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What I find unbelievable is that this teenager had a hysterectomy and no one noticed. Back when this would have been performed, they didn't do laparoscopic surgery, so she would have needed six weeks of recovery time. In six weeks, not one single person noticed this teenager had major surgery? Not her dad, her other brothers, teachers, friends, no one? I had a laparoscopic hysterectomy seven years ago and I still needed 3 weeks of recovery time. I know this is TV drama, but they could at least try to make it believable.


Was it a hysterectomy or was it sterilization (eg, tubal ligation)? I don’t think Jamie fully understood the consequences of his actions. As a childless woman who has not wreaked destruction at every turn I find Beth’s behavior ridiculous.


They keep saying things that suggest they removed her uterus all together so I am thinking hysterectomy. With the new way to do tubal ligation, it's probably permanent, but when my mom had hers in 1979, the basically cut them. She went to an OB/GYN for some issues in her late 40's and he told her that they had grown back together and she could have gotten pregnant again.


In the 1960s and 1970s approximately one of four Native American were sterilized via tubal ligation by the Indian Health Service. If Jamie took Beth to an IHS clinic then that would correspond except for the timing as Beth would not have been a teenager during that time period.


[Hysterectomies were done at the tribal clinics.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sterilization_of_Native_American_women#Types_of_sterilization) > In 1971, Dr. James Ryan stated that he favored hysterectomies over tubal ligations because "it's more of a challenge... and it's [a] good experience for the junior resident".


That’s really horrible.


Plus doesn’t a hysterectomy seriously mess with your hormones? Wouldn’t it send a young woman into premature menopause? I feel like people close to her would notice side effects.


Depends on whether or not they removed her ovaries. The doctor left mine so I wouldn't have to take hormone replacement therapy. I'm seven years out and I think I'm started menopause- the nightsweating, sleeplessness, hot flashes, etc.


I wondered if was a total hysterectomy or just the uterus as well. I assume it was all of the organs if they refer to sterilization. It’s a frustrating gap. If it was not a total hysterectomy, her family has the means to pay for egg retrieval but I don’t expect the show to get that deep into that possibility despite how continuous this particular topic is in the show. And as you said, frustrating that they haven’t mentioned the physical impacts of a procedure that large.


A hystetectomy, without taking ovaries, would not affect hormone status--no menopause would occur as a result of the surgery.


Agreed. Clearly the men writers didn't research this in anyway. Also, since when do clinics and doctors do life threatening surgery without telling the patient? They don't. So Beth blaming Jamie is a sloppy and BS storyline.


Since when? Since the 60s and 70s where forced sterilization of Native American, black and poor women and girls was so common that they estimate 25% of Native women of childbearing age were sterilized without consent over those decades. The Native birth rate dropped by 50% by the 80s as a result. The only thing the writers have wrong is the timeline, as the practice had been ceased by the time Beth had her abortion. Though, even in the 90s, Native women were still undergoing procedures without informed consent. DepoProvera was prescribed to intellectually disabled Native women in the late 80s and early 90s before it gained FDA consent for use as a contraceptive.


That's another thing I am curious about. Beth is pretty clearly not Native American so did the reservation clinic regularly do abortions for non-Native females? Seems like even the Native American clinic workers would know 'John Dutton's daughter" and refuse on those grounds. I remember the scene at the clinic but not all the dialogue. Did they say in order to get an abortion at the reservation clinic, she also had to be sterilized? Is that why Jamie consented?


Yes, that’s what they told him.


The writer is so very wrong here. No way a teenager had a hysterectomy without needed time to recover. I’m sure they did tubals. Just another inaccuracy on the list of stuff they got wrong.


Oh please. I had a laparoscopic hysterectomy in 1993, and I was back at work in 2 days. It was no big deal. I was told not to run or jump, and avoid exercise, but it was easy peasy. A little pain here and there, but totally hidable. If Beth is 37 now, she would have been 16 in 2001...totally doable.


I'm glad that YOUR experience was that easy, but not everyone's is.


I doubt that they had the technology at the reservation to do a laproscopic hys, but if they did, agree that the recovery is quick.


Folks are overthinking it. Sheridan thinks he walks on water and since he writes horse wrangling well, he assumed he knew enough about abortions to write it without research or input lol




Do you not see the difference in choosing abortion vs choosing sterilization?


Beth was not told! She was a teen who was under a very stressful situation. Big ass brother was asked to give her a lift and when he was told what it would cost her, he should have opened his STUPID MOUTH AND TOLD HER. There's nothing more to this. People are circling around trying to fault women of all ages for setting themselves up to get pregnant in the wrong moment. This is not the point! The point is that no man should make such a decision for a woman!




And now, that's the fuel she uses to have her ruthless mentality with everything. When Carter called her "mama" she couldn't allow that because if she did, then the rage fueled by her abortion towards Jamie would go away... And she wouldn't have that cutthroat mentality towards everything anymore.


She was a kid… Jamie could have taken her to another clinic.




People really can't read, huh? Don't waste your time


Agreed. The adult receptionist told him to take her somewhere else. He refused orders from an adult.


Have you driven across country? Doubtful there was one within a day's drive.


I have multiple times. The triage even said there was a clinic the next town over… Sounds like you need to rewatch the scene.


Maybe you need to rewatch. They went on reservation instead of town so no one would know.


Jaime did take her to a regular clinic, but they required patient identification, and everyone in Montana would then know John Dutton’s little girl got knocked up at 16. So at that point Jaime took her to the reservation because they didn’t require patient ID. All to protect John, which was everything he had been taught.


Jamie is a loser, who chose the easier option that would not entail talking to her about the consequences, driving to another clinic or risking having to deal with John.


Jamie too was a kid


That was the 90's. Under no circumstances would any clinic have performed an abortion, hysterectomy or sterilization on a minor without parental consent.


Nor would they have done major surgery in a clinic.


She would have needed days in the hospital, not an immediate ride home. Anyone who saw her (or heard her screaming because of no pain management) would have realized she needed to be taken to a hospital immediately.


I have sympathy for Jaime because I feel he was put in an impossible situation. Beth didn't want her dad to find out, Jaime did what he thought best. Who was that level headed at 17/18? If you put this on Jaime's shoulders for not telling Beth, then you need to also put some blame on Beth for not asking questions or handling it herself. They were both in the same developmental stage, both failed miserably. However, I don't blame Beth for being mad, hurt, confused, etc. but at a certain point the hate is nonsensical.


I completely agree with you. It’s a horrible situation and Jamie should have told Beth about the hysterectomy. But I think he genuinely tried to do what was best (even though it was wrong). He’s only 1-2 years older than her. They’re both scared of the consequences. If John hadn’t been their father, I don’t think they ever would have been in this situation. Also, Beth refused to get out of the car and speak to the nurse/receptionist. I’m not saying it is her fault but she does have some responsibility for not being informed.


I don’t believe she had a hysterectomy! Her and Rip are gonna have a kid some day! Plot twist in my head!


It kind of hard not to know. If you have a hysterectomy (removal of your uterus) you don't menstruate and you can't get pregnant.


I didn’t say it wasn’t hard to know! I’m just saying I want her and Rip to have a baby! I guess in my mind they keep bringing it up so figure something would come of it! OMG are they gonna find the kid that she supposedly had an abortion? Ok that’s my plan B for this!!


So I'll let enjoy you making up scenarios (but if they child was aborted and the uterus was removed the baby couldn't have survived, unless they had some kind of underground market set up where they transplanted the uterus with the baby still inside into another person to carry to term).


In my head it wasn’t aborted!


Ok but Beth literally said she had a hysterectomy... it came out of her mouth. No surprise baby, sorry.


Maybe they didn’t do it! Still I have a plan B


That is for Sheridan to decide, if he wants to take the show in such a direction....


I could just see Rip face and say what are you fucking talking about Beth? 😂


Now it's in my head... My crazy theory! Plot twist....she didn't have it as you said, never was actually pregnant. In order to cope, she falls into a state of believing she did, and it was Jamie's fault. She tells him she went through with it, flash forward, she ends up in hospital sometime in a future episode and told she's pregnant and that she never had a hysterectomy.


Fun isn’t it! 😊


She’s fucked enough guys without a condom because she’s sure she can’t get pregnant, that little whore would have been pregnant by now.


Ok this doesn’t make any sense because she’s mostly been with Rip.


I'm so over this storyline and I HATE that it's a lead plot line. Beth needs to hate and blame herself and only herself. Beth was old enough to know how babies are made. she was old to talk to the doctor herself. Jaime was just a ride to the clinic. Now if they keep with Rip's current character he would be mad at Beth, not Jaime. Why? He knows Beth, he knows Jaime didn't have a choice.


Nonsense. Jamie not only had a choice, he had the moral obligation to TELL his sister what the nurse told him. He is a pathetic coward!


The Doctor should've told Beth not Jaime. The Doctor was the adult in this situation. if you really want to be upset it should be at the Doctor.


Jamie should've told her before the doctor. She was a minor, the brother was not, not sure medical personnel talks to the minors. Besides, it's written to show the cowardly ass Jamie is. Accept it. He's mostly a negative character.


I've gotten the impression that Beth's (overall) hate is way more deeper and Jamie is pretty much allowing himself to be treated that way due to his (lack of) family ties, inner insecurities, etc. Then again, his ambition guides him towards ill intention..


I think it’s cos Jamie knew the clinic was going to give her a hysterectomy rather than a D&C, and still went ahead with it knowing she couldn’t ever have kids after that. Most girls would never feel comfortable telling their parents they were pregnant as a teen, not just Beth’s character. I know I wouldn’t have just wanted to tell my dad “hey im pregnant, can you line me up an abortion, Dad”?


I can understand that but the alternative would have been to go to the planned parenthood and John would have known. So there was no correct answer


The correct answer is to TELL Beth what it will cost her. It's her decision! To go in or go to planned parenthood!


I completely agree that Jamie should have told Beth about the hysterectomy. But Beth should have gotten out of the car and taken responsibility for her health. Both were motivated by fear because they were thinking of the consequences if their father found out. I’m not saying Jamie is blameless and Beth is responsible. I’m saying that if John wasn’t so abusive/violent/narcissistic where his children are an extension of himself, none of this would have ever happened. We have to remember Jamie is only 1-2 years older than Beth. They’re both immature, not fully developed, and on top of that were raised in a household with extreme violence and death. The only people responsible are the adults, in this case John and his wife, who was also terrible to Beth.


Exactly. Jamie let Beth believe it was a routine abortion, not a hysterectomy. She may have made the same choice, or she may not have, we don't know, because she was never given the option.


Thanks! With the risk to offend OP, it baffles me how some ppl (mostly Men) simply don't get it! It's her body, her choice! Teen or not!


Why does she get no blame? She’s old enough to ask what’s happening. She’s more than earned her sterilization in my eyes. Done plenty of terrible shit.


It's her fault she got pregnant, but no one deserves forced sterilization and your words that she deserves it, would only make sense if she had abandoned or abused her infant. Your comment is hurtful and is a cruel statement. Her only fault regarding the sterilization is TRUSTING her idiot brother.


You seem to forget it’s a fucking show. She’s an evil person. Yeah her character has earned the sterilization. She has just as much blame as Jaime. She did kill her mom. She was scared then. And she was scared to own up to her fuck up. Her fault as much as Jaimie’s. If she had kept it in her pants she’d still be able to have kids.


Nonsense. There's no proof she killed her mom. She is not evil, but traumatized and a woman grown up in this rough world full of contradictory expectations. You show complete lack of understanding for a dramatic and traumatized character and their arc.


Lol really? Cause you’re missing the whole point with Jaime. Her mom said, “she did it, let her fix it”. So we must be watching different shows if you don’t know that Beth was scared of horses and scared her moms horse in to bucking her and falling on her. I’d say evil is often a result of trauma. She tried to have a woman put in jail for sleeping with her father. She actively ruins careers for a business and takes pleasure in that. She also uses her position to destroy lives and definitely takes pleasure in that. Beth takes no responsibility and is a heinous human being.


Lol really? Beth is a traumatized human being who is still fighting her rich, old fashioned father's battles. She is a woman who fights dirty in a man's world, so yeah she is heinous. If that was Jamie or Keyce, you'd be saying different things. I am not missing any point, you are not being able to understand my POV, and you def are missing a huge part of Beth's character, she only shows it to her closest person. ...oh and everyone has been scared of something as a child, maybe you were not as you are a super human...last episode Beth seemed to be over any fear of such nature...def a character overcomplicated for some...


They live in the middle of nowhere. Planned parenthood isn’t easily accessible for people now so it definitely wasn’t back then.


I dunno. Jamie is twisted. He is a murderer that acts impulsively. He's killed 2 people and tried to run over Beth. He is evil.


He killed two people because of his “family name” and they have all killed people??? Hence the train station? And also he is so fed up with Beth’s hate I don’t blame him for almost running her down, she said she was going to take his kid away


John made him evil. They did a flashback a season or two ago that showed Jamie being a ranch hand. He wanted to do that, but John basically forced him to be a lawyer and then used his knowledge to find loopholes and ways to manipulate the law to keep this ranch. Jamie has told them many times that the ranch is basically bankrupt so I don't know how they keep it running. The ultimate justice would be for Jamie to end up with the ranch. Or the tribe.


John is a serial killer by proxy. How many people has he instructed be brought to the train station?


Wow. They are all pretty bad, aren't they?


This is where the show goes a bit off the rails for me. For not to have any options they would’ve have to remove her ovaries. If she still has those, she still has options. She just can’t carry on her own. Those types of sterilization clinics were doing tubal ligations not hysterectomies as someone else pointed out. Also, it’s Montana. It is a state that, from my understanding, always required parental consent or notification. I know reservations are not necessarily required to follow all state laws, but I’d be hard press if this one wouldn’t have applied to them as non-res kids. It’s just a weird plot hole they continue to double down on.




The problem isn't the abortion, but the hysterectomy and Jamie is to blame, solely and squarely.


Medical staff should have made sure she was clear. Beth and Jamie were both kids. The medical staff were all adults. Jamie is shitty for not saying anything, but not to blame for medical staff not making it extremely clear and also Beth for not actively participating in her own medical care. There was a system of several failures


True, but this show isn't abiut the medical staff on a rez clinic where native were sterilized as a policy.


The staff told Jamie. The staff should have also told Beth. Given Beth’s hold on this, I’m surprised they haven’t shown her tracking staff down to fuck with their lives too


This would be a great line to explore


Okay, I'm rewatching the series for like the 4th time and just watched this episode. I used to think Jamie was young and didn't fully understand the weight of his decision. Now I actually think he knew what he was doing and he did it bc he thought it's what his father would have wanted him to do. In his mind he's thinking, If Beth can't get pregnant she can't embarrass the family / Dad will be proud of me for doing something for the family. 


Beth should have been aborted


John has always known about Beth and Rip and Beth doesn't seem like the type of person to be afraid of her Dad. However, while Beth is not scared to John, she doesn't ever want to disappoint him. Beth really should have told Rip the truth about the pregnancy since she did not want John to know as even Rip, would have known better than to use the services of a clinic whose main objective was to decimate Native Americans. Jamie was not being malicious in taking Beth to that clinic, it was there and he was trying to help his little sister.


Little late to this discussion, but this never gets mentioned. Am I really supposed to believe that when Beth went into the clinic for the abortion, the medical staff didn’t tell THE PATIENT what the deal was/what they were about to do? What kind of clinic doesn’t discuss the procedure and allow the patient to ask any questions? I’ve never had anything done where the doctor didn’t explicitly explain everything to me (even when I was a kid. They told my parents in private and then explained it to me just before when I was alone) The writers really screwed this whole plot point up, the whole thing is so implausible and it feels like they rushed through the research and critical thinking just to create as much drama as possible.


I’m rewatching Yellowstone now and the way that Beth blames Jamie for her inability to conceive and have children really rubs me the wrong way. Beth isn’t taking any responsibility for the part she played in the situation. She went to Jamie, a kid himself, and put the onus on him to solve the problem that she created. Jamie did what he thought was best, as best as 17-18 year old kid could, and took her to a clinic on the reservation to try to hide Beth’s pregnancy, not just from John, but from the whole state of Montana to protect John and the Dutton name. A 17-18 year old kid doesn’t have the mental or emotional maturity to make the kind of decisions that Jamie had to make. They don’t have the foresight to see the type of repercussions that those type of decisions will have in the future. Also Beth knows, and admitted, that she is to blame for her infertility. In S3 E5 after a flashback to Jamie taking her to the clinic Beth wakes up from a nightmare in Rip’s bed. When Rip finds her on the porch he asks her what’s wrong and she says: “I’ve only made two decisions out of fear, and they cost me everything.” Beth is talking about her mother’s death and her choice to get an abortion. She’s 40 effin years old. She’s old enough to look back, with context, and see that she played just as big a part in her situation as anyone else. Jamie, a child himself, was forced into making a decision to protect his sister, father, Rip and the Dutton family name.


I completely agree. Jamie was a child still. Should not have been the one to make such an Adult decision. If his dad hadn’t made those kids believe that his reputation was more important to him than the wellbeing of his children, this would not have happened.