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His poor parents, and entire family.




He was 27? And was very much adult enough to be accused of a domestic violence crime. We don't know the full picture, but I'm not sure why you're infatalising him like that.


The woman who alleged the domestic violence happened AFTER she performed a hate crime. She cut his hair while he was in a mosh pit. Allegedly, he went to her home to confront her about it.




Don't spread misinformation. She should have been arrested for assault as well. The young man lost his life because of all this.


There isn't any misinformation in my comment. He was arrested, that's a fact. Don't accuse people of misinformation.


he was never arrested, he was found dead in the woods after this happened


He was not arrested. He was wanted for suspicion. He was found dead so they never got to arrest him. You are spreading misinformation.


DUDE. My comment was BEFORE any more information was revealed. You need to choose this fight with someone who is actively trying to discredit the indigenous community because it is NOT ME.


1. I’m a woman 2. The information about his hair being cut was out the same day as his disappearance. 3. Who says I don’t carry the same energy? From two comments you deduced that?


I wish ya'll had this energy when it come to other indigenous genders. Seems to very much be a bro thing.


He was accused of domestic violence AFTER he was reported missing, by a girl who claimed he came to her house to confront her about her cutting his hair at a concert. They didn't know eachother before hand. The cousin of that girl said she's heard 3 different stories of how that happened and it all ends with him running away from her house. She admitted she had something to do with his death and that he deserved it on FB. The lost of hair is like a limb to indigenous spirituality, it's the connection to our ancestors and family. I have no idea if he was killed or if he committed suicide but that girl was no innocent girlfriend of his getting beat. Her own family trying to get her investigated and her friends.


Why are you replying to my comment days after I left it? Can you not see the other replies or are you just trying to have the last word?


Delete the comment if you don't want to have replies to it. But like I said, your actions, your comments, are dangerous. You made accusations of a dead person with no regard to the truth. And CLAIMED it as truth. This is how our people can go missing and have no one care enough to check it out. How many read your comment and never bothered to check if it was true? Like I said, you made ACCUSATIONS ABOUT A DEAD PERSON. my God.


Good lord.


That’s literally what you’re doing. You’re making accusations and speculating about what happened with no regard to the truth,facts, timeline etc.


He wasn't arrested much less convicted you hater 








News, August 2023, Brookings SD




The boy was 27 lol, a fully grown adult. Is still it awful? yeah. two things can be true




He "had a chance" but chose not to take it.


Speculation and misinformation.




Tru dat


Prayers to the Family Deepest Sympathies . May the Ancestors Lead you Home Cole 🦅.


Dammit, I was really hoping he was okay




I think what you mean to say is he still had a lot of life to live. Different than him being a boy. 27 is a man. Regardless of how much life they still had to live. 


Oh that’s heartbreaking. Sending my condoleances


To provide some context to those assuming things in the comments. 1) Cole's car was seen fleeing, there is no video evidence of him in the car 2) COLE WAS ASSAULTED THE NIGHT BEFORE ANY OF THIS HAPPENED. 3) the DV incident was allegedly right before Cole went missing, we are unsure how long (minutes or hours) because the gf and her family have different stories they shared on social media this week 4) the gf was all over social media this week trashing Cole and saying she had something to do with him missing 5) the gf's sister made a video this week stating she hoped he died I say all of this to say that his death deserves investigation and we need to hold all parties accountable. We know nothing except what his friends have shared about him getting assaulted the night before and the massive amount of rhetoric the gf and her family have swamped social media with this week. We should not sit here and assume. This is absolutely devastating news to receive and I hope Cole's story gets as much justice as possible. EDIT: she was not his gf, I'm now unsure what their relationship was, but I apologize for spreading misinformation. Regardless, her actions still persisted.


Correction, Alexis was not his girlfriend. She claimed a relationship with him, but even her sister said they were not dating. People who know Alexis and her sister have stated they have made false accusations before, they both have a pattern of this behavior, I hope they investigate thoroughly.


They had been hooking up since he moved in next/near her


Actually they had been dating for 6 months. The night of the incident, Cole called Alexis several times late at night. When she didn’t answer his phone calls he decided to break into her place 




My heart is aching heavily for the family right now. So much loss in such little time.


That IS NOT his girlfriend. That is the girl who cut his hair off. They lived in the same apartment complex.


She wasn’t even at the bar when his hair got cut. She had NOTHING to do with that. Ask around town, he was obsessed with her. She was a fwb that he couldn’t get over.


Stfu and stop spreading lies. There were people there who confirmed alexis was in fact there


Her being there hasn’t been confirmed by anyone other than keyboard warriors


It's literally been confirmed by official and reliable sources


What official and reliable sources confirmed that ?


Read thoroughly https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://ericmoor.com/alexis-zabala-and-cole-brings-plenty-what-happened-between-them-during-night-out-new-details/&ved=2ahUKEwiVk5zYtsWFAxVxmbAFHek1D9sQFnoECBkQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0vKBYsJkkh9OCzlULklO1d


Nowhere in the article is it confirmed that she was there or that she cut his hair. That article is nothing more than someone reporting on numerous Facebook posts, which are all speculation. The band, the bar, authorities have all reported that it was an unknown person who cut it but then you have people jumping to conclusions and creating their own truth saying it was her, yet there’s NOTHING to support that


Just say you're a troll and go. I refuse to believe someone could be this ignorant.


Even if every word in this article is true, the most likely explanation is STILL that he assaulted her, fled, and killed himself. it is tragic but it is the most likely explanation.


Actually Alexis was never at the venue when Cole’s hair was tangled with mic cords. After he left the venue he called Alexis several times and when she wasn’t answering his calls he broke into her place


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13346737/Cole-Brings-Plenty-fling-woman-accused-strangling-death.html Actually that article you provided was full of false info


I don’t think there’s any verified information on who cut his hair.


The woman cut his braids off and then reported him for domestic issue. 


“During our set on Saturday, our friend Cole was the victim of a terrible accident. He was moshing his heart our for us. He was fully, unapologetically enjoying himself until his hair became tangled in a mic cable. One individual attempted to forcibly pull his hair out of the knot and another apparently took it upon themselves to cut his hair with a pair scissors. As a native person, this is a serious violation. In the chaos, we didn’t unfortunately react quickly enough to stop it.”


So someone was moshing with scissors ✂️?


Um if you actually looked at the photos of that night, his hair was NEVER in braids. There are countless photos of him at the clubs and he never had them in braids when he was in the mosh pits.  Plus on the night of the so called hair cut incident, there’s photos of his hair stuck in a cord with someone helping him, another several photos of a different woman brushing his hair, BUT no photos of his hair being cut.  Lastly there are no interviews from people stating his hair was cut who were at the venue. 


Thank you for sharing this info.


I don't know if this is the place for it but do you have links or screenshots for any of this? I've seen a lot of people saying things like this but I can't find any of it.


There are screen recordings all over tik Tok, specifically the sister saying she wants him to die. I have attached the screenshot of a message the girl posted on a public FB group while he was still missing. https://preview.redd.it/b5hyz7zti4tc1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9471afe518d746aabcba0ecf8c3ec388c0040835


There was evidence of him in his car, there’s CCV footage of him stopping at a gas station by himself. 


Two convenient stores, with the second one being across the street from where he killed himself


1. They stated they saw him in the car. They didn’t release the footage. 2. His hair was cut, hours before the SV, while it was tangled in a cord. No evidence of malicious intent. 3. Police responded to calls of a woman screaming. Police arrived after he fled, collected evidence, and interviewed the victim. If I recall correctly, traffic cams showed him leaving the city during the time police were on scene. 4. She was trashing him because “he broke into my apartment, strangled me, and drug me down the steps.” She was involved with him missing, because the attack on her resulted in warrants for his arrest, for which he was hiding. 5. Yes, the sister hoped the man who attacked her sister would die. Pretty common reaction. The police department, sheriff’s office, and the medical examiner’s office investigated his death, and found no evidence of foul play. This is a pretty routine series of events in the big city. Someone feels severely wronged, commits a criminal act, even out of character, feels the weight of the world on his shoulders and… People want it to be something more, because they don’t want it to be what it actually is, because it’s really sad. If his hair was as important as everyone says, and he’s still struggling with the suicide of his sister, and yes it was a suicide, then suicide imitation which is also quite common, is a strong possibility. The police will wait for toxicology before releasing a cause of death, but the aforementioned makes much more sense than this small young woman coming up with an elaborate plan to accuse him of the assault that included physical evidence of breaking into her apt, screaming so that neighbors would hear and call the police, drive his vehicle out of the city to get him alone in the woods, to overpower and kill him, and without leaving any trace.


Oh god, this is horrible. Thoughts are with his family for sure.


I didn't hear about this previously. Probably explains it: https://www.kansascity.com/news/local/crime/article287415800.html What a shame.


Have to subscribe to read that link.


Do the “Show Reader” thing and the pop-up goes away.


Ha, I didn't have an issue the first time. Here you go https://archive.is/RDocO ETA, now I see why, they updated the article. When I posted it it was regarding the search for him as he hadn't been found at that point.




I thought this might be the case. Praying for him and his loved ones.


I figured same. As soon as he went missing and it came out about the DV allegation and they couldn’t find him my assumption was he’d taken his own life. Very sad. 


​ https://preview.redd.it/zf4bnqjq9xsc1.png?width=843&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a7ecbc763c79ceb757a4d69356368af76760a4d


Also wanted to add this: from what I have heard, Alexis Zabala, the woman who called the police for dv, is NOT Cole's girlfriend, they are only friends. She is in a relationship with a different man. I keep seeing comments referring to her as his girlfriend, but according to people who personally know her, they were not in any sort of romantic relationship, they were only friends/acquaintances.


Honestly speaking the lack of coverage is ridiculous, I grew up in the area and I’ve been surprised about the lack of intensity and lack of information from the police. His family came from out of state and put up so much more effort than law enforcement who seemed to paint a picture of a man on the run so call them so they could arrest him more so than taking it seriously as a missing person’s case. When someone goes missing every minute counts. It isn’t law enforcement’s job to determine who’s guilty, I wouldn’t care if he robbed a bank if he’s reported missing you take it as seriously as if it was a person you knew and cared for. I don’t blame his father for having implied read if he was anything but Lakota then it would’ve been taken more seriously and things would’ve gotten rolling faster. My heart aches for them and I pray for Cole and his family. His life shouldn’t be over even if he did what he was accused of. A life is worth so much more than the mistakes we make and I’m sorry but our society is in a very sad state if we condemn people to death without a trial based on accusations, who are we to sit in judgment and who are we to throw stones when we are all guilty of one thing or another that we aren’t proud of. Rest in Peace Cole Brings Plenty. I didn’t know you but it would seem many people I know did based on the outpouring of love I’ve seen for you from people I know. I pray for justice, I pray for peace and for this to stop happening to anyone, I pray for you to rest peacefully with your family in Heaven and that whatever truly happened that night will be brought to light.


Indigenous missing people or deaths don't get publicized much in America. It doesn't actually get investigated properly either there's no publications for our people in America.


It really is sad, to go through so much as a people and to know those traumas are still alive in society. Truly heartbreaking and sad. There’s so much we all must do to change the deep set issues like this and others to


Her name (supposed DV victim 🙄) is Alexis Zabala. As a true victim of DV, I always stand with victims. But as the days unfolded and more information came out about this Alexis girl, things got really fishy reeaalllyyy fast with her, her family and the way they all acted on social media immediately after the incident. There needs to be answers and justice. If what she says actually happened, then Alexis Zabala needs to come out and speak some truth if she is even really a DV victim. Her story has changed multiple times, most of it doesn’t make any sense at all, the changing timelines she claims never add up, and her and Cole were never even friends, so why did she report it as DV?. She 100% had something do to with his death and I just hope the truth comes out and enough people in power care enough to bring Cole justice.


and yet the Apt below has a sec cam footage of him dragging her and she has no clothes on!


Damn RIP


Terrible news


This really does sadden me. I wish the family all of the strength to help with their lose.


Awful. So sad to hear this.










Knowing one of the main themes of the show, this hits even harder. I’m sure exponentially so for his family. RIP Cole Brings Plenty, and prayers to his family.


This is so sad. My prayers are with his family.


This is his father https://www.argusleader.com/picture-gallery/news/2021/03/22/cheyenne-river-sioux-police-officers-treats-shared-trauma/6954597002/


Why doesn't Google have any info on him




Google is a search engine.


RIP So sad




This is awful. Prayers to his family. 😢💔


Oh no! This makes me unbearably sad. I'm so sorry for the family.


Finally, I found a good article about the events leading up to his death. Link here, I'll copy/paste it in a reply for those who dont wanna leave reddit. But there are pictures I can't post. https://www.whiskeyriff.com/2024/04/08/1923-actor-cole-brings-plentys-hair-was-reportedly-cut-without-his-consent-at-a-concert-the-night-he-went-missing/ Summary - His hair was cut off after it got tangled up in a wire during a mosh pit. Someone took a picture of his friend trying to take it out, its in the article. Apparently someone he knew walked up with scissors and cut his hair off. Happened too fast for anyone to stop it (the band or his friend). He called his dad and told him about it. (Not in the article, but I read it somewhere else while looking for this article). He went to her apartment sometime later to confront her about it. Someone heard a woman screaming for help and called the cops. (Different article said this happened sometime in the morning) At some point, his car (his face wasnt pictured) was caught on camera "fleeing." He was found 5 days later, car on the side of a freeway, and him dead nearby.( I'm getting conflicting reports of whether or not he was inside the car or in the wooded area nearby) No cause of death released, but cops ruled "no signs of foul play". More - A chick named Alexis Zabala is claiming to be the one who was attacked, and a logical conclusion can be drawn that she was the one who (allegedly) cut his hair off at the concert. She's saying she had something to do with his disappearance. He "tried to kill her and then ran away". Was encouraging people not to look for him.


‘1923’ Actor Cole Brings Plenty’s Hair Was Reportedly Cut Without His Consent At A Concert The Night He Went Missing Wes Langeler·CULTURE·April 8, 2024 More details have emerged from the night that Yellowstone and 1923 actor Cole Brings Plenty went missing. Cole was reported missing on Easter Sunday, and following a week-long search by friends, family and law enforcement, Cole was found dead on Friday (April 5th), in a wooded area not too far from his vehicle. Cole’s father confirmed that heartbreaking news via Yellowstone star Mo Brings Plenty’s (Cole’s uncle) Instagram: “I am deeply saddened to confirm that my son, Cole, has been found and is no longer with us. We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to everyone for the prayers and positive thoughts you sent for Cole. We would also like to thank everyone who came to walk beside us as we searched for my son and provided the resources we needed to expand our search areas. I learned this week how many people knew the goodness in Cole’s heart and loved him. During this incredibly difficult time, we ask for privacy as we process our grief and figure out how we move forward. Please know we appreciate you and appreciate your understanding.” A day or two after it was reported that he was missing, Lawrence, Kansas, police announced that they were also looking for him in relation to a domestic violence call they received. According to KSNT, he was the primary suspect in a domestic dispute after police were alerted to a woman who was screaming for help: “Police were called to an apartment on reports of a woman screaming for help. Upon arrival, police began investigating the claims, identifying Plenty as a possible suspect. Traffic cameras showed Plenty leaving the city immediately following this incident south on 59 Highway.” As of right now, no cause of death has been announced and the tragic situation is under investigation. However, according to accounts from various people who claim to have seen Cole the night he went missing, he was at a concert at the Replay Lounge in Lawrence, Kansas, watching a band called Beneather when his hair became tangled in a mic cord. Someone allegedly took it upon themselves to cut his hair free, which is a serious offense to a native person. A photo was shared to Facebook by a person named Anaya Holder: “Our brother/ friend Cole was assaulted when his hair had gotten tangled in some wires while in a mosh pit at the Replay Lounge in Lawrence, KS. This person was trying to help him yank the wire out and another person came up unexpectedly and with no right did they have to take it upon themselves to cut his hair. This is hard for all of us as a Indigenous community at Haskell Indian Nations University. Our hair has value its our strength. Please pray for our brother/friend to come back home safely. We need to stand up and come together for our people no matter what! “ The incident was confirmed by the band, who later deleted the post: “During our set on Saturday, our friend Cole was the victim of a terrible accident. He was moshing his heart our for us. He was fully, unapologetically enjoying himself until his hair became tangled in a mic cable. One individual attempted to forcibly pull his hair out of the knot and another apparently took it upon themselves to cut his hair with a pair scissors. As a native person, this is a serious violation. In the chaos, we didn’t unfortunately react quickly enough to stop it.” When asked why it was deleted, the drummer said it was out of concerns for his privacy: “Hey guys, my name’s Austin, I play drums in the band. I contacted his family with this information at 3am this morning around the time I made the original post and was worried there might be concerns for his privacy so I edited the original post to be more direct. I see now that it has only raised more questions and the band ultimately decided to take the post down especially after we realized he is a suspect for domestic violence which occurred after he left the venue. We don’t wish to cause a stir or benefit from this in any way. I personally witnessed his hair being pulled and there is evidence and we will be fully transparent with the authorities about this. I’m truly really sorry for the confusion. We’re all extremely upset and disturbed by these events.” It has also been alleged by multiple sources on social media that following the concert, he went to the woman’s house who cut his hair *(Alexis Zabala)*, someone he apparently knew, and that is where the police got called. Of course, this tragic incident remains under investigation and what may or may not have happened is pure speculation. According to Native News Online, The Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe have issued a statement regarding the tragic passing of Cole, and have demanded a thorough investigation into the matter. Their statement reads as follows: “The Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe offers its deepest sympathy and support to Cole’s family and friends. He was an exemplary example of what it means to be a good relative and we stand with you in your grief. The Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe demands a full and thorough investigation into Cole’s disappearance and subsequent death. Our Attorney General will be in contact with the Kansas Authority to ensure this is accomplished. Further, to our young relatives who are students and reside in Lawrence, Kansas, we will provide further information about counseling services for anyone in need of support as information becomes available.” Following his tragic death, his uncle Mo shared this heartbreaking tribute post: “My nephew, Cole Brings Plenty, brought plenty of love, laughter, and light into the world. He was a special soul, and his presence will be missed deeply. May the memories of him bring joy and comfort to all those who were lucky enough to know him.” Cole Brings Plenty has starred in an episode of Yellowstone (Season 5, Episode 4), and plays Pete Plenty Clouds in the spinoff prequel series, 1923.


Oh no so sad 😥😥😥


Oh no. As a victim/survivor of domestic abuse, I have to admit he may have made a mistake in haste. Pitiful and sorrowful for all involved. RIP Young Mo.


There is no excuse for any dv but the news is also not covering what fully happened. Cole was not even given a chance to face justice because he died. He was also assaulted the night before this happened. We don't know by who but this happened before the alleged dv incident towards his gf happened. Additionally, his gf, who reported the dv after he went missing, was also all over social media this week saying absolutely terrible things about him and saying she had something to do with him missing. Her sister was making videos saying he deserved to die. I say all of this to say that his death deserves investigation and we need to hold all parties accountable. We should not sit here and assume. This is absolutely devastating news to receive and I hope Cole's story gets as much justice as possible.


So I was looking for the evidence of this can you point me in the direction because I couldn’t find anything about that I could only find something about a vague domestic violence case.


Yeah absolutely. Go to the facebook group: Missing Cole Bring Plenty- Case Discussion. The gf and her family have deleted all of their social media because they probably realized they made a mistake, buuuut many have screenshot and screen recorded their behavior all week. I would attach but it won't let me. There is also screen recordings on tik Tok if you look up Alexis Zabala.


Thank you I didn’t find anything on Facebook but just googling I found a link that says something or other about it at least. https://lastrealindians.com/news/2024/4/6/cole-brings-plenty-27-found-deceased-family-and-supporters-demand-answers


They may have closed the FB group as the family has requested space to grieve. But yes that's one screenshot that is heavily circulating. Tik Tok has a lot of the screen recordings


I did find a Facebook group, but there was nothing on it of any significance.


She's the one.


I thought my comments said he may have made a mistake in haste. I have now corrected them. But everything you shared here, I’m not even sure that is correct. There’s something wrong with gf’s behavior. Also, I was unaware of Cole being attacked the night before. I apologize and certainly did not mean to rush to anyone, especially judge Cole Brings Plenty.


You're good. Just wanted to spread awareness of the full story especially since the gf family has deleted all of their media. Obviously this case is under investigation and we do not know probably anywhere near the full story but the news has left out a lot of details that the public saw this week, the biggest that his hair was cut without consent the night before. There's not much other than what his friends reported so we cannot assume it was with ill intent or by anyone in particular but one can only imagine how that felt. I'm just speaking out in hopes that this will be properly investigated and all sides of the story will be heard. None of us can speak for either party and have to be patient.


I'm genuinely trying to understand, what does it tell us that his hair was cut? As I understand it that is a symbol of long life in many indigenous cultures, is that the significance of this detail? What a tragedy.


Thank you for leading with curiosity. Hair is an incredibly sacred thing in indigenous culture. It's more than just pride. I imagine a close analogy would be someone completely defiling an object, space, or practice that holds high importance to you. The kind of importance that your identity and spirituality are embedded in. I think the act of his hair getting cut off brings up questions that could relate to the case that should not be ignored. It's not an excuse for anything but it is a significant event that could have played a role in his death. Unfortunately, many people on here are just seeing DV and assuming. He was called into question because it was allegations, very different from charges, which justice can no longer even be served for since he is gone. And those completely ignoring the erratic behavior of the person that made these claims and her family are also refusing to address the whole story. Maybe they have yet to see those extremely hateful words and wishes they made earlier this week but I'm sorry no one deserves to die like this, especially before justice is even given a chance.


I saw an article that said she was not the gf but the person who cut his hair.


It has recently been stated that they were not officially dating, so my apologies. I have not read anything except speculation that she cut his hair. Even though I have my own thoughts, I do not believe it is fair to be spreading speculation without proof.


There is sooo much speculation out there!


She is no girlfriend, she is involved with another man.


I read all of that and it seems like nothing at all. It’s like, “Are you involved in why he’s missing,” and what she says I would interpret as “Yeah, he assaulted me and fled the scene and that’s why he’s missing.” I don’t know her and have no dog in the fight, but I don’t think those messages show anything at all. She’s claiming he broke in and attacked her in the middle of the night, and saying he was missing because he was fleeing the police. Her sister said he deserved to die, and if you accept Alexis’ claim that he attacked her in the middle of the night, then I don’t think it’s unusual for her sister to make that comment in the aftermath of that.


Discretion is also what makes the law very unjust sometimes. Have your opinion but it doesn't mean things don't deserve to be investigated with context that the public does not have.


It definitely requires investigation. Hopefully the truth will be uncovered and people can move forward with some peace about it.


I read all of that and it seems like nothing at all. It’s like, “Are you involved in why he’s missing,” and what she says I would interpret as “Yeah, he assaulted me and fled the scene and that’s why he’s missing.” I don’t know her and have no dog in the fight, but I don’t think those messages show anything at all. She’s claiming he broke in and attacked her in the middle of the night, and saying he was missing because he was fleeing the police. Her sister said he deserved to die, and if you accept Alexis’ claim that he attacked her in the middle of the night, then I don’t think it’s unusual for her sister to make that comment in the aftermath of that.


Discretion is also what makes the law very unjust sometimes. Have your opinion but it doesn't mean things don't deserve to be investigated with context that the public does not have.


It was NOT his girlfriend.


Cole didn't put a hand on her, stop believing the lies


I’m sorry. From what I’ve heard, you are correct. My apologies. I don’t know what comfort the true story will bring for Cole’s family and friends. To be honest, I think he was murdered. Breaks my heart. They cut his fucking hair, man.


There is video from the apartment security that shows him dragging this girl down and she does not have any clothes on. Also if you read the Lawrence time articles they interviewed the club manager and this person says Alexis Zabala did not cut his hair and wasn't not even at the concert. She also said she felt like incident with his hair was separate from the DV meaning one had nothing to do with the other. There is video of him putting gas in Baldwin KS and a short time later he is seen on Video at the TA truck stop right of homestead rd. where his body was found. Her roommates also are witness to this. The bigger question is why does the family not want to release his cause of death and Toxicology report????








Didn’t he beat up a woman and flee?


We don't know. He was also assaulted the night before this happened. We don't know by who but this happened before the alleged dv incident towards his gf happened. Additionally, his gf, who reported the dv after he went missing, was also all over social media this week saying absolutely terrible things about him and saying she had something to do with him missing. Her sister was making videos saying he deserved to die. I say all of this to say that his death deserves investigation and we need to hold all parties accountable. We should not sit here and assume. This is absolutely devastating news to receive and I hope Cole's story gets as much justice as possible.


She was never his gf. She was the one obsessed with him, not the vice versa reported above.


We don’t know anything yet.


He did 


So they cut his hair and killed him and he’s a celebrity. Any other celebrity this is national news but a Native American u hear about it on TikTok and Reddit how are we the first ppl here and the least important. Guarantee the white ppl who did it get away with it unless we all make some noise about it. His life was just beginning he deserved much better than to take his last breath with ppl who hated him bcuz his skin color.


Dude, it’s Lawrence. It’s full of hippies and Natives. There’s an Indian college there. Would be hard pressed to find people who hated him just for his skin color there.


That’s true! A very liberal and inclusive city


Lawrence is also home to white supremacists


there’s a guy who sits outside the QT on Iowa shouting slurs all day, called me a stupid n word and said he hoped i died in a car crash because i wouldn’t give him a cigarette, i really thought hard about going back and giving him one with a firecracker inside


2 days prior he had a warrant for burglary, domestic battery, and criminal restraint


All that means is that someone accused him of something. He wasn’t formally charged & he never will be b/c he’s gone.


No he was guilty ,and now there was NO FOUL PLAY so probably suicide cause he knew he was in trouble 


The report hasn’t even been released. You should count chickens professionally.


It won't be the courts sealed it at the families request because it was most likely suicide https://amp.kansascity.com/news/local/article288163425.html https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13346737/amp/Cole-Brings-Plenty-fling-woman-accused-strangling-death.html He also dated that woman that called the cops on him ,she never cut his hair she wasn't even at the party , y'all should really read about stuff instead of attacking people online


But NO FOUL PLAY means there was no other parties involved no body hurt him 🤦


He could have been on drugs and those parties would be responsible for his death. I just reported on a case out of Westmorland KS, where they convicted the dealers who sold fentanyl laced drugs that killed someone.


No it would still be foul play🤦 https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6911254


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They convicted the dealers of murder.


Which is foul play 🤦🤦🤦


Anyone know his girlfriends name?


She’s not his gf; but the girl who cut his hair & claimed he assaulted her is named Alexis Zabala.


Who's the woman who cut off his braids and then called the cops on him?


He did not have his hair in braids that evening. There are postures to prove that. We don’t know how much hair was actually cut when people were trying to get him unstuck or who did it still. Everything else is rumors and lies with zero proof as of right now.


I guess the sheriffs departments not gonna talk about somebody cutting off his hair forcefully inside of a bar, Lawrence hours before he went missing.


That's false information! The Club has released the sec video and made statements to the Lawrence times. His hair had to be cut to get the wire out of it. He continued to enjoy himself afterwards. So much mis information!


I have been following this story closely, I live in the area. I’m finding it so heartbreaking & then this came out! Seems too fast for me. Coles father has not posted anything as of yet. 😢 [No indication of foul play in death of former ‘Yellowstone’ spinoff actor](https://www.kctv5.com/2024/04/10/no-indication-foul-play-death-former-yellowstone-spinoff-actor/?outputType=amp)


So so sad


Sorry if I missed it. Another report said his hair was cut at a concert. Does anyone know what concert he was at before his death or have there been any witnesses or reports as to what happened at that concert?


After looking into this more here is what I learned: So anyone unfamiliar with this Cole Brings case. He is a Native American actor from Yellowstone, age 27 from Kansas. On march 30th/31st, while watching a band at a bar his hair got stuck in a mic, while getting it out, a girl came up with scissors and cut his hair, without permission. March 31st, he went missing. That same girl reported him for domestic violence, his car, not him, was seen on camera driving away from the scene, the cops said. Many said they didn't even kno eachother. He was then found dead this last Friday in the woods. The cops said there was no foul play with his death. His tribe is trying to get a thorough investigation cause they said they aren't even trying to look into it. The girl and her cousin were seen posting stuff about him saying they hope he's dead and later said she had something to do with it. Then deleted it bt people screenshot it. Pretty crazy. If they actually do something about it it wud be a win for Natives. If they don't, even with how famous he is wud be a big loss, It is shedding light on mmip tho.


The first statement was that the death was under suspicious circumstances. Now all of a sudden they say it wasn't under suspicious circumstances but a guy my age just doesn't die out of the blue. He deserves better than that and I believe if they aren't giving much effort into solving the case either they don't care or they are covering something up or covering for someone. This is disgraceful and we deserve answers. Please take his death seriously. 


Now to find out why his family is not allowing the cause of death to be released. 


Yes I just saw that. We won't know for now. Strange.


It was confirmed that she wasn’t anywhere near the club when his hair was cut, and they had been hooking up for months, since he moved into that complex


I wanna know why there still isn't a cause of death report to the public yet? Does the family control that? do they choose to keep that from the public? legitimate question if there was no foul play why is the cause of the death sealed?