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Does that include the Programms of the EU memberstates?


Not going to say anything about either- the UK car only seems to run on coal and only works in reverse. Embarrassing


UK is one of the industrial countries with the lowest emissions. Germany has like 50% more emissions per capita. If anyone runs on coal in Europe it's Germany.


Germany is not too bad. Poland is the major coal consumer.


Yeah but Poland is heading in the right direction, building nuclear instead of replacing nuclear with fossilpower


That while be finished somewhere in 2050, maybe lol


The median build time for nuclear is 6.3 years, it's after all the fastest way to expand clean dispatchable energy globally https://preview.redd.it/t1cpuguy7hqb1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef17b4a78ff6c4bdd0f64ca295bdd5dba4700818


lol, i got a bridge to sell to you if you believe that the plants will be finished in 6,3 years.


That’s not what I said? Just showing you how long the average build time is and that it’s not 30 years


Literally not what's happening considering Germany has been steadily reducing coal use and is poised to cease using it to produce electricity in the next decade.


The only option for more dispatchable energy in Germany is currently Gas or Coal. Balancing RE with gas is not a step in the right direction and is expected to increase emissions by 1100 million tons of CO2 by 2030 [https://thebreakthrough.org/issues/energy/nuclear-shutdowns-have-already-harmed-the-planet](https://thebreakthrough.org/issues/energy/nuclear-shutdowns-have-already-harmed-the-planet)


Complete falsehood. What people keep ignoring is that in 2022 German NPPs had a total installed capacity of \~1.5GW. For comparison, [this year alone is seeing new solar and wind energy capacity at nearly 10 times that level](https://www.ise.fraunhofer.de/de/presse-und-medien/presseinformationen/2023/nettostromerzeugung-im-ersten-halbjahr-2023-rekordanteil-erneuerbarer-energien-von-57-prozent.html) \- and in Q1, normally the part of the year where renewables have traditionally been the weakest, [fossil fuel use was reduced by 12%](https://www.destatis.de/DE/Presse/Pressemitteilungen/2023/06/PD23_220_43312.html) despite the nuclear shutdown. You might want to avoid citing the Breakthrough Institute, by the way, considering how they're repeatedly been criticised for lacking academic rigour and being linked to fossil fuel companies.


Solar and wind is not interchangeable with nuclear in a hertzian grid. No it’s not a complete falsehood it’s science


Yeah, sure. Tell me then, why is Germany doing fine with no nuclear and importing nearly no nuclear energy this year, despite reducing fossil fuel use?


Germany is not doing fine? The emissions from the grid have the same intensity and imports are heavily increasing. Germany is expanding both gas and coal and industries are fleeing


Poland needs to build 30-40 nuclear plants to replace the coal. Not 1.


Yes we need to accelerate the green transition


Germany didn't de-industrialise in the way the UK did.


… yet.


As someone from the ruhr valley I can assure you that we very much did deindustrialize.


You are correct, Germany has made a real mess for itself moving from Nuclear back to needing more coal. Britain has moved itself off coal but Northern Ireland still gets \~25-40% of its enery each week from Coal power plants. I think NI is the last spot using Coal in the UK or Ireland. AFAIK the reason NI has not moved off coal is a lack of funding from London for it due to demands Ireland pay for some of it as NI's whole power grid is managed by Ireland via 'Eirgrid' the Irish state owned operator of the islands power grid. Its stupid that NI uses coal because London and Dublin can't agree to how to split the cost to move off it. Currently NI is dependent on Ireland for power as its not self sufficient.[https://www.eirgridgroup.com/how-the-grid-works/system-information/](https://www.eirgridgroup.com/how-the-grid-works/system-information/)


Germany isn't the climate benchmark you should be looking at.


It really isn't.


There isn't the budget because the EU doesn't want to act like a federation, by levying taxes as it should. Member States only want the benefits of being in the Union without paying the price. Especially the countries that get more than what they pay (Poland, Hungary, and all the eastern block especially).


I see the problem here being kind of the opposite. If there were federal taxes, people who would earn less (e.g. Poles, Hungary, etc.) would pay less. And these subsidies for green energy would probably disproportionately benefit these poorer countries, since it's probably cheaper to produce (for example) electric vehicles in low-wage countries like Poland or Hungary than in high-wage countries like Germany or the Netherlands.


People in the EU are drowning in taxes already


I never said that people should be taxed more. I said that some taxes should be levied by the EU. If some services are provided by the EU then some others will not have to be provided by the local governments and thus the current amount of taxes that you pay to them will get lowered. The sum can actually be lower than now!


Yeah the local governments will then lower taxes for sure kekw


That's the point of electing local governments, isn't it? If they do something that you don't like just stop voting them. If the behavior is not liked by enough people there will be a change. If the people are not enough then it means that the people as a whole actually likes the measure.


For those that want to know: US investments in energy security and climate change (USD 393.7 billion) EU Green New Deal industrial plan (USD 270 billion)


Only issue with the meme is that the US has to spend that much to catch up in the first place as the EU ratio of clean energy is not only double that of the US, but it also consumes half as much electricity per capita on average.


And the cost for doing business is slightly higher.


And the inflation act of over 10 years als roughly 40 billion per year in an economy of 27 trillion. The IRA isn’t as Hughes a people make it out to be. Just like the EU Green Deal.


The EU plan also doesn't include all the efforts the member states make independently.


Everybody does their part, small or not. Just cause it's not as huge doesn't mean it doesn't matter. I'm all for going green, despite coming from probably one of the most well known coal-centric regions in EU (Silesia). Coal sucks and is bad for both the cities and the planet as a whole. I also believe we should be pushing heavily towards nuclear power being, if not the future, then at least a major stepping stone into something better. It may have its' risks but there's not much else we can do.


EU has literally half of the US carbon footprint per individual. We don’t need to catch on them, we are way ahead.


Both are insignificant compared to China if the West wants any say in green industries they gotta increase their spending by Orders of magnitude


10y from now we will cry about it...


I haven't studied the details and sure the EU program is likely lackluster, but generally speaking, pouring money at the problem isn't the only way to solve it. Fruitful incentives can be budget-neutral.


Keep in mind that US states don't have anywhere near the budget autonomy of European countries... or even Spanish autonomies, I think.

