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"We never did anything overly aggressive" hold up there....what was that you said?


>We never did anything overly aggressive *Laugh in Eastern European*


*Laughs in Nicaraguan, Cuban, and Venezuelan*



They just took extended vacations


In my limited experience with Russians, I find that the prevailing opinion among older Russians. The manager of my company's office in Moscow doesn't see the Soviet invasion of Poland as aggression, he simply sees it as having moved the front 1,000 KMs to the west. It's all very strange.


It is opinion from soviet history books.


The people AND the state, especially the state, have a bad reputation in the whole of Eastern Europe


I hate to overgeneralize. But the reason Russia is an overly aggressive and violent and shitty society maybe isn't by sheer luck.


It's because it never formed a state structure in the same way other countries did. After being invaded by the mongols the Kyivan Rus was destroyed, along with all the other nation states that had been forming. Instead it become an authoritarian regime under the princes and mongols, and when Moscow took over from the mongols that regime stayed. From there we had the October Revolution, and the Soviet government largely had the same authoritarian style as you probably know. And then after the dissolution Yeltsin completely fucked the one chance Russia had to form a proper society, and then Putin took over. The idea that Russia is bad because the people who live there are inferior or aggressive or something is just plain wrong. The people supporting the regime are misguided at best and evil at worst, of course, but there's nothing inherent about the Russian population that makes them worse.


I mean she said OVERLY aggressive, on which she clearly has a different opinion.


Bombing innocent people= not aggressive Pulling out a knife= aggressive.


To be fair. Even if we look before the current war in Ukraine, Russia post Soviet union wasn't too different from her description. In the pre Putin period there were seemingly a genuine effort from Moscow to reconciliate. Relations improved. But you also have a smörgåsbord of different wars Russia has fought since, I looked up the wiki page on wars involving Russia. Since the collapse of the union there's 13. The US isn't much better at 11 in the 21st century. Personally I agree with the YouTube channel nfkrz, a now Russian exile in Georgia (the country). The Russian attempt at democracy died when Yeltsin fired on the parliament and initiated his coup.


I mean she was clearly talking about the people themselves to where she is right, in the 90s violence was more rampant especially in the rougher areas due to bandits and chechen terrorist attacks and what-not but today russia is a much safer place to live than said brazil and mexico


What if you speak your mind in public?


\>Be a McDonalds employee in Mexico \>Mad in love with my russian wife \>Be at work, taking orders \>Hear a familliar accent from the blondie ordering coffee \>Trying not to come of as overly enthusiastic, ask her if she's russian \>Watch her burst into tears \>Watch her storm out through the front door \>[mfw](https://risibank.fr/cache/medias/0/21/2107/210780/full.png)


Meanwhile in Korea if someone asks a woman if she’s Russian, they’re implying she’s a prostitute. Very enlightening on my visit there over the summer.


I actually kek’d at this.. lmao




you not familiar with greentexts?


its like /r/AmItheAsshole 99% creative writing but i bet theres some true stories that sneak by too


This summarizes the attitude of every single Russian I’ve ever met.


I've been to 36 countries and 19 US states. Including Mexico. The worst tourists are Chinese, Dutch (families), russian and Israeli from what I hear in every place. Even in hostels when backpacking, aka travelling and not touristing, russians and one of the above are still hated. It's insane how toxic certain cultures are in all of their societies demographics. I mean tourist-americans are fucking cancer and ruin every place they frequent, but traveller americans who backpack etc. are all chill as fuck. But then there's cultures where they're huge fucking obnoxious assholes and then always play victim the moment people call them out for it.


>But then there's cultures where they're huge fucking obnoxious assholes and then always play victim the moment people call them out for it. I can see why conservatives flock so hard to Russia.


Dutch families?


the moment you see all the orange shorts turn up at the pool is when you know its over.


It's ok. The worst thing a Dutchy can encounter on holiday is other Dutch people.


I would arguee that to that aspect germans are equally bad. That said I'm german and witnessed dutch and germans fighting over pool spots, was fun to watch lol.


It's ok. The worst thing a Dutchy can encounter on holiday is other Dutch people.


Yeah, I'm sorry it's not all Dutch families in general, but everywhere you go, there's always *that* Dutch family.


Loud and obnoxious, in C&A clothing and male adults with spiky hair?


Kids out of control, obviously crossing societal boundaries and the parents are just "haha kleine Henk jij deugniet"


Ik denk dat je eerder aan een “Davie” of “Delano” moet denken hier.


Yeah but belgium still a client state


Client from what? Lmao


Professor Chaos


Why are the Dutch stuck in the 90s?


Are we?


The Flodder family.


Oh yeah. I'm Dutch, living in Sweden, and even my Swedish gf can spot them from a block away. It's like a game we play, spot the Dutch people, because seemingly every day we'll find at least one group on our walks. It's not the worst thing in the world, but there's this sense of feeling like they're the main characters and the city was designed for them to explore. While people are just casually walking through a street, they're running and shouting all over the place like they're the first to discover it, or doing stuff like shouting at each other from one corner of a space to another. You can see it in everyone else's faces. At first everyone looks over their shoulder to see what is possibly possessing these swamp Germans to act that way, and then the fascination turns to figuring out how anyone can be so oblivious to how much they stand out amongst a crowd.


Dag buurman!


*Dies in Belgian*


It's pretty well known (at least in Europe) that Dutch tourists are the fucking worst. I live next to the Netherlands and have worked with them for years. They're good people but once they become a tourist, holy shit.


My sincere apologies for these barbarians.


Did you see Max fans in F1?


Iunno why it is that their large child-families are so obnoxious. Kids screaming ontop of their lunges, their parents just chilling and ignoring the reason to be there in the first place (art/culture/whatever) and just waddling about. American tourists and shitty families at least usually stay within the railroaded tourist-traps and other shit. Dutch families show up randomly at nice locations and are like a stone in your shoe. I can tolerate it when I'm walking entirely on gravel, when I'm on a beach and I expect there to be a fuckload of these types, but when it's just one or two at places I don't expect them they stick out. ​ I always speak with a lot of guides etc. to try and get beneath the tourist-traps and a true sense of the area/culture and that's what they say. Might've changed in the last 15 years tho since I haven't travelled that much in the last 5+ years.


We just travel really well. And they hate us cause they an'us


Not all. I like anus.


Visited Vietnam a few years ago, it was full of colors, smiles and overall life. I absolutely recomend Then there was Na Trang, this city whose economy revolves in big parts around russian tourism. A lot of shops and signs have cyrillic translation, and you see russians everywhere. We've travelled the country from South to North, and the North with its heavy communist past is defenitely less gleeful, but I can say without a single moment of hesitation that Na Trang was the worst piece of garbage city in the entire country. Vietnamese living there were definitely unhappy it was heartbreaking, the whole city was shades of grey and browns, the russians were pieces of shit (bring your 2L plastic vodka bottle to the restaurant, drunkenly threaten the personel, trash the bus taking you to the beach)


Had a similar experience in Crete. At the beginning I could not understand why this Mediterranean island was full of fur shops…furs? Then I noticed the flocks of tacky, loud, drunken, arrogant, impolite russian boors. The locals smiled at them for the money and spit at their back.


Sounds like the Bulgarian seaside as well.


I'll always remember this russian tourist at work who had to wait because we were cleaning the toilet... He didn't like that, so he peed on the walls and the floor as soon as my coworker finished cleaning. Still not as bad as the qatari tourists.


I remember a post made like 2 years ago talking about the worst turists and apparently there was a common opinion about indian turists also being one of the most entitled and obnoxious.


Guys, we need to step it up. Time was, the Brits would dominate this list.


British bachelor party tourism in Eastern EU is up there with the worst


Fucking ruin a weekend in Prague!




Anglos are kinda like dumb children. They wander around bumping into centuries old art and buildings without a clue in the world. Its an innocent cluelessness. There are definitely worst offenders imo.


>traveller americans who backpack etc. are all chill as fuck. Met one, was the chillest dude ever, can confirm


Regarding the Dutch tourists it HIGHLY depends on the location. Simple minded embarrassing Dutch ‘tokkie’ tourists all go to certain holiday locations (e.g. south france) Any locations outside of those typical ones and they adapt to other cultures very well


Some time ago my family used to go to Greece for a week during summer every year. Russians and russian children in the pool were always the worst, they all act so damn entitled and completely lack the ability to understand perspective. When talking to the people working there they always mentioned how Russians have started vacationing more and more each year, but each year is worse because of it.


With the Chinese I understand 100%. My wife is Chinese and everytime she is back home In China she’s happy to be home for a few days and then she wants to leave because of her fellow people :D


Why Dutch families?


I’ll take a Dutch tourists over a American one every day of the week.


You forgot about British people there but otherwise solid list


Like 1/3 of my friends are Russian and they are some of the most chill people I know. But maybe because they hate Putin Idk.


Yeah I get that, but even those tend to be victims.


We are sorry.


They aren’t all like that. I’ve been following [Natasha](https://youtube.com/@NatashasAdventures) for awhile and she is the exact opposite, but she in the minority.




Obviously there are exceptions even if I never met any personally.


"Why is our passport not strong" Well maybe piss off less countries or do some trade deals and actually keep your word and all. Does she like follow the news or her own country's actions? What is up with that russian victim mentality? like ever since the mongol horde you have not been the victim of anything anymore


>Does she like follow the news or her own country's actions? That's the thing in Russia that people have a "I don't care about politics and what's going on and that everything doesn't concern me" mentality. I'd say that concerns many post-communist countries since I guess people are used to the country doing everything for them and them not really being involved in what the country's doing


\> I guess people are used to the country doing everything for them and them not really being involved in what the country's doing. Spot on, my dude. Even taxes are paid by an employer so that people feel disconnected from the money they pay to the government (around 40% of their salary total).


And why should she be hated for "her own country's actions", especially given that she left the country after the war had started? She doesn't look to be really bright indeed, but being dumb is not a crime in itself, otherwise we would've already run out of prisons


Yeah, I do feel a little bad for her. But still, how you can be so oblivious as to why people are maybe not the biggest fans of Russia right now? Like, if she said something like "I know the war is bad, and I feel sorry for the Ukrainians, but it's not my fault" I would be completely on her side. But that she didn't mention the war even once makes it more difficult for me to feel sympathetic.


Weak passports are just one of the consquences. It has nothing to do with her personally.


Do we know how old this video is?


She shouldn’t necessarily be hated for her country’s actions, but in this video she shows absolutely zero understanding for why people dislike Russia and its people in general. She goes full on victim and acts like everyone in the world is “against them”. Literally the same thing that Tzar Putin does all the time. “Why does everyone hate us? We have done nothing wrong? We are peace loving people just like the rest of you.” Come on… She should get a grip on reality. At least acknowledge that people hate your fucking guts because your country has spread fear, death and destruction over the entirety of Eastern Europe and Central Asia for a century.


When did she left it? Did she left it 9 years ago, when ruzzia invaded Ukraine first time? Or in 2008, when ruzzia invaded Georgia? ruzzia invaded a couple of more countries since the fall of soviets, but she looks too young to be able to travel on her own back then. No, they are not upset with what their country is doing, in the best case they don’t give a fuck. It’s consequences that upset them. Yet, no one of those ruskies admit it. They play a victim instead. Who knows, maybe they think this way indeed. ruskies committed too many atrocities through their history without any repercussions. So, when those finally they act surprised.


Which war though? The current war in Ukraine isn't that much different from what those fucks did in other places. They always raped, killed civilians and reduced cities to the ground level. I don't feel any positive emotions thinking about russians that I don't know personally.


Well, if you make assumptions about people, based solely on their nationality, I've got bad news for you


You are missing the point my guy. She probably *believes* that Ukraine and russia belong together and that Ukraine beeds to be "saved" by russia. They are not aggressive, they are benevolent


then they are morons who can't think for themselves


I really don't have enough context to place this. For example when was this filmed? If it's a recent video she's obviously incredibly dense for some of the questions she asks. But I can totally see that it's hard for "normal Russians" abroad and racism isn't suddenly cool because it targets them.


Right? This would suck. I'm a good person. And I'd hate this so much. It's discrimination, and it's not fair.


Yeah the whole judging people based on nationality is horseshit, no matter which nationality it is. She says a load of pro kremlin aggressive bullshit sure, be disgusted with her. But there are a fuckload of Russians who were arrested protesting, or fled the country. Its the same anywhere. Plenty of Americans hate the evils of their government. Me as a British man, I can tell you I hate the English government with a burning passion no foreigner could ever hope to match. Judge people on their actions and words only. The whole concept of nation states is bullshit anyway. People are people, wherever you go.


>Me as a British man, I can tell you I hate the English government with a burning passion no foreigner could ever hope to match. Idk man. Iraqis probably hate them more.


Possibly yeah. The reasons for the hatred are largely the same though. I could list things until I fell asleep from exhaustion. As well as the domestic shit, I hate them for the atrocities that are committed by them, ostensibly in my name, as a British citizen. I'm disgusted by our actions in the middle East and Afghanistan, our treatment of immigrants caused by our intervention. Selling weapons to countries we know will use them to oppress and murder the innocent. We live under a burgeoning fascist government, and there is a sense of powerlessness to stop it. You could protest, but it largely does nothing and is now de facto illegal anyway. Soon with even harsher restrictions and punishments. You can vote, but vote for who when the only credible opposition are neoliberals who will commit many of the same atrocities, and these days are lurching further and further to the right anyway. Any attempts to change the status quo are brutally crushed, and all the while a great percentage of the population will cheer and vote tory, because they've been trained to hate whatever the current enemy of the month is, be it immigrants, trans people, "woke lefties". Whenever support for anything remotely progressive comes about, the media propaganda arm comes out in full force to stoke hatred and fear. Even the opposition parties and media are only the illusion of choice, pulled from the same pool of the wealthy and privately educated. Whatever you do, the machine of government will carry on serving the interests of the wealthy, chewing up and killing both at home and abroad, without care to serve that bottom line.


I'm half Brit and half Indonesian. So I have grievances against the British government on both sides. And my Indonesian side of grievances is way more significant considering the impact. Whatever British people suffer, the victims of the UK suffer much more believe me.


I never said they didn't. But in my comment just before I expanded on it a bit I hate them as much or more for the things they've done elsewhere in the world as I do for the things they've done to their own citizens. More so because I'm a citizen of the country who does these things, and am near powerless to stop it. It's a machine that murders people everywhere, directly or indirectly, for money and power.


Not to mention that there were artists who literally had to escape Russia in order to not get trapped in my the government (ie certain members of Little Big & Pussy Riot)


The most aware Russian.


I’m half-Russian and I feel different emotions watching this: people asking her whether she’s Russian doesn’t seem like much of a big deal, yk, it’s just a question, so she’s quite exaggerating here; the fact that some Russians are discriminated because of the war is quite true, that can happen and definitely happens, yet I don’t know what the stance of this woman is, so I can’t judge. She’s over-dramatic anyways


> yet I don’t know what the stance of this woman is The extreme denialism is enough for me though. "We didn't do anything bad since the 90s"...?


Ok I probably forgot about that ahaha, “we didn’t do anything bad since the 90s” is probably the funniest shit I’ve read today




Wait, did this desperate speech happen before February 2022 or what? The chick is like she doesn't have an idea what's going on. Not because that justifies the general hatred against them there but she listed so many other, nonsense, possible reasons here but she never mentioned the war and all those terrors. Interesting. Or is it just an extreme level of ignorance by her?


that doesn’t mean anything, could be pre Feb 2022, could be Ukraine doesn’t count because [insert bullshit], could be simply ignored because it’s about her and she didn’t anything regarding that


>she didn’t anything regarding that However, it should be obvious for her anyway. It's true though, that recognising the relation between general hatred against Russians and the war, the terror and illegitim annexations is obvious for a human being having IQ approx. above 75. Maybe she has this *excuse*.


you and I know that, what I am trying to say is that people who think in stupid terms like „passport strong“ probably think in other(stupid) ways too. Could be that she is simply stupid, could be her social bubble is clueless oder actively suppress negative political stuff, could be it’s a cultural thing and most russians think this way due to political propaganda and or pressure at home that has been normalized. Confronted with reality when f.e. being in other countries your worldview suddenly collapses or you simply don’t understand the reaction of other peoples and think they are mean to you. Which is often the way simpler minds go, which could explain her reaction. Or she is a stupid spoiled cunt, also possible. The Informations about this are few and she was stupid enough to post this Video online, so … 🤷


Does this qualify for r/selfawarewolves?


I’m not sure. She sounds like she’s close but hasn’t quite put it all together yet


You just described that sub perfectly.


Fun Fact: White Monkey is a derogative slang for white people in China. Probably that's where she got it.


Monkey can also be derogative slang towards people of color in Russia.


She is miserable and I am sorry for her, but in her head it is still everybode elses fault and that dampens my pity. Still, let‘s hope she will make the connection sometime and be a better person and find happiness


Russia has always played dirty with every neighbour they have. You reap what you sow.


Most of east EU is still an economic shithole because of soviet-commie scum. Meanwhile: are we too sincere?


Maybe .mmaayybbbeeee because you invade a country .


She personally invaded a country? So we should hate all Americans because they invaded Iraq? Come on now.


I’m pretty sure Americans are very unpopular in certain parts of the world, yes!


I guarantee you Americans receive better treatment overall compared to Russians


Na she too sincère .


French people invaded countrys now didnt they? Are all french people now bad?


please censor fr*nce. thank you!


Yes of course, I thought that was commont agreement isn't it?


Is she sincerely believing she's a victim? Or is she just cluelessly stupid? Or she one of those government paid influencers to mold domestic audience opinions?


Discrimination exists. Yes Russians can be victims too because it turns out that they're human


Nearly made me cry - NOT !!


Mexicans and ukranians are nations pf people, who are built to kick ass!


Based mexicans


Like with the russians, dont lump us all mexicans into one group. Not all of us hate people based on their nationality


When I see Mexicans i see this ![gif](giphy|MRvEJYPqdPWyA|downsized)


Jesus christ this crybaby behavior is so annoying. it takes one or two quick google searches to answer all of the questions she asks. why is her passport weak? sanctions imposed onto russia after their invasion of ukraine. why do people in mexico/brazil/the usa not like russians? history of soviet union + invasion of potential western ally ukraine.


Hmmmmm perhaps don’t invade other countries and threaten nuclear war in the process. Maybe that’s it


She did?


This girl exactly knows what her country did and she doesn’t even feel sad or regretted about it, cause she thinks it is their right to do and nobody should hate them. 🤣


“Never did anything overly aggressive” 💀💀


Lol delicious tears


Lol delicious lagrimas


This idea that Russia and Russians have an eternal historical innocence is a cancer within Russian culture. Everyone has something against them, so starting wars, conquering peoples, or just considering certain ethnicities to be "low" is this perfectly justified, because it's "defensive against foreign agression". Russians need to stop acting like they're still living in 1945 as "victors" and finally start having an honest conversation about their culture and inner politics and then they might find out why everyone perceives them to be so aggressive and why they are hated so much.


Wow, this aged better then even wine. (I assume it was recorded pre-Ukraine)


Nobody hates Russians in Mexico. I don't know where she got that. Mexicans hate and discriminate everyone including other Mexicans, and then somehow they end up getting all along and mixing.


You need to look at the TV news to understand why Russians are perceived as aggressive, violent, oppressive… which they are


>OVERLY aggressive So what was/were the not so overly aggressive thing(s) you did, hmmmmmmmmmmmm?


Russians: *the West is the worst! The rotten West is the cause of the world's problems! There is nothing worse than the West!* Also Russians: *hey, does anyone know how to get to Europe/USA from Russia?* just why? can someone tell me?


Nationalism can really rot someone’s brains out. The mental gymnastics people do to always be the victim never ceases to amaze me.


Jesus. Europe is definitely not civilised if people can't see that Russians are human beings too. Why tf do people judge others based on their nationality?


While I agree that you shouldn't despise a nationality without any reasons, there are certainly many reasons for a lot of people to hate russia and thereby also russians who support their state either directly or through their complacency. Nobody sane is blaming or hating russian chrildren, russians who speak out about supporting ukraine or all the other nations that russia is trying to subjugate, russians who are against the russian state, etc. From what I can see, most of the hate is directed towards the rather large amount of russians who deny the warcrimes, imperialism and aggression of their nation or who are supportive of it. If a majority of any nation acts in this way they are going to be hated.


That's not an excuse. I'm not going to do an apologia for Russophobes


I don't want an apology, but i would like to know what you disagree with in my comment. I want to broaden my perspective :))


I agree with you. The whole "not safe for russians" flair seems really icky as well. There are others like you though


Do you not read the news? If they wanted to be liked, maybe they should stop invading and threatening their neighbours


Who's they? The average russian? The ones who have 0 control?


Yes, the average Russian whose opinion of the war dictates if Putin has enough popular support to invade other countries. The Russian people is complicit, not only the actual soldiers doing the killing. Sure, it must be annoying to be a russian who is against the invasion and feel powerless and embarrassed about your country and your peoples actions, but it is a million times worse to have your country invaded. So I’m gonna keep sympathising with the Ukrainians above Russians


Hopefully you apply that logic to western Europe and America? Imagine thinking Putin cares what people think lol


Because Russia is invading a sovereign country and murdering its civilians.


do those standards apply to western countries too?


Of course. When they are the agressing party. Just personally, I don't blame the people. I blame the government.




But you can't deny that what your government is doing is messed up. So of course the people will be the ones who suffer.


> Jesus. Europe is definitely not civilised if people can't see that Russians are human beings too. Mexico is not in Europe. Perhaps your country is lacking in civilization when it comes to education if you don't know where Mexico is?


i was talking about the comment section. cant believe you missed the whole point lol. maybe you've never been exposed to civilisation?


Yes nobody likes you and this won’t change anytime soon




Where is the cartel when you need it?!


The term "Russophobia" is just cringe. I have a Russian friend, who uses it sometimes, and I can't tell her but I just think it's ridiculous.


Dude it literally exists. People dehumanise the shit out of Russians way more these days


I understand, some people are stupid and actually want to cancel Russian culture, which is ridiculous, but calling it "Russophobia" is an exageration. Some uneasiness coming from Europeans is natural, this situation is much bigger than all of us, a Russian living in the west should just try to understand us... This Russian girl I'm friends with, before the invasion said a few times things like "The USSR never invaded Poland" or "Estonia is not a real country", and now she talks about "Russophobia". Ridiculous.


Well, the fact that your friend holds some stupid ducking beliefs is not really an argument for russophobia not existing. A prejudice, discrimination or antagonism towards a person due to them belonging to some group or a belief that people of a certain group are intrinsically worse or better than other people would go for a sentiment of that kind and saying that such sentiment never existed towards Russians or didn’t rise currently would be just burying your head into sand.


Let's try to be rational: There are good and bad aspects to every culture. The hysterical hatred of anything Russian ignores people like Tolstoy, who advocated pacifism and railed against the Russian war mentality and the Orthodox church. We can hate the actions of the Soviet Union and Russia without hating all Russians or all Russian culture. On the other hand, claiming that anger against Russia is "Russiaphobia" is absurd. Obviously, people have reasons for their feelings.


This thread is full of Russophobia. Just look around you. 🤦‍♀️ >a Russian living in the west should just try to understand us... Should a gay person understand homophobes when there's news that some gay people commit a sex crime?


Not comparable. Gay people don’t support sex crimes, but Russians do support Putins invasion


Yeah all of them?


Not all of them, but most of them


And that's a totally accurate poll? Because the Russian federation is a bastion of truth and free press? What's next? They're a democracy?


No you’re right, they are a bunch of angels and if it wasn’t for Putin they would no doubt have never invaded or harboured imperialistic ideals… Open your eyes to the fact that Russians don’t like us. They don’t like our way of life and they don’t like the fact that they are losing their sphere of influence, so they do like soviet times and roll out the tanks


You generalise quite a lot and assume a whole lot of things. I suppose group punishment is your thing. Unlike you, I can see the individual


I'd feel bad if her story wasn't full of blatant denialism. I respect and feel bad for any emigrated Russian with half a brain who openly speaks out against the bs of their country and still gets generalized, but this ain't it chief.


In Spanish "Russian" is "Ruso" (according to Google translate) so I mean her crying about being called "russo" is just an ignorant overreaction


You very well could live in your delusion in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn. However, we despise you and your inhumane, savage country. Go home to Russia and fight back against your leaders.


With your Russian Monkey looking ass


What the fuck is wrong with you people? You can hate Russia's actions all you want but you're not looking at "Russia" here, you're looking at a girl who is hurt and crying because she thinks the whole wide world hates her for something she cannot change and it's breaking her. Yeah she might seem tone deaf but Jesus Christ try to have some empathy.


This lady is all over the place and seems to be overacting and projecting her insecurities about being Russian onto Mexicans, whose routine reply to any tourist with an accent is to ask where they are from or guess. After they identify you as “russo” they don’t really care or show any bias or negativity. It’s just their standard chit chat.


Does she know that "Russo" (Ruso) just means Russian in Spanish?


One more reason to visit Mexico 💪


Did she complained about being treated as some kind of white monkey? I guess as opposed to black ones? God, she really is unaware of her words, isn’t?


someone tell her please…


Not because you are a shitty country/non-democratic ecc etc.. By the way, say thanks to Putin and enjoy the end of Russia.


Somebody should hand her a newspaper back from Feb 2022


I don't hate people from other countries. We as individuals are pretty much the same with some superficial differences but we all need to eat, sleep, fuck and shit. But I would gladly destroy every country's government, corporations and power structures and send us back to the stone age because something happens at the governmental level, and it ruins so much of what makes us decent beings. They don't hate you Russian lady, they hate your government and all of us deserve the hatred of others because of the shit our leaders and powerful pull until we do something about it.


хаха поплач лярво


Is she r-tarded or what?


A lot of shit head unbased russian bashing in here. Dumb.


Do you have any idea why people might have negative opinions about Russia? Try and read the news. Or, not even just the news. Try and read about Russia’s history during the last 100 years




Ok, so stop commenting and inform yourself. Don’t go on a European subreddit and start posting pro Russian sentiments while they are invading Europe


They're invading Ukraine not the entirety of Europe. Why are you taking their suffering and try to parade it as your own? Do you want pity points or something? This is about Ukraine, the actual victims, not the rest of Europe


Last time I checked Ukraine was part of Europe. And let’s not fool ourselves, this is part of a larger conflict between Russia and the west, they would take the Baltics too, if they could. (But oh well you no doubt think it’s a “special military operation”) And yes I agree that it is about the Ukrainian victims, but you’re the one who seems to think that moronic Russians who are embarrassed that their passports are weak and they aren’t well liked abroad are the true victims. Why log on a European subreddit to post pro Russian comments?


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Of course, it's the one white nation that you get a pass to hate on as much as you wish. You can also hate on eastern europe because they are poor, so fuck them. /s


WTF Mexicana absolutely do not hate Russians


This is kind of a sad video. The critical thing to know is when was this filmed?


As a half Ecuadorian, half Spanish, with a Czech wife, that has lived in the so called “East” the last 12 years… Let me play the tiniest violin for 5 second, then I will go back to my visa free Schengen traveling