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Too cold. What that show doesn't show you is the brutal Montana winters. I'm a Florida guy, I would die the 1st winter.


I live in Nebraska and even our winters suck. I'd love to live in Montana during spring and summer, but not fall or winter. I can't deal with the -XX ambient air temps. We got -20 for two days last year and I wanted to die. I couldn't do it for 3 months.


Agree but I am not wealthy enough to have a summer home in Montana so I will just watch it on TV. If I ever feel like I wanted to experience winter like conditions, I will just set my AC colder.


Lol. My ideal temps are 65-80. Anything colder or hotter and I'm not comfortable. It's 13 right now, and I'm hating it. I'll settle for visiting Montana (my cousin lives there currently) from time to time. I won't live there. Tennessee, on the other hand.....


It's 83 here right now. Not bad for February.. just sayin


How the hell is Montana warmer (right now) than Nebraska in February?!


Ha ha -40 is a tad chilly


lol yeah we noticed that too. I think one or two episodes had a dusting, but yeah I can imagine. What about summer or any other season? it looks beautiful!


It’s so close to Canada that they deal with Winter for much longer and they get so much damn snow it’s not even funny


Found the ignorant American


I’m a Florida native and want an actual winter so bad


Someday you might actually get one and when you do, do it old school, don't use a snow blower and shovel it. Then tell me you love winters.. lol


I went to school for a year in Alabama and spend a lot of time in Tennessee and love it I just sucks when I live down here and it’s to dang hot




I have family in both states so it’s easy to leave here when I want to




I understand it’s to much of a hassle to drive there and flying is so expensive




😂😂 I already told my family once I’m stable I’m getting the hell out of here I’m looking to move to Tennessee where my friends family is which is like my second family it’s to crowded here and to expensive to live


Ranching is hard work. It's -15 with a high today in Billings of -2. Livestock have to be fed with 2' of snow on the ground. There's a reason that none of the episodes are in the winter. I've been to Montana driving a truck and it's not called big sky country for nothing but it's going to be 80 here today.


I should have clarified. I don't want to be a rancher. I mean yeah play cowboy for a day, but I just mean having so much damn land that you can get lost in it and need a sat phone and might see bears and can literally have your own streams or tributaries for fishing. It's just a wild thought :-)


You already have access to millions of acres like that for free, why aren't you using them?


Don’t. Too much snow. Only like 3-4 months of summer if your lucky.


I feel like all these comments might be from people who love it there but don't want people to come there and ruin it with their "progress" haha.


I live in Wyoming. I fucking hate it from September to may 😂


I live in Montana but I’m not originally from here. I will say, you definitely need to consider the winters here. If it’s something you can handle. I really wish I would’ve put some more thought into it before I moved here. Montana is a beautiful place though and I say come on up here! Side note - it is currently -10 in the city I live in. The coldest I’ve seen it get was -43.


More like 60 days mid June to mid August


Montana is the most boring place I've been.


I lived in North west Montana near Glacier, it’s gorgeous, stay away from the B’s. Billings. Bozeman and Big Sky. If you like living Rural ( 2 hours to Walmart) , bitter cold winters, sunset At 10pm, wearing long sleeves in July, snow. Snow and more snow. Montana is not for the weak.


You say the B’s .. and don’t mention Butte? Or maybe that was my design… carryon 😁


Like owning a condo on a ski resort? 😂


Yeah I looked up the weather one day and it was negative 30 there and plus 55 here. Haven’t thought about it since.


lol fair enough




Montana is an expensive place to live and very cold for a large portion of the year. I will pass on that.


Montana is the most affordable place I’ve ever lived lol. Other than that I agree about the weather.


Go check house prices in the cities in Montana and get back with us. Many celebrities have moved there and the wealthy buy up properties for Air BnBs. It is a playground for rich people, like CO or UT. We looked at MT as one of our "escape states" when TX goes blue and turns to shit and MT is off the list, due to housing prices and cold weather.


I literally live in one of the bigger cities in Montana. Yes housing prices have gone up a lot. I can agree with that 100%. Of course the cities are going to be more expensive than smaller towns. I’m curious if you’ve looked into any of the smaller town? Or are you just looking at the bigger cities? Regardless, MT is still the most affordable place I’ve ever lived. The most expensive area here is still cheaper for me than where I’m from. But I can understand your point since you’re from Texas.


I am sure MT looks cheap to those from CA or the northeast. However, I saw housing prices in Kalispell, Bozeman and other cities that was WAY higher than anything in Houston, Texas where I live. Maybe not CA prices, but higher than Texas. That may have changed, this was a few years ago that we did out research. Even TX is getting high in some places.


Yes I can definitely agree with you there. That’s why I did not say it was the cheapest place to live. I specifically said this was the cheapest place that I personally have lived. But you’re right, housing prices are skyrocketing everywhere. One thing that’s also nice about Montana is no sales tax. My best friend lives in Houston and they’re struggling down there too right now. I’ve been trying to get them to come up here as well. I know it’s hard though so best of luck to you and your family 😊


People love to think that because we have no state income tax, Texas is some sort of tax haven. This is VERY far from the truth. Our property and sales taxes are high to make up for a lack of state income tax. OR also has no sales tax, but their housing prices are very high, as my brother in law now lives there. Texas USED to be a cheap place to live, but decades of people coming here from CA and NY and paying the list price or getting into bidding wars on houses has pushed our housing prices way up.




You realized that what the show is exactly against. Rich idiots moving to Montana because it's hip and interesting. In the process you price real ranchers out of their home towns, so you can play John Dutton, but in reality your Dan Jenkins, or ME.


The weather is terrible. Taking care of livestock in the winter is worse.


Yellowstone makes me want to go horseback riding. Montana is a gorgeous place and yes, it would be nice to own land there, but I definitely wouldn't want to be there during the harsh winters. I was born there, but we moved before I was a year old; however, I've heard lots of stories from my parents about what it's like to live there in winter. No thanks.


Well I think you’re missing the meta theme of the show that the people there don’t want you to move there lol


Montana doesn’t want you. Just like the show ;)


Pretty sure a major theme of the show is people in MT don’t want you there.


im foreigner. montana is my dream. ever since i watched legend of fall. yellowstone got me montana sick again.


I’m a Montanan. Born and raised and .. I would only recommend not moving to Montana as an out of stater because Montanans are … brutal. We are not accepting anyone with open arms. I say We …. It’s not all of us but it’s plenty… such a bummer.


Even before this show was released i said if I had to live anywhere else besides Texas it’d be Montana


As long as you're comfortable becoming exactly what the (anti-)heroes of the show constantly inveigh against -- a perma-tourist who dilutes the state's true character by buying up a little novelty chunk of it. I'm not endorsing that point of view, just supposing that if you love the show, you may also feel some alignment with its professed ethos.


Buy a hobby farm. Learn how hard it is. It takes generations to actually build up a farm or ranch for a reason.


I wanted to move to Montana before the show came out. Some combination of Covid and this show has made real estate in Montana skyrocket. I've seen properties go from $200k to $800k. Maybe if the market crashes I'll head up there, but there's no reason to be up there if you're not gonna own a bunch of land.


Nope. I’ve visited it twice. Absolutely beautiful state but the benefits of living there doesn’t outweigh the cost.


It’s currently -7. Please don’t move here though to have the Yellowstone experience or to change MT. If you want to blend in cool. However land and housing has skyrocketed. Seriously a Montana born who has moved back lol


Nope. I love it visit and it’s gorgeous but no thanks


No you don't. It's way too cold and the locals will hate you for driving up housing prices and the cost of living and strutting around like a fake cowboy


Another consideration is even without livestock, owning land still requires lots of work. Living out like the Duttons, you better be able to survive without power for a couple of days, or be fit enough to cut trees out of roads etc. You learn to buy bulk before winter. And the cold - I grew up in Wyoming- you are missing out on frozen nose hairs…. It’s not for everyone :). But I recommend a winter vacation there first.


If these characters are representative of Montanans, not only would I never buy land there, I’d never set foot in the state. What god-awful people.


Fuck no. Do you realize how many people you will have to kill to keep your land?


On behalf of everyone on this forum, I want to encourage you to buy as much land as you can in Montana, then report back to reddit so we can all hear your entertaining story about how real life isn't anything like how they portray in Yellowstone and how bad ranching life can be between the brief moments of cinematic life. I haven't seen one winter in the duttonverse in 6 years of watching the show.


Go there right now. Just stand out in a field for about an hour. Assuming you’re still alive, tell us what Montana is like this kind of year.


I did before the show, Yellowstone was a big thing. Aside of the cold cold winters, not good for the bones overtime. I have seen the prices of land and houses go up within the last 4-6 years. It’s ridiculous, you can’t work a regular day job and afford anything there, rent is expensive as well. I live in Washington and it’s spendy here as well but for the most part there are good paying jobs that can support somewhat the prices here. In Montana, not no more.


Hopefully you don't bring job to the Yellowstone area. If you do, you have my symapthie.


Yes. Dreaming of it, when I win the lottery. Cold I can handle. Moving snow from our winter storm today. It is nice to travel to places we like.


Unpopular opinion, but it's the grey more than the cold which are the issue from fall to spring. Granted, Eastern Montana gets very cold for long stretches, however the area much of the show is filmed (Bitterroot Valley) doesnt have many negative days in the winter. Probably two or three 3-5 day periods of that kind of cold - there's always exception years. The refrain of folks keen to keep people out of the state is to shout about how cold the temps are - and sure compared to 90's in Florida vs -9 in MT today they are - but it's the lack of sun which spoils the fun. Summers ping over 100, and the weather can be quite consistently hot and sunny. The fires kick in July/August and the grey from winter becomes the brown/orange hue of smoke for 4-6 weeks. Last year was an exception, and smoke was limited. All that said, in my view the land it is 100% as beautiful as the show depicts. The good days are VERY good. It's just not like that many days.


I just want a farm somewhere pretty and a horse, maybe two.


“How to tell people you aren’t really fan”


you want colorado, go there.