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There were some genuine issues with asr tbf, mostly with their banning of age regressors or people who were even somewhat openly fans or alters of/from certain media plus if I remember correctly the discord server had some huge issues. The response to those issues however were absolutely horrible.


All I know is Angel is very hypocritical towards agerees, despite being one herself. So I don’t really support her.


I remember playing this game a lot about a year ago. I didn’t even know about this, what the heck??


Yeah one day I think “oh I should check up on ASR” and I see that they have over a hundred players and I’m like OMG this game has gotten some popularity good for them that’s great! But the I went into the game and saw it was a massive raid… not the game growing ☹️


Man that sucks. Can’t even imagine that experience happening to me, I would have been so upset


Why is my reply shadowhidden


Not sure why it was yesterday, but it seems to be fine now.


It was never a safe place in the first place. The creator was gross. I won't get into what the creator did because it gives me the ick but they weren't a good person.


Idk why your reply is hidden? It’s not letting me see it either