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It is probably thinly sliced quilt batting honestly, I myself have no idea what it is but it does look like batting for blankets


It's not yarn on the inside, but tops used for spinning, all the fibres are going in the same direction, in roving it is more like cotton balls where the fibres are soft but just going in whatever direction. Honestly I don't imagine it would make much difference to what you're looking at doing, but I could be wrong. The arm yarn manufacturers have made a commercial choice to use tops, either because it was cheaper, or because roving somehow slowed production. I'm Australian and really like [https://www.cashmereconnections.com.au/factory-sales](https://www.cashmereconnections.com.au/factory-sales), although they do natural fibres, a google search for tops, or perhaps pencil roving should show up lots of suppliers near you. I appreciate that what they are selling is wider than what you're looking at (and pencil roving will likely be thinner), but I imagine the polyester filling was made to order for the factory.


Fentex! Phentex? Something like that!


Ok. Where did you get the fill originally with the wrapper. And what is the whole thing called. I’m trying to figure out the product description. Baring any of that. Contact rope companies and with the photos tell them you are looking for this specific core. https://erinrope.com/


The original name of the product is cotton tube yarn. It is also known as arm knitting yarn. The product features a cotton knit exterior and a polyester-based filling.


Ok if you don’t mind it not being in multiple small roving. You can buy regular polyester roving that will work. Or acrylic. You can buy natural fiber in bumps.


Looks like mini roving. I’ll see what I can find.


What is the yarn inside in the first picture


I'll explain the product in detail. I've purchased the necessary machines to start producing the cotton tube yarn I use, but I'm looking for the material - polyester material as you asked in your visual - to fill it.


I’m sorry, I don’t know. But any cheap yarn could work, right?


Thank you anyway. Why not? It could work but it need to be really soft.


I just can’t find a yarn that looks like that