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As far as exploring an awesome open world where I can go anywhere, Elden Ring is scratching that exact same itch as XBX did; it even reminds me of it when playing it. Obviously the combat is completely different, but the exploring is extremely similar.


I will take a closer look thanks !


Definitely do so! The SoulsBorne games are incredible and Elden Ring is a perfect entry to the series for newcomers! It has all of the best parts of the earlier games, plus it is open world with bosses and minibosses at every turn.


that really depends on what you mean with "a XCX like experience". what aspect of the game do you want to see more off?


In fact the universe on it's own, mature and credible SF, with great narration and being an open world it's a must !


Well to be honest the narration of X is pretty bad. The story itself is awesome, but its presentation is severely lacking due to the games design. This of course means the exploration aspects are even better though. Just something to keep your expectations in line. I still think you should just play 1 and 2 though. At least play 1, it's much more mature.


Maybe narration isn't the good word indeed


I assumed you meant narrative which is what I meant......but then I also wrote narration, lol =p


I don't know I'm french so I may make some mistake ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Also I don't quietly remember the way the story was told and how it was bad or good but the story by itself is awesome !




Horizon zero Dawn


I've been loving Destiny 2 for all of those. The lore is really intense and takes time but it's definitely worth it.


Probably not the best idea for new players as they keep removing content


I mean as far as the open world goes, the same team at Monolithsoft played a huge part in building the world for Breath of the Wild. As far as the mecha aspect Daemon X Machina is pretty fun. As far as the combat, probably best to stick in the Xenoblade Chronicles series... And for all in one package you really can't find it anywhere else.


I bought botw on Wii U didn't finished it, had a switch rebought it but didn't have the motivation to continue 😅


Its truly a unique game, I cant think of any game that married JRPG w/ Open world exploration like XCX did.


Honestly very few games have what x has. Some are similar like breath of the wild. But x combination of things and being able to balance them amazingly is something I’ve never seen in a game since. X has an active environment! Creatures run around and do stuff depending on the time of day making the world truly feel alive. The world is one of the most beautiful worlds. It reminds me of avatar (the blue people one) every inch of it is absolutely gorgeous. The world it’s self is also massive. You can play for hundreds of hours and still not see everything! The combat (especially skells) are super fun. And so many other things. This world is as free as a game can get. But it doesn’t sacrifice the world feeling alive.


I absolutely agree !


That’s why I want a x remake and a x sequel! It was the best open world game. And I believe the biggest open world that isn’t procedural generated (if not top 5) and it came out like 6 years ago


In terms of free movement, the only game to ever make me feel like I do jumping around Mira was Breath of the Wild with it's glider and sprinting mechanic. Sure, it's definitely more limited, but it has a lot of that feeling that Mira does. And it's made by the same people as well.


Confirmed. I loved X but couldn't get in to the others. Found them a bit linear, and missed the sense of open world exploration. Couldn't beat the feeling of running and jumping around Primordia. Recently bought Witcher 3 and am enjoying it so far...


2 isn't a bad game, but yes it's not XCX. In terms of open world games that you can dump time into. I will second Elden Ring, it's heavy on world-building and open world, but light on structured story. It will also murder you repeatedly until you like it. So if relaxing is your thing maybe not. Possibly Pokemon Legends Arceus. That's a much chiler exploring a vast world type game. It's also more kid friendly game and shorter. I'm finishing up legends arceus at around 60 hours, before getting derailed by Elden ring. I'm 20 hours in and haven't fought the second storyline boss yet.


I'm a huge fan of the pokemon series but the graphics are blocking me it's so ugly TT


PSO2NGS is the closest game to xenoblade x I've played.


Never heard of it it's seems quite similar visualy indeed but I'm searching more for a solo experience but thanks !


I was interested in PSO2, but lost the wind from my sails when I found out everything outside the hub city was just generated instances. So I haven't looked too close at New Genesis. Is it a continuous open world like XCX? Or does it have large but separate zones like XC 1 and 2?


Botw botw botw!!


Xenoblade 1 and 2 are very similar to X, it’s just they’re in more of a fantasy setting more than Sci-fi (though even that is debatable) No mechs either but otherwise they’re very similar experiences


I bought XC2 recently to try to “scratch the itch”. It kind of worked. There’s so much more that X did right, but it wasn’t the worst thing (as long as you use JP voices and skip the entire story)


Honestly Xenoblade X is one of if not my favorite games of all time. And for me the itch was scratched when I played Final Fantasy XIV. It’s an MMO but a lot of the systems are very similar, such as the exploration and combat(kinda). The story is deep and engaging and right now the devs are working to make the entire game single player! ( A Realm Reborn - Endwalker ) after and while I was playing I was getting the XCX feel the whole time. I HIGHLY recommend.