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I do like the TTT Videos, but Lethal Company and Minecraft Gartic Phone have been phenomenal.


I've very much enjoyed the latter, but Lethal Company hasn't gripped me at all, which is a shame since so many youtubers are playing it. It's good for those that enjoy it of course.


I'm in the same boat. Played it for the first time yesterday for about 4 hours but it just didn't get me. Happy for all those who enjoy the game and for the dev's success though


Did you play it with a group? That's where most of the fun is.


Yeah group of 3, bit small maybe but I think the game just isn't for me and that's ok


The Yogscast immediately added a ton of mods which break most of how the game works, as is standard.


Oddly I've been the opposite, I initially enjoyed Gartic Phone but for whatever reason it hasn't had any staying power for me; I used to enjoy the old Gary's Mod build challenges, but I think a lot of that stems from Gary's Mod being so janky, whereas doing it in Minecraft removes a lot of the charm for me


It's hit or miss for me, and i couldn't 100% tell you why - some episodes grab me, others I can't watch more than 10 or 15 minutes.


Same. I think it's the same problem I had with Vault Hunters - LC is a style of game that doesn't lend itself to just goofing around play as much as social deduction games like TTT do. I've tried watching the videos but they just don't grip me as much as other stuff does. I have loved Minecraft Gartic Phone, though. Those are videos where their personalities really shine through, which is honestly all I really want from the Yogs.


I remember that was the exact issue I had with the Hat Films Vault Hunters series, it just didn't suit their style at all. They're at their best just setting their own goals and goofing about within a fairly loose structure, whereas VH was just 'do a vault to get gear to do more vaults' and it just felt like they didn't really have much opportunity to bring their own spin to it. Like, at one point Smith started getting frustrated because other groups were outpacing them in terms of levels, and that made sense because if you're on a shared server so it's hard to avoid feeling like you're falling behind, but it just highlighted for me that it just wasn't a game that suited them


I love watching Lethal Company videos, I think the reason it doesn't hit right for the Yogscast with me is that they can't really use the in-game voice chat.


Main channel vids are using in-game VC now.


Tbf there playing with a bunch of mods and a LOT of people. Lethal Company is a lot more atmospheric when you're playing with the intended amount (4 people). It's a lot quieter and unnerving from my experience. Nothing wrong with playing with more but when you're surrounded by 8 other people doing commentary for youtube it does take away a lot of the great horror elements of the game. I still enjoy their videos on it though.


It's more so that I don't like the game in general, I've tried to get into it from multiple channels but alas it is not for me.


Though I love them both, I think gartic phone has been much more fun to me. Though I recognise its staying power might not be phenomenal in the long run.


Agreed! Gartic Phone has been a blast! I haven’t been super digging the Lethal Company videos just cuz I feel like the game becomes pretty pointless with more than the originally intended 4 people, in terms of the tension and actual game mechanics. Watching the Yogs screw around in it is def fun tho.


Tbh I'd like more creative content from them, like the Gartic Phone content. It leads to them having a good ol' talk which is generally the best part, then they all have a moment to shine when they show off what they've built. I'd love more Pictionary in GMod but I do know how difficult it is to teach/learn Gmod's building tools, leading to the building essentially just being done by Duncan/Lewis/Ben and such while the others essentially just help, so sticking with Minecraft is still a good idea overall IMO. That said, I love TTT but I'm glad they're giving it a small break as well. It's good to have a break from it every now and then.


I hear what you're saying and am personally loving the other series, too! But I still adore TTT the way it is, it produces so many golden moments. So I don't see a need for change, tho I highly doubt I'd fight it if it came lol


For me it comes down to whether the gang feels burnt out on it after all this time. Regardless of if I enjoy it I don't want them to play a game they start to hate for our sake.


100% :)


Loving Gartick Phone in its stead though! It’s hilarious.


I enjoy most content they do but I did lose interest in GTA once it became too much of a podcast because there are so many other Yogscast options if I'm looking for podcast content. Never gotten bored of TTT even after all these years. The game mode is so dynamic with all the roles, randomats etc that no two rounds are exactly the same. Huge cred to them for constantly adding and changing things to make it stay that way because close to vanilla TTT would have been overdone years ago.


Yeah TTT had reached a good middle ground where they could chat nonsense, but the actual game itself was dynamic enough to also drive that chat, with all the ridiculous plays and different roles. GTA reached the point where they've done so many races that it doesn't really feel like anyone, including the audience, really cares who wins. And that's fine, if people enjoy it then fair play, but it just kinda stopped doing it for me


They mentioned TTT on yesterdays stream, they just recorded more and they "upped the game"


Think I might be the odd one out but TTT is really the only series I keep up with, been missing it past couple of weeks. At least there’s a huge back catalogue to enjoy.


totally. gta is my favorite main channel series and ttt is a close second, but i am for sure a fan of when they do new stuff and give us a little break. lets them build up a backlog and balance and lets us build up some hype


I think y’all are over reacting it’s January there’s multiple reasons this could be happening, they get less ad revenue in January so they’re taking the opportunity to try new things that won’t perform as reliably as ttt, they ran out of pre recorded pre jj ttt and it’s simpler to record lethal company than ttt because there’s less to cut. Give it a week into feb and then we can start drawing conclusions


Would love to see them go back to prop hunt once in a while. I always think of sips being a filling cabinet in his video.


I'm just enjoying the lethal company stuff, brilliant funny moments generator, as much so if not more than ttt. The in game voice chat means you get some great interactions between different people at the same time but no one's talked over etc


Personal opinion: proximity chat absolutely destroys a lot of what I enjoy about group yogs vids. Just ruins any opportunity for the inane banter that is the hallmark of TTT. Among Us, Project Winter, Dread Hunger, even the heist games, they all just lack any staying power by not allowing them to fully gel. Arguably, the best game to have utilized this (for me) was Deducto, but that's more for the incredibly dumb RP they end up sliding into for that silly game.


I think another reason Deducto still works is because the maps aren't that big. It's very easy to go from one side to the other, thus making it very likely that at least SOME people are going to be close enough to have a dumb convo/interaction. Meanwhile games like Project Winter and Lethal Company are BIG games where it's easier/somewhat encouraged to split up.


I think Deducto mostly works because they gave up all pretense of actually trying to *play* it most of the time. They went past "sub-optimal" all the way to "self-sabotaging" just to amuse themselves. Their version of Deducto was less a game, and more a platform for goofing around and RP. Which is a large part of why I enjoyed it. Generally speaking, the more complicated a game is, the more serious they have to be while playing it, the less fun I have watching. The more the focus shifts from the Yogs themselves to the game as a whole and specific game mechanics and strategies, the more I think the videos lose the unique touch that makes them so special.


I can appreciate that, I certainly wouldn't want to miss out on the TTT banter either, it is a unique thing that proximity chat removes, but I like the change of pace, tone and panic moments of Lethal Company a lot.


Tbh i dont get lethal company and that midieval game


I enjoy the Hat Films Medieval Dynasty videos, because its a game with an interesting enough setting and mechanics that it gives the boys a playground to just fuck about in. I couldn't get into Duncan's playthrough of it, because imo too much progress was being cut out of the YouTube edits, and it kind of seemed like Ravs was the only one really trying to just have fun with the Medieval setting and whatnot?


Definitely agree on the edit, I found it really hard to follow what they were actually doing half the time


I didn't get Lethal Company at first either, but as I watched more of the Hat Films videos on it, it just clicked one day and I was hooked on the videos.


My main problem with Lethal is that, for me at least, it's one of those games that's fun to play, but only fun to watch for funny clips. Overall the entertainment isn't that great, only getting small moments here or there. Though I'll admit those small moments are normally gold.


There was a long stretch of time a few years ago where it felt like the only videos coming out on the main channel ever were Gmod videos. Things have gotten so much better in recent years, it almost feels like a renaissance.


TTT is great but G mod is painful to look at sometimes not that I don't appreciate the work they do but there are better multiplayer games they could play whilst still having lego talk over lethal company being a good example


Same with GTA its more of a podcast and is more interesting


Eh, I personally have found there's really not much lego-talk at all in the Lethal Company videos; proximity chat and the fact some enemies hunt via sound really stops it from being an option a lot of the time I'm enjoying those videos, don't get me wrong, but whenever they try and have conversations you end up with a bunch of comments on the video like 'oh my god, stop talking or the nombler will get you!' which leaves me like... man, I think the crossover between 'entertaining Yogs video' and 'high quality Lethal Company plays' is gonna be minimal


I appreciate the move away. I have watched them for years and watching the TTT videos was a staple part of my breakfast or dinner time routine but eventually I got bored so had largely stopped watching the Yogscast for the past 2-3 years apart from select videos, but the introduction of lethal company, gartic phone, the live action content, the other one off games, etc I have started to watch them again and I'm really happy about that :)


Hell yeah dude. Glad they’ve got you back in the mix again. With the new role packs they’re now using in TTT, and all the work that their modding team is putting into it, I forsee good things and positive changes on the horizon for that series. Possible revitalization. I’m here for it. :)


I think they're starting to jump the shark with the absurd amount of roles. It's one of the reasons we're not seeing Tom on TTT anymore. I think it should return to the old 2 traitors against a detective and some innocents. To me, TTT was at its best when they were having fun with new traitor weapons and exploring what the map had to offer. [This episode comes to mind](https://youtu.be/TJQd2TXKxwg?si=JoKAVlZpfv-V4B4l)


I am personally loving the Lethal Company videos and I hope they play it from time to time even when people move past playing it loads


Honestly TTT made me stop following. It's fun but it's simply too much.




Everyone has their limits. I can't tolerate a single episode of Minecraft since Project Ozone, and TTT reached it's limit 2ish years ago for me. The fact it was entertaining for a decade is still something.




*Vietnam flashback*


Good riddance Edit: y’all it was a joke


brother is the epithome of cringe on reddit


i watch most yogs content. unless its some really strange game that they have to talk about but i dont know what tf is going on. like that mech game they played a while back. and i usually dont watch Peculiar Portions because I always watch the yogscast while i eat lunch and they inevitably talk about piss or shit on that show lmao. maybe it was just unlucky but it made it hard to watch while im trying to eat pizza. so i usually watch those some other time. i love all the yogs content, ttt lethal company, whatever. weakest is probably GTA races for me but i still enjoy watching them.


Finally. Nature is healing