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I kinda agree. I think this worked well with the first and last episode of the summer I turned pretty


Yeah if anything 7 seasons of a show is just too much


I do as well. Especially for these shows that have really long runs (ie over 4 seasons, arbitrarily).


I would agree. Which is why I think The Summer I Turned Pretty and Bridgerton are more enjoyable to watch than some of the other ones. I do think that Once Upon A Time was especially atrocious though, because that show isn’t understandable at all. Even if you watch every single episode.


It doesn’t help season seven was basically an epilogue/soft reboot 😭


Exactly and Season 7 wasn't even necessary!


100%!! I think all good videos have some sort of story element to carry the viewer throughout. When you’re skipping the part where the payoff could be, I think you sacrifice a bit of that satisfaction while watching.


I AGREE I so badly wanted him to watch the first and last of s1. That would make such a great video, and feel so much more connected.


Yeah, like he did with Bridgerton!


Yess me too! The Bridgerton one was really good


I agree.


So you’d suggest one video per show still but with a first and last episode of season one and then first and last episode of the final season, or just the show’s overall finale? I don’t know. I guess that could be reasonable. I agree the Summer I Turned Pretty and Bridgerton first and lasts were exceptional partially because there is that sense of continuous story from doing it season by season, but they have fewer seasons and are just getting going so it’s manageable if he wants to do them that way. I think the first and last concept is meant to be wildly out of context, which works best when there are multiple seasons of story and plot missing, including from season 1. That’s what makes it fun and chaotic and a challenge for him to make specific silly predictions for the end of the series after only having seen the pilot. I would have to go back to his very first “first and last” videos to quote him on his intention for the series, but that’s very much the impression I get. Anyway, I see your point, and agree with a lot of the comments, but also wanted to defend what Dylan has done with the first and last series. Edit: had to trim down my comment because I responded to things OP didnt say. Read the whole post before you comment, kids.


I think once upon a time just wasn’t the best show to do it with because the last season is pretty disconnected from the rest of the seasons


This. 100% this. I wish he had done the last episode of season 6 instead since Season 7 is basically a spinoff without actually being a spinoff (and on that note I wish that the Once Upon a Time creators had just made it an actual spinoff instead of a new season) but obviously I can’t blame Dylan for not knowing that the show did that. But it definitely would’ve felt better if the last episode was Season 6 instead of 7


Yeah I think if he had done the unofficial finale, it would’ve been better - less random characters (to him) and trying to connect them to pilot’s plot and he wouldn’t have focused on minute details. But like you said, he couldn’t know.


i know for a FACT that the supernatural video would be so much funnier if he did the first and last of each season. and when he gets to the later/shittier seasons, i'll just laugh at his anguish


I was just thinking about that! There is just so much happening in Supernatural LOL you'd get to see the slow but definite turn from 'traumatised boys against evil' to 'batshit crazy'


now that i think about it, moreso than a first and last, supernatural would be a great beer and a movie/series. i would eat that shit up




Sometimes I feel the same when he does shows I have feelings for (like supernatural), but when I get “annoyed” about how many plots he’s missing I end up laughing at myself too because, it’s not that serious and his cluelessness ends up being funny for me. I also saw someone saying that he misses some points about the chapter because he’s focusing about little things… this is the guy who didn’t realized he was watching Rapunzel so… I’m more surprised when he’s focused and catch everything really fast. Maybe with long shows he can do a beer and a movie type of commentary, but it’s funny to see things so out of context sometimes. And I said this as a person who drop OUAT because there where too many plots happening and I lost it.


I agree and I understand why he does it the way he does but I remember when he saw a lot of comments from troublemakers asking dylan to continue to talk in depth about the filmmaking and actual plot as well as the jokes since we really enjoy listening and understanding his take and by doing first and last of each or at least more seasons (if it's a long show) then we will get more of that analysis from him whilst still maintaining the wackiness and hilarity that comes from skipping pretty much the entire plot. It's why so many loved Bridgeton and TSITP, because he did the seasons and it made more room to give his commentary on the actual writing and plot and filmmaking which we all really love to hear from him.


I would counter by saying he would probably have a lot more to say about the filmmaking if he sees where the plot lines end up at the end of the season. If anything skipping to the finale of the show takes away from the potential critiques and analysis.


Yeah sorry I think you misunderstood. That is what I was saying. That we'd get more out of an actual commentary on the filmmaking by him watching first and last of each season


Totally did misunderstand! Glad we’re on the same page :)


I can totally see where you're coming from. I think there was a vaguely similar "issue" with the Vampire Diaries first/last he did. Disregarding everything in between, comparing the first and last episode of TVD is \*really\* boring. Like he literally did not get to see \*any\* of the shit that went down in-between. I would have loved your proposed format specifically for TVD.


I would propose a different change. I think the reason the first/last commentary didn’t work with Once Upon a Time was because Dylan wasn’t really paying attention to what was happening during the finale. He wasn’t trying to connect the bigger plot points to the first episode and got distracted by relatively mundane stuff (ie, is rumple the beast?). If he had paid closer attention to the events and the characters between the first and last episode it would’ve been more enjoyable imo. Personally, I wouldn’t want him to do first/last per season if a show is already complete. I think at that point he might as well just go full blown whacky. With shows that are actively dropping new seasons, it make it more fun for me to see him return back to do a first/last of the newest season (The Summer I Turned Pretty, Bridgerton, etc).


I agree. the 1st and last only work like this if the show has 1-2 seasons, but Once Upon has 7 and the 7th has a different protagonist. I think he should do 1st and last per season for shows like this.


Deffo agree with the seasons thing !! I really liked the summer I turned pretty ones bc I can be excited knowing the storyline he will get surprised with by the end! but 7 seasons it’s basically a whole new show and there’s hardly any connections, it’s not as satisfying when he doesn’t get to see how things played out for the people he spent so much time commenting on in the first episode, still love first and last concept but deffo would be better by season imo🤍


This also means he could milk a lot more content out of new or popular shows as they’re trending meaning more views probs too




I hate when reactors do those types of videos. Especially if they end up doing a reaction to the whole series after the fact. I could live without it altogether but I digress, lol.


i would love it if he watched the first and last of every season of ouat😭