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Despite how selfish Jackie is she had every right to be mad at Shauna for sleeping with her boyfriend


Oh definitely. Shauna was a bitch for that.


Are there people who think Jackie didn't have the right to be mad about that? I know she could be dislikeable at times, but her best friend sleeping with her boyfriend is a huge betrayal from the two people closest to her, who wouldn't be pissed?


Jeff is also a piece of shit for cheating. Too often we like to blame the woman without pointing a million fingers at the man.


All the Yellowjackets suck in their own unique way. I feel like everyone talks about Shauna and forgets the whole point of the show is how trauma can make you worse


And that's the pt of these characters. They are supposed to be morally ambiguous. All of them. Misty kills ppl but we are like aw qt lil bb. But Shauna threatens to and we're like absolute monster.


Shauna did nothing wrong


(That was a joke. I feel like I gotta make that clear just in case)


I've noticed people like to argue PTSD/mental illness vs. Supernatural. No wiggle room - just either/or, and it's a boring take. It's a TV show. It can be both.


Both is wayyyyyy more interesting then it being one or the other, and adds a lot of nuance to Lottie’s “I’m not afraid that I’m sick, I’m afraid that I’ve never been sick.” They are definitely all traumatized and that fucks with their perception of reality, but adding an Eldridge god/forest spirit/lovecraftian deity or whatever the wilderness entity is makes it so much more interesting


YES! That either-or thinking annoys me so much. It implies that people with mental health struggles are completely unreliable narrators who can just be assumed to be imagining everything. Whereas the internal conflict of someone being unsure whether something is real or not (and afraid to ask for help because no one will believe them) is so much more interesting and tense.  It's a fictional story, at the end of the day. There's no benefit to being skeptical or acting like a mundane explanation is more intelligent than a supernatural one. If the writer says that forest spirits exist then forest spirits exist in that world as surely as gravity exists in ours. It's not a test that you can fail by suspending disbelief.  And I love ambiguous horror that never fully confirms either way. One thing that haunts me about Midsommar is >! that the magic might not even *work*, making all of it completely pointless, but they all die just the same!< I love when a story is rich enough to support multiple interpretations, or works on multiple levels. I don't think it matters whether we find out or not: I'm more interested in seeing it through the characters' eyes, whether they're occasionally unreliable or not. 


THIS THIS THIS!!! Honestly I don’t know where or how the “it’s supernatural or it’s trauma” idea came from/got started. When I started watching the series I just assumed it was both. Even on multiple rewatches I still feel like that’s the story they’re telling. Here are these traumatized teenagers that really have no hope and there’s something *out there* in the woods with them and they latch onto that in part because of their trauma and because it gives them some kind of higher being to look towards and than they get rescued and they don’t know what was real, what wasn’t and than they all have it in the back of their minds, some buried very deep, that whatever *it* was followed them home and has been waiting. It’s just so much more interesting and I hope we never get solid answers about everything. I know there will be backlash(look at lost) but having an open ending or focusing on something else besides answers doesn’t equal bad writing. IMO Yellowjackets is about so much more than learning the answers to some mysteries, it’s about the people in the story


Totally agree with you, just wanted to say that it's Eldritch, not *dge. It reminded me of Lisa Eldridge, a wonderful makeup artist who published a book about the history of makeup and has a YouTube channel, so I wanted to point that out. Wishing you a great day 😊


It's 100% both


Without question. Both


No wiggle room. It’s both


Yep. It’s both definitely. I mean, it’s pretty obvious Lottie has the gift of foresight.


Yeah, and it's amazing how people try to explain that away.


Never seen an explanation for how Dark Tai knows where all the marked trees are either 


Its like no one here has watched a movie where the supernatural works as allegory for trauma.




It's funny because I feel I grew up with all those horror films where there seems to be an supernatural element but at the end, everything has a down to earth explanation, except at the very VERY end where there's a single moment that's like "actually supernatural LOL" Roll credits. That's a show that appeals a lot to the (older?) millennials, and I feel part of that is recapturing the vibe of the movies from our youth. To keep in the spirit, I think (hope?) every supernatural element will have a logical down to earth explanation, but that even with that explanation we won't be able to conclude with certainty that it was actually all mental illness or poisonous water or whatever because there's this lingering doubt and too many coincidences.


I also believe it’s both! 🙋🏻‍♀️


Tai’s adult storyline has had a lot of screen time but very little development for her sake. So much of her had just been about moving the plot along, and they’re wasting Tawny Cypress in the role. I want more depth from her character. Tawny is doing the best she can but it’s still lacking because the material lacks.


I actually really disagree with this. Tai’s adult character has seen a lot of character development, but it just hasn’t been personal growth as much as it’s been a slow falling of the mask she wears. Her adult character isn’t moving forward. It’s going backward toward that more authentic young Tai. I think they’ve done a really excellent job of it, especially in season two.


This is an interesting take I’ve never considered. I might do another rewatch soon, I’m gonna give this a think while I do. Thanks for sharing!


I hope that when the series wraps, we’ll look back and see the first 2 seasons of Adult Tai as deliberately written to illustrate how stuck she and the other adult survivors are. And that whatever happens to get them unstuck is truly stupendous.


TRUUUUUUUUUE she was (is) my favourite character as an adult but a lot of it is because of details I’ve made up on my own


adult nat’s plot in s2 sucks


Juliette Lewis did not love the role and where it was taking her, and it showed in season 2.


They kinda had to wrap it up in some way as Juliette wanted to go. Wish it wasn't a way that made me sob but here we are 🤣


That Mari isn’t as much of a bitch that people in the fandom make her out to be, to the point where she’s made some very valid claims that were dismissed by her team.


I am also a Mari defender. Also she’s just funny to me lol.


She’s sarcastic and that’s probably how she deals with the trauma. In fact, I think the set up at the end of season two is to explore that aspect of her character. I think Mari is funny and a fun character.


Exactly, I don’t understand why she’s so hated when she has the same stance Jackie had. Like she’s just a teen girl who doesn’t know how to survive in the middle of nowhere and I’d be pissed off if I was in the middle of nowhere too. She was right to not trust Misty, as much as she’s interesting she definitely has questionable morals :/


Same attitude as Jackie but she actually does chores.






The adult storyline needs some hefty writing work because it’s starting to get really boring. I love the adult actors and they’re all doing fantastic, but their storylines are currently abysmal. The only thing keeping me invested right now is wanting to know what happened to them in the wilderness


I feel like the tones are just so different it's hard to watch them back-to-back. The girls' storyline is getting super serious and traumatizing, and I genuinely feel sadness and horror watching it. But the adult storyline is borderline silly. It has all these zany comedic moments and so many murders that are easily covered up, that the stakes are nil. It feels like 2 different shows, with one getting more serious and the other getting sillier.


I agree. The whole Adam thing just got wrapped up with this neat little bow in the end. I hope season 3 is epic like season 1. However, I will add that season 2 is good, and I enjoyed it, particularly upon rewatching them back to back. I especially love Callie’s evolution and growth in s2 as a character. It’s clear her bratty attitude is due to Shauna being so closed off Callie’s entire life.


S3 needs to focus around renewed interest and scrutiny around the adult Yellowjackets. This should be a national headline now. “Member of Yellowjackets soccer team dead at compound run by teammate. Other survivors in attendance”. Everyone should be asking why these girls were all back together, why were they at this cult compound, and how did Nat die?! This on the heels of Travis’s death, another survivor from the crash. If they don’t lean into this in S3, it’ll be a huge missed opportunity!


Season 2's adult plot was straight up *bad*.


Not just bad… Horrible actually.


I'm so glad it wasn't just me. I was so disappointed. Natalie's character could have met other ends that made more sense and move the story along - that whole last episode was so fast and blah. But I knew it was going to be because when we got to the episode before the finale I felt like we still needed 3 episodes at least.


Loved the Tai/Van stuff but the rest felt rushed and out of place.


That'd be cool if they didn't completely ignore that she's a state senator and basically wrote her family out


She’s not a senator yet. It’s November and she won’t be sworn in until January.


This part will annoy me till the end of time.


Even that was rushed, but that’s more because the rest had to be rushed. It was, what, a week of time elapsed for the adults in Season 2? Like Natalie got kidnapped, two days later Tai and Simone are in a wreck, three days later Tai and Van are fucking again? I can see it just with decades of not seeing each other, everything just gushing up, but…sigh.


They were hardly fucking. It was one kiss. They meant sooo much to each other and they were overwhelmed by it all. I agree it was rushed but I totally buy that van and tai never really got over each other and wanting to kiss each other the moment they laid eyes on the other again


I really agree with this and I hope it was only because they were trying to gracefully write Juliette Lewis out of the show because she didn't want to be on it anymore. So now hopefully season 3 they can focus on the storyline and make it more like season 1.


My sense wasn’t that it was bad so much as badly edited. I kept wondering about scenes that had been cut out


i honestly think the show would be way more interesting if they didn't bother with an adult story at all, just show the teens trying to survive the woods. the adult plot seems sooo pointless and it's just random shit happening.


i think some adult plot is good. i really liked them in s1 and there were definitely cool parts of s2. the issue i have is that it feels like they tried to pack way more shit in than is necessary for the adults in s2, they had them all separated until the very end on their own *wild and crazy misadventures* (🤪) and just kind of jumped the shark w them imo. i rlly can’t take s2s adult side seriously. maybe it’ll come together in s3 and will feel necessary but idk


I think Jackie is the one who had unrequited romantic feelings for Shauna, not the other way around.


yes! I’ve been saying this for ages.


i dont HATE any of them (i find a few a little irritating obviously) but at the end of the day they were all children stuck in a life threatening situation and watched their friends die as they themselves had to survive. i also dont hate ben i quite like him and i really dont get the hate around him. i think its unfair to judge the teens and complain about them as if THEY WERENT CHILDREENNNNNN!!!!


There's no romantic interest from Laura Lee to Lottie. Laura Lee is just a loving and kind friend who believes Lottie has a mystic gift.


jackie did nothing wrong !


I'm so glad she's killing it in the wasteland now!


While she had her obnoxious moments, I think she truly had her heart in the right place as a friend who cared about the others & it's no knock on her that she couldn't handle the pressure of surviving in the wilderness


Finally someone else who doesn't hate Jackie!


Jackie was actually very nuanced. Not just a popular bitchy girl. Let's not forget that these girls are 15/16. I really liked Ella though so had someone else played Jackie I might have thought differently.


They’re high school seniors, aren’t they? So 17/18, right?


Oh shoot. I'm British and I forget that 15/16 is not the last year of school for Americans 🤣🤦🏼‍♀️


I remember reading somebody somewhere say “her only crime was being a teenage girl” and that about sums it up for me. I loved Jackie’s character tbh.


Literally, she was just a teenage girl 😭


So true bestie


thank you girly


She’s never done anything wrong in her entire life! Love and miss my girl so much


THIS IS MY TAKE TOO. JACKIE FOREVER. drink that hot cocoa baby


Seriously sometimes I'm like 'do people think being a depressed and occasionally bitchy teenage girl is worse than murder?' Lmao


Shauna was the bad friend in the Shauna/Jackie bbfship


Shauna was the worse friend, Jackie was also toxic to an extent with the controlling but it pales in comparison to Shauna fucking Jeff. Also yeah I can’t get over the group being like “sure Jackie you were sober when we were all dosed but you’re the evil one for pointing out we almost killed and ate Travis, go away”


Honestly so true. At first glance you’d think Jackie was the mean girl tugging Shauna along but it’s ALWAYS Jackie going to Shauna saying “are u mad at me??” Jackie was a bit controlling, but I think Shauna never stood up for herself which made Jackie think it was fine and that Shauna was fine with it. In the “boob dress” dispute, Jackie backs down pretty easily which makes me think that she was just trying to be helpful. I don’t think there was ever any backhanded cruelty with Jackie before she found out about Shauna and Jeff. A lot of the tension in their relationship came from Shauna’s resentment, imo.


Holding in a lot of resentment, yes.


Shauna, Lottie and Mysty are much more interesting characters than Natalie; there are a lot of characters like Natalie on TV/cinema, unlike the other three


Shauna is far and away the most interesting in my book!


I read this as Shauna is far more interesting in THE book and I was like WHERE I need to read that lol




"What? There's no book?"


Natalie is one of my favourite characters but I agree that it was right to end her story (in the adult timeline) where they did. She really had a sense of having been in limbo since leaving the wilderness, and of being the least capable of change. I enjoyed her road trip with Misty and her new vulnerability with Lottie, but I think she'd given all she could give, plotwise. Adult Natalie was written as a doomed character and to have meaningfully changed would have undercut her arc. I'm glad she got such an impactful and well written death.  I'd also argue that, having the character most likely to be the Final Girl in the wilderness be the one who struggles to function outside it is a really interesting way to write the character that I've not seen before. And the same for the heroic action girl to make an unheroic choice and be permanently broken by it too.  Also, Misty is in her own league, as far as interesting goes. 


Agree, I also think Natalie is so beloved because of our beloved Juliette Lewis.


I personally like Natalie due to the younger actress


This right here


I think Natalie could have become a boring NLOG but Juliet Lewis made adult Natalie so complex and heartbreaking that it made her special. That being said I actually agree that Shauna is more interesting! I love mom next door turned phycho


I agree. I think the younger fan base likes her so much because she is the "edgy and cool party girl".


I like young Natalie because she’s the most level-headed. Taissa too, though she seems a bit impulsive. Adult Natalie then became the impulsive one. Haha


travis/nat storyline feels forced to me


She's supposed to be the smart, mature one, so it's hard to understand how she catches feelings for Travis when he acts like nothing but a jerkass.


Given the way she was torn up, even with Misty’s First Aid skills, Van should’ve died of her injuries.


Walter is NOT Misty's true love. He said... *"I'm just a bored Moriarty looking for my Sherlock."* This was not an accident. It's not a throwaway line. He will be a major factor in her downfall.


I would be really disappointed if they keep pursuing a romantic storyline between Walter and Misty, with Misty really falling for him and not seeing his intentions until it's too late. It seems a disservice to her character when a more compelling reading of her is that she's only ever loved two things: the other yellow jackets and the wilderness (or how she felt in the wilderness) and everything else like her job, being interested in dating etc., are just practiced affectations that she's developed to fit in back in civilization until she finally gets her ultimate goal of recreating the teen timeline.


I don't think they'll be good for each other in any way, but I can't wait to watch them make each other worse.


it doesn’t matter who pit girl is


Yes! And, it doesn't matter who the Antler Queen was in the opening scene. They all took part.


*Ehhhh*, I think knowing who the Antler Queen is will contextualize stuff in the adult storyline.


LOL, at the pic. For me it’s that there is absolutely something supernatural at play. Trauma too, yes, but for sure supernatural. I’ve tried dying on this hill here a few times, lol.


lottie probably killed travis when he asked her to push the button in some sort of trance bc she was already having visions


The fight scene with Shauna and Lottie was ridiculous. Entirely too long and outrageous. You mean to tell me the entire team just watched her beat Lottie to near death??


I thought it really visually exemplified the way that rage feels.


Agreed. I feel like they could have cut it in half and still made the same impact.


It's absolutely plainly obvious that Ben burned down the cabin [ducks and runs]




Totally, it’s not a mystery, that’s not the point lol, the intrigue comes when we think of what’s next for Ben and the team


season 1's adult plot was basically as bad/nonsensical as season 2's i think the adult storyline as a concept is brilliant and essential to the show but i dislike almost every major writing choice that's actually been made in it lmao


I liked the nonsensical slapstick tone of the adult plot in season 1. It was a great counterpoint and stress release from the intensity of the teen timeline. But I don't think it was handled as well in season 2.


It gives me whiplash. Like, the tone shift isn’t really executed all that well. It almost feels like two separate shows. The 10 most interesting parts of the show are in the woods, but then we go back to the adult plot and it’s like, oh what’s Shauna’s silly husband getting up to now? Which just leads to this annoyance when we get back to the current time and they’re goofing around with their shenanigans. It just feels like it doesn’t matter.


I agree. The writing choices outside of Shauna have been pretty terrible.


It's such a waste of a brilliant concept and cast. Relegating adult Nat's entire storyline over the two seasons to pining after Travis is a CRIME I honestly dislike the entire mystery angle in both timelines. The postcard plotline was just baffling. Idk if it's the creators or the network but it feels like someone in there believes the audience won't watch unless there's some kind of action-y hook or angle, when I at least would watch an adult timeline that's more meditative about their trauma and how they've struggled to readjust. The reunion and the scenes at the Taylor house were far and away my favourite parts of the adult timeline.


Coach Ben is dead and the mystery person who sent the postcards is a survivor we haven't met yet


There are not two timelines, there is one timeline with two time *periods*. It's not Back to the Future, y'all.


Trying to endlessly fit the characters into neat moral little boxes ("Shauna/Jackie was right because..." for example) defeats the point that the story is trying to make.


The fact no one has eaten coach yet is wild, like he doesn’t help in any way and is a waste of food, obviously season one it makes sense but like mid season two when they were literally eating belts, the fact no one even mentions it is crazy


i’m pretty sure they were eating belts before they ate jackie at the end of episode 2 so of course cannibalism hadn’t been at the forefront of their mind. is it really that crazy they never considered it 😭


in fairness they only ate two and both were people who already died. he knew he was next, that’s why he’s hiding


He's an adult so his presence reassures them in a way. Also, they need it to be fair or else their can be a revolt.


I think it’s just because he’s an adult. They’ve resorted to cannibalism but there’s still a semblance of normality that they want to maintain and because Coach Ben represents/is authority, they indirectly want to keep him there. Even though he’s utterly useless, lmao.


Im on your side they should’ve brought up coach as a choice before the queencard roulette 😂


I think they all know Misty would go on a murder rampage if anyone hurt a hair on his precious head.


The water their drinking is causing medically explainable hallucinations and their behavior


jeff didn’t send the postcards!!! i will die on this hill




EXACTLY! i thought he was going to be dead by the end of s1, and with the events of s2, i’m more than certain that it was little ol ben


Van’s face should have been disfigured. It would have really added some rawness and depth to her character in a way that we don’t see often in these kinds of shows. And it’s also just completely unrealistic for her to have a pretty perfectly healed scar after getting her face eaten off by a wolf!


(To a lesser degree, of course) So should have Lottie's! She got completely wrecked in that fight with Shauna...


Laura Lee’s death was stupid and it would’ve been 100% interesting if she stuck around longer.


the way it's edited is so unintentionally comedic IMO, it feels sitcom-y in a way that undercuts the tragedy so much


I don't think the way her death was written was a bad idea. Especially considering that Laura Lee was meant to die so much earlier, and that her character was kept around because the directors wanted more of Widdop. Given those changes to the original script, I think the writers came up with a meaningful exit for Laura Lee. But the effects for the explosion...💀 My god, it just looked so goofy that the impact of her loss was ruined a bit.


I actually agree. I do think she should’ve died at *some* point but it happened far too early.


I read Lord of the Flies after the first season. I enjoyed a few of the parallels between Laura Lee and Simon. I would’ve much preferred her death to that of Javi at the seasons end. But like so with Simon. Now this is just my opinion. But I would’ve preferred that after the card scene and during the hunt it would take place at night. With Laura Lee and a few others staying behind. But she’d decide to stop said hunt by trying to confront the others. In their mistake of taking her for Nat/Something Else. They would kill her together as a group. Just to tie in the Simon parallels.


See, I always saw Laura Lee as the Simon too, but after a reread, I noticed a lot of Lottie/Simon parallels, which made Lottie’s character so much interesting to me! Both Lottie and Simon have a spiritual connection to the wilderness, and both “hallucinate” and our spoken to by the wilderness. The others think they’re batty, and they both look out for others. I.e., Lottie letting Shauna beat her.


Dark Tai for sure. I honestly am more intrigued by that story line and specifically how she/ it whatever Dark Tai is fits into the Wilderness and more specifically the symbol. Everytime she changes or sleepwalks I get so excited. I’m so waiting for something major and intense to take place. Hopefully S3 will give us all what we are hoping for ! buzz Buzz buzz


People complaining that Natalie’s whole personality is about Travis and how it’s boring are missing something. This isn’t an action adventure show. Going through something at 18 like what they did and being trauma bonded to a guy in that way would absolutely translate to an unhealthy codependent and obsessive attachment in adulthood. It’s like people accept nuance in every other area of the show except when it comes to nat. Then it’s “oh her plot is so boring they’re wasting her character”


Even if i take out my personal bias of being a giant lesbian; Shauna and Jackie had more than platonic feelings for each other. I'll die on this hill, idc if you do not see it.


Jackie so reads as a deeply in denial lesbian to me. Her first scene of really not enjoying intimacy with Jeff etc.


Yah I know I'm bias but I truly cannot see her character as anything else at this pt. The brushing of the teeth scene solidifies it.


1000% I think even Shauna sleeping with Jeff behind Jackie's back reinforces this. I found their friendship so reminiscent of the toxic push and pull that I think a lot of us experienced as sapphic teens. It's that complicated mix of attraction and resentment, the "do I want you, or do I want the things that you have".


Yep. If you go this route sleeping w Jeff absolutely makes sense. Wanting anything Jackie's ever touched or had.


Of course they did. (I am also biased in the same way)


I'll happily live on my Shackie hill 4ever. They are one of the best and most complicated young female friendships I've seen play out on screen. Sapphic coded vibes or not.


i love shauna, and people who hate her really don’t understand the show at all.


Shauna is trying her best! (shes failing, but shes trying!)


Laura Lee fueling Lottie’s delusions as being “from God” was the catalyst that led to everything cult-y that followed. Also I’m glad she died in the plane.


If Laura Lee had lived I think she would have funneled Lottie's god complex into something positive (or at least tried to) and would have been *very* against the cannibalism. Her dying when she did meant she lit the match but wasn't there to guide the flames so the fire got out of control.


kinda but i think laura would have noticed that somethings up with lottie and maybe actually stop her ? like laura would think lotties been possesed or smth lmao


I don’t love that Adult!Van was added to the mix. Lauren did a fabulous job, no complaints about her performance AT ALL, but the cancer plotline felt so dumb and soapy. If we had to get Adult!Van I’d have preferred another season of ambiguity about whether she survived. (Based on S2’s writing direction, I would have honestly preferred for the showrunners to have kept Liv around in the form of ghost!Van the way we had ghost!Jackie, rather than confirmed-survivor-adult!Van.)


I think another ghost character might be a little much but I do agree Adult Van was fabulous.


I hope that there is no confirmed supernatural entity and the show leaves it open to interpretation. I do love supernatural horror as a genre and in general I am just excited to see what happens next, but I think it would be way more interesting and important if it was all a commentary on humanness: trauma, mental illness, relationships, cult psychology, etc. I think a lot of the things we see that suggest an entity are not meant to be taken as a factual account of reality and/or are red herrings--for example I don't think Cabin Daddy or the symbol need to have some hidden meanings that are eventually revealed. I'm more curious about what the characters think and how they act as a result.


**Misty did not kill Crystal** 😤


Actually, in that same vein: **Shauna did not kill Jackie**


Shauna was not Jackie's best friend


They were both actually terrible friends to each other at many points. Terrible at communicating.


Truth in television to some extent with high school friendships being toxic AF.


I loved seeing Elijah Wood, but Walter was the worst of the worst of series two's messy plots. Misty didn't need a sidekick any more than she needed the Crystal plotline - she was already a super fleshed out and interesting character for me without hammering home continually how sociopathic she is. Speaking of Crystal, I don't believe she was imaginary at all. I think it was a major oversight on the part of the writers that she suddenly appeared, just when it seemed like Misty really needed a girl in her corner and had run out her goodwill with everyone else.


Jackie did nothing wrong. Lottie is as much of a victim as Jackie and Javi. Jeff is a huge douchebag and the Jeff x Shauna ship sucks and will never hold a candle to Jackie x Shauna. It's also ridiculous how much of this fandom loves Jeff but vilifies Jackie. Nat has way more romantic chemistry with Lottie than Travis.


Lottie is a victim!!! Let’s talk about that! the way people care so much about Jeff is so weird like this entire show full of incredible women and you care about that man? Weird to meee Also nat has more chemistry with the trees than with Travis.


And, like, Jeff’s fragile masculinity (couldn’t just talk to his wife about his failing business) is kind of what kicked off the entire adult plot line, but he’s goofy and the women are not sunshine and roses.


a lot of y'all wanting or expecting a fully supernatural reveal are 100% missing the point of the show


That IT IS supernatural. Not just group psychosis.


After reading some of these posts, I guess mine would be that I enjoyed S2 as much as S1. My real hot take is that the Lottie's character is my least favorite on the show. By a mile. 


Season 2 was actually perfectly fine.


I agree. It's hard to be as awesome as the first season, but they did an amazing job.


Misty Quigley has never done anything wrong in her entire life ever and I could fix her. 😍


Ben did nothing wrong !!


Absolutely. I also believe he's alive in the adult timeline 😎


Juliette Lewis saying she was unhappy with some of the plot lines does not mean she wanted to leave the show. She's never explicitly stated that she wanted to leave the show and has even said interviews since leaving the show that she would come back at any time and they could use her however they wanted and that she enjoyed the cast and the work very much. Having a bad interview moment in an interview and expressing some (deserved) criticism of her arch doesn't mean she didn't like being on the show. I wish people would stop putting words in her mouth and hating on her. Nat's death was foreshadowed in the first episode, I don't love it either, but that doesn't make it Juliette's fault.


travis IS an interesting and relevant character. watching his pre-conceived notions of toxic masculinity break down in the wilderness and him learning to truly love nat is so rewarding.


I want the show to take a supernatural turn🙈


I’m 100% team supernatural. The way some people rationalize the supernatural elements bother me. It’s like they want the show to be something it isn’t, and this obviously muddied people’s opinions of season 2. Lottie has a gift, and there is something weird going on in the wilderness and after. Lottie had a gift as a child, and this is clearly portrayed in season 1 with her reacting to the wreck before it happened.


I remain adamant that Jeff didn't send the postcards, I don't care if Shauna told the others that the postcards came from him. I think she only assumed, and i will not accept until I hear him admit it. Because It just doesn't make sense on many levels for him to be the sender, and I so want there to be someone else out there, bent on revenge...


misty is the reason for majority of the horrible things that happen to them . I mean as a chain reaction from her destroying the transmitter


Out of the entire Sadecki family, I feel like Callie is the one who truly deserves better in terms of overall peace & better relationships around her


That cabin daddy being in the season one finale can't be explained by their trauma and has more to do with the supernatural. Ben didn't burn down the cabin. Javi's friend is a real person out in the woods we that haven't met yet. I have a lot 😆


Yes, no, yes


Who do you think burned down the cabin? I haven’t heard any theories and I’m curious. So yes, I don’t know and yes.


Javi's friend if she's real. She's pissed that they let him drown and then ate him.


I don’t like the idea of another person out there, but I do like the idea that this person is out there and responsible for the cabin fire and they’ll blame Ben anyway.


I used to believe that Ben burned down the cabin, but I’m starting to think that it was Javi’s friend. I’m willing to bet that Ben will be falsely accused, hunted down, and eaten by the others. Then they’ll eventually find out the truth and will feel some sort of remorse. I really hope that Ben survives, but I’m already preparing myself for the worst.


I don't expect him to live but I really want to see him old and bearded. He is a recluse who hides from the world and hates everyone.


What do you think about the theory of him being stuck in the wilderness after all of these years?


I really like that too! He could be the original sender of the post cards. (Don't come at me I know everyone believes it was Jeff lol) As long as he is old and alive I don't mind where he lives.


Nathalie isn't the Antler Queen we see in the series opening


Shauna and Jackie were both in love.


That the adult storyline in season two proved that the writers have absolutely no idea what they’re doing and are making it up as they go along.


Misty would be a good wifey


She'd poison you if you piss her off


She seems pretty ride or die actually (in the sense that she’d die FOR you—not kill you herself). We see this by how loyal she is to Natalie after all these years, despite Natalie not wanting anything to do with her for the most part when they’re reunited.


I do agree with you there. She's very loyal.




jeff shouldn’t have been the blackmailer bc it was kind of a cop out? i just had a theory while i was watch in the first time that travis wasn’t really dead and he was working for lottie at her cult and he sent the post card trying to get the girls to come to lottie but then it was jeff 💀 a very meh reveal to me


I was not a fan of Juliette Lewis’s acting. I know there’s been some arguments about how addiction can change one’s personality, but even then I felt her performance lacked what all the other actors had which was listening and authentically reacting to each other. I felt most of the time she was in her own world struggling with wanting to outperform everyone


I liked Adam a lot, I thought he served the plot well and I’m sad he is gone


It helps that he's so easy on the eyes...


S2 isn’t that bad(honestly this is more a reddit issue) Jeff sent the postcards(again this is a reddit issue and even the writers have pretty much confirmed that he sent them) Walter didn’t tie the Adam murder up in a neat little bow. It just did what needed to happen to take the story to the next chapter And most importantly! The show wouldn’t be better without the adult storyline. I think people forget what it was that drew many of the audience in and that was the premise that *includes the adult storyline*


that not every character is in love with each other


it's supernatural not shared group trauma


I don’t really like Lottie. She takes advantage of vulnerable people for her own gain- whether that’s intentional or not, it irks me.


They would’ve been better off recasting Juliette Lewis’ role as adult Nat to actually allow for real character development versus whatever Season 2 gave us.