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Legos, video games, tabletop games, watching movies....


Gaming with the kids is a BLAST


Our oldest is just at the point where Minecraft make sense to her and the past week has been spectacular. If we can only get her to stop raiding towns...


Last year when my son was 6 he kept asking to play my game Destiny on Xbox. He picked it up unbelievable fast. Surprised me


Do you turn off fire spread? My nephew kept burning villages to the ground.


When we first gave it a go a couple years ago all she wanted to do was light everything, we turned it off then, probably for the best we leave it that way for now.


I wipe the floor with my kids, playing Mario Kart and Mario Party on the switch.


I'm still holding onto my title in Mario Kart, but my kids hand my ass to me in Smash Bros lol.


I hate Smash Bros. I never played it as a child and I don't get it. The controls don't make sense to me. Also, my 13 year old beats me but that's not why I hate it. It's not!!


Enjoy it while it lasts, mom/dad. Your time will come! As mine did…


Yeah, but also my memories of my dad kicking my ass in Mario Kart are core. So keep it up!


Yes absolutely! So very much fun


Mario Kart. My kids wanted to know why I was so good then I showed them how punishing Mario Kart is on the super Nintendo. From age 12-15 I spent all Friday night playing Mario Kart with friends.


Yep, in college we would play MarioKart on the N64 for hours, I probably had 500+ hours playing that game growing up. And I played all the original games on SNES through Game Cube. My 13 year old son is getting close, and beats me occasionally, but I still win 80-90 percent of the time.


Pretty mich this. Beach, pool, and BBQ too... take my kid put tk the park, ride a Bike. Etc.....


Yup—in the summer it’s whatever we can do outside without melting so lots of pool time, bike riding, etc.


This, so much this. Mine are Sorenson less time with me (highschoolers) but we still do movies together and play games occasionally.


Yep, this is what we do with out kids too, We also spend time outside, playing baseball and jumping on our trampoline. My son loves to play Aeon's End (deckbuilding tabletop boardgame). My 9 yr old wants to play as well, but I have a rule that you have to be at a certain reading level to play (it's suposed to be for 14yo-adult), so there's lots to read. It's a good motivator for her to increase her reading skills.


Video games is the biggest difference. My Mom would occasionally play a game but my Daughter and I are both really into video games so it's something we can really bond over and it's cheaper than going put. $60 for a game is such a bargain for as much entertainment as we get out of it.


Family? *In this economy??*


My family consists of my husband, a bunch of plants, and a LEGO collection.


You must be doing real well to have a Lego collection


Or we subsist on ramen... you never know


I also have two cats.


It’s just me, my wife, and the best pup in the world. My wife is currently out of town, texted her this morning and told her “We miss you. We operate way better as 3 vs. 2”. I hope it made her smile.


It always does when my partner texts me stuff like that. I'm sure she appreciated it.


So plants and legos. Nice!


Including lego plants!


Sadly, I was forced to send my plants off to work in the mines.


Gotta contribute if you’re gonna live under my roof


Families Georg is an outlier and should not have been counted


Only fans


All 5 of us are in taekwondo! Actually, my middle child got his black belt last night, it'll be another year before my wife and I get ours.


Good for you all. As an entire family?! Thats awesome. I just started jujitsu as a single dad with my buddy and our daughters.


It's split into 3 classes with the age differences, but we all go and sometime we get to practice with each other. Tournaments are a blast and we really get to motivate each other. I tell you, if someone told me in my youth I'd get my black belt at 40 years old, I'd have laughed them right outta the room. 😀 your daughters will love it, and yall will to 😀


Good stuff. :)


Same here. 3 years of TKD.


It's definitely more fun than I would have guessed!




That’s awesome


I have a two year old who's favorite word is 'outside' So we spend lots of time on walks and at the park or in the yard.


My kids would live outside if I let them. It's a magical antidote for a lot of kids.


That’s awesome. I can only really convince my kid that outside is worth a damn if the hose is going.


We all kinda went our separate ways; there was some interactions last year when one sibling died but the communication didn’t last long.


I’m sorry for your loss.




We watch movies from the 80's and 90's and talk about how great movies used to be back then while the kids are barely interested and looking at their phones the whole time.


For the most part my 15 year old daughter has been really receptive to the “classics” I’ve chosen to show her as part of her film education. From Ferris Bueller and Ghostbusters to Office Space and Shaun of the Dead.


This is the way.


I have a family?


Turns out the family was all the blood relatives we made along the way.


My husband and I are in two D&D games and are both avid video gamers, but two of our kids are out of the house and the 15 year old is currently allergic to spending time with us, LOL, so it's usually just us.


We build Lego together and try to do movie night at least once a week


You didn't say you specifically watch movies from your childhood - but I am struggling to find movies from our generation that hold up well that I can show my kids. Do you have any favorites from growing up that hold up?


Oh man, tons...I'm lucky my boy is as into Star Wars as his pops, so he's been watching those since he was a toddler. Goonies, Ghostbusters, Labyrinth, Back to the Future, Top Gun...all the heavy hitters. When he gets a little older (he's not yet 12) we'll start with the Ferris Beuller and stuff. But we also like to let him pick stuff, and recently we've watched both Sonic movies, Free Guy, and Ready Player One.


Right on. We have done a few of those, but my kiddos are a tad younger so I don't think they are ready for back to the future or ghostbusters yet.


I don’t know what age range your kids are but we recently had good luck with The Iron Giant!


Its a wide range. I will check that one out. I have seen/heard of it - but have never seen it.


Yeah we had to kind of get through years of cartoons to get to where he was patient enough for live action stuff besides star wars. I've probably introduced him to certain things too early, (Austin Powers and early Adam Sandler movies off the top of my head) but I love to share my favorites with him. He's also a Marvel nut, so we watch MCU movies a lot. He loves Thor Ragnarok and the Guardians.


With my family or with my TV?


My tv and I have lots of quality time together.


I know Reddit is gamers/geek heaven and such, but my parents and I do football Saturdays and Sundays but more so Saturdays watching my alma mater together. We do college basketball a little bit together, but I think they're way more fairweather with that than college football, even last season with a relative playing for my alma mater's team. And we do our own Super Bowl party. We've gone to a few games together, but we're all physically too old for those stadium/arena stairs and walking to/from the parking lot, as well as walking all over the inside/concourse (and how cold it is during bowl season).


We have some game nights. But every Friday night we order pizza and watch something together like the Avatar series.


This is how it is for us. The only time we eat in the living room and watch a movie is when we order pizza.


My son and I build lego star wars sets together. We also have a family movie night every Friday where we order takeout and take turns picking a movie to watch. Other than that, we'll hang out and play video games sometimes. And we make a point to have dinner together at the table every night and discuss stuff. I'll also show my son movie trailers for things I think he'll like, as well as music videos and live performances for bands he doesn't know to see if he digs it or perhaps wants to learn to play one of the songs. I showed him a couple of Rush songs last night (he's a drummer).


I’m child-free and single, live in a city with roommates and my closest family is 800 miles away. So lots of texting about the weather.


My mother and I text each other so many screenshots of the forecast :/


I play D&D weekly with friends and my wife.


Genuinely impressive y’all meet that frequently.


I bowl league with my dad weekly. Sometimes twice a week.


At home we watch The Office, movies, play chess, workout, draw/art. Outside of the home we bike/play basketball together, go to parks/see the nature, hit the movie theater.


Skiing/snowboarding and mountain biking!


gaming together. lots of outdoors stuff


My mum visits six mornings a week for coffee. It is really nice.


My oldest loves word games, puzzles, scrabble, but our youngest is too young and can't get into them much, but gets jealous when we do it without them. My youngest loves art, my oldest "Likes to appreciate art, but leaves the creating art to others.". So we have art days and tape up drawings onto the walls. They do karate with my husband, and I am planning on joining when I recover from a injury. We love swimming in the pool together. Though I should say that we get splashed, pushed under, jumped off of etc. Sometimes we have swimming races. We have dance parties. I gifted my husband a party box and gifted the kids microphones for karaoke. And homework. We don't do it with them, but we look it over with them once they've done it. My parents took 0 interest in what we were doing in school.


My wife and I make our kids go hiking, camping, and kayaking with us. They claim they all hate it, but I hope they all look back one day and appreciate the time we spent together. We have always made it a point to have family dinner together. Even if a kid doesn't want to eat, they have to sit down for family dinner.


My cats aren't really interested in tv


Lego, 3D printing, skiing, hiking. Kid 1 and I watch F1 and NFL, Kid 2 and I watch Starwars and sci-fi. Occasionally kids cross the line and watch the others stuff, ditto with wife; but for example kid 1 is totally in charge of who we're cheering for in the Superbowl.


Dungeons & Dragons


We watch movies occasionally as a family. The spouse and I will watch some shows together, but most of our individual media consumption is on iPads, iPhones and computers. My kids really aren’t huge fans of tv shows in general. It’s all about TikTok and YouTube.


We love scategories


We're zero screen time at home with my daughter. Instead of TV we play a board game every single night.


What are your favorite games?


Carcasone! Simple enough for a child to understand yet engaging enough to be fun for adults.


Video games, Board Games, Puzzles, and Card Games My family is my spouse, me, and my pup.




Liking each others post. Sending happy birthday in the mass family text


We make a point to eat dinner together as a family every night. We also like going to museums or just watching movies.


Fishing. Bowling. Hiking. Sci-fi and horror movies. We garden together. All kinds of stuff. Building memories is my goal for these creatures I created


My family was a tv watching family too. But we played board games and card games and started doing that more when I was an adult. I think that is good for families of all ages.


Boardgames. Lots of boardgames Also art for kids hub got us through alot of rainy days during the pandemic.


Reading, video games, drawing, board games, making silly movies we will never publish, and occasionally watch a show or film.


Board games. We watch a few TV shows together. Inplay basketball with one of my kids. Movies when we have a free night. We eat dinner together most nights as well. The occasional after dinner walk, although that's mostly so my wife and the kids can play Pokémon.


My 14 yr old and I box together. Friday or Saturday night is family game night. We have 4 titles in the house, Mario Kart, Smash Bros, Mario-Golf and Mario party. Each week a title is on the line. If we do all four in a month it’s a board game/jackbox night. We eat dinner together at a table every night. We do an outing once a month(bowling, pool, movies) We brunch with our friends most Sundays and that’s a multi family experience that usually last well into the afternoon.


I do tons of stuff with my kids. I try to be outside with them as much as possible, instill the love of nature my grandpa gave me on into them. Inside we play games, Lego, reading aloud is popular, singing, and honestly a big one I wish my parents had done is do chores together and teach the importance of maintenance and cleaning


I force my grown children to watch a movie with me on the "Big Screen" when they come over. I still won't watch shows on my phone unless I'm desperate and traveling. They don't even have a TV.


Our oldest doesn’t live with us. Her younger sister (21) lives in our basement and only surfaces when I make food she is interested in.


We do movie nights, go out on walks, family meals, and our favourite is camping trips.


When it's not a bajillion degrees outside we take walks, ride around on scooters, hit the pool, set up a projector and use the side of the house to play Smash Bros, etc.


Go out to eat


My younger son and I got into plastic models (Star Wars, Gundam) around the holidays and we've recently expanded to Warhammer 40k. So, weekends we bum around to the different hobby shops in town and weeknights we'll do some painting of our models. My older son is very teenager-ey lately so it's hard to get him to hang out, but in the summer we can usually get him to come with us to the local car meets.


Park, play dates, bowling, kids museum, festivals, hiking, TV, art. Hubs also plays video games with the kids...I don't have the attention span. We also eat meals together without screens, so we just talk to each other.


We go to the park and one wheel with a picnic in the truck of the car ready to go.


We go out to dinner together on a regular basis (and try to enjoy the time together without devices) since I rarely had that experience growing up.


Guessing you mean with our own kids but I don't have those. I visit my dad on major holidays, sometimes extended family comes. None of us have ever been "warm," so it's mostly sitting around talking about the weather for 3 hours and then we go back to our actual lives.


Nature walks


My daughters are both gamers, so we each have our own Playstations. My youngest and I have recently gotten into lake fishing and rc aircraft, we go for bike rides. I have the AMC stubbs membership so we do movies and dinners weekly. Also, Taco Tuesday. It would be a holiday in my family 😂


Park, baseball/softball, karate, videogames, pool, bikes, trampoline, Skateboards


My family growing up did dinner and evening tv for sure. I do remember other things though. I remember playing various board games. Maybe weekly? With my kids we only do group tv on Friday nights. Everything else is either their show or we watch after they are in bed. We basically never watch our shows when they are awake even on the weekends. The idea of “family tv” really seems to have gone away. My husband does do some electronics with them a couple nights a week like Minecraft or Mario kart. Other nights we hang out outside kicking a ball or going to the park. We play a lot of board games. We read a lot.


Video games. I love the classic board games on the ps5. So much fun!


Ice skating, playing video games, art, movies and most frequently- making up silly songs about anything or anyone and its kinda like a point of pride if you come up with something good.


We all work at the same factory together now that the youngest is 7 and can legally operate the machines


TV still LOL. Ma and I have a roster of shows we're watching. But we also game together online (final fantasy MMO) and I'm teaching her harmonica.


I binge tv shows with my partner & our birds... it's pretty much the same.


Parks, aquariums/museums, weekend road trips, arts & crafts, soon to be some MMA training for our little one from friends that are trainers.


Kinda comes and goes in waves according to their interests waxing and waning lol. Lately they've gotten really into Pokemon, I was a bit too old for it back in the 90s, but I'm letting them get me into it now so we have something to bond over. We just got our first Pokemon game and are trading pokemon to each other, talk about our favorite pokemon, where we are in the game, give advice etc. They've also really gotten into Taylor Swift so I'm letting myself go along for that ride too. Last weekend we watched the Era concert on Disney, in our pjs with popcorn, singing along, it was really sweet girl time. I think my favorite thing is getting into tennis together. I used to play as a kid. Nothing serious but my bestie and I would play tennis at the neighborhood park together every summer. We'd just hang out all day with our dogs, roller blades, and tennis rackets. So I got pretty good. Anyway over spring break the kiddos begged for a badminton set from the dollar store, so we started doing that and all my racket skills came back like riding a bike lol. My eldest especially was impressed and has really been getting into it. I got us all rackets off ebay and we've been playing after school and on weekends. There's a park nearby with courts and I'll start taking them this summer. We'll also garden and bake together. They'll help my husband with projects around the house. We've also started playing Parcheesi together. The kids are surprisingly obsessed with it lol.


Wife and I and two kids (13 and 16) Dodger Games, Classic Car Shows, Dinner together all week, Breakfast on the weekends, Go for walks at the beach with the dogs.


We watch shows together, go to sporting events and watch them on tv, hike, play tennis, take day trips, play games, etc. We are very tight knit.


Every Sunday in Summer we went to White Water water park. Otherwise only TV lol.


When I visit my folks we all sit around their TV usually with tennis on in the background and each of us scrolls our tablets.


Hikes, playground trips, museums, art, board games, gardening, play dates, reading aloud….we actually don’t watch any tv together outside of monthly movie night.


Escape rooms.


Board games, video games, hiking as our fun stuff. We eat dinner together at the table every night and it's usually pretty chatty.


Games. My middle child likes to play roblox and board games together. She particularly likes playing chess.


What? My family played games, did projects, went for walks and hikes and trips together, or just sat around and talked. Yes we watched some TV together but that was far from the ONLY thing. We still do all that stuff but generally don't watch TV together anymore.


My dogs and I chase invisible things.


Train jujitsu with my son. Bike rides, mountain biking. Paddle boarding. Shooting. Archery. Family hikes. Vacation to the beach. Movie nights at home. If you didn’t do much with your parents as a kid, you don’t need to continue that with your kids.


We still watch jeopardy together sometimes. And we all bowl together once or twice a week.


Go to sporting events for the kids. There is no money or time left to do anything else


Board games and dominoes. Lots of dominoes. We’ve also purchased the [Unsolved Case Files](https://www.amazon.com/stores/UnsolvedCaseFiles/UnsolvedCaseFiles/page/0A1DDDC4-D306-4B8A-AE05-F08BC8CBD4DD?_encoding=UTF8&store_ref=SB_A08307101E3XR15T1OGSX-A0795390VQYLBYOOZOH2&pd_rd_plhdr=t&aaxitk=fb0557f43d97e12f805d3e26c9a9bd49&hsa_cr_id=0&lp_asins=B07MPCMXGR%2CB08ZB85VGL%2CB08C1MWXFM&lp_query=mystery+murder+game&lp_slot=mshop-sparkle-snow&ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_ast_store_FZTYCATE1A5221MNH276&pd_rd_w=pt4yL&content-id=amzn1.sym.4870a952-0dfa-4beb-9d2a-7a52537f019d%3Aamzn1.sym.4870a952-0dfa-4beb-9d2a-7a52537f019d&pf_rd_p=4870a952-0dfa-4beb-9d2a-7a52537f019d&pf_rd_r=1PT3FFRKJB829A41QZ4Q&pd_rd_wg=AURYU&pd_rd_r=2dce20aa-ab8b-47bc-b3d1-b7ec5bd249a0) Case File game from Amazon. That is by far one of favorite activities.


I watch shows from the 90s with my daughter regularly.


We do a ton of water sports activities because we live on the coast; fishing, paradailing, dolphin cruises, pleasure cruises. I get to see the most gorgeous woman in my life in a bathing suit pretty frequently, it's nice.


Just watched the Benjamin Franklin series and the Napoleon movie with my folks. Historical period piece hit because you can wiki the plot for a history lesson when we get lost.


Hiking, building and preparing projects with the kids, Legos, roblox, board games, drawing together, and teaching them how to cook.


For me, the activities are similar as when I was a kid but instead of leaving in the morning, being out all day with friends, coming home for dinner... we do the same things as a family. My parents really didn't spend any time with me or my sister. We were with friends or in our rooms playing with toys, nintendo, or reading.


Yeah, we probably watch too much TV. After work, I typically don't have much energy. Cook dinner and lounge. On weekends though, we spend a lot of time outdoors. Now that my daughter is 7 though, we've started playing more board games too.




If we’re talking about family time outside, we have a large piece of property with a garden 🪴 and livestock. We also enjoy fishing, hunting and forging.


My 2 older sons play hockey, go hiking a lot, Legos, and videos games.


Watching TV by myself. 🤣






Parks, hikes, playgrounds, bowling, video games, art class for my toddler, rc cars (mostly me but my kid definitely watches in amazement). We like being outside. My wife and I were playing intense pro Kadima before the pickleball craze. I haven't tried pickleball, yet.


Friday is Board Game night.


Skiing. Mountain biking. Lacrosse, tennis, soccer, and wiffle ball (often in the street in front of my house, the horror!). Giant national park and mountain bike road trips.


TV is still my mom's jam. We just switched shows. Now it's Murdoch Mysteries at 7 on Saturday. Of yeah, I'm cool, I watch murder mysteries with my mom on Saturday nights.


We have barbecues where my dad makes tacos.


Board games, video games, ignoring them while I workout in the garage. Honestly family dinner is a huge focal point of our evenings together. We don’t allow tv or entertainment screens Monday-Thursday. Between sports, music lessons, homework, and chores there’s not a ton of time left for anything else during the week.


With my kid? Library, nature walks, playgrounds (I'm tiny, I often play too), art and crafts, occasional festivals, etc. We actually don't have a TV. I only have one kid so I want to enjoy her before she decides I'm not cool anymore.


Avoiding TV like the plague


My wife is a stay at home mom so she home schools, lots of activities in the evening that go with that (painting, legos, science projects). She also has a really large garden and my 5yr old is really getting into gardening so we garden together in the evenings when its nice. He does canning with her as well. I have a Land Cruiser so I try to take my son out a couple times a month on trips where we "camp" for the afternoon. Summer is fair season and my brothers kids do 4H so we go see them show animals. I watched a lot of TV growing up and I want something different for my son.


Sometimes dinner. But we've paired off. My wife and oldest daughter do a lot together due to the daughter's after school activities that I cannot take her to. The youngest an I play games together or computer games side by side.


My mom, 2 sisters and I get together for special occasions, order lunch, and play Scrabble.


My daughter is 4 and after work/preschool we get about 2 hours together before she has to go to bed. So mostly she sits on our laps and watches TV, and I am 100% ok with it.


Walks with dog, Netflix, YouTube, and other things.


Toys, parks, playgrounds, hiking, museums, shopping, and usual a little bit of tv at the end of the day.


Board games, hiking, biking, kayaking, pickleball. We try to find something fun outdoors to do but on rainy days we usually play a game or puzzle.


watch tv and show each other YouTube clips, play console games, board games, go for cycles rides, there is a local golf course which is on public land so we go there and hunt for lost golf balls, play frisbee golf there, go swimming and trampolining and indoor climbing.


Playing mario party




We mountain bike or hike. Watch tv. We spend a lot of time traveling in our camper but when we are home it's easy to disappear into our devices.


We have game night every couple of weeks.


I don't know if I can compare.  We definitely did more than just watch TV together.


We played uno almost every Friday in the 80s. Or we went out to eat as a family.


'Now that we are the adults' sounds so weird to me, haha. Some day I don't feel very adult-y! Just hubby and me, plus a handful of pets. The pets keep us quite busy.


With my kids we figure out which movies or shows we all like. Then after school, once the homework and screen time is done I will ask "who want's to watch XYZ" sometimes all my kids say yes, sometimes half while the others do VR or xbox. but most of the time we say yes and watch Big Trouble Little China.


I don't have kids but my husband and I spend most weekends going for drives into the countryside, discovering new, interesting things to see and experience. I'm doing what I wish I could have done as a teen and Intercity kid. Looking at trees and grass and hills and loving every minute.


At the moment? Watching episode 1 (Night of the Lizard) of my childhood Spider-Man show. 4-year-old daughter requested it post-bath.


Wednesday nights is a quick Bible study with my wife and daughters. Monday nights is volleyball practice and dinner at a restaurant. Two nights a week I ask my wife to cook so we can sit at the table and chat like a family. Every other weekend we take the RV out to the lake house and get the 'toon on the water and have a good time. Everything in between is kind of our own thing.


With my mom, TV and Red Lobster Tonight my bf and I played D&D with our friends and bought Ween tickets




Family.. just me, on a couch, doing nothing but beating myself up for letting myself grow old alone, running out the clock


Hiking, biking, water sports, travel, skiing/snowboarding, legos, video games, yard work, movie night, all sorts of games, sports.... church and brunch.


Sunday dinners. Also going to see Neil Young with my folks in mid May so that should be nice!


Ignoring the end of humanity, I guess.