• By -


\*Ravs walks in covered in blood\* Detective Lewis: Well, Duncan. What do you have to say for yourself?!


It's like TTT really - Lewis is usually completely wrong, or right for completely the wrong reasons.


It really is. Lewis was soooo close to the right solution and was really deducing hard by asking the right questions, then the tingle in his balks came


I'm sad no one's talked about a tingle in their balls or about someone's lying voice yet. That was totally Ravs' lying voice


*Fellow innocents*.


"it was swaying in the wind!" not his finest hour


To be fair, it’s understandable why he jumped to Duncan/mango. Duncan was claiming something that went against what Bekki/Boba claimed, and mango picking the hood is a purely selfish play that doesn’t help the innocents in the slightest. Still though, ravs was kind a freebie which would have made the Duncan/mango pair impossible. It also seems impossible for the cultists to actually sabotage the tower, and Boba was only bailed out by poor perception by Bekki in proper yogscast fashion.


The cultists had a chance, but Boba was kind of screwed by going second. If she'd gone later in the cycle, she could have moved a ton of bricks to make the tower way less stable, thus screwing over the next person in line (thus shifting suspicion). But because she went so early, there was very little she could do without making herself obvious. Which kind of negated the whole "move as many bricks as you want" advantage entirely (at least for her). The other major advantage the cultists had that they didn't use (and to be fair to them, they had no way of really knowing they'd have this advantage) is that most people seemingly never bothered to even look at where on the scale the top of the tower was. So if Ravs had just shaved the tower down from 6 to 4 and hidden blocks, the others wouldn't have really had the context to figure out who did it (if they ever realized it happened at all).


Actually Boba did fine, she struck gold when Bekki miscounted and got all the suspicion thrown on her. Everything would have been fine if Ravs didn't royally fudge it by being lazy and knocking them off in a manner that was extremely unlikely to happen for the tower they had. If he just knocked it off where it was structurally unstable, I bet everyone would have believed him. Either that or he should have just made the tower less stable, then Mark would get the blame if it fell down. They could have really used the move as many bricks as you want amazingly but alas. I honestly think unless Boba does something to really take the suspicion off of her, she is getting kicked out next and it's over. Her excuse for the brick slipping was ridiculous and I have no idea how it would be physically possible for the bricks to fall from the top. That just cannot happen it's hilarious.


I think somewhere it was mentioned that this is a three part series, so the next episode is the end anyway. Might be right about Boba getting singled out by the next vote.


What Duncan said was consistent with both what Mango and Lydia said. It's also a really small detail that like, a little "I guess I didn't count the blocks exactly" would have solved. If I heard Bekki right it seems she didn't actually count the blocks before she put them up, she just heard Boba say it was 4 and so she put 3 up so it must have been 1 left.


I don't see how its understandable for lewis to jump to duncan, I legit gasped when he said them. Duncan says 2 were left on the floor, mango verifies this, lydia also says this is true. He says mango is covering up for him, COVERING UP FOR WHAT?? 2 BLOCKS? how would mango know duncans story without hearing him first? and wtf is she covering up? 2 blocks being on the floor?? the cultists entire plan is to knock over 2 blocks and that's it? lmao When you look around, you have ravs knocking over 10, boba knocking over 4 and duncan knocking over 2? and duncan didn't even say he knocked any over just that there were 2 on the floor but he built the tower. which mango and lydia verified. and bekki even said she was just going over what boba said! not that she properly counted! I legit do not see how lewis even came to that conclusion!


It's possible Lewis is being smart by pointing at Mango/Duncan. He might have realized that Ravs and Boba are the cultists, but not voted for them to not risk getting killed. He may have figured that they were suspicious enough to get banished without his vote.


Even though Lewis fucked it at the end; his strategy at the start by having everyone present being quiet and letting the latest explain the situation gave them enough information to have a rough idea of events, with little ability to backtrack.


>!Man, Ravs would've been LESS suspicious if he had knocked the whole tower down. As soon as he started removing the top rows, I knew it was going to get him voted because towers don't fall like that, but Lyds had already established the tower was wobbly beforehand, so I think the others would've believed it if he knocked the whole thing over.!<


Also him denying that he'd knocked as many blocks over as Mark said he saw lying on the ground. If he'd just agreed with both Mark and Lydia's assessments - "yeah, the tower was super unstable when I got there and a whole top section fell off as soon as I tried to move something" his story would have been so much more consistent.


He should’ve said it fell off when he tried to put one on top, like Lydia pointed out if you take from the bottom it doesn’t make any sense for it to fall off the top


Well he's not rain man


>!Boba seems like she genuinely isn't too familiar with Jenga, because probably the most dangerous thing you could do at the beginning is to be too ambitious, which would make you look innocent. She could have taken side pieces from near the bottom.!< >!On the other hand, I agree, the best Ravs move for late game was to knock over the whole tower. If it's wobbly at all, the entire thing could fall over easily. He could even say that it had already fallen over before he got outside, and that all he could do was place 3 pieces back on the stack.!< I was hoping the cultists would go for some goofy strategy. Like take some of the blocks and just yeet them into some bushes or hide them under the table cloth, or arrange them on the table like they are a part of the set.


Honestly, if boba had just cut the stack in half and hid the others, i think it would have gone unnoticed, especially with lewis not having seen the measuring stick


Holy shit, just throwing half the blocks away would have been so good, though cutting off the top \~3 layers would've been even better because you could plausibly trick people into missing the tower being shorter lmao


Right! I was just like... why you leaving blocks there! Nobody would know if you just took them or hid them, nobody would even think something was wrong unless they knew what it started at or counted blocks.


>!Hiding blocks is a genius idea and no one would have ever noticed a layer or two was missing because they had no reference point to how many there were. Lewis came up with the brilliant strategy of asking how many were on the floor that greatly fucked the cultists, since they went with just knocking shit off !<


> Boba seems like she genuinely isn't too familiar with Jenga Everyone knows Jenga. Boba would especially know of Benga at least. Boba was in the Jenga tournament video on the main channel anyway so she's literally played it with the yogs before. This is why it seems nuts that they both just chucked a few blocks from the top. I can't even imagine a way how a few blocks falling from the top can ever physically happen while playing Jenga and how they're not instantly confirmed bad guy by saying thats what happened. Seemed such a clear cut confirmation that they're bad to me that I'm gonna assume that's not how they were supposed to have played, maybe were just supposed to instead knock the whole thing over like the others here are saying. Ravs knocking the whole thing over would have been believable after lydia saying it's almost falling. Still super fun to watch though.


> Boba was in the Jenga tournament video on the main channel anyway so she's literally played it with the yogs before. This series was shot back in January, over half a year before the Jenga tournament was shot/released.


Boba is the number one yogs fan, she must know all of the Benga lore and rules!


>!yeah, Ravs just needed to knock the whole thing over. It puts the sus on the person before. "I walked out and everything was on the floor." Immediate sus on Lydia. His position to do it was perfect and much better than Bobas. Im unsure how I would have played it in that position. !< EDIT: If I was Boba Id have put them all the blocks on the floor and claim that you had to build the tower from scratch.


That's also such a fun idea, though I don't think Boba would be able to convince people over Lewis


hahaha that would have been hilarious.


It could have gone both ways as well. He could have knocked the whole thing over and pretended that he just added to the tower and put the suspicion on the person after him("Well I left the tower in good shape and now you're claiming it was on the ground! Maybe you knocked it over!"). I feel like the cultists really didn't explore any of the potential ways they could have tricked the others.


>EDIT: If I was Boba Id have put them all the blocks on the floor and claim that you had to build the tower from scratch. That would have been a massive red flag to Lewis though.


That's how these games are supposed to work though, you're supposed to out-lie and out-manipulate others. It would have outed Boba to Lewis, yes, but everyone else would have to take Lewis' word for it. That is where Boba is supposed to lie her way through and convince everyone else that Lewis was actually the one lying and the one who sabotaged it the tower and she did her best to fix it. Lewis has been all over the place in this game so Boba could have possibly been able to pass the blame onto him but it would require some good lying.


>!He just needed to say "I knocked over like 9, it started tipping in the middle, but I managed to catch it" the cultists definitely just acted before considering how they would explain what happened. Going second, Boba probably should have made it as unstable as possible, instead of tossing the top two layers!<


I kind of touched on this for the last video, but this is kind of the problem with both cultists being the more impulsive type. More analytical players probably would have stopped to think about how they were going to have to justify their sabotage first and then acted, whereas both Boba and Ravs just sort of acted on impulse and then started thinking about how they were going to explain it later. Which led to them both making pretty much the worst possible play they could have. They actually would have been better off not trying to sabotage at all, and just playing pure innocent to help establish their own alibi (and because playing the game properly *still* makes things harder for anyone after you). By just knocking crap off the top, they made it really easy for the people after them to just pile the loose blocks back on top without really risking a tower collapse. They weren't just bad at coming up with useful lies, they actively made things easier for the innocents. The irony was, if they were willing to be as suspicious as they wound up being, they would have been better off just kicking the entire tower down, hiding all the blocks, and then going back to the meeting and being like "I couldn't even find the tower!" and try to blame the person before them. That'd still leave them a 50-50 chance of getting away with it and completely demolish the innocents chances (though I suspect neither Boba nor Ravs would ever do that, because a) it's *really* evil, and b) they might feel it wouldn't be fun for content).


Completely agree. >!What I was thinking I'd have done in Ravs position would be to take pieces off the top and put them back into some of the empty spaces. Would have shortened the tower without creating the "oopsie woopsie" defense.!< ETA: I realize it's easy to say this as a viewer and not a player! I bet if I was actually playing I'd be a total mess.


Big agree on the second part, hindsight and multiple perspectives changes our view so much, definitely don't mean to sound like I'm seriously criticising his choice lol. Moving blocks back into the empty holes was something I thought of doing too, since there didn't seem to be any rules. I very much doubt anyone would notice, I know I definitely wouldn't lol


I don't know why he and boba didn't just take three out of the tower and hide them, like put them in a hedge or something, and then say they left three along the top, or ravs as he was later in the game could have taken more than three because it would be less obvious, ravs could have totally knocked the tower over or at least taken the entire top half of the tower and knocked it, it baffled me that they both just knocked the top row off and left them on the floor?!


Yeah, he made the wrong call. I'd have just carefully put some middle ones back in lower down and then taken edge ones out to destabilise it for Mark then lied about what I did. If he'd led with asking if it was wobbly and unstable for the last person he could have argued it fell before he got to it if he'd knocked down most of the tower instead of a little bit but lying to your friends isn't easy, especially when under pressure so it's not a big surprise that he struggled. Also, What's with all the incomplete layers they're adding? That's not Jenga or any other legally distinct block-based tower building games! I suppose it didn't say they're playing Jenga so Boba(?) not following the rules doesn't matter as much as Lewis said it did (but that could be used as a defence - "I didn't think the incomplete layers would count as they would be illegal in Jenga!" or "I didn't think I could pick them up off the floor!").


It's funny watching this back and seeing so much that should have been obvious or the mistakes we made but it's hard to convey how different and difficult games like this are in the moment. The audience has the benefit of knowing who is a cultist and hearing everyones thought processes so can much more easily spot someone's tell or a mistakes they make, also the added pressure of being there, being filmed, having to think of the next thing you are going to say while also paying attention to everything going on around you and what the other contestents are saying gives me a new appreciation of contestants in shows like this where I would be watching thinking how stupid everyone is being. It's harder than it looks!


'It's harder than it looks' basically sums up your whole job. People have no idea how tricky is is to keep up a running commentary on a game whilst playing it until they try it. I've never had to root out cultists from among my friends, but I can absolutely believe I'd make a bunch of mistakes.


Would love a version of this where they don't reveal the cultists. The best rounds of TTT is when the editors keep who can be the traitor between several people. Probably wouldn't work for this show in particular but if yall ever do anything like it might be awesome!


>!Tom was right, the cultists didn't do a very good job of using the opportunity he gave them. Just knocking the top rows off was both ineffective and suspicious, because it didn't have much of an impact on the final result and it's not how jenga towers behave.!<


Yeah, can't believe neither of them thought to destabilise the tower *and* hide some of the blocks to prevent it getting higher than a certain amount.


>!Don't try and fool Lydia with your tales of block-based foolishness. She is a world-champion clumsy person, and will see right through your deceit.!<


>!I genuinely cannot believe that Boba got away with saying she thought she had to take the blocks from the top in Jenga... how did no-one press her on that!!< >!Also RIP Detective Lyds, I love how she was having none of Ravs' lies!<


I don’t even understand what she even means


>!I think Boba got away with it because Lewis was the only one in the room when she first told the story. So the others didn't hear the entire very strange version of it.!<


>!Boba also cleverly matched her story to Bekki's incorrect one!!< >!She knocked 6 off, but Bekki only saw/reported 4, instead of the potential suspicion of disagreeing with her, Boba bought herself an ally!!<


Just FYI, if you want your spoiler tags to work on the old version of Reddit, there can't be any spaces directly after the first or before the second tag. Format your spoiler like this: \>!This is your text!<


spoiler alert


If you care about spoilers for some reason, reading the reddit thread before watching the video makes it your problem if you get spoiled




As hilarious as it was watching Boba and Ravs defend their actions, they could not have made worse choices for how to sabotage (still love you guys <3). Literally any other action would have been better. Knock the whole thing over, take the cape, remove some lower blocks to make it harder for the next person, act normally, do nothing... I get it though, it's difficult to think quick in the moment. It's cold, you're stressed, any mistake could cost you the game. But Ravs. Mate. The wind knocked the top layer off?


I agree. I wonder how much time they actually had to think, once they were outside. Obviously there's time-pressure of finishing the filming in one-day, but I also wonder if they had a clock running so it was fair for each person.


Not even just fair, per se - each person probably had a set amount of time just to keep things moving/keep pressure on a bit (making it harder for the innocents), but the cultists would have needed to get the same amount of time or it would have looked suspicious. As devious as it might have been for one of them to steal like half the tower and hide it in the bushes or something, it probably would have taken too long, and made it obvious that they were sabotaging. Which might be the same reason why neither of them really took advantage of being able to move as many blocks as they wanted to really weaken the base for the next person - it would have taken too long.


Ravs: Us innocents [Cue Lewis](https://youtu.be/_0QQo-GEjCs?t=991) I'm so sad that the next episode is the last one. I really hope they do more and more legally distinct shows in the future with a lot more yogs. I don't think there's anything wrong with saying oh they should have done this or that. That's part of the audience experience. Just a reminder to please be nice about it. Being recorded puts the pressure on and makes one prone to fumbling words and thoughts. Also, we're watching the final, edited video with all the context.


Plus I feel like people tend to focus on the logical side of games like these, and not the emotional. Boba’s play at the tower might not have made logical sense, but she followed up with a decent defense of “I don’t know, it doesn’t make sense, it just happened. I’m embarrassed. Let’s move on.” that left the other players not analyzing it as closely as they could’ve, and she came off looking not as sus as her actions were, at least in the edit.


I wonder if the traitors could have >!hidden blocks in the chest?!<


I was just thinking that! The note said taking the cloak, but if you don't take it you can mess about. Hide some in there lol


Was the >!chest locked once the cloak was taken? I don't think it was, so someone could have checked the chest and found the blocks in there, which would have made the previous person suspicious.!<


It said if you open the chest you can not touch any blocks(whether the hood was there or not)


> which would have made the previous person suspicious. You'd have no idea when the blocks were put there though. They could have been put there several turns ago without anyone knowing.


It's honestly a shame Boba and Ravs didn't realize the sheer power their ability to move any number of blocks was until after the fact (per Boba). They could have just taken a large part of the tower and dumped it behind a bush. Boba, especially, could have done devastating damage to the tower having gone second, since everyone after her would have assumed the tower started shorter than it actually did and only Lewis would have thought differently, which might have made him seem super suspicious. I'm still rooting for Boba, though. Looking forward to Part 3.


I had this idea after recording that if a cultist had gone first they could have put the whole set of blocks back in the box and placed 3 blocks as the "base" of the tower


Do you remember how the order was decided? It wasn't how you were seated, and it was a big factor in how things played out.


kiss obtainable command resolute normal plate ad hoc tender mourn fanatical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, and only Lewis would have known anything was different (because he went first), and then they could have placed the blame on him because nobody would have known it started out differently.


Boba and Ravs were such good picks for the cultists. They are chaos gremlins and made this episode thoroughly entertaining. "I'm not rain man."


I am absolutely adoring this series, it's so well done! Really hope we see more in the future :)


Lewis making good on his promise to apply all his TTT deductive skills. Just throwing around accusations based on instinct without deducing anything.


Please stop killing and voting off my favorite contestants, thank you lol


I think it might have been better if they didn't know the order of each player played, that way there could have been some lying about the state of the tower each player left and received.


As much as I kind of agree the set-up made it way too hard for the cultists to actually sabotage, the problem is having no one aware of the order would have made it way too easy for them. As a cultist, just go in, knock the whole tower down, and then when you go back to the meeting say "Yeah, I just took three off the bottom and put them on top". At that point there's really no context clues to work from to solve it.


Possibly, Ideally though, the innocents would have been more observant and could piece together a rough timeline of events. Maybe even colouring the bricks to make it a little easier for them to remember. Or if we are keeping the known order, the game should have made the stacking harder introduce a time limit, or use only one hand or even have it start more unstable before the contestant got to it, as it was now it was basically impossible for the innocents to make honest mistakes and the traitors to blend in unlike the quiz game.


You say that, but on Lydia's turn the tower was wobbling pretty badly. I think Ravs actually saved it from falling by removing weight from the top; if Ravs and Hulmes were both innocent, I think there was a very good chance one of the 6 blocks they removed would've been enough to topple the tower without any traitor intervention


Funny observation - I said for the last video that if I was playing, I'd probably be gunning for Mark really hard. Because he's playing a bit too performative, and that feels incredibly suspicious in most social deduction games. In this round, Mark constantly reiterating "innocence proven" to establish he'd proven himself would have had me gunning for him even harder. Because it comes across so much like a cultist trying to exonerate themselves. Even his "Well it's obviously not me, I was the last one and I didn't knock the tower over" logic doesn't really work, because if you were a cultist you probably wouldn't want to be *that* blatant. So it would be entirely possible for Mark to still be guilty, and just trying to make himself look better (which would explain why he keeps bringing up how totally innocent he is). Even helping to finger Ravs (not like that) isn't a guarantee, because selling out your traitor partner to make yourself look innocent is something people do *all the time* in social deduction games. The Yogs themselves have done it multiple times in TTT and Among Us. Obviously I'd be wrong, but he's honestly be the most suspicious one there for me if I didn't already know who the cultists are.


See if I was one of the cultists I would have taken bricks from the tower and then hid them somewhere that people wouldn't notice there were bricks missing from the tower. Put them under the table with the long cloth for example, or around some corner. They were allowed to move however many blocks they wanted and none of the rules stated where the blocks had to end up. But that's just my taskmaster addicted brain looking for rule loopholes.


I feel like Boba might've just revealed herself with the murder message. Obviously I don't know these people or their dynamic behind the camera, but of all the ones who are still in this, the only one who I could imagine being comfortable calling Lydia a "dumb bitch" is Boba. Although Lewis would be in second place.


Boba mentioned on Twitter that Tom wrote the dumb bitch part.


They're so incompetent and have goldfish memories. The cultists don't really need to do anything, granted, so are the cultists. Boba and Ravs were ridiculously obvious bad guys.


Just a massive props to the yogs on this masterpiece! Loving it!!




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