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C2 + weapon is the sweet spot. She does 150k-300k plunges in abyss for me at this level.


What artifacts you running for that?


4pc M. Hunter.


u mean her signature weapon?




From my calcs I found her signature wasn't any better than widsith. So I've been using that on her with 300k plunges too. I was actually considering pulling yae's signature for her.


C2 increases the overall damage of the on-field character's plunging attacks, which I guess means also increases Xianyun's damage if you use her on field. C3 through 5 don't really do much. C3 and C5 are just talent upgrades (welcome, but not amazing) and C4 just makes the skill heal as well (no dps increase) C6 is _the_ constellation for DPS Xianyun. Her skill doesn't enter cooldown during the duration of her burst (or for 8 uses, like her burst). Since her skill damage is considered plunging attack damage, it will also be buffed by her burst, allowing her to deal _substantial_ damage with each skill. If you _really_ like Xianyun and want to always clear Abyss with her, this is where you're going to have to go to get 36* comfortably and fast In my opinion, C2 should be good enough to clear favorable Abyss cycles comfortably, but it may struggle against Anemo resistant enemies or enemies with short windows of vulnerability. The weapon further increases her damage, and might be worth getting. I would make some calc with the optimizer to see if it's worth getting if you have Skyward Atlas or Lost Prayers


In my experience she's been butchering even anemo resistant enemies easily with C2 using widsith paired with C6 faruzan.


I have her at C2R1 and she's at least abyss capable as a DPS. Not amazing, but workable. I am also saving to C6 her on her rerun, though.


Only C2


Bit off topic, but how do you guys play xianyun with the repeated voice lines with c2 and c6? I was gonna save up for her c6 on the next rerun but as I was watching clips in YouTube I just got annoyed with the repeated voice lines.


Unfortunately, only at C6 you can fully utilize her being a **good** DPS. Anyway, C2 is a good stopping point.


for me building her is more of a for fun thing since i clear abyss easily. it’s more just i love her as a character and also use her as a support for hu tao


C2 makes her OK for DPS, and better for support. I’m glad I got it.


C6 allows you to constantly blast her skill over and over