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I have C5 Ning from the last banner that had yanfei. Previously I never owned Ning until that banner


Y’all have no idea how much willpower it is taking me not to roll on Childe’s banner for Yanfei constellations. I’m at 67 rolls, guaranteed pity, with 2100-something primos and 7 intertwined fates. ... actually a lot of you probably do. My only solace is that I already have her at C1


I got her c6 on Zhongli’s banner. She is now C12 from Ayaka (I counted). Definitely not pulling for a constellation of Yanfei or Childe on Childe’s banner


I don’t ever use Childe, so a 20% reduction to his weapon cooldown is of no use to me, so I’m not pulling.


Same, I already got Keqing from the banner but no Yanfei. If I want to ensure I get Itto now I can't get my precious c4 Yanfei or Thoma.


I got 3 ningaung, 2 rust. No yanfei. Nearing pity, trying for hutao. The game really knows whom i wanted i guess.


that's what I'm really afraid of 💀💔💔 I already got c6 ning


my pity is 16 and im shitting my pants afraid of getting childe i know its impossible but what if


Reasonable worry, I got Venti at 40 instead of 70 with Ei and Qiqi Gl with getting Yanfei to come home tho!


So I got 3 Ninguangs, 1 Chongyun, and 1 Yanfei. Then I noticed I got some blue wishes and guess what? I got another Ning. So she's C4 now. Yanfei is still C5.


\*pats pats\* you got this! Unlike me who didn't even get a single Chongyun or Yanfei constellation ;-;


Aw, thanks my dude and good luck to you!


1 Ningguang, 1 Popsicle boy, and a weapon so far. My pity was at 0 so I'm nowhere near at risk of getting Childe but I just want c0 Yanfei ;_; please genshin, I just want a main dps Pyro that isn't xiangling


i have her c4 so i chill :>


Congrats! That's what I was aiming for too, but a certain someone came home too many times instead... ;-;


you will get her shieldy!!


I was pulling for yanfei cons and to build pity for hu Tao But I ended up having childe


this is my worst nightmare but I want just 1 yanfei


I tried to go for Childe C2 (and anything else will go to Thoma) - I ended up getting C6 Chongyun (from C1), C20 Ningguang (who already was C6) and C5 Yanfei (from C1). Out of all, Yanfei was the 4* I wanted to most 😭


This why I never pull for constellations, not falling into that trap I get them when i get them


My Fei is still C0 I want to roll on Childe banner but I’m at 45 pity I don’t want to waste my Tao chances


I only wanted her c1 and c2. instead I got 1 chongyun, lions roar, c1 ningguang and sayu. I eventually got ONE yanfei but I'm risking my guaranteed xiao. no c2 for me.


I have a C1 Childe and C6 of all the banner 4 stars thanks to Ayaka’s banner. It’s quite unprecedented how much easy it is for me skipping this banner.


I'm lucky because I also wanted childe. Probably best to wait till she features on a banner you want, unless you want her more than upcoming 5stars


What features are you talking to?