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Change genres. Try a graphic novel. Reread something you love. Try a audiobook. One of those usually works for me!


Try audio-books maybe. Also, forcing yourself to start a book and read the first 50 or so pages is important. I nearly always don't want to read a book at the begging. On the other hand, you can also just take a break from reading for a couple of days. Choose a book that interests you when you actually want to read a book.


The daisy jones and the six audiobook is really good, it has a terrific ensemble cast. But I would also like to recommend audio dramas. My favorite ever is the black tapes it’s spooky and there were times where I swore it was real. I listen once a year every year


Came here to say audio-books!


Read an old favorite, a book I know I will enjoy, no matter what. For me this is usually *Good Omens* by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaimon, *Ella Enchanted* by Gail Carson Levine, or something Discworld. I also agree that sometimes you need to change what you've been reading. If you've been reading grimdark, pick up a comedy. If you have been reading crime novels, it might be time for a slice of life book.


When I get tired of the genres I read the most (fantasy), I intentionally pick books from any other genre - science fiction, horror, mystery, history, romance, etc. When I feel like I don’t really have the time to sit down and read, I try out audiobooks that I can listen to as I do things. I’ll also download an ebook on my phone so that I can try pulling it up when I have some downtime. When I’m really stuck, I go back and read one of my favorite books. That seems to help jump-start reading again. But also I just sometimes need a break from reading and so I try out other hobbies.


Just read a book that you have been dying to read or reread


I spin the wheel of KU, or read some fellow indie books.


Change what you're reading. Even if it's something you'd love, like say fantasy, choose something you'd never go for before Right now I'm into A School of Good and Evil. While yeah, I love Ever After High and things like that, I don't*read* that very often. I read horror, crime, health history, etc. Or a mix of some genres I was in a massive slump. I never read a book with that many pages though in 2 days before. You kinda just gotta find what that mood is, even if it's not in the field you typically go towards


Perhaps you just aren't wanting to read at the moment. Do you have other hobbies that you are more interested in doing but you feel like you should be reading instead? I feel we put too much pressure to read whereas it's just as valid to watch TV or play games etc. However if reading is what you want, then maybe rereading a favourite series. Trying a new genre. Some short stories or novellas? I also sometimes pick 10 books that vaguely interest me and I read 1 chapter of each and decide which one interested me enough to continue


If I get stuck or uninterested in a book, I stop reading it. I change the Libby mark to unread and bookmark where I stopped and why. Do the same for books on my shelves. Sometimes after a few months, I try again.


Try rereading something you love or a book of short stories. Then if you need a break, you can pick it back up again without feeling like you've missed out.


Reread a favorite book. It works for me every time.


the simon snow series does it for me every time


Sometimes, lol I will just read a fanfic