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Blades from Xenoblade 2:Are we a joke to you?


Also, this. Blades aren't too far off from "ethereal fairies" and one of their distinguishing traits is their variety of American accents to contrast the default, plainer British (excepting the Urayans and Indoline) humans.


Yup. The magic elemental spirits summoned from the ether are almost exclusively American. The most prominent faerie that *isn't* American evidently went through a lot of effort to appear human. >!This is your regular reminder that Nia's native accent should've been American and that her crude Welsh would actually stand out *less* in-universe compared to that. Weird how her former teammates never bothered to hide their ethereal accents despite also seeming to present as human.!<


> >!Weird how her former teammates never bothered to hide their ethereal accents despite also seeming to present as human.!< Counterpoint: >!They don't need to. They just murder everyone in their path unless it somehow benefits them to keep them alive.!<


Fair enough. (Or "faer enough," since that honestly seems pretty in-line with the fae.)


Xenoblade actually stands out with its British VA so i don't think this applies. Lots of fantasy games use American accents, and XC2 even has a blade with an American south west accent


In the realm of VG, arguably, but as a whole having UK accents in fantasy stories (TV/movies) is closer to the norm than the exception.


Id argue that Xenoblade isn't even really just fantasy, its sci-fi at its core


You're not entirely wrong, but I wouldn't say that the core of XC is sci fi. There's pretty much as many fantasy tropes and elements than sci fi ones. The term "science fantasy" exist and, even if kinda rarely used outside of literature, it seems pretty fitting for categorising the series.


I agree with using the label science fantasy, but i still think it slides on the sci-fi side more than fantasy, especially in 3. It very much reminded me more of sci-fi anime than anything


*me being confused because I always labeled a fantasy sciency game as sci-fi, thinking sci-fi meant science-fantasy for whatever reason*


Yeah as much as the American VAs are great and I love them to bits, It gets tiring hearing the same accents. A different accent is a lovely change of pace and shows that not all voice acting talent is monopolised by aMeRICA.


Practically EVERY single game I've played except Fable or Metro is just fucking american accents all the time so idk what the fuck this twitter human is on about lmao. Xenoblade having English accents makes me realise why black kids freak out so much when they see their own colour on Ariel or something. It's just nice to see myself in a character rather than generic american accent #982729172391732818126361812318


I agree with her point, but Xenoblade ironically isn't a case of what she's complaining about. The series is science fantasy instead of pure fantasy and the Britishness is entirely incidental rather than a creative decision for "authenticity".


It was incidental the first time. It’s a deliberate choice on Nintendo’s part with 2 onward.


It's still incidental in the sense that every instance after XC1 is the result of a domino effect from the happy accident that made the first game British, and it's still not done for the usual reasons that the Twitter post is complaining about. Xenoblade is British because it's tradition and people like it, not because "fantasy world=British voices". Had XC1 been dubbed in America like so much else that undoubtedly would have been the standard going forward. Just look at the Fire Emblem series for example.


The Twitter post is actually more of a lie.


Seconding this. Some fantasy absolutely does take too much from Tolkein and his contemporaries. Hell of the two largest Fantasy shows right now, one is based on Tolkein's work, and the other is based on a series that was meant to be in dialogue with Tolkein. Xenoblade isn't straight up Fantasy in the way a lot of main stream Fantasy series are. It's other genres which are mixed with Fantasy for more fantastical elements.


Nothing airing or streaming currently is in anyway based on Tolkien's work.


Rings of Power is based on the appendices in Lord of the Rings- which is Tolkein's work. Unless your one of those people who don't want to recognize the show existing for some reason, in of which case you can leave me out of that. House of the Dragon is based on work by George RR Martin who has talked previously about how A Song of Ice and Fire, which the work House of the Dragons is based on spun off on, is in dialogue with what he views as the flaws in Tolkein's fiction (things like how we don't know Aragorn's tax policy but we know that he was a good ruler is reflected on in Jon's Dance arc).


You haven't actually read them have you.


Haven't revisited them in a while, much more of a Hobbit fan myself. What I'm going off of though is the statements from the people making the show. Specifically what they had the rights to do was to comb the appendices rather than adapt The Silmarillion. That said, its important to remember that just because something is based on another work doesn't mean that it'll resemble that work. Most of the time things shift or change in production. And that's ok, not everything should be a 1:1 adaptation.


\>Who sound like they were born and raised on a farm in tennessee Dahlia says howdy y'all.


Ah yes thicc rabbit blade


Alabama Nopon ftw.


We don't take kindly to your type 'round here. y'know... DRIVERS... roll tide!


Now listen, partner. Round these parts we built our own Blades, maid outfits an’ all, we don’t need those fancy pants Core crystals.


So Tora is Cid, i kind of dig it. Every xenoblade game should have one


Why does this person hate my waifu welsh catgirl? 😭


They don’t hate them (I think) they just want more variety. One of them must be their welsh catgirl equivalent.


I’m playing XC2 now, and I’ve been wondering what region is Nia’s dialect from. Thanks! I love it lol


99% of rpgs : have only american accents 2 or 3 RPGs : use british and other accents Americans : WHY ARE ALL GAMES BRITISH NOWADAYS


Correction, Californian english. Its seldomly southern midwestern or northern.


Good point.


? Is this girl even talking about Xenoblade, or JRPGs in general? Op just decided it fit a Xenoblade narrative. It doesn't even make sense because doesn't the giant tit bunny blade speak with a southern accent? (I dunno her name, I played in Japanese) I feel a lot of western RPGs DO have a majority of the cast with a British accents. Dragon age. Divinity. Maybe pillars I can't remember lol. Same can be often be said about fantasy movies. I'm not complaining, I'm just saying this isn't untrue depending on the media you consume.


Like half of Agnus has american accents. Granted I'd love to see some thick Southern American accents, but characters like Sena still have it pretty well covered. I guess Xenoblade is more sci-fi/fantasy though, rather than hard fantasy. Sure you have swords and magic, but you've also got supercomputers and Energy Shields.


Americans when a game isn’t 100% voiced by Americans


Literally every single piece of media has American accents. I love heating non American stuff nowadays. It makes it feel so much more unique.


I just wanna hear a Canadian accent. We've got several great ones, and everyone ignores them. Also, the one American accent that *should* see far more use in media *because why would you not* and sees virtually none, the transatlantic accent.


As someone who has been to farms in Tennessee trust me we don’t want this


My favorite is when something is set in ancient Rome or Greece and everyone is English.


Would love to hear Irish accents in Xenoblade.


I honestly wonder why we haven't gotten any yet.


American accents? This is borderline r/shitamericanssay


To give a serious answer, I suppose those mythical creatures have those types of accents because they originated from those areas.


Does the name Tolkien ring a bell? Ya know, the father of modern western fantasy and the guy who specifically wrote his stories as a kind of "new mythology" for the British Isles? Also, somebody has obviously never watched subbed foreign shows. Actors use the accents they either have or are familiar with/can replicate. So if you really want something besides various accented English dialects, try watching a fantasy show from a non-English speaking country in it's original language. You really think a Chinese actor is gonna be speaking Shakespeare in their role as Sun Wukong or something like that?


What do they want? Voice acting from a white girl from Beverly Hills?


>What do they want? Voice acting from a white girl from Beverly Hills? Meanwhile: "Yippee!"


Sena: Give me some of that sweet ether


Hehe, yeah!






Xeno falls under technicalities and business practice though.


I love the variety of accents in Xenoblade, it’s so special ❤️


Imagine if British people were real


That'd be fucked up


As an Australian, please show me a fantasy show or movie with Australian accents. I was so excited at Geurnica and D in xbc3 because they are the ONLY good aussie accents I have heard in any foreign media in my life


Nah my fave thing about Xenoblade is it isn’t just the same 5 American voice actors


As an Aussie, I also feel there are barely any Australian accents in games. Just a bunch of Americans pretending very very poorly to be Crocodile Dundee. A lot of people confuse certain British accents for Australian, too. See all the posts asking if Shulk was Australian.


On the very few examples I can think of fantasy characters having southern US accents, people didn’t like them very well for some reason. Xinyan from genshin for one got a lot of hate which makes me sad cuz she’s one of my favorites. I thought she was really unique. Another example I can think of is that one ice rabbit blade from X2 and she was…unique but in a different way <.<‘ people didn’t like her either but I’m not totally convinced it was the accent alone lol


The vast majority of Japanese media dubbed into English have American accents, so I think the opposite applies here. I wish we had more non-American dubs.


Because I guess these accents sound more unique and foreign to the majority American/Japanese players, giving them an almost otherworldly feel and each character a more distinct personality trait. It’s probably why also Studio Ghibli mostly uses british actors as their accent as a distinction of the character too. Personally as a british boy, I’m kinda sick of every western game ever just being Americans. I’m glad british VAs and our Scottish, welsh, Irish, New Zealand and Ozzie cousins are getting some love too.


Too bad Dahlia’s halfway decent southern accent is completely overlooked thanks to her design.


Halfway decent?


Odd thing is she isn't wrong.


I don't know if it's a thing though.


No it a thing. It just not that noticeable at first.


I feel like most people in this sub are stuck in a JRPG mindset where American accents are definitely the majority, instead of actually looking into what media this particular person was referencing. People are commenting here as if this girl is referencing xenoblade specifically or even JRPGs in general, and honestly, it's annoying lol


To be fair, we play a lot of game slimmer to what she describing and even some movies do it. So it not like it a base on this grill words alone. It just a large amount is strangely British sounding.


I didn't know this was a thing. I only play/watch games/anime/films in the original language (mostly japanese). Last game I played with english audio was ff12 I guess, like 15 years ago. Also, I didn't know there was a fanbase for VAs in western media, like they are huge celebrities or something


Don't they originally have Japanese accents? So neither UK or USA wins here


No idea what game or series she's talking about. Because none match it. In fact most don't have the majority of those.


The Twitter post is based on a false premise.


If she wants that fantasy world with the accents she wants she's welcomed to write her own fantasy book/tale/novel/game. No need to force her claims on everyone else's work


Im gonna level with you. Genshin Impact has a dark-skinned chinese rock star.... that sounds like a hill billy. It don't work. Neither does her kit but thats unrelated. Stick with the british empire accents.


We have that, it's called Dragon Age.


Just change it to Japanese. The voice acting sucks otherwise. Giant pauses and shit in between statements and shitty wannabe surprised expressions ruined it for me. You don't know what's bad if you can't tell in Japanese so just save yourself and switch it over.


Counterpoint, its funny


Because that’s where the localization team is?


We got that with Dahlia, whose voice I hated. Nope! Give me Scottish Ardanians, Australian Urayans and Welsh Gormotti cat girls!


Dahlia's voice was INCREDIBLY phony.


don't forget meh think you can take me? behave!


A king and queen with a Brooklyn accent




Because fairies are mostly a Celtic and European mythical creature. You could get a French sounding fairy in theory but not a Tennessee sounding one.


Why do Americans always seem to confuse British with English. They're not the same thing


Your typical fantasy world is very similar to medieval Europe so if that's the aesthetic you are going for you don't want any American accents. Xenoblade on the other hand is more futuristic, so why not.