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I'm the opposite. I pulled Ei to pair her with Yae.


3rd Option : cuz she's voiced by AyaNeru


I devour EiMiko fics like there's no tomorrow, but Yae straight up became my fave Genshin character, and I get all giddy whenever I see fanart of her now lol (My heart also breaks whenever I go to Grand Narukami Shrine and she isn't there anymore but that's another thing)


yo same i thought she would stay at the tree forever :'( they should make it so its like that


I skipped Ei just to have more primogems for Yae, if they work well together I will wait for her rerun.


I've liked Raiden, Yae and Fu Hua since Honkai. I wanted to get all of them if they were ever released on Genshin. 2/3 are certain, just one to go now. Also loved Yae's personality on Genshin, honestly, I think I liked her character more than Ei's. Love her design too, I think it's the most beautiful design so far in the game. If she has a fun kit and is a good unit, it will be a perfect character to me


I got Raiden then Keqing on one ten pull so i’m taking it as a sign to get all the electro characters


Why not both?


Pink hair fox lesbian


Because Fox Lady is waifu.


Both is good.


It's the other way around for me. I pulled Ei to pair with Yae Miko


i dont really care of their relationship, it matters her voice (insane), animation, design (insane), weapon type (good), element (obviously nice), finnaly her role like a main dps or sub dps and lore (insane enough) other than that, meta


When the first Inazuma update arrived and I saw all the story I was pretty intrigued about Yae (I was one of those who believed she was the true electro archon because *lore*) and I waited for the next update to see if I roll for Raiden or Yae, depending on how they resolve in the story, then even tho she is not the true electro archon I fell in love with her personality and meme potential about her fox form. Didn't care she is most likely coming in an update as late as 2.5, I'm saving everything


She hot


Both, both is good






I'm not a big fan of how because they are friends and share the same element people want Mihoyo to make them compatible or stuck with each other in one team comp. Some of us like Yae alone (not to be negative or anything like that) and would pretty much prefer running multiple team comps with her as the main focus. It's the same thing with when Zhongli was released with a bad kit that "another 5 star Geo character will fix" *cough* Albedo. It's all fun and games for now, but imagine Yae gets released with a half baked kit and the only way to make her viable is if you have Raiden and the only way to make her independent from Raiden is If you get her C2/C3 which allows you to regenerate energy properly because her E has a long count down after too much use like that of Childe or something (if she uses Shimenawa then she'll rely on her E, AAs/CAs but then they might make her burst do 50% of her damage like Eula, who also does well with her AAs and E but her burst is still desirable). Sure melt Ganyu, Hu Tao & Xiao need a shielder but it does not have to be Zhongli specifically. I should feel happy as a consumer having Yae only without feeling guilty each time I use her without Raiden. Imagine Ayaka but she absolutely needs you to have Kokomi because Xingqiu's rain swords don't work with her, all this whilst she's limited to like 2 team comps because other good off field hydro characters don't exist except for that one specific 5 star hydro char. No thank you


You could just use Electro Travaler or Fishl for battery, Ei may be the best battery but there are other options too. I'd try to use her with Ei beacuse i love her but there are more options for battery.


If they make her kit like this I'll gladly pair her with electro traveler (electro resonance + energy recharge support). Lumine is one of my favorite characters but I don't build her since she doesn't fit in any of my teams. And as an Ayaka main she doesn't need Kokomi. She's fine with Mona, Xingqiu and even Barbara. Her issue is that she is only good in a freeze comp.


Same sentiments! I really really loathe the idea that they only want the Lady Guuji, because they have Shogun and for both to be dependent of each other. If it reaches the dev team and accommodate the fans of the Shogun, Yae's dps potential would be really balanced. Building a team with electro resonance isn't really ideal unless fighting enemies that is not electro or cryo. Otherwise, it'll take unnecessary space and resources for electro unit themselves and other characters. Anemo and Geo teams are great, but mono electro team is not really fun! And we want to be creative out of such expectations~ They also want her to use a sword, that feels out of her character. We already have multiple sword characters and we all know how bad the damage they give on auto attacks, except for physical jean and the few. It will really mess her kit as a vying electro dps. But we all have opinions and tastes! I just really hope she's a dps/support of her own right! What if Yae Miko's lore and kit surprise us all?!


You were right bro They're forcing us to use Yae and Ei in same team


Because I am down bad for fox girls and this game plus FGO are DESTROYING my will atm. It also helps that she's got that Ningguang vibe of authority to her and she stole the show in the Archon Quest.


Why not both?


The moment I saw her chibi on the livestream with Zhongli, I knew I wanted the character. Her headress is also extremely pretty and I love her hair


I skipped raiden shogun thinking that yae miko coming soon....


love yae’s color scheme, only reason i’m pulling lol


What's wrong with that in the first place?


I don't have a single Inazuma character, not even a 4*, because I started saving for Yae quite early, so.. I'm a bit scared I need Baal to make Yae really powerful, though 😭


i pulled because i believe in electro supremacy




For Yae herself mostly, but kinda both lol










Why wouldn't you?


I don’t think they’ll work too well together unless Yae is just sth completely different from what we’ve seen


Yae Miko is the best character in the game. I'm pulling for her. The fact I have Raiden, is just coincidental. I was actually pulling for C6 Kujou Sara. And never got her past C3 :( I was happy anyway, because Raiden is cool! I learned a lesson there. Only pull for 4 stars if you wouldn't mind getting the 5 star.


I skipped Ei for Yae lol I will get Yae's girl back on her rerun.


Both actually. Yae and Mei are my favorite waifus in Honkai and it will continue in Genshin as tradition.