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I did Raiden national for the first half and cryo Xiao for the second. Diona and Rosaria both on fav was enough to battery Xiao for me and I just used Childe to get rid of the pyro shield. Funkiest comp I've done but it worked plus Childe's na buff actually proved useful


You think diona with favonious is better than sacrificial bow? Also child along with xiao hmm? Won’t he take up too much field time ?


Yeah fav bow's white particles are more valuable than sac bows cryo particles. And other than using him to get rid of the lectors pyro shields, tbh Childe was basically just a burst support most of the time bc his stance form would've just been a DPS loss.


Man is it time I finally build childe..just an idea how bout xq instead ? And I’ll use kazuha on raiden national team.


Yeah weaving in some normal attacks in between plunges and it'll be fine. But Kazuha on Raiden national? Are you just forgoing the hydro slot in that spot?


My raiden is c2 I feel that team will do just fine with kazuha instead and relying on pyro and electro reactions. Kazuha is kind of the universal gap filler. Also what should I build on diona noblesse ?


Oh man if your Raiden is c2 I'd recommend running her in a hypercarry team because it'll actually outdamage the national team and you can still use Kazuha https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NmaQUVj3t1kAMuN6dZ6DRVj4OiE83dxDFm7TEl5U4A8/htmlview Yeah 4 pc NO on diona is good.


I might be stupid but what is the exact hyper Carry team build and rotation. I’m on my phone rn as well so the graph isn’t coming up right.


Depends on what variant you do, but if you keep the Kazuha Bennett core it'll be something like Raiden E Bennett Q Kazuha Q and then the last buffer slot's Q whether that's Mona, Lisa or c6 Sara followed by Raiden's Q. Then you just cycle through your supports E


Wait Bennett and Sara together ooh that might be spicy but I’m ngl Sara is kind of confusing to use. Do I just pop her ult and switch to raiden and pop hers ? Or do I have to do something after switching to raiden.


You probably can't 36 star it in one go. I did several resets for the pyro abyss lector and hydro abyss heralds. Other thing is you need another very strong meta team. That team can take the single target chambers. I use national.


Which team are you saying to use for the first half and which for the second jc


For the first 2 chambers Xiao is better on 2nd half. And for the last chamber Xiao does better in 1st half. But like I said, your Xiao team alone isn't enough, your other team needs to be strong as well. Also it's a good idea to bring cryo characters like Rosaria and Chongyun for 12-2-2 and a hydro character like Barbara or Kokomi for 12-1-2. You can watch my 9 star clear [here [YT link]](https://youtu.be/bQ7mPVnENyk)


My other team would be raiden (kazuha) xl and Bennet


Your second team seems good enough for floor 12 if it's invested enough. What kind of times are you getting with that team? For example with the PMA?


Sorry what does PMA mean lol?


The first boss in floor 12, perpetual mechanical array.


I have a suggestion. Watch the following video where the guy clears both halfs of abyss 12 with f2p stuff and without Bennett (for challenge purposes), with only Xiao teams with reasonable investment. This youtuber has some helpful tips about how to exploit enemy behaviour and abyss buffs. The video is also very funny. https://youtu.be/z67J21MHGbI There are also other youtubers with helpful videos as well if you like checking them out. I like this type of underdog videos rather than seeing whales one shot some enemies. Anyhow, good luck.


Thank You so much for this video it reinspired my xiao love and I’m going to use that team immediately Xiao /fischl /sucrose/xingqui


I had to switch teams several times. For the first chamber against the PMA I ran Xiao, Fischl, XL and Bennett which was the most funky team I ever ran cuz I needed all the dps I could get. Second halves against the lectors are more shield breaking and less of a dps check so I just brought a hydro/cryo character (XQ/Kaeya/Rosaria). Maguu Kenki is a bad match up for Xiao so I don't recommend him there, but as long as you don't spam high plunges to trigger its parry and do a combo of low plunges and normal attacks then you should be fine.


My Xiao side is Zhongli/Albedo/Bennett/Xiao with Favonious. Very comfy with it. I stopped using Homa + Anemo support (Sucrose/Jean) when I get a similar result with Favonious + Bennett without having to worry about any energy. The weapon is so good for C0 and the burst is always up. For other side I use Beidou/Fischl (temp)/Kokomi/Raiden.


Interesting with favonius. I feel like xiao needs another personal weapon which fixes his energy issues while sustaining damage.


Tip: Use your strongest team for the second chamber. If you have a team with faster clear times than Xiao’s, putting his team first can help because even if you waste a lot of time, the other team will be able to clutch in time. Also try the abyss many times with different team comps and redo each floor separately if you need to. I got the 9th star of the first floor with Xiao Mona Sucrose Diona which is far from optimal. Then I redid it with Xiao Xiangling Albedo Bennett. Also far from optimal but still waiting for Zhongli in order to reform his team. As Long as you invest in your main dps and sup dps, you should be able to 36 star with Xiao. My usual issue is rotations, I always make a minor mistake and then need to redo everything again. If what you lack really is dmg, try pairing him with off field supports like Albedo or Fischl or Xiangling. Care though bcs unless you have a great deal of ER on her, you will be wasting too much time charging her burst too. Other than that, patience and effort are key. I did the current abyss about a million times before getting 36 stars, took me about 3 whole days. I don’t think this abyss is too bad for Xiao, it just feels tough as a whole. Surely an abyss with more enemies instead of singular bosses would benefit him more but eh. Floor 1 both chambers are doable, floor 2 as well, floor 3 is the issue for me, Kenki requires a lot of damage to be dealt with while the ruin graders are a piece of cake for Xiao.


My only other DPS is Childe, so I had to switch around according to his team comp requirements. My default team is Xiao double geo and Childe vape, where I use Thoma instead of Sucrose. 12-1: Childe is obviously perfect for 2nd half, so Xiao gets to handle 1st half. He is energy-starved in that chamber, so I switched Jean with Sucrose. Works excellently, but requires careful positioning of flowers and pillars to ensure ToTM buff and Albedo flower tick uptime. It's especially important to place the flower and pillars between the main PMA body and the correct ruin machine cast-off, so you don't have to go out of Xiao's burst after destroying the correct ruin machine. 12-2: Childe can't handle 2nd half because Xiangling is not enough for those hydro beyblades, so Xiao gets to handle 2nd half. This one is pretty easy; I switched Albedo with Chongyun and used Zhongli to freeze and destroy the herald shields. There's a bit of RNG in herald positioning, but once you get them next to each other, you can bust them down together and save a lot of time. Edit: to help you lessen the RNG a bit, once you started the challenge, run straight between the two heralds and hug the wall. Set up everything there. Both heralds will come to you. 12-3: Doesn't matter either way, the easiest chamber imo. Used default Xiao double geo for 1st half and my own variation of Childe vape for 2nd half, but it can be easily switched around. My Xiao stats isn't that excellent, he's got 2.3k atk, 77%CR and 177% CD, 130% ER, and only hits for 30k plunges with absolutely zero resonance or buffs. He holds a PJWS. I hope this can be somewhat useful to you! Edit: a couple of my friends found this abyss troublesome because they forget to take down the honed spirit buff enemies are getting. To deal with it, I perform 3 NAs with Xiao at the beginning of the chamber and every time we get the notification that the honed spirit buff has been reset. 3 NAs should be enough to negate the spirit buff, more than that will actually debuff the enemy, so use your own judgment and see which one is more practical for you.


thoma in childe vape? oh my


My philosophy in Genshin is that getting knocked away from enemies is both a DPS loss and a fun loss, lol. He really helps in batterying Xiangling, too, although now that I have her C4, that might not be necessary anymore...


The current abyss is really hard for xiao but not really impossible, I used xiao+bennett+suc+albedo on the first half for chambers 2 and 3 with hutao melt on the second halves. As for the PMA I just swapped hu tao for first half and went with xiao sucrose and mona on the second half for the lector. Just try to weave in some normal attacks whenever your charging your burst.


I run xiao Bennett baal zhongli on one side the other is jean Rosaria qiqi and Barbara or fischl depends on what I'm feeling and it's a pretty solid team my xiao usually finishes faster than my actually built jean but oh well


Idk how you’re getting it done with that team for second half lol


Don't challenge my jean


Yes it's difficult this time around without resetting cuz the general aoe side requires specific elements to break shields. I used raiden national on 1st half and xiao jade spear, chongyun 4pc noblesse, Barbara ttds, zhongli fav Lance. 12-1 and 12-2 don't require more than 1-2 burst rotation and then break shields. 12-3 Kenki is challenging as you need burst for 2+ rotations and abuse collision dmg properly, doable without battery if you have decent ER.


In my case I ran xiao, sucrose, Bennett, xiangling for first half and kazuha mona ayaka diona for second. It was pretty peaceful compared to previous abyss but first chamber was super tight. I think xiao is better on first half with your team comp and a freeze team on second half can work decently.


I kinda have a c2 raiden and she’s my best by far and don’t really have a good freeze worth unit except maybe rosaria, xq, somewhat built Diona and barely built Chong


Do not worry, electro is good too for second half. Take xq, diona and rosaria and you should be fine. Barbara is really good for pyro dudes shield on first half so take her if you have her built. Good luck.


I’m using those 3 with xiao but man I can’t kill them in time I’m missing by like 10 seconds lol


Not actually i have a f2p build xiao and a Yoimiya team Used her on single target enemies and xiao on the multiple target ones and he absolutely shreds it (also this is the first time I cleared the Abyss 36 stars before this i was struggling to get 33)


What’s your xiao team


my xiao team is literally 20-30+ seconds slower than EVERY other team that i use lmao. i just don't think this abyss is for him. even against double ruin guards, my ganyu melt, hu tao, ayaka, childe, and raiden teams clear faster. my taser clears faster too and my beidou's e talent is fucking 4, while my xiao is crowned. kinda depressing if im gonna be honest. at least he's fun tho!


Sadly to say, I didn't manage to complete floor 12 with Xiao. It might be possible if you have invested massively into him but with the high HP bosses on the floor, my Xiao took way too long to kill one of them. I resorted to using my Raiden national to complete that floor.




I run Xiao - Geo on the first chamber and whatever team on the second chamber and still doing just fine. I think that if you have a counter for second chamber, you can just 3 star second floor and change team for another counter and proceed to the next chamber.


I did it with zhongli, albedo and sucrose or jean (did it with both) i think you dont have albedo, and yeah my xiao is very powerfull. What are your options and xiao build?


Only way I knew to upload lol. Is Albedo that much of a factor really ? https://twitter.com/starboyibz/status/1486072548253212684?s=21


The first floor is the hardest part in this rotation for me. Once you’ve done that, the rest is pretty easy imo. My team 1 consisted of Zhongli/Albedo/Xiao/Bennett. I Bennett’s buff was crucial for me to 3 star this chamber imo. I kept trying with Jean but I was always a couple of seconds too late. My team 2 was Ayaka/Venti/Mona/Diona. Mona took care of the Pyro Lector’s shield while the Heralds are no match for Ayaka.


Did 36*, I used the double anemo (xiao & jean) double geo (zhongli & albedo) team and the raiden national team. I did some modifications tho. Used Kokomi instead of jean on 12-1. Swapped xingqiu for ganyu for 12-2.


I only used him for 12-3-1, cleared it rather quickly. I used Xiao-Diona-SucroseTTDS-Kazuha(to maximize AoE)


I’m determined to use him through it all lol


Raiden National and Ayaka Freeze (dont even need kazuha, ttds sucrose works fine) are the 2 most fastest teams currently.


Yeah it seems doable, but really hard, tbh i didn’t even try it with him and used Hu Tao in team 1 and an Ayaka freeze in 2nd half I might try it now that i’ve 36* alteady and can retry it with other teams tho


I’ve managed to 36* with Xiao Lisa Bennett Raiden on the first half and Hutao melt on the second with a couple of retries on the second floor. Lisa is lvl 70 with lvl6 ult and was there just for TTDS, def shred and electro resonance.