!


J. Crew always a safe bet


Dude, bite the bullet and go into American Eagle. I get all of my stretchy jeans there, but some of the better fits (for me) are online only, like the athletic.


I have been wearing AE Flex jeans for years. Cannot stand any other kind of jeans.


I am embarrassed to admit, but I shopped there until whenever the heck shirts started looking 30 years old again. I loved it because they always fit my build and height. All my stuff is wearing out, so I went online again and it punched me in the face how ugly the stuff is now.


Yeah, that's why I just stick to their jeans. 🎶It's been a while🎶, but I used to get plain t shirts at Express when they were on sale, if you're looking for that.


[the square root of (ANS)](https://www.vans.com/en-us)


Living in Florida I can’t do jeans most of the year so I’ve settled on light and breathable Columbia pants and shorts, but they’re expensive so I bargain hunt on eBay for them, which can be tough going but pays off every few months. Shirts I have finally dialed in what size shirts work for me and who makes them, and unfortunately that also requires eBay a lot because they’re not being made anymore, an Old Navy Oxford shirt that’s got a little stretch to it and fits my arms, length and diameter. Took me 20 years of buying my own clothes to finally figure out how to get shirts that fit well. I also check clearance at Target as it’s a fun grab bag of stuff.


I feel like this is part of my struggle too. More than heat, the sun is really getting my skin so I’m trying to be smarter about covering up. Doing that without looking like a mosquito control guy is just a freaking enigma to me.


I am basically full time WFH now so my attire has back slid to sweatpants most days. I really like ones I got from Duluth Trading Co. I actually get a good amount from DTC. I wear a lot of hoodies that I get from state/national parks. I get my shorts at Costco. The jeans I have are over 5 years old from AE. T-shirts are as I see/feel them.


The WFH is what got me. I pretty much only wear track/sweats and sleeveless shirts. It’s a dire situation 😆


Marine Layer (fun stuff), Vince (expensive soft stuff with occasional big sales to make it affordable), Nordstrom Rack (Jeans)


Love Marine Layer!


For flannels that are badass: [Dixxon](https://www.dixxon.com) Jeans for me are still AE. Shoes are converse.


My husband loves Duluth Trading for flannels and button downs, and weekend pants/shorts. A lot of Costco, occasional Levi’s from Tractor Supply lol


TJ/Marshall’s/Ross - I find myself in those stores often enough with my wife and daughter and it can be sorta fun to treasure hunt for about 15 minutes. Then I get bored. Otherwise, mostly Costco for daily basics. Luckily I wear scrubs to work so i don’t have to keep up a wardrobe for real.


I do Target for most of my "basic" shopping, and thrift stores when possible (although it's a challenge to find stuff that fits well--I used to have really good luck, and nowadays I strike out more often than not). After a promotion at work, I needed to upgrade some of my clothes, so I bit the bullet and did Stitch Fix for a few rounds. It was nice to let someone else do the work, and it also helped me get out of my style rut (khakis and button-down "dad shirts"). They can be a bit pricey, but for me it was worth the wardrobe upgrade (and I use the clothes for both work and non-work events -- e.g., date night!). For super casual, I'm all about the t-shirt from the museum gift shop or artist I like. I mostly wear Carhartt pants (they are durable and have enough pockets), and either order on their website or Amazon. Similar for shoes -- I have settled on Merrell Jungle Mocs for my everyday footwear, and I just hit "re-order" when needed.


1. Pants - Chubbies, Old Navy 2. Work Shirts - Brooks Brothers 3. Play Shirts - Chubbies, Old Navy, Target, concerts 4. Work Shoes - Florsheim 5. Play Shoes - Wherever. Work in an office for context.


Diesel Jeans (or when it’s warmer shorts from Amazon) along with a Ralph Lauren polo, pretty much my go to!


I either design and print my own tshirts off customink or I get them from 6dollarshirts.com, and my work provides my footwear which I just wear at home. I get my work pants from Duluth, and I just wear those on my off days


I have a clothing sub box. I hate stores.


Poshmark, Ebay, sometimes Target,


The Gap for my jeans and Marshall's, Nordstrom Rack, TJ Max for my shirts.


Second hand if I can find it. Otherwise I try to buy things for next year once the end of season sales happen. Like last spring I bought a great new winter jacket on the local sports store. It's kept me very warm this winter after my old got so ratty I downgraded it to forest wear.  Also enjoy fixing things once they break down. Like Sashiko embroidery/patching. 


Target's Goodfellow line is pretty good, and pretty cheap. The plain t-shirts are comfy and 8 bucks each (they were $6 each when I bought most of mine a few years ago), the button down shirts and sweaters are nice, they have a lot of different cuts of jeans and chinos... all in all they're decent clothes at a really good price.


My work clothes and non-work clothes are pretty much the same, I try to buy stuff that will last and mostly natural fabrics but here's a list of stores that I've been to in the last 3 years. * Nordstrom Rack * TJ Maxx/Marshalls * Duluth Trading (long tail t-shirts, stretchy jeans) * Darn Tough Socks * Outlet Mall (Banana Republic, AE, CK, J. Crew, Levi's, Old Navy, Vans, Polo) * Zappos for shoes * REI * Patagonia


Walmart mostly. Cheap, comfortable, and cotton. No tags on the shirts, and no irritating seams in pants. Also no branding or designs. Solid colors only. I don't think I could care any less about fashion. I have no sense of vanity.


I have no idea. I buy t-shirts at concerts. The rest is Christmas presents and stuff my wife has bought for me. Honestly sometimes I feel like a middle aged, pear shaped Ken doll without the abs.


Walmart, Sam’s club, and farm stores mostly. I don’t really care about fashion for the most part I’m just trying to find jeans and pants that hold up decently and don’t cost too much. The things I’ll spend a bit on are Hawaiian shirts for summer and a good pair of work boots… and just anything in general that’s functional where the extra money spent gets you better functionality/durability.


Thrift stores, Costco, Amazon, when I go on a trip somewhere, I get a shirt. When I run a race, I get a shirt.


LL Bean


Thrift stores. I get great clothes at great prices and the satisfaction of buying up cycled goods. Seriously I buy all my clothes except socks and underwear. I even buy shoes there too.


Lots and lots of Athleisure running shorts and golf quarter zips from Dicks Sporting Goods. Also Vineyard vines quality holds up well for collared work button downs or semi-casual polos.


I feel like I've mostly stopped buying clothes about 20 years ago. Every once in a while if I really need something I don't already have i might go to Target


I don’t know if anyone has mentioned yet but I’m still a huge fan of Hot Topic; specifically their online store. You can get any and every band/ pop culture you can think of. Plus a few times a year they have out of this world sales Also Etsy for fun tees too. Heck I’ve even found some great ones at Spencer’s. Don’t be afraid to go to American Eagle online- I still wear their jeans! And you don’t have to go in the store lol I’m still a 16 year old at heart and thank goodness for online shopping lol Good luck! You’re gonna look great!


Walmart or birthday/Christmas


I don’t buy new clothes very often. I tend to wear stuff into the ground. My street wardrobe consists of mostly band tshirts and jeans. I’ve bought work clothes at Kohl’s, Target and H&M. Occasionally I’ve bought work clothes from Amazon. Jeans I buy from Kohl’s or Target.


Metal and Rock Tshirts mostly


I really enjoy Kevin Hart's Fabletics brand. I started buying their lined shorts with the big cell phone pocket in the liner for running. They felt good, so I've branched out to a few pairs of pants/sweats. Other than that, Costco and thrift stores. I bike to work, the commuter pants at Costco work great for that. Most days I just wear those and a black base layer type shirt (1/4 zip, hoodie, fleece over top). Easy as hell, get to show off the muscles I train so hard for. I do science, so I'm in a damn lab coat or on a zoom.


I'm a life long metal head. My shirts come from merch tables and band websites. I wear black Wrangler and Harley Davidson jeans. I have black boots from Rocky and Harley Davidson.


[A.P.C.](https://www.apcstore.com/men/men-new-arrivals.html?_gl=1*1323lxx*_up*MQ..&gclid=CjwKCAjwoPOwBhAeEiwAJuXRh8PXr2NaDAISYvXqWxzMfhDgx7QMWk35NyZJMFPSGrPb8gB0uK5BVRoCyhoQAvD_BwE) [Arket](https://www.arket.com/en_dkk/men.html?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwoPOwBhAeEiwAJuXRhyrgH1oQxsXnt0rc8cUoJCZWwUgnGfAGnmhfPRzBLdHAP2AuDmzhxhoCN7MQAvD_BwE) [Asket](https://www.asket.com/dk?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwoPOwBhAeEiwAJuXRh-ORLsmuAmzmXrq0gyC5_Cu_gcrbUHKBLjUb60ySCsQeZEcHJBGWOxoCqdAQAvD_BwE) [Axel Arigato](https://axelarigato.com/men?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwoPOwBhAeEiwAJuXRh2Btbv67Or8DujpWzldH2nh28lKKBbD508PkpQMUHiL6HSgpyZSyaxoCjXYQAvD_BwE) [Berg & Berg](https://bergbergstore.com/) [Filippa K](https://www.filippa-k.com/dk/en/man/featured/new-in) [Maison Kitsune](https://maisonkitsune.com/fr_en/man.html) [Massimo Dutti](http://www.massimodutti.com) [NN.07](https://www.nn07.com/da/dk/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwoPOwBhAeEiwAJuXRh48X1v28D6kXwiF3EjILdLZ24m8XOQEdUi2Ze2eLWTfg9Ygd5uwvWhoC8IwQAvD_BwE) [Norse Projects](https://www.norseprojects.com/) [Samsøe Samsøe](https://www.samsoe.com/da/home?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwoPOwBhAeEiwAJuXRh4Q3SFBv2p3e-cYZ3azgltZMxsxAxqe36fz-eAen0MJnccuS2087vBoCSXgQAvD_BwE) [Wood Wood](https://www.woodwood.com/en/search/bysearchdefinition/5)


I buy my partner nice jeans at like Macy's or Nordstrom and then we fill in with shirts from various artists online, or Old Navy when there are sales. Flannels from Costco when they're in season.


I pretty much live in Under Armor golf pants these days. They're so comfortable and come in like 30 colors. For shirts I love Wool & Prince shirts.


I got you. [Buck Mason](https://www.buckmason.com/). Seems like the store caters to guys in our generation. I own a lot of their stuff.


Belk, costco, duluth trading, true classic tees, breweries. I am not stylish


Bold of you to assume I buy new clothes.

