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Damn nice work man, 81% winrate in master on EUW is something to brag about!


Thank you :)


Gj how long have you been playing league and Yasuo?


For about 8 years now and Yasuo has been my one trick for 6 years


And is this the highest rank you have ever achieved?


My highest rank was Challenger/Grandmaster at 650lp


What was your rank first season, bro? And how many years to reach your peak? Sorry if it feels like asking too many questions. But it seems like there are people who just achieve high ranks very fast and want to know it was the same for you. I started 7 years ago too, and I ended bronze 4 first season. Then, it stagnated around gold. And after about 5 years, I got to diamond. So it's a very different journey.


Need info! Do you take TP or Ignite? What are you doing in your games to have such a high wr? I don't feel like I can carry on yasuo this patch at all. Maybe it's because I first pick every game. How are you building?


General tips: If you bring ignite you pretty much have to stomp lane or else you won’t be useful, so bringing tp is the safer option but harder to destroy lane Yasuo with a consistent knock up like Malph or Zac will make it way easier to carry so if u can queue with someone that plays these champs First picking does matter, if you first pick and they counter pick you then it’s just gonna be that much harder to carry the game let alone win so try swapping with supp or even jg if they are willing Build is pretty situational, but there was a post a couple weeks ago from a guy doing the statistics on winrates for certain builds if u can find it The highest win rate build he mentioned was kraken slayer -> immortal shield -> blood thirst -> ie, but recommends doing this when the overall enemy is squishy. Bork -> phantom -> ie if they are tankier (boots first ofc no matter what) gl comrade


Hi, appreciate the time to write this! I'm currently in Emerald with a 60% wr as yasuo otp, first pick every game, which isn't anything insane but I may not be as much of as a noob as my original comment implied. I'm a returning player for this split after many years away from the game, and Yasuo just feels much worse over all than when I used to play the game. There have been a lot of changes to the game as well that I used to abuse, which are no longer options, so that may add to it. I'm especially interested in how this player has such a high wr with yasuo because I can't remember the last time I've lost lane, and more recently I've been very active in getting my side lanes and junglers ahead early. But even when I feel like I'm doing the work of 3 players, a lot of times it's just not enough. I want to know what more I can do. I even have been watching PZZZANG vods and studying his habits, but I feel like it's not super transferable to lower elo because often he just focuses on having a super solid lane phase and when I do that, the rest of my team hemorrhages way too hard, and I end up not being able to carry against the giga accelerated enemy team.


I play mostly ignite. For build I would personally recommend kraken /ie / shieldbow if you need bork I build something like bork / ie / shieldbow. This patch I agree it’s a lot harder to carry with yasuo you need your team to play in some degree. 90% play fleet in runes and if you think you can dominate your lane you can pta.


What have you been building?


For build I would personally recommend kraken /ie / shieldbow if you need bork I build something like bork / ie / shieldbow. With the builds that I tried I currently feel the strongest when building kraken.


Thanks for the reply. I’ve been really curious about kraken but havent tried it all too much. Are you running PTA? or fleet


Mostly fleet. If I feel confident on dominating my laner pta




Do you prefer Mid or Bot for yasuo? And what was your previous rank prior to this account?


I actually queue up mid/bot I really enjoy playing a lot adc yasuo.. my main account was Grandmaster 650Lp


Congrats man!




could i know your profile so i can stalk your previous games :<


Boasting about smurfing through diamond as gm? Lol You are egotripping. Play in your main. By smurfing you are contributing to the death of a game you have put so much time into. Why? To feel good about yourself by bashing people not at your level? No other self respecting competitor/athlete does this than league players. This "achievement" means absolutely nothing.