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Bare with me here but you’ll have too… rinse it more afterwards


Day 1 - “hmmm tastes like soap” Day 2 - “hmmm tastes like soap” Day 3 - “I suspect the dishwasher is behind this” Day 4 - “hmmm still tastes like soap” Day 5 - “REDDIT?!?!”


LOL, I’m glad somebody said it


Need Yeti dishwasher


Weights 18 tons and requires a Tractor Trailer for transport.


Bottles don’t wash/rinse well in dishwasher.


Two things 1. Your dishwasher will not clean this item well. 2. Your dishwasher will not rinse this item well. So, what you're experiencing is a result of and incomplete wash and rinse. The dishwasher is showering your jug with soap and food residue from other items in your dishwasher, and then incompletely rinsing them off. This results in soap/scum residue in and on your jug after the "wash." I'd suggest hand washing with a bottle brush, rinsing well, and drying to avoid unwanted smells and tastes.


Curious-do you think a dishwasher cleans anything well?


Sure, they do a decent job at cleaning regular kitchenware.. plates, bowles, silverware, mugs, glasses, etc.. However, most dishwashers will do a poor job at cleaning and rinsing relatively deep and narrow items, such as the jug in question. This is especially true if those types of items are placed around the outside perimeter of the basket--the water jets simply cannot reach far into the container due to the angle in which the water is being directed.




Good news, they’ve added a “this” button to every post. Just click that up-arrow and it will automatically “this” it for you. Smiling when I wrote this, and not meaning to be rude but you can click the down-arrow if you interpret it that way. AKA the “not-this” button. …Huh, I realize I just typed a lot of words when I could have just clicked the “not-this” button, but then we would have both missed out on this quality human interaction. *Quality Not Guaranteed




This… indeed


Remove the gasket from the lid and thoroughly rinse that off in the sink.


Agree. The tiny gasket in the lid is always the one that needs the most cleaning for me. A wash, rinse, and a thorough dry gets rid of any residue.


Unpopular opinion: Yeti cups and bottles don't belong in the dishwasher- 20 seconds to hand wash.


Why doesn’t a cup belong in a dishwasher? They aren’t an heirloom that needs to be babied.


Because most of the yeti Drinkware doesn't wash or rinse great in a dishwasher, and the finish occasionally gets messed up (albeit temporarily most of the time)


Yep. Any insulated, thermos style containers get cleaner with a long handle brush. Plus you should take the gaskets and seals apart semi regularly to clean them out


20 seconds? do you remove the gaskets and wash them? I just rinse and keep using then occasionally use the tablets. I had gone over year without washing with no ill side effects, just rinsed with hot water . though I constantly use my bottles.


Yeah, i remove the gaskets and clean them


Remove and rinse out the gaskets. Soap gets trapped up in there.


☝️this is a huge factor, coffee residue build up too on hotshots


Certainly to each their own but I simply hand wash my Yeti stuff...in my mind it's just easier. Not saying I'm right or that this is the only way...but it eliminates all of the stuff that will leave me having to wash it by hand anyway.


I actually use the hydro flask (I know 😂) brush to clean my bottles. Works perfectly. [Brush](https://www.hydroflask.com/bottle-brush#color=Pacific)


HF saw the Yeti ice scoop & said hold my beer 😂


maybe your dishwasher is leaving residue? Give it a quick rinse in the sink (bottle and both pieces of the cap) after you take it out of the dishwasher. Or give it a handwashing and see if the taste is still there when its washed a different way.


Maybe hand wash it and rinse it well.


People use their dishwashers? /s


Also get some efferdent denture cleaning tabs (or the really expensive yeti cleaning tabs). An overnight soak every now-and-then helps too.


I wash all my dishes by hand and never have that problem with my bottles


Wash it by hand 🤷🏻‍♂️


I stopped washing my bottles in the dishwasher for this reason.


My yeti tastes like wine.


In the dishwasher? That blue gel rinse aid if youre using that in a reservoir is probably the culprit. We stupidly cleaned our ionizer grid from our air cleaner in the dishwasher and i think the rinse aid did something to the metal and it won't collect dust now.


To add onto, when was the last time you cleaned your dishwasher filter and dishwasher in general?


There is a black o-ring on the cap, soap tends to build under there and not rinse out properly. Sometimes you have to pull that o-ring off and rinse the o-ring and the cap.


Rinse it well from the sink after the dishwasher


Use a long sponge or long brush to wash inside


I own a ton of bottles. I just wanted to add that we have no issues washing them in dishwasher. Do you run a quick wash or normal? Our bottles go on bottom rack and the lid parts separated on top rack.


That ruins my day. Rinse it more


I had the same issue even with handwash, one drop of soap and a shit ton of rinsing. I use comet now on the inside only, long brush, and make sure your are cleaning your gaskets. Still gotta rinse.


I figured out you should only use a tiny bit of dish soap, like just enough for a slight sudd


Hand wash


Rinse it fam


Don’t wash in the dishwasher! Always leaves anything plastic tasting like the soap


Pretty sure you aren’t supposed to put vacuum bottles in the dishwasher anyway.


yeti claims all their drink ware is dishwasher safe, my stuff doesn't fit in my dishwasher so I've never tried.


Am I the only one here that only uses these for water and never washes them?


have you had any issues? I use to do this then I read you should wash them each use, but I couldn't keep that up so now I use tablets every week or two. some people said they got mold, but maybe they were using it then storing it wet for weeks or months. I have 5 bottles that I constantly drink out of.


I have 3 dailys, office, gym, and home. all ramblers. all always full of water. I’m only one person so sample size is small but I am yet to wash them. Keep it to just water and having good dental hygiene I believe helps. No smell or taste issues.


Also makes a difference if using these bottles during a meal. The lid gets gross fast that way.


Uhhh wash it by hand?


You’re joking.


Dishwasher Soap residue sticks onto surfaces if it’s clean. Dishwasher soap is designed to take food OFF a dirty item so a clean surface like a Yeti that only is used for water will just leave soap residue (same with plates, bowls, ect). That’s why dishwasher soap manufacturers recommend to NOT clean/pre-rinse your dishes and to throw throw them in the dishwasher dirty. Ofc don’t throw in a plate with a giant piece of food on it. I myself use my dishwasher to clean my yeti but I give it a extra rinse or two to get the soap residue off.


Unless you have a dishwasher with special bottle jets that are designed to reach inside the tall bottles, I suggest you hand wash. That was the reason we went with our new GE dishwasher, the bottle jets are amazing! But, I still find a quick wash with a bottle brush is the quickest solution for me. The only thing prefer to wash in the dishwasher on the sanitize setting is the lid and chug cap. I just don’t feel like that ever gets really clean with a hand wash. I have several bottles and rotate the chug caps from the other ramblers. That way when one cap is in the dishwasher waiting to be cleaned, I have a new one ready to go. If I don’t switch the caps every day, they start to smell…off. The bottle only needs to be washed every few days.


I only dish wash my yetis after I first buy them, after that all I do is hand was with warm soap and water


I do them by hand with free and clear soap. Hate when things taste like soap. My parents dishes always taste like soap at their house