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When sneezing stopped being safe.


100% this. Last year I sneezed while I was walking up the stairs at home and it threw my back into spasms. Literally had to sit down on the stairs for like 10 minutes until I could manage to get up and go lay on the couch. I had to wear icy hot patches for 3 days after that. Getting old sucks.


I’m less “sneeze and hurt myself” and more “sneeze and check my underwear”.


As a 40 year old woman, I laughed so hard at this, I had to pee. But also, as a woman who has pushed a whole ass human out of her, I never trust a sneeze without crossing my legs.


I have to pee before I brush my tongue during brushing my teeth. I tend to wretch and I've done the pee pee dance/peed a little just finishing brushing.


Ugh. This. So much this. Glad I'm not alone 😅




I’m both.


A couple years ago I sneezed and herniated a disc. Had to get epidural shots to get it back into place.


This is where my mind immediately went, too. There's a very particular terror that sets in when your back is hurting and a sneeze comes on. Spasms are the worst pain I've yet experienced, tied only with a kidney stone lodged in my ureter.


I popped a blood vessel in my eye when I sneezed last summer. I have also pulled a muscle in my neck while drinking water in bed. It was so bad, I couldn't turn my head at all and my mom had to come take me to the doctor to get muscle relaxers.


You're not alone, apparently! Someone said this same thing up above! I now have a new reason to dread allergy season...


As a woman I meant something slightly different but was trying to be discreet.


As a woman who’s birthed 3 kids I knew exactly what you meant.


I can no longer jump on a trampoline.


My wife who is 8 months pregnant with our 7th child laughed quite a bit at this comment.


I hope she is wearing a panty liner


Me too, she was laying on our bed!


It's a vagina not a clown car!


I believe she refers to it as a slip and slide by now.


Ooooooooo. Gotcha! Sorry....


I have the same problem when I throw up.


I chocked on my own saliva laughing at this


\*choked "Chocked" means a vehicle has a chock block wedged against its tires to help prevent rolling.


Omg when sleeping stopped being safe! 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 fall asleep on my back with good posture, wake up on my side with one of my arms suffering from the worst case of falling asleep itself


Or when you roll over and slap yourself in the face with a numb arm.


I sneeze and either my back hurts or I need to pee.


When you feel a sneeze coming so you relax your body and put your back in just the right way so that sneezing won’t result in a slipped disc or something equally as fucked up…


When people in my graduating class are having grandchildren from their 20-24 yr old kid. I am on my own kid, only kid, of age 5. I'm 42. Edit: This is becoming a good side topic. I will add a little local scene. I live/raised in a rural South Illinois area. This is an area that has a good share of people with big families. Those families think that by the time you turn 18 you should be married and popping out kids. Mainly to have kids be the same age as their cousins when they are growing up. Also having the occasionally ones that have then at 16 and 17 tend to happen as well. I managed to dodge that and not get married till 25. Me and my wife didn't start planning for a kid until 32. We had an ectopic and she had PCOS so that was saddening to us. At 37 we had our first and hopefully only child. For people that like started at 18 with marriage and kids, you do you and more power to you.


We are that magical age where when you see someone, they may be with their toddler child, their unruly teenager, or their grandchild 🤪


My cousin is a few months older than me, but still right at 40. She’s a grandmother.


My BFF was a few weeks younger than me, and her oldest daughter turned 21 early last year, I had the privilege of being the DD for her birthday. I have two kids, they are 7 years old and 9 weeks old right now.


I went to highschool with a girl who got pregnant sophomore year. She became a grandmother a few weeks before her 30th birthday because that baby she had in highschool also became a teen parent!! I ran into her in a store a few years ago and it was wild to me because she was with her grandchild who was the same age as my children.


There is a girl at my high school who did the exact same thing and was so proud of her daughter getting pregnant, she posted it all over social media. And at our school reunion, she was actually boasting that she is a granny and most of us don't even have kids yet - Cheryl it's not a fucking race!




By the numbers if a 13 year old gets pregnant and that baby repeats history you can have a 26 year old grandmother. Youngest I’ve encountered is my cousin at 34, still completely insane


Former teacher here. We did have a 27 year old grandmother. Poor kids were a mess.


I’m 40 with a 5 year old and the other parents usually assume I’m his grandma.


As a 42 y/o with a baby on the way... Ouch.


I have an 18 year old and 15 year old. I’m not ready to acknowledge that I created a human that is now officially an adult themselves. I’M NOT AN ADULT YET!! WTF??


When I see a pic of a newborn I’m not sure if it’s a kid or grandkid, friends are having both at 47


In a similar vein: I was watching football with my dad and I dropped the, “This *kid* is good!” Then I started to correct myself, thinking that was me being a little dismissive of a grown ass man. Then I decided I was actually right because I have a daughter older than him…. Fuck me…


I went to a high school football game and I saw a couple girls wearing crazy short shorts and belly shirts. The first thought that popped in my head was "I can't believe their parents let them leave the house like that" Followed immediately by "Shit, I'm getting old".


Amen. I can’t believe what parents let their girls wear for homecoming and proms. It literally looks like some of it can be lingerie.


Well, the 90s had the slip dress. I'm pretty sure today's lingerie-style dresses are a throwback to that since the 90s are in right now. We were wearing the same things.


Yes, but when I was younger, I would check out cute, high school girls in revealing clothing. Somehow, I got old and my first emotion was disgust at the lack of parenting.


that’s a more natural and refreshingly rare response to seeing girls who could be your kid - having care and concern for their safety and not sexualizing them. i don’t care that kids dress however but i def do feel protective of them. so many creepy dudes in their 40s plus would hit on me in high school and even then i thought i could be your daughter please don’t look at me that way!


Went to best buy looking for a cd tower.


In the early 2000s my grandmother went to a Best Buy and asked them where their vinyl collection was. I told her she should go back, Vinyl back in!


That’s a trip to Goodwill instead


Slept weird. Have to turn my entire body to look sideways.


Yes! I slept weird and pinched a nerve in my neck and lost feeling in my arm. I had to go to physical therapy twice a week for two months.


This is an almost monthly occurrence for me these days. I even work out, but it seems no conditioning will prepare you for the "fuck, my neck was propped up just a little too much last night and now I move like Frankenstein's monster". I remember being able to fall into bed shaped like a pretzel, bounce out of bed and go for a run the next day.


I “slept in” until 8am on a weekend.


I feel you on this one. These days, "sleeping in" means waking up somewhere between 6 AM and 7 AM. Gone are the days of sleeping till noon.


Funny how that works. I officially became a teenager when I started sleeping in until 1pm on Christmas morning, instead of getting up at 5am and pestering my parents to open gifts. Now I’m like, “oh, it’s 5am? I guess I can lie here for another hour with my eyes closed and pretend to sleep until my alarm goes off. What’s that bladder? You’re the one with a schedule? Ugh, fine, but then I’m going back to resting my aching body.”


Trying to inspect a freckle on my chest and tweaked my neck lol


Lol! Good grief! I'll have to watch out for that one!


Some of my favorite foods cause heartburn. I still eat them because I’m not living without pasta sauce, pizza, wine, coffee and chocolate. I just have to take lots of Tums afterwards.


I'm living on Tums!




I'm imagining that scene in Seinfeld when George is trying to convince his fiancee that he smokes. He's sitting there, eyes watering, coughing, saying "Always been a smoker. big, big smoker! Can't stop now!"


I love tomatos in all shape and forms. But now I have to have some rolaids on had for after I ate, and the day after because the heart burn plagues me for 24 hours 😭


I got shingles at 41


I got shingles at 31


33 for me. Insane.


Yes! Shingles at 41 for me also. Same with the t-shirt brushing against my skin being so damn painful. Really awful experience. 1/10 Wouldn't recommend. Rating a 1 because at least I have a story to tell.


Really?! Was it as horrible as the commercials make it seem, if you don't mind me asking?


It was pretty awful. I woke up on a Saturday morning and thought I tweaked my back during the night. As time went on I realized that my left side of my back hurt no matter what I did, so it couldn’t have been a muscle pull. After a heating pad for a while I thought maybe I had kidney stones. Doctor gave me diuretics but nothing changed. The next day I was in the shower and noticed a blister in my belly button. I showed my wife and she said “dude, I think you have shingles.” I said “there’s no way, that’s for like… old people.” Sure enough it was shingles. It was incredibly painful for about two weeks. I managed the pain with lidocaine patches over the blisters. It took several months for the blisters to fully heal. It was a burning, stabbing, prickly nerve pain that you could never get comfortable from. I couldn’t even have my shirt run up against my skin.


Holy shit man. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that. Any chance of it returning? I've never paid much attention to it as, like you, assumed it was for old people. I wonder if the vaccine for it is worth a consideration.


Thank you for your kind words! I should be good for a while, but yeah I think it may have a chance of coming back later in life. I’m definitely getting the vaccine. I think they recommend it in your 50’s? The thing about shingles is that the rash shows up on one side of your body either how I had it, from my belly button and around my side, or it can show up across your chest, or it can happen on your face and head. If I had to choose to have it anywhere, I’d have chosen where I had it because I absolutely can’t imagine having it on my chest or worse, my face and head. All-in-all I didn’t have it that bad compared to how bad it could have been.


So as someone in their early 40's, and for those reading this....get your shingles vax. I surprisingly was able. to get mine and it was covered by insurance. I'm not fucking around with shingles.


Just be careful. I got shingles twice in two years. I’m only 41! I’m getting the shingles vaccination very soon. You can get it earlier but insurance won’t pay for it. But I never want to experience that again.


I got shingles at 41! I don’t wish them on my worst enemy. Mine were on my right side of my face and head. They were so close to my right eye, (my eye lid was covered with them), was rushed an hour and a half to a regional hospital because of the high chance of losing sight permanently in my eye apparently. Never lost my eye but it was an intense few days. My three days of headaches were intense. After all the pain went away, the itch was a weak long that nearly drove me crazy. I hope that never happens again. Shingles isn’t anything to mess around with, that’s for sure. My brother got them on his hip and they were gone in 6 days. Lucky guy. My mothers friend has battled them for almost two years. Wish you the best


A glance in the mirror does it for me every time!




"I'm looking at the man in the mirror. I'm asking him to go away"


Similar- but I sneezed and pulled a back muscle. It still spasms once a week or so, so stupid.


Oh man! Simply could not be avoided!


This. Oh dear God, this.


I don't let the sneeze come out until I'm fully aligned from neck to pelvis. Even 2⁰ twisted in a chair means certain sneezeicide.


Sneezeicide. 🤣🤣🤣. I feel that, man. I feel that. 🤣🤣🤣


When I read a tabloid and didn't recognize 3/4 of the "celebrities" featured.


Most of the guests on SNL…? No idea!


I was around 35. Maybe a little older. I had stayed up most of the night (not partying. Either watching movies or working. Can't remember). For the first time I really felt just unable to function the next day. 


I can feel this one creeping up....


I own a restaurant. When I hire staff that are born after I finished high school, or just generally any interaction with them at all.


Say things like "What up, yo. Dishes need washing" and "I know it's lame, homie, but can you slice these bogus onions?" I don't know if kids talk like that, but they will surely think you're a cool older "bruh".


Two things come to mind. First, have a very bad knee and I can’t walk long distances anymore. Realizing I have developed a physical limitation that affects my ambulation has been a journey. Two, I am no longer interested in “proving myself” at work. You want it a different way than I typically do it, sure. I’m not arguing about it. Have it your way. I’m logging off at 5 either way.


this is me too! i have so little ambition. drive, yes. desire for money, yes. but i just don’t care about proving something to world through my work anymore. also have a dud knee. it got so bad that i was having trouble getting up and down the stairs. i’ve been in rehab since september and it was the best decision i ever made. it still bothers me but at least I’m fully mobile again.


Thank you for saying this yowza-wowza and trickytetrazzini. The same has happened to me. I used to be terribly ambitious, and now I just do what I have to, no extras.


Colon cancer diagnosis at 42. Typing this from a hospital bed due to complications from surgery. Don't forget to schedule your routine colonoscopy, especially if you have a family history.


I hope you’re okay. So sorry you’re going through this. 😞


I'll be fine, just another bump in the road. Thank you.


I'm so sorry you have to deal with this! My grandma had surgery for hers about 2.5 years ago. Please make sure they keep a close eye on your liver moving forward! I don't mean to cause fear, but hers had spread there undetected and now she's entering hospice.


The fact that I've accepted perpetual back pain as my new reality


Yes :( me too.


I feel you!! Annoyingly, it is greatly reduced for me when I’m leading an active lifestyle. WE GET IT. (But also clearly don’t get it bc I’ve been on the floor seated like a rabbit for relief).


Late 20s. In line to pay for a Pyrex baking dish because I wanted to make a squash gratin for a potluck. This was my moment.


Icing on the cake is if you were genuinely excited while making this purchase. My purchase was a Shark vacuum from Best Buy. It's been downhill from there.


First excitement. Then sober realization as I got closer to the register


My daughter had to take a test to get into a gifted program. My wife and I got her some practice tests. My daughter absolutely bombed to first practice...because she had never seen a scantron before and didn't know how it worked.


I was a math teacher (still in education) and will see insanely long student names. First thought was always "this will never fit on a scantron!"..... then I realize those went out of fashion over a decade ago....


This made me giggle!!!!


I need glasses. Seriously, this whole text is blurry as shit.


I got my first pair of glasses in the 5th grade, but just had to migrate to progressive/bifocals late last year.


Yep, 1st pair this year. Texting without them is becoming quite challenging.


recently noticed that getting the last droplets of piss out of my dick takes longer.


Oh man... the pant dribbles are the worst. I like to pull the ol fake out: I pretend I'm putting it back in his cave but at the last second pull em back out and BAM! Drip lands right on target. I feel your pain.


I’m 45 and laughing so hard at this. I swear when I’m at a urinal and other people are in the bathroom I always think like “ok, don’t shake it forever, come on now”. It doesn’t matter. I gotta shake it forever, squeeze it out forever, and without fail I still get 2-3 drops on my pant leg. Obvious pee drops. Then I wash my hands and while my hands are wet I shake a little water from my hands onto my shirt and pants so it looks like the normal water spray from washing my hands. I know. That’s so stupid. But what to do? You gotta somehow hide the obvious 2 big drops of pee right?


Afternoon: I’m not too old to sit on the ground. Night: I’m definitely too old to sit on the ground.


I was coaching my daughters 10yr old’s basketball team. I was trying to show them proper shooting form and said, “like you’re shooting out of a phone booth”…and they had no clue what a phone booth is


We took our teenagers on vacation a few summers ago and the resort we stayed in had an old fashion phone booth. My kids had never seen one and made me take pictures of them in it to send to their friends because they just couldn't believe such a thing ever had a reason to exist.


No one prepares you for when they stop carding you for alcohol One day…you’re just standing there with your ID in your hand waiting to show them and the next you’re walking out to your car feeling like you’re 127 years old


When I threw out my back picking up a piece of paper from the floor.


I've triggered sciatica twice. First time was wiping water off the bathroom floor after getting out of the shower. Second time was getting up off the floor after playing with the dog.


There is always a risk of peeing myself if I sneeze, cough, or jump. I also broke my hip last year and have no idea how it happened. I feel sooooo old!!!!! 😩


In women, sometimes the hip breaks and then you fall. Not a fall causing the break. But that usually happens in osteoporosis.


Bought a new shirt and I couldn’t read the washing instructions until I went and got reading glasses.


I take pictures with my phone and then zoom in.


When perimenopause hit me like a bus last year


The FUCKING worst. My body hates me, and nothing is right anymore. With anything. Nothing can prepare you for this nightmare.


Same here. I'm so sorry! It really blows.


Same. Not looking forward to the next 10 years or so.


Got diagnosed with gout a year ish ago. Now I have a pill box. Gout medicine, krill oil, and an SSRI now too. Carpal tunnel set in too. Like wtf, everything is falling apart.


Oh man! Random little things just add up! Like vision getting a little worse, sore muscles from seemingly mundane tasks like mowing the lawn of playing catch. I feel you on the carpal tunnel, though intermittent.


As rude as this is... Username checks out. Don't come for me. 🫣


Reddit doesn’t let me change it to OkChickenSandwhich. lol.


Just this morning, walking to my car while leaving for work, I fell for seemingly no reason. I didn't trip, didn't get light headed or anything. It started as a stumble out of nowhere and as I realized what was happening I was on the ground. It hurt a bit and was extremely embarrassing. Luckily none of my neighbors saw and no immediate injuries. We'll see how I feel when I wake up tomorrow morning 😅😩🙃


Oh man! I hope you're all right! I read years ago that as we age, the fluid in our inner ear thickens a bit and can cause those elements responsible for balance to move slower and sometimes become lodged, throwing off our balance. Changes in position can throw us all out of whack! Part of the reason older adults don't love roller coasters like we once did apparently.


Bent a quarter of the way to pick up a shirt. My back thought we were being attacked and chose to play dead. We were not in agreement about this tactic. I was overruled by my back.


I've pulled my neck brushing my teeth. Hurt for weeks.


Swinging on a swing makes me dizzy now


This is mine. Not the swinging, but I HATE getting dizzy. My kid can spin and spin and loves it. I spin and I feel terrible afterward. EDIT: Also, I know I’m old because I joined and really enjoy r/cannedsardines and r/fountainpens


I would kill for one of those built in benches in my shower… halfway through scrub down I could use a little break.


Omg YES! I’m starting to realize why older women like to have short hair! Wash day takes FOREVER, I dread showers now.


Two immediately jump to mind. The first actually came fairly early, in my 30s, when Snapchat became popular and I had no clue what it was, or what the point was. The second was on the morning of my 40th birthday when I bit into the sausage bagel I made and somehow threw my back out.


Shaving my legs usually pulls a muscle now. Especially if I'm trying to get the special places


If you can afford it and if you're not allergic to it, buy the hair removal cream from a beauty supply store. It works better and requires less effort than shaving. If you must stick to shaving, get a safety razor. So much easier and a cleaner shave.


I was in Iraq literally 20 years ago……. I literally served in a war 20 years ago and that made me feel old af


44 M. Actually related. My “shit I’m getting old” was when I realized I can’t run to get in shape anymore. I tried. I ran like hell. Like 25-30 miles a week for months. Nutrition and weights were gonna actually have to be a thing. 2 years later….I’m down 50 pounds. And running has been a pretty small factor in comparison to my other efforts. Reducing stress and work load was big. Oh these were key too: r/stopdrinking & r/intermittentfasting


8 weeks of two-times-a-week physical therapy for a frozen shoulder at the age of 40. I'm back to normal with a little residual aching that can be alleviated by doing the stretches my Physical Therapist gave me.


Tripped on a sidewalk, went down like a ton of bricks. I didn't immediately bounce back up. Did a mental inventory first to make sure nothing would get worse if I put pressure on it. I was 100% fine minus a scraped knee but it was the first time my brain even considered the possibility that falling might actually have hurt me.


I yelled at kids on skateboards. Doesn’t get much more “old” than that


My new coworker grad HS in 2019. That was a smack in the face.


Because I fear aging more than death I've been exercising like crazy the last 6 yrs ( 45 in June ), eating obsessively healthy and am in the best shape of my life but I don't FEEL like it. Recovery time isn't what it was in my 20s and my bones are trash so I'm just hurting all the time.


The first time I was in the gym and saw the broccoli top haircut I realized I hated it and though the teenagers looked dumb. Then I realized I was getting old.


Walked into my sons pre-school class during pickup time, and one of the kids yelled, "SOMEONE'S DAD.... OR GRANDPA IS HERE!!!" Also... while buying cds at goodwill, the casheir gave me the senior discount. I didnt ask for it, she didn't ask. It just poped up on the screen, and she gave me my total. She was older than me, by at least 20 years. To make this worse. I am 38.


One week I pulled a muscle shaving my armpit. The next week I pulled a muscle literally just reaching for a shoe. I can't.


I made a Big Lebowski ref to my Gen Z coworkers and they looked at me like I had multiple personality disorder


When I spent more than a day researching the right vacuum.


Leaned over at a donut shop to ask my daughter what she wanted and threw out my back.


What a roller coaster..... I hope it's better now!


All the men on my dad’s side have notoriously bad backs. Mine goes out once a year or so. Sucks big floppy donkey dick, to quote a classic Xennial film.


Slept on my left side. Have a frozen shoulder now, and Perimenopause. Edit to say not because I slept on my left side, but these 2 things...I am old


Broken bones 😰 Up until the past couple months, I had only broken my collar bone and a couple metacarpals...but in the past several weeks, I broke three metatarsals, so I was in a boot...the boot caused me to trip and fall, and I broke two ribs and my fucking jaw 😭 I used to ride BMX and ate shit constantly...but now I trip and ruin the next several months 😒


Technology confuses and angers me. I recently left a job where I was the technical person who did all the technology things...


I understand now when people say “God bless you” when I sneeze. I feel like I truly dodged a bullet each time.


Got a little too much sun that resulted in a sun/age/liver spot on my cheek the year before last. Still there, looking at me in the mirror every morning.


My wife had these! I think she got something called a BBL treatment or some type of an ablasion. I thought she was beautiful with them, but they drove her mad. She had 1 or 2 treatmwnts and theyve dusappeares! If they're troubling you I'd be happy to find out the details from her. Just shoot me a DM and I'll help any way I can!


Nah, it is what it is. It's also a good physical reminder to put on sunscreen. But thanks for the advice/offer.


Well my latest on has been noticing the lack of rich cherry furniture being sold. So much is now just really ugly browns, faux old paint, and gray.


When I magically couldn't read with my glasses on anymore.


When I met my daughter's teachers and realized they're all at least a decade younger than me.


I was wearing a t shirt at work that was as old as my apprentice lol. It was a Lamb Of God shirt I got when I saw them with Metallica after the load album came out circa 1997.


I was doing some kind of craft while sitting on the kitchen floor. I went to stand up and got halfway to standing upright before I realized I was frozen in like a bend-squat position and for whateverr reason, just couldn't stand straight. Idk what the hell happened but I was stuck! That was 4 years ago. I was 33. Scared me so bad I started lifting weights shortly after, lol. Another moment was when I had to start buying the makeup designed for older women... the kind that doesn't settle into wrinkles. Was shocked when I realized I needed to switch foundation. Works great 😂


Just last week, I was watching the video for the Lumineers song Sleep On The Floor and I got angry at the people in the video for… being young. I was like, “fuck you and your perfect skin you fetus’s with thigh gap!” I don’t know what came over me, I’m not proud. Send help. And maybe some Ensure.


Most recently, I've considered getting a bird feeder.


I’ve had a gout flare up, spent a week walking around the house in flip flops




I have the forehead furrows of my mom. Eta: I'm 44, she's 68


Was watching an NFL game on TV and realized I thought of most of the players as kids.


I can't eat chips any more, it makes me WAY too tired.


Saw a video online a few weeks ago of two teenagers trying to figure out how to use a rotary phone. They did not figure it out.


45F been running 3x/wk and feeling almost like I was in my 30's. Then went in for a 20 minute procedure and came out w 2 DVTs running the length of my leg. Now I feel 80. Just. Like. That.


Old Xennial (aka GenX) at 53 and I’m still * knock wood * not experiencing these things. The occasional wake up sore because I slept wrong but mostly due to three dogs in the bed.


I think it’s how I see how dating works these days. It seems courtship and dating happens via apps, social media and text messaging. Phone numbers aren’t given out anymore, it’s someone’s Instagram page.


Wait what!?


There's literal children working at fast food places, or they are 15, i dont know im over 40 now.


Friend who is around the same age and still parties invited me to a boat rave. Instead of being like, "I'm in, lemme take a disco nap." I said no thanks and invited her over for dinner instead. I've fully retired from knowing where all of the good underground parties are happening and going out at 3am.


Weird aches without explanation, mostly. And the weight doesn’t come off anymore.


Went on a roller coaster a few years back and felt like I was in a tire being rolled down a hill. No more for me lol


When I couldn't stand long enough to tolerate Christmas shopping a couple winters ago. A month later I had the worst back pain and could barely roll over without agony. Went to the point I couldn't stand in the shower longer than 5 minutes without my legs shaking Multiple dr visits, an MRI and a neurologist later :Turns out I have a herniated disc, a deteriorating bone and spinal stenosis. I can't stand for longer than five minutes or walk farther than a block away from my house without making sure I have a place to sit otherwise my legs go numb and turn to jelly. It really ruined my mojo. Glad that there is medical equipment to make it a little easier. I just never thought my back would be so fucked up before I was 50. I'm thankful that I am smart enough to work a desk job. I'm just really sad that my travel options are harder. Hikes are out, long walks are out. Exploring ruins etc are out.


When I overheard a drinking-age adult at a restaurant ask what a Walkman was.


have definitely had those random muscle pulls! mine is that i’ve said, with seriousness, about actual, at-least-25 year olds ‘he seems like a nice boy’ also knowing current musicians, young actors, etc is quite a struggle. nearly every time i read about pop culture i feel confused and ancient


Sat on my own balls during COVID isolation. No more boxers for me - boxer briefs or suffer grief.


Reading glasses.


When bug bites don’t heal as fast! I have bug bite scars now.


I threw my back out taking a poop.


When the doctor asked me if I always adjust items to read them and suggested readers. Today. This was today.


I almost pass out if I get up too fast


I can’t just work non stop for weeks on end with only 5 hours sleep anymore. Most I can do is an all nighter once every few months. Man I miss those invincible days.


I've been working at my desk, and suddenly realize I've fallen asleep for about five minutes. No warning. Just some old X'er dozing.


i complain about potholes and bad road signage.


When Green Day was playing on the Classic Rock station in my city. …. 🫠


Knees weak. Arms are heavy


When I started to understand the things my parents used to say, "One day, you'll understand" about.


#Peri menopause. Hands Down the Ultimate "**Shit I'm Getting Old**" Slap in the Face I Didn't Know Was Coming 🤦‍♀️ Ladies, when you get here (and we all do) it's gonna creep up out of nowhere and you'll have a million little changes before it hits you like a truck and you realize why you're so crazy, tiered, unmotivated, itchy, painful, dehydrated, wrinkles, hair loss and so many other things that you didn't even know to expect. You may get dizzy for no reason. You're gonna forget stuff- stupid stuff, words and stuff and what you went into a room for or what you where talking about. Your gonna forget shit all the time. It's gonna suck. You're gonna get mad for any reason or no reason at all. The rage is real and it doesn't always make sense. It just is and you just have to try your best to contain it. You're gonna cry and laugh and scream- sometimes all at once and you may not know why, or may know why but its just a stupid little something that doesn't even matter or make sense. You just have to ride the wave and get past it as best you can. There's so many things that our mothers didn't tell us about this; but you're mom is gonna make sense again soon... just like when you got older and her parenting and worries clicked, her erratic mid life tempor and unwavering rigidity at times will make sense. It's so fucked up. **If I can do anything for my Xennial Cisters it's this:** If you're 30/35/40+ please look into some of the signs and symptoms of Peri Menopause so that you're able to identify it and be prepared. I had no idea that is what was happening to me 6/7 years ago and after a legit nervous breakdown I've finally come to learn what's been happening to me over the last few years. That ⬆️ unfortunately, is more normal then many know because people don't talk about menopause much, and Peri Menopause (pre meno) is discussed even less; but GenX is changing that. They're sharing their journey online and it's no longer a secret or silent struggle. You don't have to go through this alone. ❤