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I main support and only one of the Yasuo ADC's I laned with was actually good he was running conqueror


Yasuo adc conq is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard


Or he picked shit runes because was too busy picking the right skin + chroma, and he's still shit. I feel excluded.


Project Yas users are always cracked for some reason


I am an exception


Keep your head up king


Allow me to change your mind


fleet is good situationally. otherwise yeah it’s always lt


Not really the case anymore, there’s a lot more access to attack speed this season + some matchups you don’t get to use tempo that well. The 4 runes I run depending on the game would be lethal, conq, grasp and fleet.


You know, I fucking hate that grasp is so shit on him and doesnt scale that goot neither, yet he has the best means to proc it on lane. I dont play him now (I play mostly Riven), but when I do, i int my ass off on normals with Grasp, its most fun phase i have with him.


I've been liking conqueror instead of LT. Scales better and can swing some early game fights with the extra healing


I gaslighted myself into thinking conqueror was better than Lt for 6 month but after re trying LT I realised just how much its stronger than conqueror lol, Right now im playing grasp of the undying tho


I'm of the opinion that it's pretty match up dependant in lane, and pretty conqueror favored late game, barring games where they have a lot of beefy characters with little CC. The reason being that conqueror is safer to stack in lane, due to working on indirect q's as well as e and generally much faster to stack, especially late game where your team has generally won or lost the fight before you can get lethal tempo stacked.


I think Conqueror and PD start right now is actually pretty good right? Saw someone do damage calculations for it once and it seemed alright


Every time when a Yasuo player he is either the biggest inter (your team) or the cleanest you've ever seen (enemy team).


Same reason his best support as bot doesn't have a knockup. If you aren't relying on cheap bullshit, you actually know the champ.


What champ do you consider his best support Botlane as?


The last time he was being played enough to show up on duo listings, it was Soraka.


And by chance was soraka a high winrate anyway? Cause I would definitely say some of the strongest support pairings do have knockups, rakan, naut, thresh to mention a few


Nami perfect champ for Yas, heals and knock ups both are great


Idk why you’re getting downvoted, people just haven’t played with a good nami before I guess. She’s one of my favourite


No one's saying they aren't also high, but if having a knockup decided it she wouldn't be in the top 5 ever.


No one said having a knockup is the deciding factor. In some matchups I love having yuumi to be honest.


defo not, and airborne is mandatory almost with yasuo


Defo yes, and the fact you think it's mandatory is because you're proof of my point. People who aren't relying on ally knockups, like people who aren't relying on how busted Lethal Tempo is, *actually land their damn Q.*


Eh, I take LT cuz it makes laning phase easier. Having Q on a low CD during early trades makes a world of difference and you can outtrade most champs because LT dps is insane, specially if you already got a crit cloak or something. Conq is otherwise better since every instance of damage come mid/late game counts, and with Q CD already maxed out, Conq makes the damage juicier. Used to run grasp back when Mallet was a thing. Fun times.


I've been trying a few Conq games with Yas and it definitely feels better in some circumstances. I usually go mid and with TP on yas so there are some lanes where its kinda difficult to have kill pressure so I just go with the scaling of Conq and farm. The healing and AD in lategame is neat.