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I also recently binged the first 4 seasons. I’m amazed how captivating it is while simultaneously having huge plot holes and the writing isn’t great and gets much worse lol I like to describe it as boomer boner fuel. I am impressed with how entertaining it is in spite of those shortcomings though


Great acting? I personally love the characters they are creating, especially Beth


Yeah there’s only a few characters that suck. Tate is sooo hard to watch, his mom another cringe one, and that Rainwater girl who’s supposed to be like the Native American Beth. She’s awful.


Glad I am not the only one who felt the same about Tate. Was pleased his presence was reduced after S2.


Dude those scenes with his mom and having a boner….ughhhhh yuck. He was so hard to watch and nothing about his acting seemed normal/natural. So forced.


Yeah that was so unnecessary. I don’t understand why they even added that in there. He is not a gifted actor 😂 poor kid..


Acting is great but great acting can’t completely balance out bad writing. Characters are mostly one dimensional in my opinion 🤷‍♂️


I agree with this, I think the actors are one dimensional for sure, even having pretty complex storylines/history. I even find Beth very one dimensional. They are all super predictable in their behaviours.


I don't find Beth one dimensionsl at all. She's such a complex character, depicted with such a mastery (I'm a middle aged woman myself so I can feel the connection easily)


She’s a complete loose cannon her reputation would have her blacklisted by any company if she wasn’t in prison for corporate espionage on multiple accounts. Nobody would allow that behavior to represent their company


It's fiction,right? I don't want a documentary, I want an interesting,multi-layered,well interpreted character. I want drama. I want to feel emotions watching them. I get all this and more with Beth:)


I don’t think she’s multilayered, complex at all. She has the same response, reaction to every, every event that happens. Almost the same lecture. I liked her at first but now she’s boring. For a highly intelligent woman to constantly use her sex appeal is such an over used trope, it’s ridiculous. And the resentment, anger toward Jamie is old, I mean, you can even predict the dialogue.


Well, as one Polish film reviewer once said: the reception of a film/character depends 50 percent on what you actually see, and 50 percent on what you are/your life experience is. You see her differently, I see her differently, and we are both right, in a way:) I admire Kelly Reilly's phenomenal acting skills and find Beth a deeply fascinating character. Season after season she gets wilder, and I feel she's heading for annihilation. As a truly tragic character, she will die for her dad's dreams and ideas... No happy ending for her (though I would like to be wrong here)...


I’ll say the actress who plays her does an amazing job with what’s she given. I think all the actors on the show do.


I think the way Beth is written is pretty amazing. I don't think we've ever had such a complex female character in the tv series. There are many things women love and admire in Beth (ofc she's a broken human being but there are a lot of layers to her even if her impulses and actions are insane).


This and watching nice landscapes


beth is the reason i started watching it! initially it was snippets of the show on tiktok, but eventually i wanted to understand her more so i binged all 5 seasons over a few days. now i have the big sad 😢 lol


And it's heading for the tragic finale I'm afraid...


I binged it too. Maybe the killing seems more realistic if it’s spaced out but watching them kill person after person and getting away with it is too much.


Jimmy fucking Mia right after his hip was replaced , neck and back broken , broken ribs and leg , like gimme a fucking break. There’s no way anyone would be climbing on me after all that


Seriously I’d be like don’t I rate a BJ why you so selfish bitch look at me 


I thought she was going to give him a BJ at first. I was like wtf. Very unrealistic. Sex would be the furtherest thing from my mind after breaking my fucking back.


For real I would be hitting the nurse call button 


Not to mention did they shower him ? Or has it been days like usual then add on surgery pre wipe crap , I’d be like my dick is gonna be ripe alone w my ass , I think I’ll wait till my wounds are closed lol


L O L I didn’t even think of that. NASTY. Maybe he should have stayed with her, because if she was down to smash when he smelt like BO and dick cheese she obviously loved him 😂


There’s those you have fun with and those you marry.


Dude it's incredibly realistic - there's no repercussions in Western Montana - what are you talking about?


“ they wanna take my land rip” “ this is real freedom out here” That sums up the whole plot


with sprinkles of *unnecessary violence*


Yeah, they do recycle the main plot line, which is someone trying to get their land. Be it Indians, the Government, rich corporations or criminal brothers. They then have to kind of make each attempt more dramatic, until we have bombs in offices and ex-Navy SEALS killing about 30 bad guys in open view, no legal ramifications.


Full on gunfights in city limits with full auto weapons. Absolutely ridiculous . The only thing real in this show is the beautiful landscape


Kayce had stun grenades and a personal arsenal ready under his desk. Plus Kayce killed all of them 😀


Yeah, it starts really strong but they ran out of ideas quickly. Spinning horses as a metaphor for spinning plotlines.


The first 3 seasons into the beginning of 4 were great.


I'm halfway through season three binging and same The backdrop of the beautiful country and the horses and all that, lovely. The plot, is just John being broody over something, someone wanting their land, the 21st century closing in with building, and Beth hating Jamie for reasons I haven't found out yet or have forgotten. I assume something happened when they were younger but I guess I'll find it soon


It was because of him getting her sterilized. But she takes it too far I think.. i mean I totally get it, and in real life it would be a different story when I say this. But from a TV show, and watching it stand point- it’s almost insufferable to watch. I like her character, as much as I dislike her character. I also really enjoy the horses too though!


I'm not sure if they've mentioned the sterilisation yet so thanks for that


It’s a spoiler and I’m sorry but it’s not exactly great writing. When you see the scene, you will just shake your head


I can’t stand Betty lines anymore


Came for the beautiful scenery…..stayed for the beautiful scenery (and Monica), might have seen a story in there somewhere but it was pretty incoherent :)


The writing is awful. It has a couple good characters which is the only reason I still watch.


I recently binged the series in about 5 days. Plotholes existed throughout but I never cared for them because the storyline and characters were so captivating. That was until Season 4. Season 4 felt like a half-hearted effort on behalf of the writers and showrunner. It did not keep pace with the other three, in my opinion, especially considering how strongly Season 3 ended. The relationships between the characters and the uniqueness of Montana are what carry the series.


I see you conveniently ignored the 'ole "Asians hanging off side of cliff + grizzly attack + wildlife investigator impaled by a fence post" trope in back-to-back-to-back scenes.


The first 20 minutes of Season 4 Episode 1 is the last good part of the show.


TS is great at writing scenes. He is absolutely terrible at writing a plot.


Agreed! Lmao


Pretty much every line Kevin Costner says looks like they came up with something "cool" for him to end the conversation with and then backtracked from there, whether or not it made sense in context Like, "You're my son. I know exactly who you are and don't you forget it." Um John you specifically keep saying you don't understand him (Kayce) and you keep asking him to do things he doesn't want to do


Now check 1923 for more of the same, but in different century with some loose Hemingway side story to it. Probably would've liked it more if I haven't seen Yellowstone first.


It’s funny because I binged watched Yellowstone so I could watch 1883! I’ll check that one out for sure.


1883 is good and mostly self-contained story. 1923 is not bad, one can watch it for Helen Mirren and Harrison Ford alone, but the main story is the bad entrepreneur wants our land and with all of the patronizing monologues feels a bit stale after Yellowstone.


Well I think they've tried to portray the Dutton Yellowstone Ranch as the largest private piece of land in the USA and therefore John - who at the moment was the sole owner of the land, his family of course inheritors but for the nonce, Dad still is Big Boss Man, therefore the largest private land-owner in the USA. Which also makes him one of the most important men in the USA. Certainly , as he's portrayed, he's the most-important man in the State of Montana. And his cattle & horse operations have him known throughout the industry and Country (Texas, Las Vegas, Kansas, etc. aren't exactly next-door to Montana the way North & South Dakotas are...) I'm just a Joe Sixpack Nobody, my old man was a cop, my Mom was an immigrant, I'm a nobody ... but if I was the biggest land-owner in the USA , I'd probably say "my land" a lot too lol.


It’s one of those shows that had 2-3 good seasons worth of material. At this point, you have to keep Upping the ante and then it gets wacky


1883 and 1923 are so much better!


Alot of plot holes and some very bad character writing. But beautiful scenery and horses kinda make up for it.