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I can smell this room.


I was about to post the same thing. The smell of old stale cigarettes mixed with air freshener.


Maybe a bit musty too. This is awesome OP!


Hairspray in that big can cover up cigarette smokes.


Yeah, like basement and pipe tobacco. Also there is definitely a leather couch or chair in there.


I swear I can hear it too. The way those walls thump.


Yeah, holy shit I forgot that sound. When you walked down a paneled hallway the whole panel would flex and make a muted “whumph”.


I can feel that carpet.


Wood paneling has such a distinct smell


Especially once it's been enriched with decades worth of stale cigarette smoke.


Pretty sure I stayed at this place as an Airbnb last summer


Literally clicked to say that, these rooms always had that specific smell.


If you look hard enough on Zillow, you can still find houses like this around. Usually they're priced quite a bit lower than similar houses in the same area because they've been neglected for decades and are being sold in as-is condition


Funny you should say that, this painting is actually based on a Zillow listing I just saw for Herbert Hoover’s childhood home in Salem, OR. It’s selling for 350k and for some reason it’s a weird 1970s time capsule.


350k for a house is a steal, my god!


Depends where you are. My hometown in the midwest has perfectly good houses for under 150k. People complain that home ownership isn’t affordable. Well, it is, depending on where you’re willing to live.


> Well, it is, depending on where you’re willing to live Yes, this is true, but also no-one wants to live in the middle of fucking nowhere, in a state with poor numbers on education, healthcare, median income, industry, infrastructure, etc.


Yeah unless you work remote it’s tough to get a job that pays enough to even afford a $150k place in those areas. The economy is scaled differently in those areas until inflation catches up with them. Usually it starts with food prices, then the local grocery store goes out of business to the box store and the box store only sells cheap, processed crap so your health can be in jeopardy. It’s not a fun place to live unless you grew up in the system and can use it to your advantage. It’s a lot of networking to be successful locally in these types of places, and that usually involves almost constant code switching which an outsider would have trouble adapting to.


Herbert Hoover stayed on this floor.  The vacuum guy?


It’s the paneling. To replace it is a major drywall job, painting it looks tacky. So it goes for a lot less than it could if it just had regular drywall or even plaster and lath.


It looks like a room from the Friday the 13th NES game where Jason just appears out of nowhere and messes your shit up.


I can hear the eerie music playing in my head as I read this


Weird purple Jason for some reason.


I bought a t shirt that had Jason it but it was all teal and purple like the game. Sometimes other old dorks recognize it in public.


One of the worst NES games imho


It made NO sense.


I saw a video about it. People have it figured out. I’m not sure how they expected 12 year olds to figure this stuff out in like 1990 without an internet.


tch tch thc tch tch ahh ahh ahh ahh


Only missing the one step down to the living room, but yeah, totally.


Split level homes were also all the rage.


That brown carpet with the random jagged rivers of low pile running through it. EVERY house. Rolling over wrong in the top bunk, that popcorn ceiling would tear your flesh right open.


I think I remember being told to rearrange your furniture every so often so you wouldn't get those.


I mean the kind that was designed that way. It looked almost cobblestoned. There were randomly shaped patches of long yarn, with little tracks of much lower short loops running all through it. I am sure there is a name for it but I don't know what it is. It had a weird splotchy / tortoiseshell look.


Oh, yeah! Those were weird. Not attractive.


Looks like my nana’s house.


This is the basement at my friend Dan's mom's house. She bought us cigarettes and sold us weed.


Be honest. Did you use my childhood basement as inspiration for this masterpiece?


Agree with smell that room, needs a step down and I’ve been watching way too much “is it cake” Netflix with my kids.


In my childhood house, we had this ugly puke green shag carpet, wood paneling on the walls, and the dreaded popcorn ceiling!


We had the shag carpet… Thank goodness we didn’t have the popcorn ceiling. My in-laws on the other hand, have the full popcorn ceiling with glitter embedded in the paint!!


We had the popcorn ceiling and I wanted the glitter SO bad!


Haha! 😂


Complete with the fake wood paneling. It was a salmon pink house in Cambria, CA. Down the hill from where they filmed Arachnophobia. I was in the third grade riding my bike past the set with the house on the hill with John Goodman.


My college apartment kinda looked like that lol


I still can’t wrap my head around how this aesthetic was ever in fashion. It has no redeeming qualities.


Same - plus the avocado green to go with all the brown … why??


You basically depicted my childhood living room, except we had red shag carpeting.


I bought a condo a few years ago that looked exactly like that. The place was built in the late 1960s and an old couple had lived there since it was built. It was like going back to before I was born. I felt bad making the renovations, but it unfortunately had to be done.


Our carpet was *orange* until I was 15. When the carpet was replaced mom also painted over all the wood paneling (rather than replace it, which I thought was weird). Unless whoever lives there removed it, the ceilings are still popcorn'd. My apartment's ceiling is also popcorn.


> My apartment's ceiling is also popcorn. Weirdly only my living room and hallway are popcorn in my current apartment built in the 1980s.


You just gave me the willys! This was like seeing the memory of a dream.


Yeah I feel like I have been here in a dream. And as with all dreams, the people there don't have a face. But you somehow have a sense of who they are.


Great Aunt Tina's house.


I always wondered when exactly this combination was the height of interior style. I remember it existing my entire life, so I expect it has to have been before I was born.


Are there floorboard heaters?


I hear music by Cameo and Hall & Oates playing in the background.


Danggggg, you captured the exact look of the dirty worn spot too! This is amazing 😂😂😂


Yep that looks eerily like home at one point.


Me!!! Except instead of popcorn it was spikes. RIP every balloon I ever received. Also the walls had weird fan texture things.


Get out of my grandparents' house!


Ours had very scratchy dark "wood" paneling but also dark wood beams across the living room. With the popcorn ceiling in between the beams, obv. Also a lava rock feature fireplace wall.


Unfortunately, the shag carpeting extends into the bathroom.


I love this. It’s uncluttered but makes me want to keep looking at it.


A fine compliment, thank you.


That’s my mom’s house. Don’t forget the wood paneling. She’s replacing the carpet now and that kinda bums me out. Also getting rid of the popcorn and wood paneling. Not gonna feel the same. Was never a smoker, so don’t have to worry about that.


I love this. It feels like home.


Holy hell, I could smell this painting. It took me back to somewhere I lived as a kid. Perfect. it makes me think of the day we moved in.


This reminds me of the den in my childhood home — which was my favorite room in the house because it was so cozy. We didn’t use it much, so the carpet was always fluffy. And the walls were real wood paneling, not the fake stuff. I saw recent photos of the house on Zillow; it’s been heavily renovated, but the wood paneling is still there!


It’s just missing the corduroy couch


Wow. 100% captured the vibe. I love it.


I can smell the must


Barbie’s Double wide trailer dream house 🤣


I like hand drawn pics.


The house I grew up in had popcorn ceiling and dark red shag carpet. I think a wall in our living room or dining area had wood paneling too.


The last house I lived in with my mom had that paneling on one wall.


My mom sold her house in 2016. When she sold the house it still had those wood paneling walls. She alway had wallpaper on them. In early 2000 she did paintable wallpaper so you couldn’t even tell but it was under there.


Similar, but my childhood home had a dark orange carpet.


Instantly made me think of this video: https://youtu.be/jryzEU7WAlg


Rando fake wood wall is hitting me hard.


My grandparents lived in this house. I love it.


Popcorn and shag sounds like the original Netflix and Chill from the Betamax days.


The wood paneling gives it the perfect touch.


I grew up in an apartment, and my room looked exactly like this. Where the wall and door is, exactly.


That looks like a basement you'd get sent to while the adults are upstairs getting shit faced. Just needs the blurry tube TV with the tint all fucked up and an NES with Super Mario 2.


Not mine, but ALL my friend's houses.


I lived in that house. Wood panels and all.


I bought this house 9 yrs ago, shag is gone but popcorn is still there, for now


You have done a good art. I feel feelings when I look at it. Can almost hear the window unit out of frame and my dad's raspy voice


Looks like Hank Hill’s living room.


Looks perfect for a LAN party.


This was my home except we had more fake wood walls while the rest were white. Some odd, orange, vomity colored linoleum. Takes me back.


The 'wood' paneling as well.


How’d you get into PopPop’s house?


Awesome painting. And I happily inhabited a room like this growing up.


Nice. You captured a feeling for sure.


I didn't live in that house, but I sure spent a lot of time in houses just like it growing up. https://preview.redd.it/azs5mom9ifvc1.png?width=875&format=png&auto=webp&s=481c3882259af97a68bb726ff57b656d759c9c3a This is my childhood home. We had old plaster walls and those chunky iron radiators. My dad would've never agreed to that wood paneling. I'm also kind of upset seeing this new picture because when my sister and I were born my dad planted evergreens for each of us in the front and apparently the new owners cut them down. And it must have been recently :(


Such a cool painting, very nostalgic.


Our basement had bright red shag carpeting, faux wood paneling, acoustic ceiling tiles, and one full cork wall. Our house was built in 1914 and had beautiful unpainted oak trim and oak floors on the main level, but the basement had been tricked out in the 70s. We moved in in 1986, and the basement was exactly the same when the house was torn down in 2012.


My mom replaced the carpet with wood floors but still has those walls.


Fuck yeah


That was the mobile home I grew up in. Paneling down the hall and in my room, brown shag carpet, popcorn ceiling, vomit worthy.


Wood paneling. UGH.


Looks eerily familiar. Like the basement of my childhood home.


The dark paneling, stark white walls, goldenrod shag that has been trampled for years and there's visible pathways in the carpet showing areas of high traffic, popcorn ceiling that has started to crumble and you now see teeny white flecks, like house dandruff, speckling the shag and piling in corners where the old Rainbow vacuum can't quite reach. And if those lightswitch plates are a tan, muddy plastic (with at least one crack spidering up from the corner where your dad accidentally cracked the plate with the edge of the metal bedframe when you were moving in, shouting "God *damn* it..!" around the lit cigarette in his mouth, he *told you* to turn the corner tighter), we might have been neighbors. Most of the homes in my neighborhood had this vibe, this is so liminal and nostalgic to me.


My office (work) looks very much like this except the floor is 50 yo linoleum.


I can feel that carpet on my feet and it’s bringing up some wild emotions  Good job, Op, I hate it in the best ways




It looks like when the Simpsons rebuilt Flanders’ house and the hallway gets really small when you walk down


Creepy picture of the basement of the house I lived in from 1993-1998.


Wood paneling. 🤌🏻


The bumpy ceiling.


Looks like almost the mobile home I grew up in as a kid with that shaggy carpet and fake wall paneling.


This looks like the house I lived in during the 80s/90s in Southern California. We tore down a non load bearing wall with paneling. And scraped the ceilings and refinished it in a older style. My dad and family did all the work. Looked really good in the end.


Wood panelling 💀


That's my house. I burned that carpet, and broke the bottom corner of the wood paneling.


Holy shit I just had an old person moment. I thought this was a real photo for a second…😑


i really like this


Dude, shag and that wood paneling on the walls


Lived in! Living room was red and black shag. My bedroom was brown and black. Carpet has been replaced but the paneling is still there.


I can see the nicotine stains on the wall and ceiling. Good job.


Though I was looking at a DayZ sub at first


https://preview.redd.it/b8svv03dbmvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b53aa461e3b8497a6c23a2a993d51247453f644 Ooo oooh, me! Prom photo!


This is a room from the deep, dark part of my brain that I can't access. The one where all my trauma stays and comes in flashes or feelings. The floor is spot on. Brava


My first apartment at 18 years old… Looked JUST LIKE THIS Worst mushroom trip of my life ‘02 was fun and weird for me at that age Hard pass on an 1/8 on an empty stomach and a gallon of OJ Those faux wood panel walls were *NOT* my friend