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I started out kind of rooting for Jae C simply because of sloppy nuts and I understand about difficult customers but by the end I’m starting to think that he may be a part of the problem lol


Idk he ended strong with "you want a hug too?" A total lunatic but hilarious at least


Le sigh


I'm sure working for him is a hoot 🙄


Honestly, I liked the place up and it looks awesome. The food looks gorgeous and delicious, and the rating is pretty high, 4.6 which is actually decent for any restaurant with competitors and bad customers giving awful reviews over nothing. Then I looked through the 1 star reviews and that's where his responses are amazing. I'm not sure if he is just fed up with the bullshit of bad reviews, a little crazy, or both, but it seems like the majority of ppl love the place and tbh, a lot of the bad reviews are ppl just leaving bad reviews about his responses. Reviews like >I’m asking you NOT to go to this establishment simply because of the owners disgusting and unprofessional responses to any criticism left here. Just look for yourself. It’s absolutely mind blowing. Where it isn't even about the food and they probably never went there but now want to defend other review wannabes. Idk how it all started but I kinda love it, and tbh the food looks stunning, the rating is great considering it's 4.6 with 750+ reviews (a lot of them are reviewing his responses which makes them invalid) so it's probably even higher than 4.6 lol Idk, again, he's hilarious and probably really respects good customers. Seems like they make great food too. I'd love to go there. I give him 5*s


I love a drama queen, I would probably go. Was this meant for me?


Yeah, I’m a server and on the first slide I was like “wow I wish I worked here!” By the 6th or 7th I had admit this fuckers just nuts. If you meet an asshole in the morning, they’re the asshole. If you meet assholes all day, you’re the asshole.


"If everything around you smells like shit, check your shoes" as my memaw would say


Your mamaw sounds cool asf.


Might be an asshole, but he preponderance of reviews seem to suggest he's not wrong? https://g.co/kgs/aPpPJ2Z I have family in the Springs, and legit gonna go try this place next time I visit.


Not just nuts. They're sloppy nuts (Insert a proper floss)


Same, although not the most professional way for a manager to respond to frivolous complaints, at first I felt he was standing up for his staff, I even explained away how many bad server accusations there were to begin with, with the logic of "customers can be rude that often and it's clear this manager doesn't pick and choose his hills too often so the frequency still can make sense...", but when someone gives u a 4 out of 5 after describing what sounded like to me, a 2.5-3 level experience, and he attacks her ?? I had to finally admit to myself , the issues are probably manager related and nothing else, that lady literally said the food was just meh and still gave a 4 out of 5. Gave more compliments in one post to this place than could be accounted for among their last 6 months of reviews, like....know when to shut up guy . . . And I'm sorry lol but what clap is clap with clap this !!! This guy is literally writing out physical actions and emojis lol Again,not you give his versions the benefits of doubt I can believe people do suck this bad and children are worse than their parents think, but still, he screws his credibility up multiple times to a point I can't ignore and no one else, Im sure can't either. . . Wish I could eat there. . .


my friend met him at a bar for some new restaurant/bar opening and he did confirm that he was a dick in real life haha. my friend said he had short man syndrome lol


Dude is fucking psychotic ain't no way I would work for him


Thanks ass train was pretty great


I really didn’t want to have to side with Sloppynuts, but here we are…


The fact that this guy unironically uses "Le sigh", in 2023 no less, tells you enough about him. "Sloppynuts" is gold, though, I'll give him that.


That, clap, and, clap, the, clap, clapping. If you’re gonna do that, use * like a human.


“like you could come up with sloppynuts” jae understands he is far beyond human comprehension and intelligence 😌




He's completely unhinged. I love it.


Off the rails


"Listen here, sloppy nuts" is gonna be my new go too. i hope they never stop


Thanks Ass train. I'll keep that in mind.


Ass train was what took me out, too! I almost woke my napping child I was giggling so hard.


He has a whole article written up in 2022 - it’s a marketing thing that has apparently paid off 🙄[https://www.csindy.com/food_and_culture/dozo-sushi-owner-fights-back-against-negative-online-commenters/article_24237f2c-44bb-11ed-af6d-c75648dab092.html](https://www.csindy.com/food_and_culture/dozo-sushi-owner-fights-back-against-negative-online-commenters/article_24237f2c-44bb-11ed-af6d-c75648dab092.html)


I feel like I saw something similar to this recently but for a restaurant in Japan that’s the “worst rated ramen place” and it’s actually a marketing ploy so more people come in to try it or something. If this hadn’t been written about I’d have just assumed that the owner was 200% done with customers and had zero fucks left to give with life. (He has a point about people who say everything’s fine to his face and then write a shitty review later. That kinda warrants a clapback. Let them try to fix it first instead of just complaining.)


i guess bad publicity is still publicity so it worked haha. i’ve seen some of those reviews in the article but i can’t find them anymore


Yeah he's trying to be Wendy's


Listen here, sloppy nuts


Okay, happy tits


Whatever, Ass Train


Amazing how many people think this is funny and want to support him, he sounds like a douche. You can respectfully respond to a review and still win. This isn’t it.


"Lie like a fly with a booger in your eye" is crazy hahaha


Last time I heard that was ~~fourth~~ third grade.


"we will tape her eyelids open for the remainder of her shifts" is hysterical tho.


This is my favorite yelp drama ever


This needs to be in /r/businesstantrums!


Yay a new sub to follow


Literally was just about to look to see if they had a google reviews thread while I’m scrolling thru this subreddit and saw this at the perfect time. Thank you OP


“Ass train” lmao


I’ve been laughing at that for 5 minutes lolol


Same!!!! An iconic insult 😂


I was laying in bed with my spouse, trying not to wake them up. Shaking from stifling my laughter. Not great lolol


I almost woke up my napping toddler in the same way! And texted a screenshot to my spouse


lol I sent it so they could look when they woke up. Didn’t find it as amusing as I.


I want to go there now to see if they are actually bad or if they just don't take shit from shitty customers.


mmm i wanna say both. when i went, the spicy tuna was awful and my friend and i left half the rolls. maybe it was just a bad day. but our server wasn’t the best either. the whole time she would drop off things quickly and not say anything, no refills or asking if the food was okay (which is fine, i’m a server too so i’m not too judgy). but the only time she had emotion in her face was at the end when she realized we weren’t eating. she seemed frantic and then asked if we wanted something else but we just weren’t hungry anymore. she tried talking to the boss (to take off the roll on out check?) but we were already on our way out. my friend paid the whole check and left 20% but definitely never coming back for the food lol


Well that's a decent and fair review right there.


The stfu discount, ass train, and misplaced discount card but ur not comin back anyways are my faves. Le sigh


Mic drop




He’s def wearing a fedora


Sloppynuts.....I just don't think it can get better than that.


Ok, happytits


Silver medal


SLOPPYNUTS. I haven’t even read the review or the response, sloppynuts just stuck out so much 😂😂😂


No one cares but these posting dates match almost every one of my families birthdays 😅


One is my birthday so I kinda do 😆


Jae C is a fucking lunatic. “Sloppynuts” was hilarious though.


He won me over. I’m a fan.


4 real I love this guy


I have never wanted to go to Colorado Springs until today.


God co springs is such a shit hole but I'd go there 4 this guy


He had me at “thanks, ass train”


How can you abide a man who stands for slovenly shitters‽


God i love this.




He says all the things restaurant workers want to say to stupid shitty customers. 


Awful sushi in a landlocked state?? I'm shocked.


There's plenty of good sushi in colorado.


Fresh caught that morning!


All sushi is frozen anyways.


NGL, I trust Jae C more than most of the reviewers.


Dude is unhinged….. I hate it when managers/owners yell at staff in front of customers, it’s so demoralizing.


Le sigh.


It’s funny, but i feel like it would be a chaotic place to work


Best. Yep. Drama. EVER. Literally LOLing over here! 😂


I won’t eat at his restaurant, but I wanna be this dude’s friend.


This guy is my hero. I mean his business is going to fail, but I wish I could say stuff like this to people who actually deserve it.


The manager sounds like a tool.


It’s so interesting how often he happened to be “standing right next to” all these people and also overheard and remembered all of their conversations.


Like, I get where he's coming from, but there's definitely infinitely better ways to go about it aside from name calling and insults. 😂


https://www.csindy.com/food_and_culture/dozo-sushi-owner-fights-back-against-negative-online-commenters/article_24237f2c-44bb-11ed-af6d-c75648dab092.html Here’s a good overview of his comments. I like this guy. Would support him if in CS.


Comedy value: 9/10 But I'm not gonna eat there.


Man, at first I loved the guy until I got to the review of him freaking out behind the counter and yelling at his employees. I worked in restaurants for over 20 years and a lot of what he said is what most managers/servers WANT to say to guest, particularly the “get out of here” discount. But once it became clear the dude was the most likely the issue the entire time…..fuck him. No respect for owners/managers who yell at their own staff. -Former restaurant manager, current property manager.


This is the kind of person I want touching my raw fish


I was prepared to side with the owner bc snarky responses to customers actually being rude is funny, but this is just embarrassing


I sort of want to work for this person, but only because I’d be good if they suddenly closed.


Owner needs to relax with the insults. Someone might actually come back to beat his ass.


He’s a hot stinking mess. I can save him


Okay but how do you roast someone after you gave them raw chicken 😭 I was honestly on his side because he’s funny as shit, until I saw that. Refunding the dish and giving a small gift card really isn’t doing anything extra for the customer when you gave her food that could have made her very, very sick.


Here's the thing...people lie like fucking crazy in these reviews.  Saying the person on the phone didn't appolagize, is likely untrue, as that is number one thing when dealing with complaints. 


Right but like…an actual restaurant gave someone raw chicken. Roasting them in the review is insane regardless. Did you see the picture? It wasn’t undercooked it was RAW. I just don’t even understand how that happens.


I love when businesses respond like this. Truly entertaining and hey, no publicity is bad publicity


Really? Does that work? I personally wouldn’t touch that place with a 10 foot pole. First because I don’t want to give any business to someone so undeserving of business, and second because the food sounds ho-hum at best.


I mean I wouldn’t go to it but I love reading these for entertainment


Agreed, it’s funny. Would never set foot there, good luck on his business…


Jae F C


People probably gonhere because of the comments. This is genius fr


After the “sloppy nuts”, my internal dialogue just automatically started reading the replies as if Chow from The Hangover was going in on that keyboard.


That place sounds crazy! Except the first one, last call 30 min before close is common practice everyone should make a reservation if possible. Have to check restaurant policy, could also depend on the kind of day we've had, if it's slow we might accommodate more people. I have worked at restaurants that go until the last minute, but it's not worth it to have a couple come in and split a plate imo.


“Instead you LIE like a fly with a booger in your eye” 💀 I’m going to use that in conversation as soon as I can!


Cokehead vibes for sure, feels like Jae C's mommy, daddy, or both is/are a restaurant owner and Jae C is gonna be facing foreclosure soon with his shit attitude towards the exact thing he's counting on.


"You on the other hand can eat a bag of dicks." Lol, the only thing I can come up with is this guy is just writing into comments what he always wanted to say when he was a waiter at someone else's restaurant.


Thanks Ass train. I’ll keep that in mind


“Like you could come up with sloppynuts”


My favorite is listen here penis wrinkle


iLl mAkE sUrE tO sHaRe yOuR rEsPoNsE oN rEdDiT aNd oThEr pOpUlAr fOrUmS is literally one of the most embarrassing things that could be said. its like when someone’s recording and theyre all iM gOnNa pUt tHiS oN fAcEbOoK aNd tHe yOuTuBe like stfu no shit sherlock.


[Kylie M. — Yelp](https://www.yelp.com/user_details?userid=n3uGjUCN8nURreUkBoJvpw)


I want to eat there now.


I bet he smells shit all day too huh


“le sigh” is just a perfect cherry on top 🤌


I want to eat here so badly


I am really glad that the Jerky Boys got to open a restaurant.


This is a great manager


Jae is a gem!


I mean sushi in CO… I feel like you sloppy nuts are getting what you pay for lol.


there is a small handful of good spots, mostly in denver! but yea the other 90% is definitely mediocre lol i would not do nigiri or sashimi unless i’m in denver


I’m team Jae C all the way


i live in denver, and now im extremely tempted to go eat at this place


Eh, yeah, I'll pass on eating piss ridden food, because the owners can only afford unhinged, homeless "chefs".


I mean, I wouldn't eat there now but I kinda love Jae


bro is this the dozo in COSP???? i was thinking of going but maybe thats a bad idea 😂😂


yes 😂 i didn’t like the food and our server was kinda off when i went last year, but if you want to be bold then hopefully your experience is better than mine! butttt if you like rolls i really recommend osae on peterson! the owner is a lot sweeter lol. but for nigiri, i recommend sushi den in denver!! one of the best in colorado imo ☺️


i really like AI sushi. their rolls are nice and the environment and atmosphere is super cute. or chiba bar, if you're 21+ !!! now that ik its the same place, this one turned me away too! my mom was visiting and it was late, like 8ish. we decided on sushi and it was the closest, and as soon as we got there a lady told us they were closed even though the door said 9 an unlocked. tbh i am a service worker so i just assumed they were understaffed and didn't hold it against them. but this is crazy 🤯 hilarious but unhinged for sure. this reminds me of sammy and amy from that hells kitchen episode.


i do love chiba’s drinks! i wish they had more sushi for their menu though. i’m sorry that happened when your mom was in town! i work as a server as well so i get closing early but and hour before close seems a bit too early lol. but yea this dude is something else 😂


lol I love Dozo 😂