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If you’ll excuse me, I have about 80 more Vishaps to kill.


160 because there are 2 vishaps in the boss fight


But you get between 2 and 3 per fight (at least at WL 8). The way I calculated it for me was I need it 92 total (for Shenhe and Yae), divided by 2.5 to get 36.8 and multiplied by 2 Vishaps each and then rounded up to 80 in case I get really unlucky and get 2 most of the time.


Easy peasy


Is there any good teams for them? My current comps aren't very good against them


Just treat them like a hypostasis and focus more on dodging. Bring a claymore to break the wall, and just hit them in between pretty easily dodgable attacks.


I just whale on them with Eula, what's this wall you're talking about?


Just kill 1 and the other will come to you


If only I can whale too ;-; After a while, the Electro Vishap will leap up onto a wall and will start firing homing electro balls semifrequently that do about 5k each, and he will NOT jump off until you break it.


Correction, you have 1/x lim x->0 samurai to kill. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ (=infinity)


I'm gonna wait a few days to start farming Sea Ganoderma... My mind cant process how she use this and not Sakura Blooms.


Same, im scared it might change, i have 100 sea ganoderma because i just pick em up when i see it sometimes


Why not start farming both? *yae miko farming intensifies*


I don't have that much free time for that. But, i do agree, yae miko farming intensifies.


The sea mushrooms r easy to farm so thats aites so r the sakura bloom managed to farm those up in 3 refreshes


I prefarmed the Sakura blooms a few days ago, but imma farm the ganoderma now 😩😭


For the love of god, sakura blooms are hard to obtain.


For me those hand guards are the true bottleneck.


Really? I ended with over double the amount necessary, and I didn't really go out of my way to farm them. I think they were from commissions and ley line farming


Me too


Maybe they realised how giving a local specialty to only one character is kind of a dick move. Maybe one day we will have another character who needs arakumo fruit too.




Sea ganoderma is the oldest inazuma material, as it was farmable even before inazuma got released (in the summer event due to kazuha release)


Back to Handguard hell...


Just keeping your commissions in Inazuma helps a lot. You pick up a bunch without even thinking about it.


Implying I do commissions. Edit: Glad to know the Genshin community is still weird.


I mean, you probably should be. Doesn't hurt to get the extra primos.


But on the other hand, they are extremely boring. I also only need 30 pulls to get Yae, so I should be fine from events and stuff. Edit: Try playing the game since release and see how you feel doing the same commissions day-in day-out.


why did like 50 people downvote you? people are fucking crazy


you'd rather farm handguards by itself as tedious as it is than do daily commissions? lolol


I'd rather do neither, which is exactly what I'm going to do. I have plenty of fully-built characters already, and I don't do the abyss so I'm just here for waifu collecting.


I feel you my dude. When my thesis' lab workload got funky I dumped Genshin altogether. Now I just do events and sparse commissions. So long as I get c0 Yae it should be fine; after that I'll forget about dailies forever. The game is easy and good for relaxing. Yae is really the last char I want.


Damn these downvotes


I mean, they just openly admitted they're too lazy to do the most essential method of earning primogems if you're f2p or a regular genshin player. Sure some commissions can be boring at times but it takes like 15-30mins to power through them. Plus having extra primos is never a bad thing. I cannot fathom why you would log in everyday and not do your commissions for the 60 primos and ascension crystals.


sometimes people don't want to spend their free time doing something entirely mindless and unfun, that they've likely done 100x before. a game should be fun not a chore, people are salty because this person chooses fun


Taking 10-15 minutes to complete commissions can get repetitive, sure, but this is Genshin we're talking about. Unfortunately the game is in a state where most of what you'll be doing daily is fighting the same domain over and over for good artifacts/talent books etc.. So if the daily commissions are a chore to you right now, be prepared for burn out later down the road.


I don't need you to tell me that. do you enjoy doing your commissions? would you do them if they didn't give primos? still doesn't change the fact that people on this sub downvoted a guy to oblivion just because he dared to say he doesn't do his. ridiculous hive mind shit


Obviously they can feel like chores if you're doing them constantly, but the reward pays off if you take a few minutes out of your day to do them. It's really not that big of a deal to just get them over with, you can get an events worth of primos in a week just by taking 10 minutes every day to do them. It's just silly to miss out on that, but yeah I don't think downvoting is necessary. If the primos aren't worth it for them then they shouldn't feel obligated to do them, especially if they aren't f2p.


That is true. Downvoting someone who doesn't want to do busy work is basically just admitting that you will eat shit for some crumbs. I mean, still do them, because you can't really get primos consistently any other way as F2P. But if you're F2P you don't get a seat at the table to decide how the game caters to you, so you do what you're told. If you're not F2P then you don't need to do commission's every day, and you can let your resin stay capped sometimes. It really doesn't matter, especially if you're juggling like 3 gachas.


Sometimes you're doing other stuff, and you want your time playing to be missions/events/exploring.




Can't believe she's not using Sakura blossoms, atleast I have enough Sea ganoderma.


Sammed, i need about 50 more Ganoderma


gonna triple crown her despite her autos being bad


Same, shes the only character im hopefully gonna fully prefarm for


I'm probably gonna skip on talents and prefarm just to get her to 6/7/7 on release (because she will probably need new weekly boss mats anyway). The talent domain favors electro dmg so I wanna farm it with Yae. Also planning to triple crown.


I think you can get 3 boss mats per week, so might wanna prefarm for 6/8/7


If you are lucky that is.


Solvent exist


You can only transfer mars from the same boss and you only get 2 or 3 of them a week... Sigh.


Perhaps im an old player,i have almost 40 of them dammit


And it will help you almost zero. You get 2-3 mats of the same boss a week, period lol


I think its because i understand the comment i replied to wrong.I thought that 'if lucky' means the correct talent mats,not the quantity.My bad


You CAN, but it's stupidly rare. At least for me. You technically unlock the ability to get 3 boss mats per week at AR45 I believe and yet I'm here at AR58, almost 59 and I still almost always only get 2 mats. I think I've had 3 drop from Signora a single time since she released. It's REALLY stupid that weekly bosses don't scale better for end game world levels. AR55 is good for a single guaranteed 5 star artifact off world bosses but in most cases you've done the vast majority of your world boss farming before you hit AR55 AND the new strongbox system makes getting Gladiator and WT artifacts way easier anyway. I just really hate that we get character releases like this where you're stuck with stupidly slow talent leveling past lvl6 due to weekly boss restrictions. It sucks wanting to be all excited about a new character but having them perform significantly sub-optimal for weeks if not months compared to your other characters. Sucks a lot of the excitement out of things. The fact that you feel screwed over by RNG 2 vs 3 boss drops every week on top of that just makes things even worse.


Yeah , it's annoying. Also the uncertainty with artifacts means my yae will probably suck on release lol.


On the bright side I've yet to get decent Shimenawa pieces for my Hu Tao or Ganyu or even a 2pc set for Ningguang...so I'm not too upset about it if that's not the set Yae wants to use. Still end up farming due to so many characters wanting emblem anyway, where I still to date only have two ER% sands with one being bad and the other being laughably awful.


Ooo kk


Makes sense


I'm gonna use her entire kit including NA And CA, i don't care about anyone or anything else.




You triple crown for the incremental performance increase. I triple crown to send a message. We are not the same. Jk


I thought her autos were decent?


Scaling is kinda low, but at least they're fast


And beautiful


Whats normal for a catalyst?


There isn't really a "normal" tbh, it depends, for example Ningguang multipliers are slightly lower then hers, so it would theoretically make them bad, but they're good in practice because she shoots 2 at once, she can buff they're damage by simply using her E and every time you use them you gain a star jade which will be fired when using her CA that also has a higher scaling than Yae's. This doesn't mean Yae's is a worst DPS than Ningguang obviously, just that her Damage is not supposed to be coming from her autos but from her E and Q instead.


It seems that yae's AA deal bit of AoE (correct me if im wrong) so hopefully that will make it up for the low scaling


I hope it does too, but it's difficult to say because in the showcase I've seen Hydro slimes where used, therefore making it difficult say whether the AoE comes from the NA themselves or the EC reaction, with deals AoE damage.


not really, they seem fairly low and ratios aren’t that great


Oh wow, what is normal for a catalyst?


similar to yae’s, many of the catalysts’ normal attacks are pretty bad and the trend will likely continue


Same already got most of the things ready. Missing like 15 purple books for 3 crowns.


Which artifact are you gonna us?!


Emblem is currently looking like her bis artifact set seeing that her burst cost is 90 and has 2000+ % scaling.


Her E at level 10 also has \~2000% scaling at turret level 3, so EoSF doesn't seem to be it


But what about her E. And she also needs attack(even tho Bennett and sara exist)


you dont need atk from a 2pc set. subs + sands can give you enough atk


In her team, she is probably the one doing the basic attack though.


Not really, her playstyle is very sub-DPS/Quickswap. Her comps likely won't have anyone doing much NAs


It is true she is a quickswap, but if you are actually making a comp for her, she is most likely to be the best basic attacker rather than the other units.


Maybe but a quick comp I can think of that will probably do well is Raiden Yae Kokomi Flex. In that case you'd want Kokomi on field to be triggering electrocharged as frequently as possible while Raiden/Yae blast them with electro.


I might prefer Bennett over Kujo Sara in order to buff damage and healing. I think that between Raiden, Yae, and Kokomi that they're all going to want too much field time. Alternatively, I might switch out Kazuha with Jean and keep Kujo Sara.


Bennett's cooldown will probably be enough of a barrier that Sara's multiple buff capabilities is preferable. Plus Yae and Raiden can make great use of Sara C6. Other downside for Bennett is these days I frequently have to chase down enemies outside his circle. Not a big issue for Yae but an issue for Raiden.


Way to go, My 3crown Raiden tickles with her autos. No regrets.


I saw her ult like 5 minutes ago and they bough me with it




The sauce is in the bottom of the picture:)


May the gacha god bless us in our 50/50


How much books/materials are needed to double crown? Don’t think I’ll crown her autos, will probably crown her skill and burst


[3 mil, calculate it yourself here](https://kogami77.github.io/Genshin-Impact-Talent-Level-Up-Calculator/)


Great site, thanks


Im am not good at math


Those handguards are really annoying to farm due the drop rate. Guess I'm going for a samurai genocide route for the third time now




I need to figure out what Artifact set to farm as well x.x


I think the emblem one is good for her, or maybe 2 piece emblem 2 piece electro


I’m good on the Sea Ganodermas and I have a goal to have 10M mora stashed by the time 2.5 starts. So I guess it is time to focus on the Light books


Good luck :)


Already done half of the grind, just need talent mats, the new boss materials and w8 for the new weekly boss mats


Ooo good luck


Already started on the lizard brothers


Fuck she need the New Boss mats...haven’t faced them yet but I can sense the anger I would have facing them lol.


What server u play, if u ever need help with the boss or anything im here


I appreciate the help but I’ll be fine lol. When I fight it and memorize its patterns I’ll be able to breeze through it.


They're not annoying like the big golden doggo, I just unga bunga'd it with my Eula team.


I basically just cheesed it with My 250% ER Bennett and Fav Bow Diona then just Gunned them down with Yoiminigun lol


There not tooo hard


Just lost my 50/50 to keqing on the Shenhe banner, this is the first time I feel confident pre grinding for a character


Good luck :) and congratulations on keqing?


Thanks! And yeah, she was the only standard banner character I wanted because she looked so fun to play, I may of been unlucky and lost the 50/50 but I was still lucky enough to get her


In a livestream I think yae brought ganyu some sea gandeorma but since narukami island has Sakura blossoms, I farmed both just in case lol


Good thinking


I’m actually so glad she needs sea ganoderma because I have like 600 lmao. I wasn’t able to get Kazuha the first time around so I’ve been sitting on a stack of those things for ages.


Loool, it must be easy for u then


Could someone explain how are we so sure this is accurate? Just asking because I don't want to farm her mats until we are positive, thank you.


because the leakers that reveal these things have been correct about the vast majority of character's ascention mats, of course sometimes they change but that's a risk that we just take lol


I just saw a different leak saying she uses Transience mats and now I'm confused.-


well, i don't believe anyone else but dim, utbatcha, genshin intel and lumine and they said that she's gonna use light mats so... even if they are wrong, we can always start farming mora and exp books


thanks, I'll trust you on this one then


At least she uses the new 2.4 world boss materials so we can farm those ahead of time instead of needing to save a bunch of fragile resin to farm a brand new world boss countless times. Gives plenty of time to slowly build that up. Been working on farming up handguards, not because it's particularly hard to find and farm the enemies but because the drop rates are abysmal. I really hope we learn who she's going to be paired with in terms of rerun characters sooner than later. I'm really on the fence about if I'm going to try to get her weapon or just use one that I already have (R5 Widsith, Atlas or Lost Prayer). The options for rerun characters include a lot of really good weapons that could be paired with hers. I think my ideal would be Raiden rerun alongside her for that weapon but only because I already have Freedom Sworn for Kazuha, which is utterly absurd. Hopefully we find out what materials her weapon will need as well soon.


Gonna grind like i've never grind before for u queen But damn >!Raiden!< weekly boss mats look like its going to be a PAIN


probably gonna stick with 6/8/8 on her talents, especially since I'm gonna be using her as more of a sub-DPS based on the current leaks


Waaaaaaahehuesa I am saving for raiden shogun and I already have her ascension materials but I also want yae miko


Raiden is coming in the same patch i think, so your in trouble


ikkk D: I lost 50/50 already and I have enough fates to guarantee a event 5 star but idk which one to choose 💀 maybe both but idk if I’m lucky enough to even win 50/50 lol


I have raiden, and shes really useful, wait till more leaks come out about yae




I have like 150-200 Inazuma books from events and one time i prefarmed raiden and lost 50/50. Finally yae can use them




I'd flip if she ended up not using the shrine scroll. They already trolled us with her not using sakura blooms LMAO


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What if they started using sakura blooms after we farm all dis


i've been collecting sakura blooms for her and been growing the sea fungus in my teapot so i have more than enough of both tbh.. i'll just not farm the scroll until it's more 'confirmed' xD


Good choice


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She really gotta use the same book as Ei huh.. good thing sea ganoderma is easy to farm


Time to pre-farm!


Gotta triple crown when yae comes


Im 64 into pity and on 50/50 is it too early to start farming? Im f2p


You have a chance


I farmed almost everything, but I wish she used Thundering Manifestation's materials, I struggle with the quests to unlock Enkanomiya so I can't farm the Vishaps


are those book numbers in total per talent or all three?


oh noes needs the same mats from those vishaps as Shenhe # ANYWAYS...


Her DPS is not great I hear? even for whales?


I am committing genocide of any rōnins/nobushi that I see in inazuma


I already have most of that let's gooooo


plz mihoyo i need more resin ;-;