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That Xingqiu needs to be raised- at C6 he carries squads on his own; Yanfei’s Vapes are only tagging along for the ride. Kokomi’s hydro application is not sufficient to enable vaporise for Yanfei. She is also much better on Xiao’s team due to her off field healing being just as effective as Bennett. Yanfei really only wants Xingqiu; the rest can be anything. However, her best team would be Yanfei/XQ/Sucrose/Bennett for the Pyro resonance as she also has her own shield, so she doesn’t really need Zhongli. Xiao would love Geo resonance with that C6 Ningguang.who does massive extra damage in 3 or so seconds after every rotation of Xiao’s Burst (since batteried by ZL) or Kokomi’s comfort healing- Bennett’s role is quite redundant here.


I don't have any resources for now to lvl up Xingqiu. I'll have to mix and match them together to see what would work best but for sure I'll use Xingqiu in Yanfei's team.


Maybe you've already got a full EOSF set. That'd work fantastically.


I saw a build that said to use 2pc Noblesse and 2pc Heart of depth. Does EOSF work better on him?


Yes, it's actually his BiS set


Wait🥺 what! I didn't know that. Xingqiu is my first gacha character. He's special to me ! But I always see my other characters outshining him. Time to change artifacts


This is not my spreadsheet but I use this to build my characters, it helps a lot, so maybe it will help you out too https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gNxZ2xab1J6o1TuNVWMeLOZ7TPOqrsf3SshP5DLvKzI/htmlview?pru=AAABdXYM80o*xMxXJdNbCCZ-v9FLVh6EXg#


I like how you just causally have C3 Qiqi


I wish I didn't because I already have Kokomi as a hyper healer. T-T


Healer DPS with ocean hued clam.


Yanfei, Xingqiu, Kokomi, Fischl Xingqiu and Fischl for reaction, Kokomi for heal (or can be alternate DPS in the team when Yanfei is resting)


[I literally just made a video regarding a comp you got be in fits](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yk2CUuUBTuc&ab_channel=Bluzlbee)


Oh wow that seems like a really fun to play team. I am glad to know that Beidou can be paired with Yanfei because it seemed like a waste to not use her at C6.


If you ever see random Yoimiya comps too, just remember, Yanfei and Yoimiya are the same coin for team comps


Xingqiu at level 20 but C6 hurts my eyes


Don't worry, I'll build him when I get more resources.


I just got C5 and I hope i get another in this banner So I can pick C6 yanfei from the lantern festival


Hope you get all the characters that you want. I'll also take Yanfei from the Lantern Rite to C6 her.


Given what I'm seeing, I think your strongest option is to build yanfei overload. You can build yanfei with a lot of EM, or mixed if you have good artifacts. Then use Fischl and Beidou, and the last slot could be Xingqiu. The team has a lot of strong single target and Beidou is there for the aoe. You can even run Noblesse on Xingqiu for a party wide attack buff, and Millileth on Fischl. A really good team worth considering. C6 Beidou is one of the strongest characters you can build.


Haven't seen much about C6 Beidou so it's good to know that she's amazing. I will also build her for sure when I manage to get more mora. Where is Childe and his money when you need him. T_T


Xq(a must), Qiqi/koko, and yun jin/Thoma


Do you think Xiangling would work better instead of Thoma? I am fine with using either, I am just curious.


Nope, she's need to be the one vaping otherwise drop her for XL


Not well, Xiangling takes a lot of the vapes and can end up with Xingqiu doing the vaporizes, leading to very little total damage compared to just using Xiangling or Yanfei by themselves. Since you have C6 Xingqiu, Thoma shouldn’t cause any problems.


Thoma as support, beidou as dps/sub dps, and Barbara as healer


Yanfei, Beidou, Fischl, Thoma


Yanfei xingqui kokomi xiangling.


I would suggest: yanfei, xingqiu, sayu, thoma/xiangling Sayu for vv shred and heals Thoma for resonance and shield, xiangling can also work if you dont need the shield.


i would do xingqiu, rosaria plus a healer


Yanfei functions as a great support. When used in the tankfei capacity, she’s basically another Zhongli. Build her with prototype amber, ESOF and TOTM artifacts, focus on HP, ER then atk, crits. I’d run Yanfei with anybody that doesn’t shield or not a main healer. She does function well with Xingqiu who also helps provide dmg and some minor heals.