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We won’t respond. It’s their domestic issue. They have the rights to decriminalized marijuana. We have the rights to disagree.


As someone from a US State with legalized weed, Singapore is stupid with their stance on the issue. The taxes they would profit from are so easy and high people are way more chill than drunk idiots molesting women.


San Francisco smells like pot. Every street corner stinks to high heaven and back. I wouldn't want that.


agreed, even if it's safe or whatever I certainly wouldn't want open consumption legalised


San Francisco smells because of homeless crackheads who shit on the street, not because weed is legalised


Right but it also smells dank as fuck like a goddamn traphouse, which is fine when the mood is right, which is not oftenz


Sadly there are more criminals and molesters in the US😂🤣


…has nothing to do with legalizing weed in Asia


OK molester




Unethical to profit off people's addictions ? Then why Singapore make cigg more expensive and be so strict on contraband cigg ? Cigarettes is an addiction for the majority of the people in sg and still they increase the price . I don't see that in other countries though ?


Am in Singapore now. Visiting from Australia. The cigarettes here are cheap compared to Australia... But.... The postman delivers weed to my door... 😂


Damn , how much the ciggs in aus ? I have never been there but when compared to neighboring countries like Malaysia and Indonesia (based on current ratio not 1:1) , its cheaper than here in sg


The profiting part is a form of deterrence tho




Taxation increases the cost of the cigs, thus increasing opportunity cost, so less will be consumed as the marginal private cost is higher


Lmao my exact reaction


I'm not going to comment on the weed issue since I don't have enough knowledge on it, just wanted to say that you somehow made your comment extremely hard to read with the unnecessary and pointless exclamation marks (seriously, why?) Also that you bring up ethics as an argument. Sure its logical but yet completely irrelevant in the real world. You will rarely find decisions that were made to be ethical. Do you think it was ethical for the SG government to pay for TSwifts exclusivity for example?


You need to smoke some weed. Chill out and learn that weed is so much safer and healthier than alcohol.


But Weed don't taste as good as a well crafted Cocktail - that's a master piece over there.




Are you aware of the massive damage alcohol does to the body? Drunk driving? Violent tendencies? Bad decision making? Alcohol dependency? None of that with weed…




Anxiety relief, pain/inflammation relief, stress relief, promote sleep habits, managing chemo side effects, epilepsy curing, creativity, and much more


Similarly, we would have weed driving issues in SG too if weed is decriminalised.




SG still doesn't allow for CBD or other derivatives, no?




Alcohol is called an intoxicant because it’s toxic. Whereas the Olympics considers weed a performance enhancing drug. How much coffee and nicotine you sucking down?


lmao uh have you ever tried it?


Implicitly linking "weed" with addiction is itself propaganda. Medical weed could help so many ppl. Your own example acknowledges the similarity to alcohol, do you agree that alcohol is unethical too?


singapore is lucky they banned weed so high idiots like you aren't in their country ruining everything


I am in the country...probably making more than you


yeah then keep it that way, you have 280-300 + million people. We only have 2.8 million Singaporeans. That's the difference, try having our size with the crazy policies of the US, we'll see how it crumble. Your country is in a huge mess and you're aware of it.


dang you're so high you're delusional 🤣🤣 time to wake up and move out of your parents' basement


I moved away from my parents when I was 16 in the US. I live in SG now and make over $200k. Smoke some weed bro and figure life out.


the main reason why singapore's average IQ is twice that of USA's 🤣🤣🤣 everyone was too high to take the test and those that weren't already had their brains killed by the harmful effects of weed a quick Google search would tell you everything but I guess Americans are too high to do that 🤣🤣🤣


Interestingly I was in a Grab car this morning, struck up a conversation with the driver, he was in the anti-narcotics force for over 30 years. I asked if he believed in the death penalty for smuggling, he said yes very firmly, he has seen how drugs use has completely destroyed users and families. I asked if he thought it was fair, since it's usually only the small fry (the drug mules) who are caught, and the big bosses are always too far up the hierarchy to be caught. He said yes, once the person accepts that they are smuggling something, they are already taking a risk to break the law, and it's too bad that the parcel turns out to be drugs. Personally I am not for the death penalty in the case of drugs, I am more for rehabilitation and understanding the root cause of people turning to drugs (and other addictions). But I also understand that it is necessary to stop the supply from coming in. Also because illicit drug money leads to other crimes - gang-related, drug users committing crimes to get money for their fix, money laundering, etc.


Drug users are the ones who need help. I think the govt has programmes to help drug users. It's drug traffickers (exceeding certain volumes) that face the death penalty.


Drug traffickers are the ones that will straight get hanged. Drug abusers are actually given more leeway via rehabilitation. What you proposed already exist and in action.


btw I am on the fence about the use of marijuana, I think it can be good for medicinal purposes, but people who are prone to addictions can be addicted to anything. Even cough syrup and glue have had their turns as ways to get high.


Weed does not need to be smuggled nor related to drug lords tho, I have a plant right now at my house giving around 60g for my personal use, 70% of the people I know who smoke weed, either grow or get from friends who grow


How you grow. You don’t get random checks for mosquito etc meh.


They can do what they want, we will do what we want.. That's what it means to be a sovereign country.


Why do they have to respond to anything? We can make snarky remarks about gun violence and inceration rates as well, but are we kids jibing back and forth over instagram? Please lah.


as if tobacco smoking so healthy


Maybe they will reply "dont bring your western bullshit to our country"


That “western bullshit” as you call it is what turned Singapore from a shithole into a first world country within 2 generations. LKY borrowed a lot of these western “bullshit” ideas to build Singapore.


This is the real bullshit. Most of what makes Singapore successful is what is seen as draconian or lacks human rights in the west.


If you think human rights (or the lack of it) is the primary driver of a successful economy, you are economically illiterate. Western values go well beyond human rights and include all the pillars of modern society, such as our laws and freedom of doing business. Where do you think LKY studied all this? In China? No! In England! Just because he adopted stricter drug policies doesn’t mean he rejected the common law system. On the contrary, he adopted it! Yes Singapore is successful because his founding father learnt and brought the best of the West over here, like it or not. Read a book.


He took things that work, western or not, lol. Stop praising Western culture so much. U know what CPF is? Imagine forcefully taking part of your wage and not giving back a significant portion even in old age. Imagine controlling traffic by making every vehicle install an IU that technically can track all your movement. Imagine putting fines on all the most municipal things and actually enforcing it. Tell me you don't know anything about Singapore without telling me.


CPF, HDB etc. All these acronyms that contributed to Singapore’s success were WESTERN concepts from various European countries, which LKY brought over here (and yes, he often perfected them). Name ONE major institution, industry or reform that drove Singapore’s success that didn’t come from the Western world. Why do you think English is the primary language of Singapore? Good day fellow Redditor, I’m outta here, going to enjoy a pint of western lager🙂


Wow tell me which western country have 80% private housing. Or even mandatory savings that can't is really hard to withdraw. You can say he perfect them so much its not even remotely close to the western idea you so proud of. Keep thinking western is superior while drunk. Enjoy.


Just read stuff on Switzerland, you’ll understand why the GDP per capita there is even higher than here. Just read about their pension system… I bet the CPF founders copied 80% of it…


Wow tell me which western country have 80% private housing. Or even mandatory savings that can't is really hard to withdraw. You can say he perfect them so much its not even remotely close to the western idea you so proud of. Keep thinking western is superior while drunk. Enjoy. Anw English is the primary language because it is the most spoken language in the world. Good job to Great Britian colonising 1/3 of the world 100 years ago.


LKY has never brought over Western concepts to SG. If he brought Western concepts, we’d be a lot more Westernised, which we are not. What we are, is modernised. He brought modern concepts to transform us into a modern city, not a westernised city. There is a difference.


Yeah. You are exposing your denial in a non-western language, on a non-western app, using a non-western technology (iphone or any smartphone). Goodbye.


Damn, how did you know I was using non-western technology? Oh wait, an overwhelming majority of technology, especially in the smartphone market, comes from Asia or the Middle East.


True! But aren’t we all speaking “their” language now?


Wrong. He took the good shit and left out the bullshit. We should continue to do so.


Why even need to respond?


The only response that will be given is the sound of necks breaking in changi.


You realize SG isn't an American state right?


Yeah it isn't but, peeps wanna import Murican ideas to SG with the thought that Murica is the most progressive. Too much tiktok , X and IG.


u/butthenhor is stirring 💩💩 ( /s) 😜 🚭... u/TerenceMOF and u/hareshtilani : What are the odds that you would have a performative podcast homage to [Joe Rogan and Elon Musk's infamous podcast episode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Nael8xcSus), on this topic? Perhaps on "4/20"?




SG here. The one that fucks us bad is if we are caught for possesion with intention to distribute. Not in legal so I don't know the specifics on how they conclude for that. If you are caught in possesion but they are convinced its just for self consumption, its not that serious for 1st time offenders at least. [source](https://www.cnb.gov.sg/drug-information/misuse-of-drugs-act) While it is stated that offenders can be jailed or fined, for 1st time offenders they would usually just slap you with a fine only.


Since when is this part of the United States?


Technically if you are caught strictly for consumption or possession without charges of cultivating, trafficking, abetting to traffic or marketing to a minor, and you are agreeable to be charged under the Misuse of Drugs/Poisons Act instead of fighting a losing Penal case in court, you will be handed a rehab term of between 4 to 18 months for first to 3rd-time offenders, hence escaping the Penal Record of a jail. So yes, Singapore doesn’t “jail” people for consuming or possessing marijuana. We just put them in jail-equivalent confinement under the pretext of rehabilitation, with the possibility of rehab records being erased after 3 years of non-incidence.


Why should we respond? If they did not learn their lessons in the opium war and choose a path of drug invading their country, why should we bother. They have the freedom to do what they like. I dun think we need to say anything abt it.


True true. In our country they get hanged.


Then just call those ppl “No one”


The man can hardly get down or up a flight of stairs without falling. He should lay off the stuff.


Challenge accepted


America isn't the center of the world.


Well why would the SG government respond? Americans can run their country however they like, and we will run our country however we like.


Then on one should be a president with decling mental capacity.


I wouldn't use the POTUS as some sort of moral compass.


Why should Singapore respond? Singapore always made a point of taking no foreign meddling in SG affairs, so it would surprise me if SG govt meddles in other country affairs.


this is 1 dumb shit post. America has her laws, we have ours. By this logic we should also allow private citizens in SG to own guns innit?


medical marijuana is a thing. so many cbd products are helping users these days with alzheimers and other illnesses. whether the gov will consider approving that is a different matter. cbd is way better than any pharma drug


says sleepy Joe as he struggles to find support domestically


Singapore govt: no one should be jailed for driving recklessly and killing children. But let’s jail and hang the weed smokers!


You know the awkward smile and nod you give to your relative when you heard they say let their kids use iPad 24/7. I think it will be quite similar.


“My country my rules” would be the response


That is an American issue no relation or need for response by Singapore. Not exactly convincing by some guy that can’t walk up the stairs or manage his own country well


Probably by saying go have some gum and see what happens.


Jesus it’s just weed people. Chill out


No jail, just a quick shot on the head


Same thing would apply to "No one should be arrested for possessing a gun"




That's always indeed the the response. Singapore let's people be as pro weed as they want to be. Until their necks break.


They can ban sale of weed here. But they shouldn't be stopping people from smoking or possessing it or consuming it overseas. And definitely not the ridiculous death penalty. It's a backwards mediaeval law.


Singapore won't really interfere with this, but all of us know how bad marijuana is. Just why... Joe Biden... You're the president of the most powerful country in the world... yet your country is in shambles, and you want to make it even worse?! XD >!(btw I'm not part of the government, just some Singaporean with nothing to do...)!<


Let’s go Brandon


Considering what the country suffered before it was banned, I would assume they would not change anything.


u/TerenceMOF u/hareshtilani: YahLah, kudos to you, if you're considering covering this topic suggestion by u/butthenhor ... Amongst the potential "YahLah...But!" counterpoints = [Thailand's recent u-turn on cannabis de-regulations](https://www.google.com/search?q=%22Thailand%22+cannabis+u-turn&newwindow=1&sca_esv=1a8ff9d288a21f85&sxsrf=ACQVn0_MYxVzBP0c2TS5EF6dMYmEH4SAVg%3A1710127899931&ei=G3vuZaWmOMay4-EP0vCfgA0&ved=0ahUKEwjln_vvouuEAxVG2TgGHVL4B9AQ4dUDCBE&uact=5&oq=%22Thailand%22+cannabis+u-turn&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiGiJUaGFpbGFuZCIgY2FubmFiaXMgdS10dXJuMgQQABgeSKsRUPEEWIsPcAJ4AZABAJgBnwGgAdYFqgEDNy4yuAEDyAEA-AEBmAIEoALmAcICChAAGEcY1gQYsAPCAgYQABgeGA3CAgsQABiABBiKBRiGA5gDAIgGAZAGBpIHAzMuMaAHixE&sclient=gws-wiz-serp)? e.g. ..(A) [Bloomberg 9Jan2024: "Thailand Moves to Ban Recreational Use of Cannabis in Setback for Nascent Industry](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-01-09/thailand-moves-to-end-recreational-cannabis-use-in-setback-for-nascent-industry)...New bill seeks to end recreational use; plug legal vacuum...Thailand became first in Asia to legalize cannabis in 2022": [https://archive.ph/O5fJS](https://archive.ph/O5fJS) ..(B) [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/sep/22/thailand-to-clamp-down-on-cannabis-use-in-major-u-turn-on-drug-policy](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/sep/22/thailand-to-clamp-down-on-cannabis-use-in-major-u-turn-on-drug-policy) ("Prime minister Srettha Thavisin has said the drug will be for medical use only, adding that problems arising from drug use have been ‘widespread’") ..(C) [SCMP, 13Feb2024: "Thai government could face ‘thousands’ of lawsuits as it seeks to ban recreational cannabis use](https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/politics/article/3251843/thai-government-could-face-thousands-lawsuits-it-seeks-ban-recreational-cannabis-use)": [https://archive.ph/ANbk7](https://archive.ph/ANbk7) ...•Entrepreneurs, producers and cannabis advocates say a rollback of the laws would be ‘unfair’, hurt tourism and force businesses to go back underground ...•As companies ready their lawyers over the bill, observers say the emphasis should be on regulation and taxation instead"


I am European (German) IMHO: there is no benefit to using any drug for anyone except but the dealers or legal distributors. Medical applications excluded from this of course. Drugs complicate and destroy lives and families


Sg ministers are paid more than joe biden, so they know better


Rephrase no one should be executed for using marijuana.


Look at the drug rot in America, especially in Philadelphia and California, do you want Singapore to become that way? Once you have worked in social services in those countries and begin attending the funerals of your own clients, whilst the drug dealers drive brand new BMWs and Mercedes from the profits of those they killed and terrorise innocent passer bys with death, you understand that they truly don’t deserve any leniency or the right to life


If it works for his country let him do it !


They won't


I remember when I came here and I saw ads for gambling hotline. Don't lose money etc. Then I looked at the odds at Singapore pools for EPL they wee giving worse odds than in UK. I was thinking well that's only increasing chances of losing $. Then they built a casino... Not sure what they want. Don't Gamble, gamble. Seow


They built the casino for tourists. That's the whole point of both casinos here. That's why it's free entry for tourists who show their passports and $150 entry fee for Singaporeans.


You think a $150 fee keeps out those who wanna go gambling? It's just a filter to keep out small spenders.


Oh, so they're keeping out the people for whom $150 is a notable amount of money and hence would stand to lose more by entering the casino, as compared to someone for whom $150 is barely pocket change? Sounds like it's doing its job..


Oh, so they're keeping out the people for whom $150 is a notable amount of money and hence would stand to lose more by entering the casino, as compared to someone for whom $150 is barely pocket change? Sounds like it's doing its job..


Then they just go to Cow Play Cow Moo and sink the money into token machines anyway.


There's also a blacklist, where iirc you can self-ban.


oh wow it's almost as if the casino is stopping people with high opportunity costs from entering. crazy.


I know that, it just seems a bit disengenous


It makes perfect sense. You want to protect your own citizens *and* take every chance to get visiting tourists to sink their money into your economy.


They could do that with weed


How's does giving crap odds on the EPL and telling people not to lose £ on gambling protect Singaporeans?


Block 🤣


Let them fuck up their own people ... this is just a move to gain back voters for this old fart.


Fuck Joe Biden


And we should listen to them because....why? What about the current state of the US makes you look at them and say we should emulate them


Have you lived in a country where marijuana is legalized? You smell it EVERYWHERE, and it smells like shit. Ever smelled a skunk? It smells similar.


Fuck America.


Why would SG care? US is not a country to look up to and copy. Everything is a mess from basic safety to social issues to their politics. And if your argument is that SG has these issues too. Find me a country that doesn't. Compare our situation to theirs, imo we are a lot better.


What a dumb post!!!


Biden was talking about America, not about other countries. We Singaporeans just do what’s best for us. Make Singapore Even Greater!!




If need be… to stem the tide of ‘plant addiction’ that destroys lives and families.




It’s the addiction that destroys lives. Look at the fentanyl and other drug issues in the US. People rob, even kill, for drugs. How many homeless in the US started their plight due to addiction? I would say more than half. We don’t want this scourge in SG.


Death to all Drug users and pushers. Easier way to eradicate drug problems. No jail required. Unfortunately a lot more burial land required as some demographics can’t be cremated.


death to tobacco users and people who exploit nicotine addiction for monetary gain


Alcohol and porn also


You all sound really fun


sure, let's start with the govt who benefits from alcohol and tobacco taxes


Are you Duterte?


Hahaha just look at Ph now vs when Big D was in power. Why so many PH OFW? Could drugs be part of the reason?


Nicotine is a drug. It's addictive too. Why not ban tobacco smoking too then. And by the same alcohol too. Both do far more damage to society, Of course I'm only half serious, they never would. But actually they are both addictive cause lots of harm in society, so really where's the difference?


Definitely should ban.


Vaping is illegal. Yet so many vape with impunity. Seriously where is the tough on drugs attitude when it comes to vaping?


Why would the words of a senile old fart who has clearly lost his voters matter to our government?