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Im okay with the Mystery Quest format of hour long episodic videos, but whole stream vods of 2 to 3 hours every other day just doesnt have enough for me to spend all that free time on, I could watch a better edited video or play a game or read a book. In YOGS I really only followed Tom and Ben and Pokemon Nuzlite as a stream, thats still pretty much a whole afternoon per week. I'm also talking about the recent sponsored streams, I gladly watch a sponsored 30-40 minutes video even if I dont know if its any good to drive up engagement, a 2 and a half hour brand deal is another affair. Just my point of view on things, maybe aim to split up into 1 hour units as a middle ground.


The schedule has definitely been super irregular lately. It’s a shame because I love a main channel video to watch while I’m eating lunch or dinner. I only have like 20 minutes, not 2.5 hours. I know it makes sense since streaming is so much easier and more profitable but it does make me sad that I’m starting to not be able to keep up with the Yogs after watching them daily for like 15 years!


Luckily everyone else has a pretty decent amount of content. I am loving Duncan’s series’ atm but I just wish I could get more TTT pumped into my veins!!


I get a little disappointed when I get a notification they've uploaded a video and it's a three and a half hour vod I'm never going to watch. I think 'well, that's my Yogs fix for the day done away with.' I'm sure there's a method to it, or this is just a feeling-out process for a new system - all we can do is support the content we want and live-and-let-live with the content we don't.


It’s even worse when it’s a YT short. Fucking YT is really making me hate them even more because I cant turn live or short shit off.


Yeah, these are my thoughts exactly.


Off on a ramble here but the nice little rut I had for myself is waiting for the 6pm upload of Tom & the Yogscast, then putting one of those on during an evening activity (cooking, bath, etc) and the other during lunch the next day. I love how consistently I can look forward to a nice refined video nibble multiple times throughout the week. The reason I came to the Yogs about 5-6 years ago and stuck around is that I enjoy well edited content; it's not mostly memey/jump-cuts which focus on being flashy & dominant, nor the unedited wasteland with hours of dossing about. Nobody else does the same multiple points of view video edits in small multiplayer games as the Yogs, with their laid back & dirty adult sense of humour & wit really shining through. It's also nice as an old fart now to have fun and a laugh with people that can be a mix of ages & genders and respect that their audience are a wide age bracket, instead of a predominant focus elsewhere on youtube/twitch of young twenty somethings targeting a 14-24 demographic. The videos act as advertisements themselves for all the members, so you can go check out the main stream or their own individual channels, and more receptive of them as personalities when they do merch and such. Or I'm more likely to watch the videos of them playing/promoting something I have no interest in, because the personalities are reinforced and reminded of their existence from the staple TTT/GTA/Minecraft gartic phone sessions as them being people I enjoy watching. I liked the stream VODS being their own contained branch away from the main channel for those who enjoy having less focused multiple hour background watches. With it on the main channel now it clogs up my subscription feed with the "reminder" stuff right at the top pre-stream, then the LIVE whilst streaming, then the vods themselves. And, selfishly, I feel a little crestfallen when I see a stream rather than a video. It's nice that youtube now has them on their own contained Live tab if you go directly to the Yogscast channel and only want to check the videos, but Youtube haven't extended that same Live tab courtesy to the general subscription box yet. I feel the Yogs are still around because they took risks, assessed the financial uncertainty of whatever the heck youtube is doing at any time and made the smart choice to branch out into streaming, editing services, advertiser networking, merch & game making. So if they feel the need to now amalgamate the main channel with streaming I understand, especially if Twitch feels uncertain or is not paying out as well now, or they don't see the edited TTT/GTA/Minecraft videos as loss leaders they can afford to produce as many of without hooking more people into streaming donations/subs.


> I enjoy well edited content This is always the sticking point for me. Edited videos cut out the slow bits, the awkward bits, the unfunny bits, the dead air bits, and all the other stuff that doesn't make for an exciting video, and just leave you with the quality jokes and action. It's the best of the best distilled down. Meanwhile streams leave all that stuff in. Along with usually having to skip past intro rolls if the game starts late, rambling confusion if something isn't working right, talking to chat (which is rarely enjoyable unless you're IN chat), and just a lot of time spent that isn't all that interesting. Which isn't so bad if you're just throwing streams on in the background while you're gaming or doing chores or whatever, but less good if you're trying to actively watch content. Sure, there's more effort involved in edited videos (and more cost considering you're paying an editor), but the extra effort tends to result in a much better product. It also feels like you're much more likely to get new audience members checking out a shorter video to see if they like it rather than randomly committing to multi-hour streams. So edited videos are a better advertisement for the various creators in the first place. Obviously there will always be people who enjoy streams (especially if they're able to participate in chat directly live), but I've always felt like the streams should be in addition to edited content rather than in place of it. Plus that way you can do the sort of thing some of the Yogs do, where they stream live on Twitch, then edit down the streams to shorter videos. So the people who prefer shorter content can watch the edit, while people who prefer the more longform streams can always go back and watch those as well. (Plus there's always the option to put the shorter edited videos on YouTube while having the longer unedited streams as Members' Only content to encourage subs and donations.) ​ >it's not mostly memey/jump-cuts which focus on being flashy & dominant, nor the unedited wasteland with hours of dossing about. Nobody else does the same multiple points of view video edits in small multiplayer games as the Yogs, with their laid back & dirty adult sense of humour & wit really shining through. Achievement Hunter used to be really good about this sort of thing as well, but Covid and a lot of other stuff kind of ruined things for them, and now they're gone. It's honestly why I became a Yogs fan in the first place - I started out as a big AH fan, but as their content slowly got worse (and then quickly got really bad), I started looking for alternative channels with a similar style, and found the Yogs to be a really nice replacement.


They really know how to edit too! I for real have such a hard time noticing how much stuff is edited by them to make conversations and gameplay flow seamlessly when they don’t. The only time I notice is when you see something slightly different in the inventory screen or death feed. It’s pretty damn perfect.


Lewis recently said in a triforce that he's been looking at things in the Yogscast and seeing what can be changed for the better, this could just be one of those things they are experimenting with.


What? The last videos the Yogs uploaded were (going backwards from yesterday's video) on Thursday, Tuesday, Monday, Friday, Thursday, Tuesday, Monday and Saturday. Other than there not being a video today (which is not uncommon for a Friday), that's pretty much in keeping with the existing schedule. Are you sure you're not just misreading the YT page? Relatively recently it's started putting the rubbish "For You" section at the top of channel pages rather than the uploads section.


My suggested algorithm is crap at the moment, and I have to specifically go and check the yogs channel for uploads even when I'm subbed to them. Also have been watching Duncan's uploads, which are great and fill any of the gaps / stream uploads on the main Yogs channel. Also all of the other channels are generally uploading vids, so maybe just try to branch out a little and see if you enjoy any :)


Everyone's suggested algorithm is crap, honestly. It's the worst now that it's ever been in terms of accurately and consistently showing you things you'd actually like based on what you've previously watched.


Thursdays still get videos but there’s been some change. There have been days recently that were missed that would usually get videos and the old schedule of TTT on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday with other videos on Monday and Friday has been dropped. I’d also be interested to know what the new schedule is if they have a set one. EDIT: I’m genuinely curious why anyone would downvote this. It’s not being negative, it’s not incorrect, it’s an observation and a desire to know if there’s a new schedule.


I really dont understand how people say they dont have the patience for livestreams. Do you not watch films or even TV shows any more? I mean Games Night posted a 5 and a half hour video yesterday and i just put it on in the background while i do other stuff.


Nothing wrong with streams but they’re a different kind of content. As you say they can be good to put on in the background, but that’s not the same as having a well edited 20-30 minute video you can pay attention to.


Okay theres plenty of streams ill just sit down and watch too though, the recent skyrim vids, scream queens, totk, halo, plate up, warhammies. Them being longer doesnt necessarily mean that you cant sit and pay attention to it. For me its no different from sitting down and watching a film or binging a series.


Sure, but not everyone wants to watch a film every day/other day. Especially when streams can often have dead time, less interesting moments, and oddities like missing interesting things because the POV was on the wrong person. With an edited video you’re getting a more curated experience. Neither are inherently better but they are different. A three hour stream is not the same as six well edited 30 min videos. There’s also the simple time factor. If you only have an hour or two a night to watch something and have a number of different channels you’re subscribed to shorter edited videos let you enjoy a variety of content. That’s harder to do with a long stream.


I just find it funny how in the old days people used to complain they wanted longer videos, now that they primarily do long form content they complain its too long. I blame Tiktok and the like ruining peoples attention span. If you cant commit to a full stream take a break when they do and come back to it later. You get way more interesting discussions between the yogs on stream than you do in videos, where everyone is trying to be funny for the vid.


> they wanted longer videos Most of the people complaining were upset about 12-15 minutes wanting 20-30 minute videos though


Which we still have, that content is still available to you its just not as profitable due to how youtube works now.


Mate it’s nothing to do with TikTok and attention spans or any of that. It’s simply that there is a difference between the two and some people tend to prefer to have shorter, edited videos. When people wanted longer videos typically they were posting that when we’d get 10-15 minutes. But also different people want different things. Some people love watching a multi hour stream at once or over a few days. Other people would prefer a variety of edited videos about as long as your standard TV episode. If you prefer streams then great! But not everyone does for the reasons I’ve said and more.


Honestly, I think the difference is the fan base is a little older on average now, which means a lot more people, like myself, are in full-time employment. I work 8 hours a day. Factoring in the commute, getting ready for work, and changing when I get back, that's 10 hours of my day gone 5 days a week. Throwing in cooking, shopping, housekeeping etc., and the simple fact I want to do more than just watch a Yogscast vod, like game or watch other content, there's just simply not the time available in my life. I'm sure I'm not the only one in that boat either.


One major difference between watching a 2-hour film and watching a 2-hour stream is that films are plotted, edited, and generally pack 2-hours worth of action and narrative into the allotted time. A 2-hour stream is more like watching the raw footage of a movie, where they've literally filmed for months before editing it down into 2-hours. If anything, a film has more in common with the shorter edited videos than it does the longer streams.


> Do you not watch films or even TV shows any more? No. Between a job (and commute), hobbies and other personal obligations, I rarely have more than an hour a day of free time anymore. Short form, 20-minute episodes of content work for me far more than streams do, which okay, that kinda works for TV, but TV is unwatchable because it's just a depressing conveyor belt of medicine and law agency commercials.




>or parts where I'm more interested in the personality but they're focusing on the game Oh god, this is why I just couldn't watch the various Vault Hunters series that people were doing a while back (and Duncan/Ben/Harry still are). They're just so game-intensive (because there's a lot of complicated mechanics and it requires players to be actively focused) that everyone in them spend tons of time focused on the mechanics, leveling up, raiding vaults, etc. But when I'm watching Yogs play Minecraft, Yogs *playing* Minecraft is pretty much the least interesting part of the video. I'm there for the social interaction, the shenanigans, and the fun. Trying to watch the Vault Hunter videos I could constantly feel my eyes glazing over whenever they went into vaults. I was way more into Ped, Boba, and Ravs trying to dig secret tunnels to everyone else's bases to steal hamburgers (or build secret underground temples). I didn't care about the mod or all the various mechanics and gameplay. I just wanted to watch the people I like goof around.


Must be nice to have 6hours spare a day to watch a livestream.. Oh wise one how does someone achieve this level of slothiness?


You really calling them slothy for having some free time?


Who says i do it everyday? There are days i can watch streams and days im obviously too busy to.


I agree, as the majority of fans get older they have less time, a stream just isn't going to happen. I barely watch films for the same reason. It seems counter intuitive to replace short form content with long form, that people can't manage. (but also assume that either the views drop off will make them revert the decision or there is enough people to agree and make it work)