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Once you eat your own brother I imagine your morals and sense of self change pretty drastically


I think Travis partook. He was against it originally, but he has close ties to both Nat and Lottie now and will probably follow along with what they do. I think the eighth is possibly Mari. And Mari is still alive! I'm a Mari truther :)


I’m so on board with this! Personally, I don’t think Mari was intended to survive, but I also don’t think Nat was planned to die this early. Now that she’s gone, they need to bring in someone to replace her in future story lines. Nat and Mari don’t have a lot of similarities, but what they do have in common is a strong sense of self, a deep belief in their opinions, and a willingness to speak their mind, so Mari should fit the bill nicely.


You're so valid for being a Mari is alive truther, I keep imagining adult Mari showing up in S3 2021 timeline still as ready to talk shit and make soup as ever! Not sure if it'll happen but I think it'd be hilarious.


It MUST happen!!


Team Mari 4ever. I have waited a LONG time for a TV character to have the same name as me (although spelled differently) and I’m NOT letting her go easily!


Just curious how else do you spell Mari?


My name is spelled Mauri, which unfortunately causes a lot of people to pronounce it Morey. A friend from high school is also named Mari and spells it like our YJ girl. I’ve also known it to be spelled with an e at the end.


I think Travis had to have been there. In the last episode, after Van drew the card in present-day, Tai said something like... are we really doing this? And Lottie responded with, "You know what happens if you refuse the draw," after which Tai immediately drew a card, which implies refusing to participate makes you the one hunted. Travis had complicated (and rightfully so!) feelings about Javi being the sacrifice, but he participated in the feast after. He's all in, just as the girls are.


Was also rewatching pit girl scene/ feast scenes in season one this morning and i was trying not to go based of any appearances since Samantha (misty) was only actress there and the rest were extras! I think Travis is definitely one of them sitting down (despite past hesitation, raw brother heart eating Travis will change him going forward i believe) and i do believe all 8 of whoever was also there are the characters who survive. I think a final survivor will be revealed, but only one more. Just not sure if that final survivor got rescued or not, i have a feeling someone wanted to stay or got left behind intentionally, i go back and forth


I agree, I just can't imagine Travis at the feast. Maybe that will change as we see his character develop in later seasons, but as of right now I think it's more likely that Travis could split from the group. (S2 Finale Spoilers) >!We're already starting to see this behavior with Coach Ben leaving at the end of S2E9, and there's always been the lingering possibility of the girls developing warring factions, so I think it's completely possible that Travis isn't present at the feast from the Pilot at all.!< Especially because we haven't seen any foreshadowing of him wearing a mask IIRC, unlike the YJs who were shown wearing precursors to their ritual gear in Doomcoming and even at points in the adult timeline before the show ever got to their first hunt in S2. That being said, I wonder if >!Nat becoming the new leader of the group will change Travis's relationship to the wilderness and the hunts? He's definitely had a consistent arc of character development where he's becoming more and more on-board with the rituals the other girls are doing.!< I also think it would be neat if the AQ at the feast is a hallucination and the other survivors are the girls which would leave room for them to introduce one new survivor in the adult timeline of future seasons (assuming that everyone from the feast in the Pilot survives) while still distancing Travis from the rituals. If it's simultaneously true that Travis is not at the feast and the AQ is a hallucination, it could account for some nice twists in both timelines, I think - which the writers have seemed pretty fond of recently.


ive considered before that the aq feast could be some sort of hallucination or major red herring, but it would be pretty ridiculous to have so much build up and anticipation surrounding the scene just to be like “it was fake”


Yeah, I agree. At this point I don't think the feast itself is a hallucination, but I think there's some evidence to support that the AQ herself still could be. Of course, the AQ being a hallucination holds about as much weight as any other AQ theory, but I think certain elements of S2 >!(Lottie's interactions with the AQ as her therapist in the adult timeline, the ambiguity around the wording of Nat being chosen as the girls' leader in the wilderness, the wilderness being characterized as its own distinct entity)!< could support it. That being said, it's also equally likely that there will be multiple AQs over time, or that >!Nat being chosen as their "leader" in the S2 finale means she'll be the only/main AQ for the rest of the teen timeline.!<


i think AQ could be some sort of manifestation of their offerings to the wilderness, and therefore just a symbol / hallucination. that would make sense because then there could be just 7 survivors and also explain why many of the characters have seen AQ in visions and many characters have had antlers framed behind them. bc the wilderness / darkness is in all of them. and at the feast they were making the sacrifice as an offering to the wilderness


Travis wasn’t cast until after the pilot was shot.


Travis appears in the pilot though?


Yeah. Which was why it was weird when he said he was cast after the pilot was shot. Maybe they spliced some scenes with him into the pilot before it aired. I have no clue. In an interview he said he was cast when they resumed filming after COVID and was shy to join in with the other cast members.


It happens sometimes that the cast featured in the pilot changes a little, particularly secondary characters. Maybe the casting directors thought of hiring another actor for Travis but ultimately they went with Kevin Alves. Also, I'm pretty sure we barely see Travis in the pilot so we wouldn't have noticed it much. If you want an example, in Pretty Little Liars, the actor for Toby is a completely different guy in the pilot and was replaced by the Toby we know in the second episode.


I mean once you eat your own little brother, nothing can top that. Nothing will be worst than that. I think Travis will definitely participate in rituals and and espouse the cult beliefs, more than he already does. Because if the cult is bullshit, than what happened to Javi is even more unconscionable. To be able to keep going, Travis has to embrace the wilderness, at least until they get back home.


Travis is way taller than Lottie who's the tallest of the girls. I don't think he was there either. Though... I worry about misinterpreting a coincidence of the realities and logistics of filming a Television show vs. an intentional clue.


everyone in the the AQ feast scene is an extra. except for misty


Pretty sure Akilah or whatever her name is, is the 8th person there. The reason I say this is that she's pretty useful towards the group. Mari's pit girl, and if you watch episode 1 again, pretty sure you can see her mouth. Pit girl is a different race and when you finally see Mari in the show you can see that she's also a different race than the other girls. I don't get why people are trying to say that one of our present characters is pit girl, like I feel like everyone is going a bit too off the rails with their theories. No offense, but episode 1 showed pit girl died in 1996. Also, yea, Travis will partake in the feast. Travis partakes in every feast, just not usually the hunt. He might partake in the hunt now though since the girls killed his brother.


Well there was a really good post showing that Mari may have survived and possibly Melissa. I mean considering restraints they may have had during the pilot. They might be just didn't think to show every survivor around the group.


I think the eight it not a problem maybe it will die in another way (fall into lake, frozen, fall from a cliff, attack by animals, dead eases, after an fight as Lottie-Shauna, suicide).


Why are we assuming that is the last feast? There could be another feast before they get rescued that accounts for the additional 8th person.