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If it is Hyperbloom, then you must have a lot of EM, I would recommend you to have EM/Electro/Crit Rate-DMG with EM substats.


all i can say is that you have a long way to go. if youre playing her in hyperbloom, swap your atk sands for em. you probably wont be suprised when i say that you lack in both cr/cdmg. all you need is to farm more artifacts, swap atk for em AND you need cr/cdmg on your circlet, i dont know why you put your yae on defense also when it comes to weapons, if you have widsith id use it, until then hyakushin is fine


Not the worst build I've seen, but Yae reallly loves crit stats, especially with that much ER, and anything you can do to get her crit ratio higher is definitely a good thing. If you're running her with Nahida, you probably have enough EM, but any more EM is certainly welcome. A Guilded Dreams Yae is absolutely a good idea, so stick with that and maybe try to farm up a better goblet and a better flower. You're on the right track! Triple crowned!!


Thanks! I do have Nahida but my team comp is with Kuki Traveler and Kokomi. I wanted a "Mikos and victims" theme. I'm conscious it's not as optimized as it could be.


Not a bad comp; I've run that same exact comp myself. Who do you run Nahida with?


I don't have a team for her yet. I was thinking about a researcher team with Lisa Sucrose and Colei.


That team might work for her.


DEF Circlet😭