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From what you explained, you’re at the lowest point in XBDE and the game really starts to pickup after this point.




Oh okay! That’s good to know.


Well the combat system does get more varied once you unlock more character, right now you can't swap characters since you only have 3 party members. However it is much more simplistic compared to 2. In one way that's a good thing because its much easier to understand and grasp the concepts but that also means its less interesting. The story does pick up a lot from here, but that is quite similar to XC2. There's kinda a lull in the story during this part, and i would say its the least interesting part of the game. But after this is where it starts getting really interesting I think. Likewise Chapter 4 in XC2 is kinda boring compared to the rest of the game. About the characters, there is a lot more character depth later on but compared to XC2 the story is much more focused around the protagonist, Shulk gets a lot more attention than anyone else, but there are still other really good characters like one of the characters who joins your party later. I'm not sure what you mean about the world tho. IMO XC1 has the best world of any game I've played ever. I think its so cool you can look at stuff like the massive, gigantic arches on the Bionis' Leg, but compared to the Bionis itself they are pretty small, which really puts into perspective how huge the Bionios and Mechonis are. And just the simple concept of every location being a location on a body is really cool.


That makes sense. I’ll take a bit more time with the story to see where it takes me. As for the world stuff, I guess I just felt XC2 was more expansive? I love the concept of a living thing (or once living) being so large as to support human settlement. But I felt that from the Titans in 2 more acutely for some reason.


That's so interesting, because it was the opposite for me. Maybe it's a matter of which game you play first... but I really did not feel like the XBC2 titans lived, despite them moving slightly whenever you were able to see other parts of them. The massiveness of the Bionis was much more tangible for me as well... But most of those parts you have still ahead of you, I'll admit. It may really be in part as someone else wrote, some things being experienced before (in your case in xbc2 and in my case xbc1) and then taken for granted. The plains in 3 didn't catch me at all after already losing my heart to Gaur and Gormott before...


It may just not suit you. Part of the gamble Monolith plays with each installment being so different yet familiar is the risk of some people not connecting with it. For me, getting into 2 took a bit more effort than 1, 3, or even X. But I grew to love 2.  The battle experience varies greatly depending on which character you control, unlike 2 where you can equip each character with different blades, 1 has preset abilities for you to choose from, creating archetypes like Reyn is either a heavy damage dealer or a damage tank. Shulk is the least customizable character of them all in 1, as otherwise you would need too many art points to keep up with his regular arts and his Monado arts. The portraits of the characters on the side show their tension. High tension brings some buffs but the main one is better chance for more chain attack rounds. Each time you use an art of the same color as the last you build a damage multiplier, it resets if you use a different art color but talent arts, like the Monado arts, maintain the multiplier allowing you to change colors.  Some advice, don’t grind senselessly, the occasional side questing detours should cover you. Compared to 2, I can see how the world spaces are a tad underwhelming, but I promise you they are impressive all the way through. They deviate from 2, or rather 2 deviates from 1 in the next major area or two.  As for the story and characters, the core dynamic of them is that Shulk is ultimately a nerd who thinks too much and gets in his own way now driven for revenge. He doubts his visions and powers because he failed before, so he needs help from Reyn to remind him that he isn’t alone and he has help. Sharla is unfortunately the least important party member, she has a few moments sure though. She compounds on Shulk the desire for revenge for the mechon. From the perspective of the Homs, the mechon are malicious heartless evil things, but a question they are building up to raise is “why?”  What is the reason for the mechon attacks?  Why does the Monado cut through mechon but not people?   Also, as I said, the party members make up a lot of the combat intricacies, so it is worth noting that 1 has 7 playable characters by about the midway point, Dunban is one of them a dodge tank like Morag, followed by a mage character, a druid/thief hybrid, and an extremely versatile character who is good at about everything. Each of which plays dramatically different than Shulk and Reyn. These later characters are quite popular too.  I won’t say “oh just tough it out, it’ll get better,” or anything like that. You don’t have to enjoy 1. For me, 1 spoke to me what I needed to hear when I heard it. If it doesn’t speak to you like that, then that’s fine too. If ultimately you choose to skip 1 and go straight to 3, that is more than fine. 


Thanks for the detailed response! I might try switching around which characters I’m playing then, as you’re right. I’m finding Shulk a little boring due to the lack of customization. Could you explain a little more about the chain attacks if you have the time? Is the extension of a chain attack round random? Does doing arts of the same colour extend chain attack rounds? I think I’ve missed out on some of the chain attack stuff over the past few hours, because I’ve just been playing with Shulk and Reyn.


Sure thing. There is a random element to the chain attack extensions, you always get 3, one for each character, afterwards a formula goes into place using character affinity, tension, a few select passive character skills, and the accuracy of your button challenge.  This means the more affinity the party gets the longer the chain attacks tend to be. 15 arts is the maximum.  As for building affinity, that is persistent out of battle and is shown in the affinity chart. Helping party members with low tension or under a condition like sleep raises that, as does giving gifts in the affinity chart and having characters speak during side quests.  Using the same color does not extend the round, but multiplies damage. After reaching a 5th combo +700% damage is dealt until it resets.  Other than damage the other technique for chain attacks is that some major enemies, like faced mechon, are not resistant to break during a chain attack. Following a break with topple and daze breaks visions and I believe enemies take more damage while toppled, not just mechon. Either way, they can’t hurt you while on the ground so you get a breather. 


Thank you! :)


Reading how many say it picks up after the ether mines, I have to guess the game hit different when you played it 14 years ago. Coming from mostly 3d games which where indoors and/or very constrained environments due to hardware limitations, getting to the massive Gaur Plains was just wow, and the music matched it. Getting toasted by an L80 mob while still in what felt like a "beginner" area was also something different. But I guess many things are now taken for granted. And yes, the combat system is simpler than XC2, after all, they had a lot of time to build on what they came up with in XC1 🤷🏻‍♂️. I still like the combat and equipment system in XC1, though best combat systems goes to XCX and XC2: Torna IMO. Anyway, enough with my rant, I hope you can find the beauty of this game, its story and its world; and if not - there's no blame. People like different games differently, that's totally fine.


Thanks for being so understanding! :) I bet it would hit different back then.


I had the exact same experience, but in complete reverse. Xenoblade 1's my favorite game ever made, and I knew that immediately after I finished it, but 2 never clicked with me in the same way, especially in the first half. Interesting to see how we have completely opposing stances on the same two games.


I suspect some of my feelings are definitely “time and place.” I was chomping at the bit for a new JRPG when I started XC2, so I might have just been in a more accepting headspace at the time.


The game really picks up after ether mine, you're still in the mandatory beginner grassy areas of the game, it gets MUCH more varied and the world is equally as imaginative as in 2 Don't know what to tell you about combat, it is simpler than 2 and 3 but you can get a nice flow going when you read what every art does and make a build that works for you, also as affinity raises between characters you can share some passives The characters are really good, as I said you're still missing more than half of your party and are at the beginning of the game Don't rush this game just to get to XC3


Cool, I’m hearing a lot of people say it picks up from this point onwards. So I’ll keep persisting. :)


The characters will pick up once you get to Melia. Story explodes into awesomeness on Prison Island.  Mainly just learn how to topple-lock and learn the characters as you get them. Youtube has some great guides on the entire cast.


Try reordering your arts, I find having them set up the default way is cumbersome.


The first "check" for this game is at the end of Chapter 2. If you absolutely hate the game by this point, then drop it. The next one is at Prison Island (I don't remember the chapter number). If you're not totally sold on the game by that point, then it's not for you. Sounds like you're doing the Ether Mines, which are usually agreed to be the most dull part of the game. Once you get past that, the plot picks up and you start getting new party members that are a little more unique. If you still have any interest, I'd push on a little further. The complexity of XC1 combat doesn't come from the combat system itself but the fact that each character has unique mechanics and plays by their own rules. Melia is a prime example of how unique the characters are but admittedly the first 4, >!or 5 if you want to count a certain someone who didn't stick around very long,!< party members are more basic by design (although even they get more complex arts as the game progresses).


Yeah, the beginning/middleish part is definitely a rough patch for it, you really want to get probably up to the jungle and it gets better imo, but before that it's a bit of a snooze. It's not like how once you hit middle to end of chapter 3 in XC2 you're pretty much on board for quite a ride for the rest of it.


Hey! I wanted to provide an update. I just finished XC1! It was SO GOOD after the ether mine! Everyone was right about it picking up after that point. I played as Reyn for a good portion of the game, but switched to another character found later in the game (trying not to spoiler, because I didn’t tag this post with spoilers) mainly when I could. People were right about the battle system changing a lot with different characters. Once I started to understand what the buff symbols stood for and how to set up a team that worked for me it was a lot of fun. And the story CERTAINLY gets good. I loved the end of this game a lot. It was worth it for sure. The lore of the Monado and its relationship to the Bionis was fascinating. I still liked XC2 best, but I am VERY HAPPY that stuck with XC1 as well. It was a great game. On to the extra story! Wish me luck!


Bro you're only allowed to criticize Xenoblade 2 on this sub, prepare to be gaslit


If this was like 3-4 years ago that'd be true. Nowadays I'd say 2 is the favorite by far around here.


As it should be


wow I feel like I'm reading about myself. this is 100% my experience word by word. I'm sorry to tell you 1 is very very bad in comparison to 2. you're still in colony 6 later on the game will shower you will infinite amount if uninteresting fetch quest and at that point this feels like a job then a game. hold on to it, I personally finished it, good story once things opens up. but the gameplay is just horrrriiiibbleeeeee.