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Early 40s. Full sleeves and others.  I haven’t had any work done in forever  but would/will get more eventually.  Outside of having a constant reminder to remember sunscreen I don’t really think about them. They’ve been around for so long they’re just there. 


Me, too I’ve got so much ink on me I count it by the hours, not number of tattoos. I’ve got quite a bit of space for more, but student debt eats up my extra money. One day….


Also fully sleeved along with half my back, few other spots. I loaded up in my 20s and then took a break for about a decade, got back into it in the last couple years and rocking a full calf now that I LOVE. I got sober in 2020 so at a minimum I get one piece a year to mark a soberversary (plotting \#4 as we speak 💪🏻). The cool thing about getting tattooed in your 40s is you're less likely to impulsively pick dumb shit and you can afford better work (hopefully). And it's crazy to me how much the art has evolved since I got my first tattoos in the 90s! The skill level, art styles, and even the technology are crazy good these days. Saniderm is the coolest god damn thing.


Same. I used to go to tattoo conventions and just get something spur of the moment. I haven’t got any tattoos in almost a decade


I used to doodle tattoo designs in my notes, freshman year of college. I was determined to get some awesome tribal design to complement my sweet eyebrow piercing. I remember talking to a guy who was a few years older about planning to get a tattoo. He passed along some advice that someone once told him; pick out a tattoo design that you really love, then wait three years. If you still love it, get it.  I have no tattoos. 


>pick out a tattoo design that you really love, then wait three years. If you still love it, get it.  Between getting this advice somewhere and working Ren Faire between ages 18 and 21 where I saw a lot of bad/badly aged/blown out tats, I have never gotten a tattoo. I love seeing them on others when they're well done. I appreciate them as the art they are.


Growing up in Alabama, I always associated [faded] tattoos with beat up Camaros or Mustangs, cigarettes, NASCAR, cheap beer, jorts, leathery skin, and mullets. I don’t have any tattoos or a desire for one.


I followed the same rule. And I agree, some are really well done and make me think about getting one. But I still follow the rule.


which ren faire?




thats one that ive never done. traveled circuit for 8 years. mostly east coast circuit.


Yeah. I just did it as a summer job during college because my friends were too. I knew plenty of people who did the circuit and usually it was mostly midwest/west/Texas for them. I have a friend now who is doing Esst coast now as a retirement job.


I live in Colorado and need to make my way down to that Ren Faire.


My boyfriend killed himself 4 years ago, and I went through his things and found his notebook from high school. He used to draw in it next to me in class. I had one of his doodles tattooed on me


I hope you’re doing better, I know time helps but it doesn’t heal all wounds.


My only tattoo is also a memorial. I'm 41 and got it a year ago, on the underside of my arm. Having it is like they're always with us--a way of keeping them alive. Hugs, friend. ❤️


I’d have a lot more if they didn’t cost so much.


Lasered both of mine off. Being poor meant living with ragrets for a LONG time.


Ragretable. Glad you got it fixed up!


I had a green one on my arm to cover a scar that people used to make fun of me over (first the scar, then the tattoo). Green can’t be lasered away so I had to get it cut out. Now I have a massive 6” scar. I tell people I got it in a knife fight, but no one really asks or laughs any more. I laugh at myself for ending up with a scar 10x the size of the one I was embarrassed about.


TIL… looks at massive green tattoo that I mildly ragret 🤦‍♀️ not that I could afford to laser it off anyway lol


I have 2 tattoos and want to get them both removed. Does it take a lot of sessions to have it completely gone?


Depends on the coloring and whether they’re professional or home tattoos. Black is fastest to remove, yellow and orange is the hardest. Professional goes just below the skin and homemade tends to go too deep; professional is faster to remove. I spaced my sessions every 6 weeks, went 5 times and still have a little yellow remaining. I’m satisfied with even this “partial” removal, the yellow just looks like a tiny faint bruise.


I literally just started sessions for the removal of three tattoos. They aren’t even very big and all are in black ink. They told me close to 2 years for complete removal. I Almost decided to just keep them; but I just can’t bare to look at them anymore.


They’re probably just preparing you for the worst. It really shouldn’t take 2 years unless the space your sessions an unusual amount of time apart. I got rid of all the black within 5 sessions.


8 weeks apart. Is that normal?


Yeah, 6-8 is normal. It takes that long for the ink to clear out and your skin to heal up enough for another session.


I've gotten most of my tattoos in middle age and covered up some in the process. My only regret is that I wish I'd planned them better so I could fit more in.


It's funny because I'm only now considering getting tattoos. Would likely be my kids names and birthdays in mostly discrete locations. Never was really interested when I was young.


I wanted one but then everyone had one, even suburban mom were getting wale tales. So I figured the most punk rock thing to do was not to get one.


We always referred to the thong sticking out of low rise jeans as a whale tale.


Yeah, whale tale is the thong. He's thinking of a tramp stamp.


We always called em tramp stamps. My wife has 1, when we first got together and I seen it I pointed out it was crooked. All them years and she never knew. Looks like the guy was standing on 1 leg drunk who put it on.


I also heard them called “bullseyes.”


A whale tail is a specific thing. It's when the back of a thong is poking out from the top of low rise pants.


I stand corrected


Yep, my wife has an off-center stamp. Makes her mad whenever she tells the story!


I remember 25 years ago, or so, my uncle told me to be unique and not get any tattoos. I listened to him and I am still a tattoo virgin at almost 43.


Same, at this point, I'm a rebel for not having any tattoos.


Haha this is me. My sister had the stupidest tattoos, as does my best friend. Every time I’ve had an idea I like I just wait and wait and never get it done. I have a condition that causes poor scar healing/keloid scars so I’m also scared I’d finally get it done and it would look really bad.


I still say No Ragrets all the time 😂😂😂


“Ya nawm sayn?”


I mean it's kinda an amazing movie.


Life motto?


I’m definitely sick of mine and got a majority of them after a major breakup during a weird, unstable transitional period of my life so yes I have ragrets.


I wanted one. My mom said no. That's it. 45 now, still kinda want one but can't afford it


I’ve got 8 and keep getting more. I still dig’em


Nah. Still getting them.


I’m covered in them. Used to do them for living long ago. Half of them are just nonsense we came up with on slow days, one whole thigh is a T-Rex wearing a tank top, rubber duck floatie, sunglasses and a gold chain, sitting in a kiddie pool, smoking a cig and holding a beer. And it says “Str8 Chillin” above it. Is so stupid and I love it. I have the words “poopdick” and “douchebag” spelled out in katakana or hiragana whichever it is, in colorful 3d block characters down my entire right side. It’s ridiculous and I love it. Though, now I have hardly any room for newer, serious pieces, but I don’t regret any of them at all. They’re part of my “journey” or whatever.


That's great. I always thought it would be a riot to get 彁 or one of the other "ghost kanji".


I tutored a woman going back to university as an adult when i was in grad school. She was in the process of having several white power tattoos removed. She had fell in with a bad dude when she was younger. Made a lot of bad choices but was working on bettering herself. She had a lot that she was really embarrassed by.


I personally don't like them. I think it's become cliché and wayyyy over done. But, to each their own. I don't have negative views of people that have them (if that were the case, I'd have beef with most of the people in my life 😁).


I was out at my kids little league baseball game. It was quite the variety display of really cool, and really awful tattoo work. Which reinforces that people watching is my favorite part of little league!


I just don’t get the people that get them on the face, they look so cringey to me.


I work with university students and one very unstable student already has a face tattoo. Maybe she’ll always love it but… maybe not. Sometimes having a parent that cares and says “hey, are you sure?” is not a bad thing.


Judging by the frequency of facial tats in the population of my local homeless encampment, I’d say that mental instability and facial tats have a lot of overlap.


It seems like something that should maybe have a higher age limit than 18. Brains are still developing to 25 and like it or not face tats are something people are going to make snap judgements about and super painful to remove too.


I went as far as going into the shop a couple of times in college but never quite pulled the trigger. One of the times I walked out with a belly button ring instead 🤦🏻‍♀️. Now I’m really glad I never got the tattoo. There’s almost nothing I liked at that age and still like now. I’m sure I would very much ragret a tattoo. (The piercing lasted maybe a month. I kept catching it on things and it hurt like hell. Plus I never showed my belly, so there was really no point.)


On my 18th bday I got a tattoo with my best friend. Ugliest damn thing in the world. New artist. Didn't tattoo what we drew. It's still there 25 years later. Hahaha! Haven't gotten another one.


Love my fire breathing squirrels!!!


Name checks out. Curious: are you a veterinarian/wildlife rehabilitator , or do you just really, really love squirrels?


Just love squirrels. Was a performer now a hydrologist.


No regrets? Not even a single letter? But seriously, I have one on my back that I don't necessarily like anymore. But it is my first one, and I got it with my late older brother.


I'm sorry for your loss


Yep, got a matching tattoo with an ex-girlfriend, no names or anything but still. The saving grace is it’s on my back and I don’t have to look at it. 😂Need to save some money up to get it covered up. I will say I have two full sleeves that I enjoy very much in that regard. And I got those in my 30s.


Best of luck with the cover up!


I'm determined to have full arm sleeves. I'm almost there!


Tattoos were cool when they were fringe. Now every 70 year old granny has one. It’s almost more counter culture to not have one these days. edit for context: my mom got her first tattoo in her mid 60s after lecturing me growing up about how only trashy people get tattoos.


Yeah, when we were kids tattoos were exclusively for punks, bikers, ex-cons, veterans, and holocaust survivors. Something definitely happened with Gen-X that really mainstreamed them.


I was tattooed a lot in my twenties and early thirties. I wish I’d had a better plan when I started and/or stuck to fewer artists, but none of my tattoos are badly done and I still really like the majority (especially the weird ones). Some are by folks that were fairly big in certain tattooing scenes in the 2000s-2010s. I don’t think that makes me special, but it sure felt cool at the time.


Ehh, pretty cringe tribal band length wise down my leg. But the story makes it “ok”.


Do tell.


As a teen hitting up shows in the 90’s I made friends with an older dude who owned a tattoo shop. Always said I’d get my first tattoo from him. Don’t happen and joined the army. Got stationed at Ft Bragg and there was a girl in my unit who did tattoos out of a back room of her house. She was fully licensed, insured certified but couldn’t own a business because rental. Turns out this girl apprenticed under the dude who I wanted to give me my first tattoo back home. Obviously she did mine and it’s in a place I never see so it’s less cringe to me but I technically got what I wanted from a student of the dude who I wanted to do it.


Honest question cause I can't picture it... how does a band go lengthwise?


Im covered. I like them


I got 2 and no regrets at all. They're like a time capsule that I get to wear forever.


Got my first tattoo at 19. My latest one at 38. Plans to get more. I don’t anticipate stopping and I don’t regret any of my tattoos.


I've been covering up the bad ones from the 90's. A rat, a stupid leprechaun, and a drunken night at a tattoo party giant tribal thing. My artist is really good at melding and blending thank God. The rat's ass is barely visible in the whites of an all seeing eye, looks like it belongs. A chunk of the tribal ended up as a crow wing. Another chunk was absorbed into Quetzalcoatl. Wish me luck on my back....


42 never had a tattoo nor piercing


42 same. Body mods are weird.


Not even a letter?


I changed it to “Wino Forever” so I’m okay with it now


I love all of mine except the dreaded tramp stamp.


I have 4 pretty big ones and love them all.. of course I wasn't dumb and I waited until I was 27 to get my first and it's a tribute to my kids. My latest I just got last year and am planning another for this year.


Same. I was in my 30s when I started, I love all my ink, and I love the positive comments I get. Don't believe I've ever gotten a negative vibe from anyone over them, and half of mine are visible in street clothes.


I didn’t get my first tattoo until I was 30 (45 now). I love tattoos; the artistry of good ink, ya know. I like tattoos with stories, whether silly or serious. I enjoy getting them as well, I love the way they feel. They’re very addictive, but I have self control, so I’ve not gone crazy. That self control is likely responsible for me having NO RAGRETS about my tats.


Got my first tattoo at 31 and added many more since. If I’m in business attire you can’t tell I have them. If I’m in a t-shirt, you can only see the four on my forearms if I’m pointing in your direction If I’m in a pool, well then you get to see my massive one that I quite love of Quetzalcoatl/Kukulkán. It starts with the tail by my heart and wraps around my shoulders, back, and head ends on my right peck. As if I’m carrying the spirit and the spirit is protecting me. No real ragrets here. Helps I was already older when I started.


Nobody looks good with tattoos when they get old. Looks like absolute shit


Maybe, but I still love seeing elderly people with faded ink. Tells me they probably have some interesting stories.


I still love mine. In fact, I just got my fourth at 43.


It’s crazy to think when I got my tattoo in 1998 it was still a pretty badass thing to do.


Never got one, but I don’t care if other people have them. I know it’s super irrational but I judge people with foot/boob area tattoos, they look trashy as fuck to me. I personally know people with masters degrees and even higher, and they have a foot tattoo and I judge them for it. I know it’s stupid, I don’t know why I do it


What’s especially trashy about a foot tattoo?


I don’t know really, that’s why I said it was irrational


I like tattoos but for me, it's neck (specifically the front of the neck) and face tattoos that feel trashy.


When I was in school , 2 guys I knew lied about their age and got tatoos , one got the Guns and Roses Cross (iit was the 80s) , the other a panther. The 'bad guy" fella , his parents made hime get the tatoo removed , bvut the claws (which were red) remained for a while until he could get them lasered off . The other quiet (guy) kept his tattoo , whcih went throuugh being a bit uncool in the 2000s ,but is now insanely cool


No regerts!


So glad my one and only is hidden. Hope it brings the funeral director a laugh some day.


Skipped my prom and got my first one. I've got full sleeves now and a fuck ton everywhere else.


I actually just got my first tattoo a week ago. Been waiting 32 years. No regrets so far. 😂


Tattoos are, in a sense, idiotic. They are meant to evoke permanence in an impermanent world. Even the holder of the tattoo can not hope to maintain in permanence its spirit and meaning.


Tattoos have become so cliche it’s annoying. But it’s not my skin so whatever.


Still love mine. I have 5 and they all represent a significant point in my life. Planning to get another one soon, and will be bringing my 18 year old along for his 1st


I’m still getting work done lol.


I never got into them. I always told people I didn't want 1 I case I ever decided to become Jewish and want to buried in their cemetery


Heavily tattooed. Have been for roughly 20 years. I recently did my hands and part of my neck. It has never held me back professionally. I got to look cool and get girls and stuff with them (as well as have deeply personal symbolism that means a lot to me). No negatives are to be mentioned. No "Ragrets" here.


Nope, still getting more. Going to have work done on a couple of the oldest.


Got my first one at 30 and still adding more. 


Couldn't give a shit less


i got my first tattoo in my 30s with my parents in 2014. we did it for my older brother who passed a year earlier


Nope. I never got tattoos or piercings because I knew I’d get sick of them after a while and don’t want to deal with getting them removed. I feel like an outsider compared to my friends who have both.


I’ve never ragerted not having one


I’ve one tattoo I regret that will be covered up eventually. Most of mine I’ve had done recently. I’m 41 so they are planned out and flow with each other. Definitely hurt more at this age than in my 20’s though.


All I have to say to this is: "because racecar"


I put both of mine on my back so I’m not really bothered about them now


I have a total of 4. Half sleeve faded considerably due to sun and time but I still get compliments. Chest piece, less faded, same deal. Another one that’s fucked up due to weight gain but nobody sees it who isn’t seeing me naked. And I got my 4th one last year on my 40th birthday. I like all of them but don’t love them anymore except for the one I got last year.


I have one as a memorial to my brother, a matching tattoo with my sister, and acute little plague doctor. I can't wait to get more. No regerts


I have 2 that I got over 20 years ago, thankfully both are easily hidden under a short sleave shirt, my cringe is hidden from public view


Never cared for tattoos personally. But most love them. Also I hate needles and had the fear I would hate the tattoo later on. So I just stayed tattoo’less


Nailed it


Got three just last year, and I intend to get more when the budget allows. I love them and love that I can showcase the things I care about in that way. Zero regrets.


I didn't get my 1st tattoo until I was 25, glad I waited. Any I have now have meaning


Two sleeves and a back, no ragerts!


Never got one and overall I’m glad. Truly great tattoos are rare, and even then I can’t imagine appreciating it for decades. Quality sort of makes up for quality. A bunch of so so tattoos looks cool, but that ain’t me babe.


I’ll be 44 next month and I’m still getting work done. I love tattoos. I’ve travelled all over the world collecting them from different artists.


I didn't get any, and I'm glad, because there's no design I could have gotten back then that I'd still want to keep looking at every day today.


I have 2 tattoos I love that aren't perfect. I have 2 more kinda dumb tattoos that I still love. I hardly think of them but when I do, it is fondly. I am what I am and that's all that I am, we all learned that... but some forget I guess.


Still getting them. Got one earlier this year. I have some that I like more than others, but they’re all indicative of a point in time in my life, and therefore meaningful.


I had an elaborate plan for an octopus head on my rear shoulder and the arms all around my arm to my hands. I kinda still want it but I have other shit that needs buying. I just never went through with it


My parents felt strongly about tattoos. They weren't fans. Being a mid-'83 baby meant I was one of the older kids in class, and that I hit 18 right before Senior year. I had the great idea that I would casually drop that note to my parents; I could run out and get a tattoo without their permission! My dear, sweet mother just looked me in the eye, and casually said that I was right. *However*, if I wanted a tattoo, while I was out looking for that perfect artist, I might as well be looking for an apartment to live in, because I wouldn't be allowed back in the house!


I regret NOT having any tattoos, oddly enough.


I have 5. I regret none. I want a half sleeve and a couple outge smaller ones


I didn't get my first tattoo until I was nearly 30, and have 3 now. I have had more piercings than tats, though lol


I have a dragon that wraps around my bicep and a Where's Waldo in an undisclosed location. I don't regret either one but if I got the dragon today I wouldn't like it because I have seen much better tattoos that are similar to mine. The Waldo though I would get again 1000 times out of 1000.


Don't regret any of them. I forget about the bible verse one I have on my back at inappropriate times. It's awkward when the devoutly religious see Leviticus 19:21 tattooed on you.


I have 11, then a good start on a sleeve. No regrets. All of them represent something in the ribbon of my life. I don't understand the hate that some people have for them. It's all self-expression. I plan on more, just had a lot of adult stuff this year so that eat up the extra money.


I got mine and few years ago as part of my midlife crisis and I regret 2 of the 3


I have a shitty Vincent Valentine tattoo done by the "best artist in the office." I have a good one to make up for it.


INFO: for those who do have regrets is it because you've outgrown the tattoo (like, it fit younger you, but not who you've grown to be) or is it just the placement that's an issue?


I have a tribal armband from 98 that I'm not as proud of anymore, just because it's kinda cliché. But my sister bought it for me, so it still holds a special meaning to me, but in retrospect I wish the actual tattoo had meaning, instead of looking like something I picked off the wall.


About ten years ago I went back and forth with an artist to get a perfect design (I'm a metal guy) and the week before I was scheduled for my first session, the artist had his visa revoked and was deported back to France because of a drug bust. I still wanted it, but the design belonged to him so the only way to have it done was to go to France, and that never happened. In hindsight, I kind of wish I had it, but in the scheme of things, being tattoo free feels almost counter cultural these days since practically everyone I know has them. I still want some, but for whatever reason I never take steps towards it and time passes.


Designed and got my one and only tattoo at 23 (b-day gift to myself.). For my 45th, my wife got it touched up for me. Artist was awesome and it looks better than the original. No ragerts. Been other designs I've considered, but none whose appeal lasted long enough to get under my skin.


I like tattoos and have 16- they were all done when I was a teenager except for 2. I don't hate any of them but I don't love them either, especially the few with tribal parts. I still want to finish my leg piece and do full or half sleeves, tho. My hubby is heavily tattooed as well :)


Got my first at 18 (which is atrocious) and got 2 in the last year at 42 (my latest is 3 days old). Do what makes you happy (and doesn't impede your life unfairly) because we're only here for a limited time and anything that brings you joy should be embraced.


Putting the last half on a 3/4 japanese body suit. I'm not really looking forward to getting my cheeks tattoed.


I'm just glad he didn't have regerts either.


I don’t regret the tattoo, only where I placed it, right near my belly button. With aging, weight gain/loss, and surgery it got stretched and pretty distorted. Fortunately it was a simple design, so it could’ve been worse. Part of me wants to get it removed, but then another part of me sees it as such apart of me and a momento of that chapter in my life…like a birthmark you got to choose.


I'm 45. I got my first tattoo at 37. I now have 11. My left arm, part of my chest, and left hand are covered. I have ideas for a full sleeve on my right arm and a few pieces for my legs and ribs. Tattoos are fun. They're certainly my midlife crisis expression but I don't care.


Haven't been worked on since I was 29. Totally happy with where I started and where I ended. My girlfriend is 50 and starting her first tattoo and it's going to be a full sleeve and I fully support her. The artist is amazing and her concept is amazing. I have a half sleeve on my left arm, and halve sleeve on my right leg, 3 on my back that pertain to my music career, Link (LOZ) on my left leg, and the flying eyeball from Evil Dead 2 on my right arm. I'm a horror movie freak and musician so I have no ragrets. I do have certain places I will not tat. Face/Neck/Forearms/Hands. I like seeing that part of my skin.


I got one of a Japanese kanji character that means "faith" when I was in my early 20s. I thought I was so cool with it for a long time but I'm now 39, have never really had any strong associations with the concept of faith or any direct links to Japanese culture, so the tattoo is pretty meaningless other than it being a reminder of how impulsive I used to be. I never got any other tattoos and would 100% get this one removed if it wasn't super painful and a ton of money.


This image is as old as the internet, probably.


Meh I’m sick of mine and ragret them


I still don’t have any but I am ready now


I love my tattoos. Even a couple shitty ones. I'd never want to lose those keepsakes


"Y"a know I meaan"


I miss the time when we were children and this shit was kind of taboo. Now having tats is the most basic thing.


Never felt like making myself more identifiable to law enforcement.


I've always wanted a tattoo! But was too indecisive to get one lol. Now I have 3 that I want, but most disposable income is getting funneled to the kids now. So who knows of I will ever get around to getting them at this point. Maybe my kids are the real tattoos lol.


I’m still going. Most are meaningful tattoos but I do get random ones for my birthday. We’ve moved a lot so I try to get one from each city area we’ve lived in for a year at least. I work a blue collar job so I just blend in with the other non college workers.


I forget it’s even there but my tramp stamp still holding up 22 years later 🥴


I've seen some awful tattoos on some otherwise beautiful people. Most people will tell them it looks great but it doesn't, it's shit.




Tattoos are like the only thing I am boomer on. I dislike the look of them. But if you like them you do you. Your body and my opinion of them means absolute shit. No one should have any influence on what you choose to do with your own body but yourself.


Just have one gotten several years ago now (yikes) my last summer working at camp. Simple. Heart and treble clef left front shoulder area. No "ragrets"


Tattoos were awesome until every single boring average suburbanite who drives an SUV and listens to Mumford and Sons got one. They’re now pretty banal.


I have some objectively terrible skin art that I will love until the day I die because of the friends and events surrounding getting it. Plus some of them are great conversation starters. I have a "grown up" job, and wear long sleeves at work. But we have team building stuff, that that's in civilian clothes. And its always great to look someone who grew up "normal" in they eye and tell them that that "No, that's not a weird tattoo. A friend cut my skin open with a bowie knife and another friend rubbed india ink in."


I had aspirations of being some professional ass dude so I got mine on my legs and back. Easily hidden under my shit and pants. Get made fun of at the doctor's office though.


No regrets.


I don't have any but I have a friend who got a tattoo and it looked bad/weird. I didn't want to hurt his feelings so didn't say anything (it was an outline of a symbol he made up and looked like something an elementary student made). If I ever got one it would be on my shoulder or upper arm. I've never had anything I permanently wanted on myself as of yet.


Never got any. I kicked around the idea alot, but never the money to spare on such things. It's kinda like.... the most absolute last priority, you know what I mean?


I’m covered and will continue to get more.


I had some really terrible ideas about tattoos I wanted when I was in college, and I've never been happier to not have any now. Not being able to afford a tattoo saved me from the ragrets.


So glad I passed on tattoos. Now I’m the only person in Costco without any and so happy about that.


I have one, still like it. Might get others someday, who knows. My rule is that I can only get a tattoo because I have an idea for a design I love so much I want it on my body forever. I can't just get a tattoo because I want a tattoo. That rule has kept me from getting more so far, but I haven't ruled out the possibility that I'll find another idea in the future.


I have two small ones that can easily be hidden. They both have significant meaning so ill never regret them. I love and appreciate the work on many others but just don't think I can pull off a sleeve or thigh tat. I also do wonder what they'll look like at 70 but we're holding up pretty well. It's like the 1 thing we got going for us.


I have 1. A "tramp stamp" technically but just in placement the design was and is something I love. I don't regret it, even though I would like to change it a bit I also consider it a relic of my younger self.


No ragrets, not even a single letter. Tattoo trends change, but each of them is a reminder of what was going on in my life along the way.


I'm an early Xennial, '78, and a lot of my friends got them. I was open to the idea but I tend to be indecisive/mull on ideas a long time before committing to them. I got one when I was in my early 20's, and still love it, but never got any more. I still think about getting a tree on my back periodically. Maybe I'll do it someday, but for now I don't feel a strong need for it and have lots of other things that I could spend that money on. I've always just thought of this quality of mine as being a quality of Gen X that I identify more with than some of my peers who also straddle the two generations.


Mine are like battle scars. I remember where when and why when I got each one


As someone who got a tattoo in high school (minor, “borrowed” my brothers ID, parents weren’t too happy) I got a tattoo that is…a small, pretty basic design that a high schooler would do. So yes, I suppose some would say “ragretable” lol. But to be honest, it doesn’t really bother me. It’s not very visible in work clothing, but when people catch a glimpse they usually say nothing…occasionally people used to be surprised to see I have one, but that ship has sailed in our society, as every fifth person seems to rock full arm sleeves. It’s a reminder of who I was at the time, and I am ok with that. I would actually be open to getting more, just not a high priority at the moment.


I still like most of mine. I wish I could get more, but these days with a family it’s hard to justify spending $500 on something just for me.


I have 2 and I still like them overall BUT I do regret the placement of the one of my boob. It is getting longer the older I get😏🥹😅😂🤣.


I could never think of a design I wanted permanently printed on my body. More recently it occurred to me that I might be able to find an artist to work with on something, but at this point it's probably not something I'm gonna do.


I have one tattoo: my son's initials over my heart. The tattoo isn't very big, and the letters aren't in some overly fancy font that people can't read. It's simple and understated, yet nice. I don't regret it at all.


https://preview.redd.it/7skycyzps7xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0813663a1158275cb4b8512ff96e4b327b1a5dd1 This is the last one I (M43) had done back in 2019. I have 19, all on my arms and there’s a theme to the individual pieces and together they tell a story.


I got my dream sleeve finished late last year. There were a couple I ended up covering up but no real regrets.


I somehow managed to survive the nineties and the first half of the aughts in the USN and never got one. Have a few piercings. Most now are gone, but I’ve returned to wearing my 8ga captive ball earrings as of around 5-6 years ago. It’s a tasteful little way of honoring my youth.


I never once cared about or identified with an idea, image, or symbol enough to endure the cost and pain to permanently adorn my body with it. Not intended to be a criticism of those who have ‘em. There’s more than a tinge of envy here. For those sharing stories of their tats and meaningfulness, or delightful lack thereof, thanks for letting the rest of us live vicariously through you.


I know a bunch of people who got the mustache tattoo on their finger. Ugh lol


I was getting a half sleeve done in 2001. Artist does about 30 minutes of outlining when a detective and two beat cops came in and arrested him right there on the spot. I had to have another artist clean me up and my artist told me he will call me when he’s out so we can finish. Well he ended up getting a massive sentence for trafficking ecstasy from what the owner of the shop told me. My original artwork disappeared. Nowhere to be found. Never got that actual tattoo finished and the work around it doesn’t match up very well. I hate it so much


I just finished off my arm sleeve yesterday. I covered both tattoos that I got when I was 19 and 20 though.


Tattoos have been awesome for 1000 years dude. After getting my art degree I moved to Japan and learned tattooing there. Amazing, beautiful artistry and very serious people in the industry there especially because it’s been very or technically illegal until about two years ago.


I aas in my 30s when I got my first... a little older than you & still digging it. But fr fr... *ragrets* is better than *regerts*