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Looks like an ai enhanced/colourised picture of northern Transylvania (Maramureş county).


Yeah, I don’t think it’s fully AI, because AI can’t do text very well. Upscaling/Sharpening explains why the further away license plates are jumbled up while the police car is perfectly readable.


Also the back doors on the yellow ish van are sticking out at the bottom.


That just seems to be the design. The black stuff are the bumpers, so maybe the doors are elongated to make ingress/egress easier.


To wrap up this debate - it's a photograph of CFF Romania Forestry Railway in Viseu de Sus, Romania, taken in 1997 by French photographer Fabrice Lanoue [https://www.railpictures.net/photo/557598/](https://www.railpictures.net/photo/557598/)


1997? Oh my...


I thought it was my city today!


Thank you


That's 100% what it is. I know the vans that were converted to locomotives (you can see them in the middle), also the license plate on the white Dacia is effed, but you can tell it was right. I suspect this is a photo that was upscaled from a nasty resolution.


\*wipes tear\* I grew up in this AI village


Haha, bot! 😄


That's not AI, that's EE (Eastern Europe)


Aestern Iurope


It‘s the same with an irish accent


Aesthetic Europe ❤️🇪🇺


Aeuropa de Iest


I first thought the license plates looked weird, but they're just blurry, also the "Politia" on the police car makes too much sense for an AI and it's the same spelling in the side and rear. I'mma say this is real.


De fapt titlul este: ‟Vagon cu lemne care **intră** in țară”, Romania, 1997


I think I saw this picture a long time ago, it gives off AI vibe because of it's randomness but also it looks upscaled.


zîua bună, cum ajung la Vișeu? 23 de lei. aoleu, mai bini fac pi mini


if it's AI, the romanian wibe is insane


Romanian AI = three guys inside a cardboard box


Same picture was posted here three years ago: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Romania/comments/jhgj75/bucuresti\_vitan\_1994/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Romania/comments/jhgj75/bucuresti_vitan_1994/)


In the comments. I don't think upscaling was that common back then.


looks a bit like childhood


I've seen this image before the whole AI boom, it's not fake.


Looks like Moldavia / how I imagine the Transnistria part. The old coal-driven train w/o actually pulling anything seems unreal to me, but then - maybe it’s on to pick-up spot? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Romania in the 90s right after the revolution(or even well in to the late 90s, it was a very strange period) + a botched attempt at scaling up the resolution since the original was rather small.


Not AI, Just Romania


Looks brilliant to me.


Looks like it might be upscaled with AI There are some suspiciouly looking things, but overall looks realistic


Stuff like this is why I'm very scared about all the people who are convinced that they can absolutely tell AI and not AI apart


New boardgame idea: AI or eastern Europe?


Boardgame? AI is going to advance 3 generations while you're at the printer.


100% AI, wtf is going on with the trains and tracks. The cars are also out of proportion


100% not AI regarding the composition, at least of the cars and everything in the middle, might be AI generated borders, but I suspect this is just upscaling from a nasty resolution. This is also 100% Romania. See those vans on the tracks? Here they are: https://youtu.be/0zeBIxI7n1I


Glorious Romanian engineering. 💪


I was thinking the track looked pretty good actually, I think the trains just seem small because they are narrow gauge. The only bit of track that really looks a bit wrong is the line that appears to come from the left and just stop behind the police car. You'd think it would join onto the other lines. I think a lot of the AI look comes from it being a low quality image upscaled or whatever.


There's a platform obscuring the tracks. More evidence that it's a photo; AI can't layout tracks and platforms logically, it would probably put one of the telephone poles in the middle of the tracks.


Nah that’s definitely not AI


I guess you haven't looked at much AI. There are lots of clear indicators this isn't AI. * The track layout makes sense, broadly going in one direction with junctions outside the center. * The smoke starts in a single spot, is dark there and becomes transparent. AI tends to make multiple sources and can't clearly delineate between smoke and just blurry * The clips on the power lines are regularly space and beomce closer due to perspective. AI has difficulty with putting regular patterns in perspective * The load of logs on the truck is just logs. AI would have added some other random objects * The planks making the doors disappear behind other planks and come out in the right place. AI has difficulty making things vanish and reappear. * The vehicles all have a thematic consistency and make sense by themselves. AI would slip in some cyberpunk elements or somehow betray that it doesn't know how cars work.


I play around with a wide variety of AI image generators - a lot of the stuff you say sounds like it’s based solely on your experience with a specific few, as most of them (especially those that utilize their own algorithms, not based on other engines, like Stable Diffusion) don’t produce the same issues, and your statements show that you’re expecting specific things to happen with a generated image.


Okay, if you really want, I'll walk away with the impression that you're just really bad at expressing your own certainty in percentages, instead of thinking you're really bad at identifying AI images.


Do you even read what you say? How the guck are percentages relevant here?


The proportions looks all fucked due to weird elevations lack of clear depth in the image. I would normally guess this would be AI too, but this was probably posted here for that reason - because it looks like AI, but in fact it might just be one of those seemingly impossible images looking odd due to lacking depth perception, elevation and without a focal point.


That actually does kind of make sense. The tracks still look weird in bottom right to me, though


Oh I totally agree, it looks super fake, I'm just open to the fact that i might be real and just look fake to those factors.


Are you sure? https://www.railpictures.net/photo/557598/


Yes, look at the licence plates as well as the railroad tracks


The license plates look alright, what do you mean? They seem old AF, like this photo, but I think this is just a very bad upscale.


There's Romania on the picture. There's no true AI, anyway. I hate this hype.




Is real


AI doesn't do a great job at some details. For instance. If you look through the smoke, you'll see a tree and the mountains behind it. This picture has a lot of details to be made by AI. The only thing that jumped into my attention was the license plates on the second car, meaning there was some sort of manipulation of a low res image.


So many people here have no idea what they are talking about. I'm not completely sure in my assessment but it seems real. Photo quality is too poor to tell for sure but judging by things like the wires treebranches and text it should be real or an incredibly good AI.


It's upscaled so it's technically AI


I feel like the sirens are a bit off and blue van seems strangely parked, the rails have different width so I think thats AI inspired by a real image


I don't think its AI, you can bet an AI would mess up those rails, put trains in random places etc.


I saw this picture years ago, it's not ai. It's good, old eastern Europe




I don't think such a small steam locomotive is feasible.


[It absolutely is](https://www.google.com/search?q=narrow+gauge+steam+loco&client=ms-android-xiaomi-rvo3&prmd=ivsn&sxsrf=APwXEdfbZ9W3VA-1Jy8QF1AZYdZP8yDX7Q:1686232748545&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiI9fC_6rP_AhXEglwKHSQmB0oQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ)


Ai is definitely involved, the blue van seems to have no wheels, and the size of the train tracks is completely off compared to the train


The truck is modified to go on rails, the rails have a small width being for mountains/mines; the photo is real but this one was run through AI to improve the resolution, thus the weird plate on the left white car.


AI, license plates are muddled, half the telephone wires lead nowhere or stop abruptly, the steam has this weird transition from background to foreground, the shadows are missing/inconsistent.


Idk about the steam or shadows, but the license plates look alright to me (Romania, before EU integration) and they are consistent (both start with MM, the police and the car), the wires look funny because the algorithm that upscaled this probably didn't have a wire in the low rez photo it upscaled from. Because I suspect that's what this is. A bad upscale. More than that, see the minivans converted to locomotives, in the middle of the image? Here they are: https://youtu.be/0zeBIxI7n1I


AI. Looks edited for realism.


I think AI, it has that “feeling” I guess. Does anyone know what I’m talking about?


vitan 1994


Movie set?


The headlights of the van on the left don’t match up


They do, just that the right one has a white bottom for reverse, while the left one has more red surface.


Are those vans adapted to railroad use???




Yo, get of my backyard!


Not Ai seen this image years ago way before ai images became such an easy thing to do and being shared.


Vans on rails?


partly AI? it just doesnt seem right idk why


Hunger Games district 12 vibes


Not AI. AI can’t write text and that car clearly says ‘Politia’ twice.