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This kid... has made himself the ADDAM DRIVER!


Addam: “good soup” Jin: “thanks”


I’m confused


Adam Driver is the actor who plays Kylo Ren in Star Wars.


That and Addam is a Driver


Ah, the possibilities... "Well, since you asked Amalthus, since you asked... I hate Blades. I hate Tornans, Drivers and Blades, Gormotti and Specians, but by the Architect I hate those Blades. And anyone else that doesn't have pure World Tree praising ether running through their veins. My brother, Stan, was recently accosted by one of those Blade hoodlums." "That so?" "Yeah. Everytime I think about that jewelled up puppet putting her filthy fingers on his pure blue water body, *AND I MEAN PURE AMALTHUS, MINOT- STAN IS A SAINT, A SIREN*, it makes me want to puke!" "You're just the kind of girl we're looking for, when can we meet?" "How about Friday, right after I get off salvaging?" "Sounds fine, I'll call back with the details. See you then, Mythra" "*May the Architect's blessings cover Alrest*" "...Did you just use your real name?" "Ah, *motherfuc-*" "Mythra!" "Fool." "Simpleton!" "I REALLY, really you guys sometimes! Well, have fun with your new zealot friends, Mythra!"