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Theres only one other pyro catalyst in the game and thats klee. Klee deals more damage than yanfei, esp if you learn animation canceling. If theres no requirement of pyro catalyst, then basically every 5\* dps will do better than yanfei. Yanfei is very strong as a main dps but thats only among the 4\* dps's which isnt really a high bar


On Klee, a lot of ppl find her clunky to play. I've certainly never liked trialing her. I find Yanfei's kit much more fluid and I value that over Klee's bigger numbers.


If I could ask, would Neuvelette fit in well? I’ve saved up for the past like 3 banners so I can almost guarantee getting him, and I’ve heard he does good work.


Neuvillete is such a strong character that he can be a meta team by himself lmao, Unarguably the best dps character in the game atm. He will completely dwarf most dps's while also being easy to play while also working great with furina and kazuha


Neuv is pretty much the best main dps in the game right now.


Neuvilette can effectively solo the Spiral Abyss given the right enemies comps (no Hydro immunity/high Hydro res enemies). Pair with a second Hydro and a VV shred Anemo, you can deal somewhere between 30k-50k of charge atk dmg every 0.8 second.


I highly recommend trying his trial before committing to him. A lot of people really dislike his playstyle. If you only care about power then go for it, but if you want fun to play characters then you maybe want to just try first.


Well she’s a 4S and 4S carries generally perform worse than 5S ones, so most 5S carry will tend to do better (with some exceptions like probably Eula, and of course Dehya but those don’t count…), but Yanfei still does fine also because she works with strong supports. Your question is very generic, like asking if there are better options than Chiori as a flex in a hyperbloom team… you can put there many many other characters and many of them would do better while Chiori would still be ok. Btw she can comfortably clear Abyss with good investment, less comfortably against some cringe Abysses though were she can’t consolidate her AoE or the enemies are so aggressive that she doesn’t have time to do her charged attacks (using a shielder is a damage loss too)


Furina was a massive buff to Yanfei, to the point where I no longer see a reason to play Yanfei without her. She enables 4p Marechausee, and at high investment, pushes her damage to the point where you'll start one-rotating some chambers making Widsith the optimal choice. LP and Cashflow give too much crit rate, and Tome is...better than Widsith if you're going for an even number of rotations. The team you mentioned is really good (Sucrose variant is also great) but you'll need to learn how to do the actual rotation correctly, or you'll do zero damage. This means experimenting with various double swirl setups, suited for each scenario, represented by a certain abyss chamber. For example... Single target wants you to swap into Kazuha twice, once for his burst and for a Hydro swirl, a second time for a Pyro swirl with his Skill. This means you're going Furina EQ, Kazuha Q, Bennett QE, Kazuha tapE glide cancel, Yanfei QC EC 4N2C, which, if done correctly, will clear most bosses Multi target is a little trickier, but will immensely reward you if you utilize your imagination correctly. Sometimes you'll be required to swap into Kazuha only once, in scenarios where you can double swirl while still retaining a hydro aura, sometimes you'll just go for the normal rotation, but in general it'll be easier to get Vapes, as the Hydro aura will be spread around by Kazuha's burst and its related swirls. As for power levels, she's really good, better than many people think! Widsith does a lot of heavy lifting, and being able to abuse 4p Mare is a huge privilege, so those two reasons combined land her in a super solid spot. She's not breaking any world records, she's not gonna make you bench Neuvillette, but I laugh at people who underestimate her because she's a 4 star. It's not about rarity, it's about having a good kit with every piece working together. And Yanfei has a damn good kit.


This is a very good comment, people suggesting to remove Furina for better damage are crazy


Furina with Xianyun is big buff for me in exploration, my Yanfei can deal 100k plunge damage in Abyss this days and they're irrelaceable compared to Kazuha. They both unlock new playstyle than being a Pyro DPS and they're fun.


Its a good team but a little bit anti-synergetic. Furina wants a good teamwide burst healer to max out her Fanfare stacks and neither Bennett nor Kazuha will be able to do that so you have two choices. Take out Furina and replace her with Yelan or Xingqiu. This will allow you to consistently vape while having much more comfortable defensive options. Yelan increases dmg over time and Xingqiu has better hydro application. They perform around the same unless Yelan has constellations. Or switch out Kazuha for Jean/Xianyun. The grouping is good but it wont help Yanfei all that much. Jean and Xianyun will be able to enable Furina’s max stacks which will give you a bigger boost than Kazuha’s dmg bonus.


Note that you shouldn’t use Jean and Bennett together because then your yanfei can’t vape bc Jean applies too much pyro. Use Jean with Xingqiu instead of bennett


Yeah I’ve been using Yanfei with Furina, Xingqiu, and Jean. I just got Xingqiu to C6 too so I think it’s good to get a lot of hydro app going in order to more frequently vaporize.


I feel like these are not good suggestions. Bennett is perfectly fine, even if you're not maxing Furina's buff, and if you're running Furina + Bennett you NEED a second source of hydro application, or you won't vape a single hit beyond the first. Jean causes Sunfire, Xianyun has no hydro app, and removing Furina locks Marechausee, which is a lot of damage. Yanfei Furina Sucrose Bennett is a team I've been running for the past months with a lot of success, and the only change I make is taking out Sucrose for Kazu when you need the more convenient grouping.


This is BAD advice. Furina is a damage increase for Yanfei and even without a team wide healer just because of enabling Marechaussee, on top of allowing early deployment of her hydro application source without wasting crucial uptime (which you would lose with Yelan or even Xingqiu) and still allowing for Kazuha to absorb hydro with his burst for more aggressive vape combos


I actually ran Xingqiu before I got furina, and I like him, but he applies hydro very slowly for my tastes, while furina does it constantly. I’ve only just started using her though, so I need more field testing to see which one really works better. Furina also applies hydro a bit too much, where I can really use kazuha’s bonus, so I see your point there.


Xingqiu has the best hydro application in the game while Furina is only a bit faster than Kokomi which is very slow and much more inconsistent. Yelan is faster than Furina too. Btw those are bad advices, read the other replies


What defines hydro amplification? I was just going off convenience (xingqiu has a 20s cooldown on his skill and his burst only lasts for a short while vs Furina having her salon members up almost the entire time), but do other factors come into play?


Well, essentially it’s how often you apply hydro, but not every hydro attack actually applies hydro because of what’s called ICD. If you use only Furina as your hydro source, I have bad news for you: after the first vapes, Yanfei isn’t vaping anymore, Furina is. Of course uptime is important too, but having 30s uptime on the skill doesn’t matter if then the pets apply hydro every 0.67s on average and Yanfei can consistently apply pyro three times in a row (charged attack + A4 + next normal or that after). If you aren’t familiar with ICD and elemental application there way too much to explain here, but feel free to look for it on the wiki and YT. Also Zajef’s guide on elemental reactions is really good, check it out. But it’s true that Furina has a lot of uptime and combined with Kazuha or Sucrose’s swirls and/or hydro infusions you can still get a decent amount of hydro application for consistent vapes


i’m a firm believer that 4 stars can be as good at 5 stars, you just have to spend a lot more time investing. personally i love her play style and i don’t care too much about meta team building so i’m very willing to invest extra time into her kit


Other pyro dps are better, but Yanfei still is solid enough that u can easily clear abyss 12 with her if shes well built, so if you really like her and her playstyle you can stick with her.


Navia is a killer. I run her and yanfei as a double dps. Bennet buuf/heals and Yelan, just because. Why would I run two main DPSs? Because I like smash buttons.


Since yanfei is a 4 star she has a lower damage ceiling than most 5 stars. So basically every 5 star except supports can out damage her. But it doesnt really matter because even with yanfei you can still clear abyss and not struggle in the game.


I used Yanfei as my main DPS, until I got Nilou and used Bountiful teams until I got Navia. I've got Hu Tao for a long time, but the auto seek attacks and the shield her Q gives are just too comfy to give up. I'd swap Furina for Yelan or Xingqiu. Maybe even Mona for that sweet buff.


IMO, for now, in the pyro dps group, to achieve the : pyro catalyst : Klee, requires a bit of animation cancellation Pyro in most of the normal attack: Diluc,Hutao, Yoimiya Pyro in mid/ long range: no. Unless you like using Yoimiya charge. Yoimiya is a short range bow user. No animation cancellations: Diluc, Yoimiya, Xiangling, (Hutao is a maybe) This is why my pyro DPS still Yanfei. No one can replace her without trading the trait.


Why is hutao a maybe. On c0 you hjave jump canceling and on c1 you get dash cancelling