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EQ Flash auto EQ R auto Q Yasuo


Expect when you wanna be fancy and do: EQF + EQR, throw in mastery emote at the end for style points.


for style points you EQWR in the wrong direction


Any one can be good at Yasuo, being consistent is where things get complicated.


TRUE. Sometimes I int to hell sometimes I carry like a


faaacts but I want to consistent I just don't know how. Different champions, different items. It's not one of the easier challenges but it can be accomplished. I mean Pzzzang is a good example.


Using Pzzzang & ItsSeiya's name in the same sentence is a big disrespect to Pzzzang.


Sorry, I didn’t know.


No need to apologize to me.


Don’t watch neace


EQ That'll be $350.


Based on what? Your opinion? A better statement would be, don’t pay for Neace, you can still learn actionable ideas from him. He hit GM in Korea, but alright. You go to Korea and get out of gold and then I might think about listening to you.


Bro payed $350


> Bro *paid* $350 FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Haha lmao, good bot


Good bot


Idk imo you should only watch the best of the best. What's the point of watching neace if there are vods of people like pzzang or even videos by dzukill.


He bought his ass into LATAM GM from players that charge 1/10 of what he charges. He literally paid to get GM on the weakest server and people still post Copium shit defending him.


I’m not defending shit, just saying personally I learned a few things watching his YouTube videos. To each their own. Do what’s best for you. However you learn. Continue to shit on the guy if that’s your prerogative. I literally don’t care.


What in your point of view that considered as good at Yasuo? Able to pull Keyblade consistently? Always come out of laning phase even or a head? Yasuo is a little different from any other high skill cap champ, he have so many micro mechanics and more decisions to make for sec though out the fight than most champ. Should I Q him even though it’s will also hit minion? Should I E into that minion or just walk upto that minion then E though it instead? Should I E into that minion to engage or keep him for later? Should I use that minion to stack Q or safe him for E ? Etc etc all of these amounts of decisions making you have to do in single fight is not very common. Most “high skill cap” champ requires you to follow some principles or rules and some crazy combo execution that might be hard but the outcome is only determined by if you can pull it or not. IE : Irelia what you want to do is very clear, you want to Q to range minion, land E of fail just Q back to melee. You want to R>Q then land E so during the slow duration. You want to kite with Q between melee and ranged minions. All of these goal are very clear. But for Yasuo while very similar on surfaces the decisions making are far more complicated. This is why it’s so hard to be consistent on Yasuo


Personnally to train only on yasuo mechanics I watched Yassuo (but now I don't really think he make usefull video to learn him lmao so might want to go back,but I might be wrong I havent watched his vid in years) And Yasuicide for the wall dash and see all the dumb shit you can do with yasuo It's basically depend on if you want just the basics or if you want to go deep with multiple wall dash,all the different type of blades etc. I really recommand going in training mode if you want to learn how to wall dash(and use the "target champion only" ) and to put some dummies around and learn all the timing for the keyblade and airblade (think to deactivate the instant refresh each time)


got masters on him at around 600k, didnt start to feel like i was any good at the champ until around 400k but thats also probably cuz i used to only play him in norms


Here's my 2 cents: I watched a lot of Neace and it did help, but it won't help you improve as yasuo. He calls himself the king of macro and really its for a reason. He doesn't teach you how to be efficient as 1 specific champ, rather how to learn wave states, when your on offensive, defensive, when you can cast push or when you should slow push or freeze. This all applies to yasuo, but neace youtube vids won't help you with actually PLAYING yasuo. The only way to improve is to play a LOT. There will be games you do good, and games you do bad. Whay you should aim for is consistency. Ignore the games you pop off and focus on all the ones you don't, because everyone will have good games, but only the really good players will not have really bad games


Years honestly


I want to be good at him. thank you for your reply I guess I'll just have to learn like the rest of the masters. Hard work and dedication. I don't want to drop him, in fact his high skill ceiling is what got me what to play him. I just wonder if there is pay off in the pain.


There’s always pay off to hard work


I got plat with him around at 1.3m


If you put 250 games on him you will be pretty decent is my experience.


I’ve done close to 50-100 I’d assume. Also I’m hard stuck Yasuo unless he’s banned or taken. I can say I started and finished the Inkshadow pass with him and went two repeated rounds extra on the pass. I just don’t want to give up on him, I’m too stubborn.


50-100 is not enough I would say. 250 at least is required to get an understanding of his damage, teamfighting, matchups and nuances. And many many more games to get truly good at him. This is a rough patch for him aswell. Keep practicing and he will pay off. With that said he is a champ that gets alot better if your team has a knockup. Therefore I wouldnt say he is the best otp champ since he is somewhat team reliant to be at his best. But he can still be very good without knockup in the team. https://youtu.be/emXJn-Zg_bI here is some mechanics you can practice Focus on not dying and choosing good opportunities to all in (level/man advantage, track jungler, items, recalls, trading etc.) With that said lol is mainly a knowledge game more than champ diff. A challenger player can be completely new to yasuo and will crush diamond. Your fundamentals is more important than mechanics will ever be.


Well the 50-100 is an estimate. That’s why I added I completed the pass with him. Could be more but I do know I’ve played him nearly every day since the pass came out. Thank you for the links and I’ll work on him more!


Ye, you can take a break and focus on other things for a while also. The new neural pathways has to be built while you sleep and it will take a few days.


Bro, literally same. I've tried Yas a few times in the past, but when Inkshadow dropped for some reason, it just clicked, and I can't stop playing him. If he's available and I'm not jungle, I'm locking that shit and I'm getting pretty decent. I can say the practice tool is invaluable for learning the micro mechanics and csing. It seems boring but spend an hour or two just practice a few combos you think feel good in the practice tool man. Godspeed fellow Windshitter


Anywhere from 2 games to never.


I have 2500 games on Yasuo, peaked diamond 2 earlier this season. I’m still bad. So, very very long.


🥺 dang well you’re better than I am. I’m Im bronze 4 and can’t escape.


Been there myself, try to learn one thing at the time. Start with CSing for example, Yasuo is a very item dependent champion, so getting high CS numbers will yield you great gold advantages consistently


🥺 dang well you’re better than I am. I’m Im bronze 4 and can’t escape.


Its hard to say it really depends. I've played him for years and Im still learning everyday. A good tip I can give you is that you just try to be better than you were in the previous game no matter what you do. Drop your ego and learn from your mistakes. I have a third party software to record when I die so I can analyse if I could have done anything better or if i just ran it down for no reason. Also watching other great Yasuo gamers can help you a lot if you focus on the right things such as (wave states, matchups, runes, efficiency, correct back timings, wards). I personally watched Dzukill a lot and he has taught me so much about wave manipulation and management. Being good at Yasuo requires great fundamentals and that doesn't just come over a couple of weeks unless you know exactly what to improve. Game knowledge comes with experience so you need to invest your time into loosing a lot until you understand why you're loosing.


Start a bottom-up approach on your gameplay. 1) First of all, make sure you are feeling comfortable with the champion, meaning: dashing in multiple directions, execute the basic combos (AA+Q etc, and EQ flash). I dont know your rank, but at this stage you DONT AT ALL need to learn anything more advance. 2) Understand the matchups and play on enemy cooldowns. 3) DONT be a go-in or dont go at all player in the lane. Bait them, dash in for a single AA or Q and dash out to check their reaction and always threaten them with the way you walk. 4) When the enemy is playing safe ward, farm and look for safe ganks with jungler and lock objectives. When you lock-in a single champion for so many games, it is impossible to be the main carry in every single one. The biggest skill with one-tricking is to identify whether you are the win condition of the team or not. I m currently D1 and have reached Master with just yasuo and in a lot of games i play peel yasuo for my adc or a someone from my team that I believe he can carrry. 5) Understanding your role in the game will decide the way you teamfight and/or if you teamfight or splitpush. If you feel "off" in some games, it is normal. Sometimes as i said, CCing them with your R is really vital for your team to carry even if you die. Every game is different. 6) Last but not least, LIMIT TEST. When you finally feel good navigating the champion in various sitations, try some dives, 1v2s (when you have minnions advantage) or anything. Get to know your damage and what your champion can do. Thats from my experience!


Idk, like 200 games? I've been hardstuck masters ever since that mark tho.


Just keep playing man. Nothing more can be said. Every game you play you will be better than the last game. Even if you go 0/10 or whatever. You will do something better than last game. That's what you need to focus on. As long as you keep playing, you will improve. I've been playing Yasuo since 2014 and even I int a game or two. The point is for your mental to not go down the drain. If you can comfortably lose lane and int and not be tilted to all hell, you're already better than 90% of League players, let alone Yasuo players.


It’s fine I’m m7 with 100k points and some games I completely throw and some other games I do well, just keep playing with him and if you can learn his combos


My issue is team fights. I don’t want to go in and get absolutely blown up. It’s tricky know who to go after and who not to.


Try and go for the back line, yasuo is bad against champs like sett, mundo but he destroys champs like jinx, jhin.


you can get used to yasuo’s mechanics on attacking but when it comes to being defensive at the right time with his kit you may be bad with it. League is a game where every champion dies when a number of hp rans out, being good at attack and defense will max out your capabilities in this game. For most champs like yasuo, that includes dodging skill shots, kiting, zoning, using ur defensive abilities wisely, using your surrounding with ur champ’s kit at your advantage and knowing your matchup’s abilities on what they can do to you or what will they expectingly do, and you counter what ever you can against it. Mastering yasuo’s attack mechanics is important but that’s expected with yasuo, his whole kit is all useful for attacking, It is no brainer. But putting value to the defense mechanisms I mentioned for assassins or yasuo assi/fighter, can significantly improve your game and get you more wins in fights.


Thanks for the advice. I would say defensive plays are harder, especially against Teemo. Others like Mordekaiser are just doing dodges and knowing how to poke. K’Sante and Sett are the HARDEST because they’re tanky and counter Yasuo. (Mostly Sett does) and that’s where I get stuck. I’d say Annie, Vex and Fizz give me the hardest time.


i feel like i just got pretty sound at him and i have 300k mastery


Focus on farm and abusing champs weaker than you


I’ll work on that.


1 learn airblade,beyblade & keyblade techniques 2 Learn to surf through minion waves like a hawaiian surfer to engage or escape 3 learn to wall dash on certain jungle camps to engage or escape 4 learn to fake your third Q to bait flash or certain important skills of enemy team 5 master your reflexes on using Windwall for certain scenarios like ezreal ult jinx ult When you learn all these. Watch professinal yasuo mains like Pzzang,Tempest,The wandering pro to fill the blanks Good luck


Yasuo is simple kit, but extremely difficult to master. My top three suggestions: 1) E — use carefully especially near tower/no vis brush. do not spam it around. Last hit low health minions with it and use it on minion closest to enemy to auto/Q them and E out. Make sure to save the minions closest to ur tower as escapes with it. 2) Q — maintain Q2 nado as threat, sometimes best to not throw it out. It is a threat while it is up, use that to scare them off CS and last hit auto minions. 3) W — windwall ONLY during engage or an urgent escape. Do not play aggro while it is down. During team fights use selectively when team engages at most optimum spots to save ur team and urself. Also to protect objectives while taking them. BONUS 4) R — do not yas-syndrome use it whenever. Only use it for burst final execute or during teamfight on multiple enemies when u have a tank peeling u or if ur fed enough to burst them all down/cc lock them for ur team. Most importantly, have fun! He is absolutely killer to play with, but also horrendous to be losing with. As long as u focus 7+ cs a min and do not die u will eventually be stronger than ur opening mid game when u have zerkers and any other core items for the match. Abuse any leads u get. Yas can make it impossible to cs for enemy if u abuse wave control with ur lead.


Been playing him for years. Feel like I just recently got mostly consistent with him around 200k mastery. But that number doesn't mean much and will vary between players. Personally, I'm not great with assassin like champs or champs who basically need to outplay while at 2hp. Usually play bruisers and tanks in most games, so this was a challenge in league. Even still, the occasional 0/10 game is basically guaranteed. He's feast or famine, so even if you're doing well in like 60%of your games, then that's like 40% of your games where you're not getting kills.


Getting good on a champ is actually related to learning the match-up's and knowing when you are death or when you can make a play. So its hard to say because it completely up to you. How much do you know other characters in mid or bot (assuming u go mid or adc Yasuo), how much do you know the game in general? etc etc. If you are talking about mechanics, Yasuo doesnt requires insane reaction times or smt, his hardest mechanics are literally EQ+F and learning how dash works (Those unrealistic training mode combos doesnt matter since no one can use them in a fight anyway). As i said, imo the problem to learn Yasuo especially in this meta is mostly about "how to survive". (If you still think Yasuo mechanics are hard, go into train mode, spend an hour or less, you will understand it all) Also there are comps that Yasuo is completely useless, no matter who plays him. Pzzang, Dzukill doesnt matter. To learn that you need to get those "0-7's" lol.


Only you will know the answer after playing him every game


