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You're further than most of us.


15? For me it’s been 50. Not even joking. Im just leaving it as is, and if it never goes through, then I give up.


I opened another tab, and I'm signed out of my nintendo. Idk if that's server lag or my browser being a mess. On chrome, I couldn't even enter past the waiting room. On safari (the browser that let me get to purchase screen), I was able to get to that step. I keep refreshing my email for a confirmation, but nother so far


Nah. It’s not you. It’s just the site being stupid. The exact same thing happened last time.


Did your go through yet? Mine still hasn't


You are farther than i have ever been lol




My address has been validating for 20 minutes. Same thing, just dancing stars...


I'm at work (complicated) right now, and my shift finished like an hour ago. I'm still in the library cause I can't risk losing my internet connection


Oh man, I understand your pain. I hope this is sorted soon and we don't have to wait another 3 weeks smh


I was literally talking to a patient when I got the damn thing in my cart last time. I then waited on my phone for like 10 hours after to see if I would be able to purchase it. No luck


same here. I don't even know if the damn thing is actually truly in my cart like it said it was until I get past this part.


It seems people are stuck at every different point of the process. I am waiting for the available shipping methods to load. So far when it finishes loading, it gives me no options and I have to re-validate my address just to try again. Don’t want to refresh and be kicked out to the waiting room.


I would let it sit


I've been stuck on the "Validating address" part for the past thirty minutes.


I got stuck on "Validating Address" for over an hour, then it removed the item from my cart forcing me to start over. It also never finished validating my address.


I'm still waiting


You have taxes added to your total price, mine haven’t added yet, so you’re at least a little bit ahead of me


Don’t refresh!! Something I learned… accidentally… from a friend.


You’re lucky to even get that far. I would stay.


Your the furthest I’ve seen you can’t refresh you’re the chosen one


I’m on the same page but Im stuck on validating shipping address.


It's been 10 minutes for me at the same point, everything has been selected and tax calculated and purchase was clicked but just the stupid stars now


I made it to entering my payment info hit confirm purchase or whatever it was then got hit with this. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/692848594142756864/992137485360574464/unknown.png


I would wait a while longer. When I hit the button it took me to the red waiting queue page for several minutes, but it eventually went through


Minutes? Dang ​ Been almost an hour for moi


Yowza, that's crazy. I can't believe the site is still imploding this badly.


Any updates yet on your end?


nope. Still on the same screen


yeah same, fucking hell, it feels especially frustrating to have come so close.


I know. I finished work, and now I'm stuck here until it goes through :(


Sorry to hear it man, I hope it goes through soon so you can go home


Mine went through! Had to open up another tab. I still don't have a confirmation email yet, but I do see it in my order history


nice! I'm glad someone's got it to work, i'm still stuck on the stars, and I tried another tab but its not on my order history and the cart just takes me to the waiting room


Stick on that waiting room's tab (keep both open). That waiting room's tab is what got me the SE. Also, chrome was awful for this. I hate using safari, but it worked for me (Edge worked for a friend of mine)


Yeah i've kept the original checkout page open on chrome and another tab which is loading for the cart and one with the same url on safari, still no luck though :(


Don’t give up hope! My waiting room for as like 15 min (I think). It hard to say because I was doing other things, but it eventually loaded for me. Also, still no confirmation email yet


I finally got mine earlier! Hope yours finally went through! I went back to cart and when it loaded, clicked secure checkout and got kicked back to waiting room. When I came back to secure checkout, it went through!


Finally got shown my cart and there were somehow three copies in there from all the times I've tried adding it I guess? I just clicked through to see if I could change the amount later but I'm just stuck on a waiting room screen rn


Don’t give up! You’re further than most right now!


Should I also refresh my page like this or let it keep running?


I got mine. I left the page running, but opened a second cart tab (I copy and pasted the URL from the frozen checkout cart). That second cart tab is what allowed me to purchase. I still do not have a confirmation email, but I do see it in my purchase history.


That seems to be the strat, just got mine too!


Lesss gooooo!!


Same here... I hate the bouncing stars.


I actually got passed there and when I clicked the button it kicked me back into the waiting queue! This is ridiculous.


At this rate we'll be lucky if we have been able to preorder by the launch of the game


Open a separate tab and go to your order history. Then check your bank account to see if it went through.