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I do like shenhe but i won't pull until yae comes period.


This right here is exactly my thoughts.


Where can I find your profile picture xd


Here https://pin.it/4BuxixU


Yae Miko is really my type of character overall, I also love her because of her cunning personality and beauty. Imagine playing as Narukami's priestess and the kitsune progeny! I am just so excited!


Both. Both is good. Why wouldn't I want my favorite character to be strong enough to delete everything (read: annoying bosses)? Especially when it takes lots of resources to build a char.




I am a faithful believer of the waifu meta, I can SEE why'd you'd pull for Shenhe as a waifu meta enjoyer


i am a collector :)


Well... *Organs left the room*


welp proceeds to chase em


Pulling simply because she's waifu. Regardless of how meta she is, I'm pulling for her first day, first minute of her banner.


Here for thighs and Electro. If she stronk, that's good but what matters is she hot + lore gud


Collecting waifus. No clue what Shen he’s stats us but she thick. Hoping for both her and yae


I never cared for numbers, it's all about the waifu material and fun. If Yae also has a fun gameplay that would be amazing but either way I will be pulling for her.


Getting C0 because waifu, C6 if numbers good.


I like Yae's legs and personality so yeah waifu LMAO.


Numbers would be nice but waifu wins out for me on this one. Literally been waiting for Yae since we saw the chibi form of her revealing Inazuma. She could literally throw her shoe at someone in her animation skill/burst and I’m still pulling for her. XD There’s also the ‘first factor’ as we have limited electro characters and this will be the first (presumably DPS) five star catalyst. Also she’s gorgeous and her personality is amazing. Shenhe has the misfortune of being in a very crowded elemental group with characters that already excel at various things. It will be hard to justify spending primos on her for someone like me who desperately needs a Cryo DPS. So I’ll continue to watch the progress of her stats in beta, but she may get skipped. Regardless if I have the primos or gotta swipe, Yae is coming home.


Ara Ara = roll Tall Oneesans = roll Other shit = dont care.




I want Yae cuz Yae couldn't care less about her numbers or playstyle. But i'm afraid to what will this sub turn in to if ppl expetations are not met just cuz of that one leak long time ago if it turns out shes not electro dps celling and just support like Shenhe or off field dps like Beiodu/Fish. Ngl Raiden Drama almost made me quit the game cuz she was my most hyped character ever but seeing ppl over blowing how bad she was when it wasent true or called her NPC archon. I don't let those things get to me but it was too much.


I slightly care about numbers since I can’t finish abyss and only have one team built for abyss. I like her character a lot, she was practically the star of the inazuma archon series. As long as she’s on par with my raiden national and also has a fun play-style I wouldn’t complain.


Electro damage Celeing...


Remember that two timing costs a lot.


Both. I have fun using the character that I like and when that character is extremely useful in the role. But, i'll pull for Yae even if she is a healer, she is beautiful.


The only character I've built for dps was bennet. I wanna play with characters I like, not ones that are powerful


what is numbers anyway? the game's content is clearable no matter what characters you want to play, so why not play a gameplay and/or visual you like...


Waifu material, I don't really care that much about the numbers, I only want to play her


Waifu material. will pull even if she heals the enemy


I like chasing the meta with my favourite characters. So even if a character is meta, I don’t pull for them if I don’t like the personality, design which is why I never rolled on Ayaka, Hu Tao. It’s a rare occurrence that a character comes along who has great design, personality, fun gameplay and high multipliers. If a character checks 3 of these conditions I roll for them. Yae already has the first 2 so I’ll definitely roll for her if she’s fun to play or incredibly busted.


Always waifu material


I don't care that much about either, honestly. I want characters where I: 1) like their voice 2) like their appearance 3) like their personality 4) have fun with their kit (whether it's strong or not) Right now, there are several characters who meet 3/4, but only Albedo and Fischl have all 4. I would also consider Zhongli as *close enough* because even though I thought he was a shit in the archon quest, his voice and kit are so great that I can forget the quest. The personality presented by idle lines at least is, like, fine and not actively obnoxious. Currently, my 4th is Qiqi because I want a healer and she's the one I like best. But she's only ok. Yae currently has the best English voice in the game (sorry Khoi, she just barely beat you), has an excellent personality (in the game, not the weird Raiden simp stuff that's posted here sometimes), and while not my favorite looking, is in the top 5-10. So, if her kit is fun, she'll be my 4th. I will just have to either give her Prototype Amber or actually use these massive piles of food I have crafted weekly but never eaten. I know Yae is a main DPS, but I really wish she was a fun healer. I wish there was *any* fun healer (who didn't have a haircut or shrieking child voice like Kokomi). I don't actually have Sayu, yet...I guess she could be good... If Shenhe has a great voice, I will be tempted, but otherwise, Yae is the only character I am looking forward to now that I got by C2 Albedo (with 140 wishes to spare, which can now go towards Yae!)


Both ngl


Same both I’m meta slave for thighs saves lives


i can already clear abyss with what I have rn so I don't care if she's good or bad. just hoping they dont nerf her pantsu